Dream Of A Sweet Symphony
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Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. All things Rami Malek, Joe Mazzello, Mazlek, occasionally Sami Malek. Fic writer, inbox is open, come chat. 18+ ONLY (AO3)
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sweet-symphony0 · 2 days ago
mark. MAAARK? he's wired in. sorry? he's wired in. is he? yes. how 'bout now, you still wired in? call security. you issued twenty four million new shares of stock. you were told that if new investors came along—how much were your shares diluted? how much were his? what was mr. zuckerberg's ownership share diluted down to? it wasn't. what was mr. moskovitz’s ownership share diluted down to? it wasn't. what was sean parker’s ownership share diluted down to? it wasn’t. what was peter thiel’s ownership share diluted down to? it wasn’t. and what was your ownership share diluted down to? point-zero-three percent. you signed the papers. you set me up! you're gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company? this is gonna be like i'm not a part of facebook. it won't be like you're not a part of facebook, you're not a part of facebook. my name's on the masthead. you might wanna check again. because i froze the account?! you think we were gonna let you parade around in your ridiculous suits pretending you were running this company? SOOOORRRRYYY, MY PRADA'S AT THE CLEANERS! ALONG WITH MY HOODIE AND MY FUCK-YOU FLIP-FLOPS, YOU PRETENTIOUS DOUCHEBAG! security's here, you'll be leaving now. i'm not signing those papers. we will get the signature. tell me this isn't about me getting into the phoenix. you...you did it! i knew you did it! you planted that story about the chicken! i didn't plant the story about the chicken. what's he talking about? you had me accused of animal cruelty! seriously, what the hell's the chicken? and i'll bet what you hated the most is that they identified me as a co-founder of facebook. which. i. am. you better lawyer-up, asshole, cause i'm not coming back for thirty percent, i'm coming back for everything. get him outta here. it's okay, i'm going. hang on. i almost forgot. here's your nineteen thousand dollars. i wouldn't cash it though, i drew it on the account you froze. i like standing next to you, sean. it makes me look so tough.
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sweet-symphony0 · 4 days ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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sweet-symphony0 · 24 days ago
I eventually decided to turn off the front page on my Chrome browser. Yet another Films Who Didn't Deserve Oscars Because We Said So (not the real title, but it might as well have been).
Of course Bohemian Rhapsody was there.
Whatever you think about the movie, this persistent tearing down of Rami's performance has come to a point where there's s genuine undertow of "he cheated" in their ignorantly worded diatribes.
If you've truly bothered to read about the tremendous amount of work he did, you'd know this guy put his heart and soul into playing Freddie Mercury. His genuine love for a man he never met. It was and is beautiful, and to see all of this crushed under the wheels of such bizarre hatred and bitterness so that future generations will discard it is heartbreaking.
I've no doubt what the argument boils down do - Rami didn't sing the songs.
This ignores the fact that only a tiny handful of people can mimic Freddie Mercury. Also, Rami DID sing the songs - for authenticity, they needed the movements of his mouth and chest to look correct. This is not, as some assholes like to sneer, miming. It is singing that had another voice - Freddie's voice - layered over it later on in production.
Idk if anybody will be rooting through my garbage here in the future, but in case you are - watch Bohemian Rhapsody. You might like it, you might not. But please don't let those uneducated bloggers make you believe it has no value.
It's laughable. These same were falling over themselves to praise Rami Malek for his amazing performance in Mr Robot.
You'd think it had never happened now.
He has a truly fantastic cameo in Oppenheimer. In a cast that included the amazing Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. finally acting again after all those years of just being Tony Stark, Rami showed us why he belonged. His impassioned anger at Strauss (RDJ's character) is quietly put forward, but with such strength and force, it made an impact.
That's talent. Why not a blog about that.
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sweet-symphony0 · 24 days ago
“The scene isn’t even hot why are you sweating?”
The scene:
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sweet-symphony0 · 1 month ago
Every single fic update there is an author trying frantically to find the right balance between a nonchalant aside of "leave a comment if you enjoyed =)" and clinging desperately to the coat tails of a random stranger, dragging along behind them on the street wailing "Please, please! I have to know what you thought! I'm desperate to talk to people about this! Ask me about the alliterative repetition! Ask me about the symbolism!"
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sweet-symphony0 · 1 month ago
If you received this, you are a great mutual 🫂 🥰😘 Send this to 10 of your mutuals to spread love 💙💙💙
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sweet-symphony0 · 1 month ago
“We hope this email finds you well” babe, the only emails I hope find me well are the ones from Archive of Our Own
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sweet-symphony0 · 2 months ago
Celebrate the ceasefire, but please ..
Don't unlearn all that you now know about the crimes of Israel
Don't forget about the stolen land of Palestine
Don't stop your financial aids and contributions in sharing links and stories! They will all the help they can get! Thousands have no homes now. Thousands still need medical attention.
Don't stop pressuring your country to stop funding Israel
Don't stop boycotting those who support Israel
This is still an occupation. There's freedom to fight for
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
screaming, crying, throwing up, as I force myself to write a story i'm very passionate about and love writing and have no obligation to write except that i want to
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
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Defund the bumbling police.
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
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sweet-symphony0 · 3 months ago
things spotify needs to do for the next wrapped to redeem themselves
not use ai.
top albums list
bring back our cities map. I would love to hear that I listen to the same music as people in utah ok?
take each top song of the week and make that a 52 song playlist (or however many weeks it is before they stop counting stats)
top genres that are normal. I don't care if "pop" "rap" "folk" are basic terms. I would rather have that than "sunrise granola van life christian" ???
genres by month but using those wheel things they did with artists last year (they should bring that back too but—). did the summer see a rise and fall in country music? was winter a rise and fall of folk?
what was the first song you listened to this year. what time of jan 1 did you play it on
what date did you play your first Christmas/holiday music on
we're halfway through this decade! how has your taste changed in the last 6 years (related: take the top 10 songs from 2020-2025 and put them into one playlist) (they HAVE to do something with this in 2029 or I swear—)
"you listened to 45,000 minutes of music this year" great! follow it with "that's 31 straight days of music!" make me horrified that I spent an entire month of my year just listening to music
better visual design. this was so tech-y. so odd. even last year was those pixel things. make it cute, fun, whimsy. can genres determine colors people get more in their panels. shapes for each genre, artist, whatever. etc etc. give the designers more freedom
the personality thing they used to do. that was fun. personal. had some flair. makes people identify with A Thing and then with other people that are The Same As Me. which is like #1 in marketing. this is not a hard science
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sweet-symphony0 · 4 months ago
🦌 🐈 🤎
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sweet-symphony0 · 4 months ago
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) + Joe Wright’s DVD Commentary
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