sweet-mciden · 8 years
“I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas… and thinking.”
“Do you trust me?”
“He touched the butt.”
“Remember, laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams.”
“Can you feel the things I feel right now with you?”
“I don’t hate you. I’m just mad.”
“Thanks for the adventure. Now, go have one of your own.”
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”
“You’ll be in my heart from this day on, now, and forever more.”
“I’m like a shooting star, I’ve come so far. I can’t go back to where I used to be.”
“When you lose someone you love, they never really leave you. They move into a special place in your heart.”
“If everybody were like everybody else, how boring it would be.”
“The problem is you. You place your own feelings above everything.”
“This is awkward. Not you’re awkward, but just because I’m awkward. You’re gorgeous. Wait, what?”
“I knew it. Why did you lie to me? Did you think I was stupid that I wouldn’t figure it out?”
“You never know what you’ll find until you try a little something new.”
“He loves me. He loves me a lot. He loves me. He loves me even more.”
“I wasn’t worried at all, except for the part where I was worried, of course.”
“Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.”
“When the morning comes and the sun begins to rise, I will lose you because it’s just a dream.”
“He would never do anything to hurt me.”
“He’s a guy.”
“Something feels funny. I must be thinking too hard.”
“Don’t leave me, okay?”
“Love is an open door. Life can be so much more with you.”
“You won’t forget me, will you?”
“I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.”
“Think, think, think, think. I’m thinking about what to think about.”
“I don’t even know what love is.”
“You know, you don’t talk very much. I like you.”
“People always do crazy things when they’re in love.”
“You said you’d always be there for me, but you’re not. And it’s because of me. It’s my fault.”
“I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you, and I’m home.”
“Nothing was ever accomplished with tears.”
“You really can’t judge things by the way they look.”
“Show a friend how much you care.”
“Tell _______ - she’s very lucky… to have a friend like you.
“Excited to live with you, and laugh with you, and cry with you.”
“Maybe she’s just not the one for you.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.
“Never leave a friend behind.”
“I love you very much, dear.”
“I love you more.”
“I love you most.”
You don’t have to understand. You just have to believe.“
“I’m not crazy. My reality is just different than yours.”
“Life is too short to wear boring shoes.”
“Just change your perspective, your point of view. The magic of your dreams is right inside of you.”
“I love it. I could kiss you! I could, I mean I’d like to. May I? We me. I mean, may we?”
“I feel that there really is another way, and then I feel that perhaps there isn’t.”
“Things aren’t always what they seem.”
“Love? Just a boy, meeting a girl under the right conditions.”
“He takes me in his arms, and then I wake up. Yes, it’s only in my dreams.”
“Never underestimate the power of a good hug.”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”
“It’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice.”
“My mom will make everything okay.”
“You’re the one. It was you all the time.
“A dream is a wish your heart make.”
“You think I’m an ignorant savage.”
“How can there be so much that you don’t know?”
“You think you own whatever land you land on.”
“The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim.”
“You’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.”
“Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?”
“I couldn’t care less what she’ll wear, or what she looks like.”
“How about a girl who’s got a brain?”
“He thinks he’s such a lady killer.”
“Yeah, the only girl who loves him is his mother.”
“Some things never change.”
“Are you sure this water’s sanitary? It looks questionable to me.”
“Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become.”
“Oo De Lally!!”
“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest.”
“If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.”
“Slimy, yet satisfying… Tastes like chicken.”
“The human world is a mess.”
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
🌼 ((I have a medieval AU where Lily is a little peasant girl from a farming family so yes please. X3))
“Oh, my, how thoughtful!” Marian praised the little girl with a sweet smile as she knelt down to be closer to her. The flowers were absolutely beautiful and the fact that this little girl was giving them to Marian warmed the vixen’s heart -- flowers were her favorite, after all. She had seen this little girl arrive just a little while ago with her parents whom were hired to work on the landscape surrounding the castle and to be quite honest, Marian truly thought she was adorable. This sweet gesture showed that. “They’re very beautiful. Thank you, sweetheart.” Marian gently took the flowers from the little girl’s hand and brought them to her nose for a light sniff -- thye smelled wonderful, too. “May I have your name?” 
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
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The Story Of A Boy                                          Who Became A Man                                                                                    By Becoming A Bear
Independent, Semi-Selective Kenai RP Blog
Multi-verse, ship and thread.
OC, AU, and Crossover Friendly!
Rules, About, Verses
Sideblog to Sweet-Mciden
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
[Will be on in about an hour and a half! Once Upon A Time comes on in 23 mins so I’ll be on after that to answer some asks and whatnot :3
I want to say how happy I am to be here even if sometimes I get down and insecure with myself. It happens sometimes and I appreciate all of my followers and those that have talked and RPed with me! Especially those that have helped me through some down days! Thank you. You all are amazing and I hope for more RPs and plots! As well as some ships if anyone is interested. Be back soon!]
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
Misc.  {Sentence Starters}
“You haven’t touched your food.”
“How about you put that down and we talk?”
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
“Is that all you’ve got?”
“You’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” 
“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!“
“You know, I really thought I could trust you.”
“No one would miss you if you left.”
“Cover me. I’m going in.”
“Where did you get that? Who hurt you?”
“Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into!”
“his is a really bad idea, just saying.”
“Stop yelling at me! I did nothing wrong!”
“You’ll never get away with this!”
“How long have you been bottling this up?”
“Fight me, you son of a bitch!”
“What would a ghost be scared of?”
“Why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?”
“Here. You look really hungry.”
“There’s no shame in crying, you know.”
“Is this some kind of sick joke?”
“You can take your attitude and shove it.”
“You actually want me to answer that?”
“I’ve never had a bad plan in my life!”
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
[I have a post-movie headcanon where Robin teaches Marian archery because I think she would be good at it and I want her to do more! :3 Would anyone be interested in helping her learn more about it or even something else related to weaponry and self-defense? :D ]
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
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Medieval Dress Porn
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
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Valley of the Mills. Sorrento, May 2012.
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
Mega Fluff Meme! Send a symbol, and my muse will...
(Include “Flipped!” for your muse to do the thing instead!)
⭐ Kiss yours on the nose.
💥 Kiss yours on the cheek.
✳️ Kiss yours on the forehead.
💋 Kiss yours on the lips.
✋ Play with your muse’s hair. 
⛺ Build a blanket fort with your muse.
🍳 Take your muse out to brunch.
🎼 Serenade your muse.
🐱 Bring your muse a kitten.
🌼 Bring your muse flowers.
💝 Bring your muse chocolates.
🌠 Take your muse stargazing.
🍎 Take your muse on a picnic.
🏨  Carry your muse to bed and/or tuck them in.
🍴 Cook for your muse. 
🏥 Care for your sick/injured muse.
🚣  Take your muse for a quiet night out on the lake.
🌳 Take your muse for a walk in the woods.
🎁 Get your muse an extravagant gift.
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
As said, here is a list of my muses! 
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Maid Marian - Disney’s Robin Hood (Active)
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Belle French (@lxve-conquers)- Once Upon A Time (New and active)
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Lionessa (@clawsome-lioness)- Zootopia OC (Active, though I haven’t been on there for days xD I plan on trying tomorrow night or sometime next week!)
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Luke Fon Fabre (@raging-blast) - Tales of the Abyss (Same as Lionessa)
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Kenai (@becr-of-love) - Brother Bear (Semi-active; sideblog to Maid Marian)
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Negan (@barbaric-power) - The Walking Dead (Hiatus until the new season premiere, although I might bring him back sooner because I miss him like crazy xD)
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
❝may i ask for a name to put to a lovely face?❞
He seemed to be quite the charmer with his sweet words -- words that made the female fox smile. “Marian,” She answered sweetly, kneeling down in front of him. “And you are?” Oh, he was so small and cute, but Marian didn’t know if he would see that as a compliment or an insult so she chose not to say anything just yet. Though, she DID already call him little once before and he didn’t seem to mind it. 
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
Throwing darts or shooting bows which do you choose?
“Oh, well, I have only thrown just a few darts before and I was told I was quite good at it! That goes for throwing pies, too!” She can’t help but giggle.
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“As for a bow and arrow, I never got to have much practice, but I am currently in the process of learning from Robin Hood. I’ve always wanted to learn, you see, and now that Robin and I are together again he is teaching me. Oh, he is so good with it, you must see him! I don’t think I will ever be as good as him, of course!” Now to answer the question. “I think I must choose the bow and arrow!”
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
Okay but have you ever eaten a moist, chocolate cake? (bc this the 15th century)
“I most certainly have! Why, I absolutely love sweets!” Thinking of chocolate cake made Marian REALLY start to crave one  now. Well done, Ratchet. “I think I shall bake one!”
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
❝you’ll be fine, i promise.❞
"Oh, y-yes. I think I will...” Marian agreed softly, her voice a little shaky from being knocked down by the tiger that ran passed her only moments ago. It had happened so suddenly -- Marian was outside her shop working on the many flowers she had on display with her best friend, Kluck, when an angry tiger ran right at them, knocking both her and her best friend down, causing quite the fright!  They had thought it was an accident, but then the tiger actually turned and started stalking towards them, his wide eyes targeting Klucky. Thankfully, though, Officer Judy Hoops had intervened thus putting an end to the dangerous situation. Had she not...Oh, Marian didn’t even want to think of it! 
“I’m more afraid for my friend, you see. She was the one he seemed to want something with.” She informed the officer. “And she was ready to fight back!” Just the image almost made Marian laugh. In the face of danger, Klucky never ran and hid, she never stayed down when knocked down, she was always ready to fight back! If not physically, then with words because she had quite the mouth on her - she really didn’t seem to be afraid of anything. Marian would have fought back, too, of course, but Klucky was the feisty one out of the two of them.
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
- plays some sort of guitar for you bc space boredom -
The melodic sound immediately captured the vixen’s attention and without wasting a moment, she made her way over to Ratchet-- a smile of absolute awe on her face. “That sounds so lovely,” She praised sweetly, her hands clasping together which was a habit of Marian’s whenever she was happy, excited or in awe. “How long have you been playing that?” She asked curiously, her eyes falling to the instrument in his hands.
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sweet-mciden · 8 years
[Of course the Internet on my laptop has to stop working! I'm so tired of this laptop, seriously. I had a nice nap, woke up and was about to start some replies but nope, no internet for me. I'm so annoyed right now, I can't do anything. Sorry all. I'm failing hardcore with this blog and all others right now.]
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