Fanfics And Imagine
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swedteen · 5 years ago
Fred wealsey X reader Part 2
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” Just messing around huh?,” fleur said raising her eyebrow at me as ai walked towards them. ” Okey there might have been some flirting, let a girl live a little, he is cute,” I said trying not to make my cheeks flush up to bad.
The next day you couldn’t get him out of your head. It was like he was everywhere, you would see him on the way to class, in the dinner hall, even at the most random places. You didn’t know if it was because you were looking for him in the crowds or he was just stalking you. When you had finished dinner you excused yourself from dinner and started to walked towards the stairs and just as you stared to get lost you could see a floating light ball at the end of the hall. You stared to fallow it and low and behold it led you to the tower.
” Well well who do we have here,” Fred said sitting on the edge of the window. ” Did you send that light ball?” You asked ” I didn't want to take any chances,” he said. ” Now is this where you bring all of your girls,” I said looking around the small little room. ” I come here alone,” he said looking at me ” Oh it’s your ’alone time’ room, I get it. Don’t want to be caught” I said and winked at him. ” ha ha, i come here to think and enjoy the view,” he said pointing at the window. ” I'm just playing,” I said and walked up sitting down next to him and looking out the window. ” You can borrow it if you want,” he said ” what?” ” This place if you ever feel like you need to get away,” he said giving me a smile. ” I might take you up on that offer,” I said ” So how come you go to beauxbaton and not here with your brother?” He asked. ” Ehm i don’t know, it’s complicated. Family issue,I’m not really the favorite at home so they would rather have me gone for the most time of the year” I said pressing my lips together and giving a weak smile. ” But you come home for the holidays?” He asked ” Only on the summers,” I said looking over the castle ” But,” he said but I cut him of before he could finish his scented. ” So you're a twin how is that?” i asked pulling my leg up to my chest and getting comfortable. ” It okay i guess, I don’t know how it is not being a twin so. But at least I’m the best looking of my brothers” he said running his hand through his hair. ” Big family?” I asked. ” Yeah we are 7 children so I have 5 brothers and I little sister so yeah the holidays get a little crazy,” he said and chuckles. ” Sounds nice, you guys must be close,” I said giving him an admiring smile. ” Yeah we are, not just because there is no privacy in the house but soon I and George are going to move out and open our own joke shop,” he said proudly. ” Wow look at you got your whole life planned out,” I said ” Don't worry love there is room for you in there to” he said and gave me a wink. ” awfully confident are we? How do you know I’m not spoken for” I said trying to throw him off. ” No, I couldn’t imagine you with any other guy than me,” he said looking in to my eyes. ” No you stop it Weasley, you make me blush,” I said playfully hitting him on the arm. We sat just admiring the view from the window and letting the silence just flow through the room. I moved my eyes from the stunning view to and even prettier one. When my eyes cough Freds he was already looking at me. You could feel the tension in the air and my eyes went from looking in his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes. He caught on to what I was thinking, he started to lean into my face. I could feel my heart raising and if It wasn’t hot before it sure as hell was heating up now. I like my lips just before we make contact. The sound of bells ringing. No not wedding bells the school bells telling us it was time to make our way back to the room. Our lips barely touch before pulling back realizing maybe we should finish this some other time.
” So fred i think I should head back before we get into any trouble,” I said standing up from the window.
” Yeah doesn’t want you to get into much trouble,” he said getting up. ” So will I see you tommorow,” he said smiling at me ” Yeah I’m afraid so” I said staying by the stairs. ” Maybe we can finish where we left of,” he said smirking ”sweet dream,” I said giving him a wink ” Oh I will”
I sat down by the table grabbing a toast. I greeted everyone by the table. ”should we make a sign of something for fleur later?, she must be nervous,” I said asking my friend. ”yeah that might be a good idea,” Sarah said agreeing I see Fred entering the great hall- I shoot him smile as he makes his way down the hall. He docent stop by his friend he continues to walk and stop right in front of me. ” y/n my I ask you something,” he asked ” Sure,” I said confused. ” Will you do me the honor and go with me to the bal?” he said putting his hand behind his back. Your heart dropped, you didn’t know what to say, you knew he would not understand. ” Fred I'm so sorry but I can’t,” I said trying not to tear up as you see the disappointment in his face. ”why, are you going with someone else?” He asked ” No i just can’t fred,” I said dying inside. ” Oh okay i just thought that maybe you li..” He didn’t even finish his sentence before walking off. ” y/n why did you turn him down,” Sarah asked. ” I don't want to talk about,” I said.
Fleur had caught her egg and the crowd was going crazy and after Harrys big show catching his egg everyone was in a great mood going back to the castle. ” Hey Y/n” my brother wawed me over to him ”hey, I have barely seen you around,” I said giving him a light hug ” Yeah well I have stuff that needed to be fixed,” he said rolling his eyes. ” Oh i see whats going on, you're messing around with Draco and I’m just some sort of laugh,” Fred said yelling at us. ” What on earth are you blathering about Weasley. She is my sister” Draco said discussed that Fred approached him
” You don’t have a sister?” Fred said confused ” Yeah i do, she is not the family's pride and joy but she is my sister,” he said hissing a Fred. ” Well that explains her cold personality” Fred said giving me a look and walking away ” What was that about, you better not be hanging out with the Weasleys. You know father will have a fit” Draco lectured me ” Yeah i know, that’s why nothing is going on” I said defensively ” Good keep it that way or father will hear about it” Draco said shoving my shoulder as he walked by me.
I looked my self in the mirror, I swayed back and forth looking at my dress flowing. I looked one last time in the mirror and then made my way down in the bal. I was a little late I had already missed all the tributes dancing. I see Sarah standing In the middle of the dance floor and make my way towards her. ” I didn't think you were going to come,” she said hugging me. ” I wasn't but how many times are we going to experience this,” I said looking around ” Well you look awesome in that dress, you won't have any trouble finding a date,” she said. ” Thanks but I’m just here to have fun with my friends,” I said as the sealing started to snow. You look up in aw as the snowflakes started to come down and making the room look even more magical. You spot Fred across the room, he was already looking at you. You didn’t know if you should give him a smile or a finger. All you wanted was to run up to him and kiss him but you knew that that wasn't an option. And you were still annoyed at him for the ”cold personalty” comment. You keep eye contact and then just looked away. There was no use you knew that if your bother found out you would be disowned by your family. For the rest of the night, you tried to forget Fred and just focus on your friends and have fun. As the night winded down you were sitting by a table having a drink and catching your breath. You see Fred with his date, they where walking towards you. You sat up straight trying to look away yet trying not to be too obvious. As Fred walked by you felt something lad in your lap. It was a note, you look back at Fred who was looking at you making sure you saw the note.
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swedteen · 5 years ago
Fred Weasley X reader imagine
had this idea in my head for a while. it’s shit but fellt like posting if you want part 2 let me know and i will put more of an affort in. X it’s been 2 years my dear friends!
the reader is at the school for the wizard competition and seems to peek the interest of Fred.  
flirting and fluff
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 (not my gifs)
You made your way down the dining hall twirling along with your classmates. You guys finish with a big final and bow for the crowed of Hogwarts kids applauding. You spot your brother in the by the Slytherin table. You look over at the Gryffindor table an see one tallboy with hair like fire standing on one of the benches and when he makes eye contact with you he give you a cheeky little wink. you smile and look away. And then you make your way to the table the was reserved for your school. The headmaster intrudes the wizard's competitions but you don’t pay much attention. You are to business looking around the room and admiring the walls and the ceiling. The sky was filled with stars and some fog. Before you knew it Fleur pulled you up and you realized that it was time to get to the room. You make your way down to the door. And spot the red-headed boy or boys there were 2 all of the sudden. But only one of them has there eye locked on you. As you walk passed him you look back and he has not moved his eyes away from you so you give him a wink and a smile before you disappeared behind the big door.
-”what are you doing,” fleur asked and smiled. 
-” Just messing around,” I said and smirked.
-” Are you coming later when I’m putting my name in?” Fleur asked.
-” Yeah, let me just make my bed and get all of my stuff in order,” I said.
-” Let’s meet downstairs in 30 minutes then” -
”sounds good,” I said                
You step outside your room and look around and see the big hallways. You look left then right, but your gut was telling you the way was to the right. You get to a pair a stair that was. You just assumed that all staired mused end up on the main floor at least. The stair was pretty steep the pretty dark the only light that was let in was from the night sky shining through the windows. You stop to admire the view. You could see the lights from the castle reflecting on the lake. But you were interrupted and scared half to death by a dark figure running up from the stairs. Your jump and scream at the same time. 
” Oh shit, i didn't know that they would be anyone here,” the dark figure said.
You look up to see the red-headed boy for earlier. But you were still in shock and was trying to catch your breath. 
” Hey it's you, I saw you guys dancing before. It was good” he said and smiled
 ” oh shit you probably don’t understand me..” He said and started to look around not knowing how to communicate. ” I ” he says and points at him ”saw,” he says and points at his eye ” you,” he says and points at you ” dancing,” he says and starts twirling. 
”Please tell me that's how it looks when we dance,” I said and starts to giggle. 
He puts his hands down from the o shape that he had made with them halfway done with his twirling. 
”you couldn't have blurred out that you speak English before I make a fool out of my self,” he said and lean against the wall. 
” Now what would be the fun in that,” I say with a devilish smile. 
” Well sorry for giving you a heart attack… but now you kind of deserve it” he says and smirks.
I just mockingly smile at him.
” So what's your name?” He asked 
” y/n” i say
” y/n.. that was a pretty name. I’m Fred, Fred Weasley” he said and reach out his hand.
” Oh the famous Fred Weasley” I said shaking his hand.
” I didn't know my name hade traveled to France,” he said and looked very proud.
” Just made it’s way to the dinner table at home,” I said. He looked at me with a confused look.
” My bother is in Slytherin,” I said 
” Oh that explains your good English and if he is a Slytherin then it can't have been nice things you have heard” giving a little chuckle. 
” I didn't pay much attention,” I said
” Well he must have mentioned how handsome I was,” he said grinning 
” He may have underestimated how good looking you were,” I said and raised my eyebrow.
” So Who is your bother?” He said trying to hide the fact that he was blushing 
” I should probably get back to my friends they are waiting for me by the goblet,” I said changing the subject.
” Oh yeah, well you are in the wrong pair of stairs. Ill walk you” he said and started to walk
”I think it was the right ones,” I said to myself 
” So since you don’t have time to answer my questions now. Maybe you want to hang out some other time” he said looking back at me
” Yeah sure why not,” I said trying to play it cool. I spot fleur and the others down the hallway,
” Eh thanks I got it from here,” I said to Fred.
” Yeah sure no problem. So meet me at the top of the tower tomorrow at 6 after dinner” he said 
” How the hell do you think I’m going to find the way up there,” I said
” Well if you wanna see me then you will have to figure it out.” He whispered in my ear, giving me a wink a casually walked away.
Part 2?? 
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swedteen · 7 years ago
Imagine Riverdale Panel comicon
just something I was thinking about. hope you liked it.
-”This question is fo the whole cast. What was the most emmbercecing moment on set?” A fan ask us. 
-"Hmm what a hard question. There is just som many to choose from.” Cole said laughing
-” I think just messing up lines” Lily said.
-” Okey, I have a pretty good one” I said debating if I should really tell it.
” Come on y/n this better be good” KJ said Klapping his hand.
” Trust me it’s pretty good. Okey it not really a set moment but it was on my last audition and I had read my lines with Mads”
Omg yes y/n this was the funnies day of my life” Mads said starting to laugh
” So after we read together they asked me what kind of dance I had prepared. So I was like shit nobody told me that. But I couldn’t just be like ��� no sorry I don’t have one” so I said with confident that I had prepared a real classic for them. So I take out my phone pulls up the song on spotyfi and get in position. Then I precede to do the whole mean girls dance to jingel bells rock. And I just can se the expressions on their faces. But they apparently like what they saw” I said embarrassingly.
And everyone start laughing and I can se KJ hunched over from laughing so hard.
- ” an that is the story on how I got my roll on Riverdale” I said to the crowd.
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swedteen · 7 years ago
Imagine you been bad and Thomas spanks you.
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swedteen · 7 years ago
I am back. But I need help. Request newt fanfic! Thanks!😘
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swedteen · 7 years ago
Newt or Fred Weasley fanfiction? VOTE!
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swedteen · 8 years ago
Newt fanfiction #makeoutsession
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long time no see. Im sorry if it is shit but it has been a while. Im back now and open for requests!
The air was so hot today and the sun was frying my bare arms. Working out in the field on days like this was a pain but i can't even imagine running the maze. I was picking some berries out of the Busch when I all of the sudden started to cold sweat, i started to get light headed and my vision got blurry and then I collapse on the ground.
When I opened my eyes I was in the medtent on the innerconer bed. I tried to sit up but as soon as I got up I went strait down again.
easy girl! I turn my head to the side and see newt getting up from the chair.
”you got a heat stroke and are highly dehydrated so you are going to have to lay in bed for the rest of the day.” ”but I have to” ”No I will cover your shift.” ”Thanks babe. ” I said and took his hand. ” Drink some water and get some rest and I will be back as soon as I'm done with work. ” Newt said and kissed me.
I nodded my head and got cozy in the bed. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep but I woke up to the alarm ringing. The box was comming. With out thinking I jumped out of bed and put my shoes on. when I opened the door the bright sun blinded me and I had to take a minut to regain my sight. I made my way to the box and all the boys was gathered around hole in the ground. I walk up to Minho who was standing in the back.
”hey Minho are you here to haze the new greenie?” ”Shouldn't you be in bed y/n? ”he asked. ”Please I'm fine.” ”Well looks like your not the only girl in the glade any more.” Minho said and put his arm around my shoulder. ”Theres another girl here?” ”yeah and here she comes” he said and stepped aside.
I watched here as she walk by. Her hair was long just like her legs, she had big eyes and a small nose. She was escorted by Newt and Alby and they walk her to the big tent by the end of the glade.
” BACK TO WORK!” Ably yelled as the walked of.
Minho padded me on the back and gave me a smile and ran of in to the glade. I made my way thowreds the food tent where Frypan was cooking.
” what’s for dinner?” I asked as I sat down on one of the tables. ” My famous pie” he said proud. ” Trying to impress some are we?” I smirked at him. ” Shut up” ” okej sorry I asked” I laughed. ” Speak of the devil” Frypan said and wiped his face.
Newt and the new girl was walking thowreds us. I got up from the table and greeted Newt with a kiss. ” hi” I said and smiled at the new girl. ” what are you doing up?! You should go back to bed” Newt said. ” Well good seeing you too” I said annoyed. ” I have to finish the tour with the new greenie, I´ll will come by to night” he said walking away. ” Fine” I said and walked back to my hut.
I slamed the door and threw my shoes across the room. I sat down on the bed and starred out the window. I watched the trees swing back and forth and I could see the guys carrying wood for tonights bond fire. I looked up at the sky and realist that the sun was started to go down. ” better get ready” I said to my self and got out of bed and walk over to the mirror by the corner. I starred at my self in the mirror. I put my hair in a ponytail, then shook my head and took it out. Tried braiding my hair but I didn't like the look of it. Maybe a high ponytail? but I just ended up where i started, with my messy hair down.
The sun had gone down and the only light sores in the glade was the big bond fire i the middle. I could fell the heat comming of it as i made my  way thowreds it. I could see Minho talking to Frypan by the moon shine.
”hey boys” I said taking a glass of moon shine. ” Hey felling better?” Minho asked. ” I feel healthy as a horse” I said and took a sip. ” Have you meet the new green?” ” Sort of” I said and chuckled ” Well she shore has met newt” Minho said and smirked. ” What do you mean?” I said confused. ” look” he said and pointed thowreds the other side of the fire.
I could see Newt and some others talking to the new girl. I watched them as they where laughing and talking and everytime she laughed she would put her hand on Newts shoulder or elbow. I could see her eyeing Newt, the same way that I had done before we started to date. As Newt was taking a sip of his moon shine he spillde some down his shirt. her hand where quick to whip his lips and rubb his chest to try to get the liquid of. I decided to interfere. I put down my moon shine and walked over to them.
” hi beautiful” Newt said as I walked up ” So you are not gonna tell me to go back to bed again?” I asked ” no I'm to happy to see you” he said and kissed me. ” Good” I said and smiled. ” so karen this is Y/N” Newt said putting his ar around me.
Karen just smiled at me. Didn't say Hi, didn't shake my hand. Just looked at me and smiled.
” so should we maybe get to bed?” I asked Newt trying to break the weird silence. ” Sounds like a good idea, See you tomorrow Karen” he  said and hugged her goodbye. as she was hugging Newt she made eye contact with me and smiled devilsh. I fraud and walked away with newt. I was a bit took back with what had just happened. Who the hell dose this girl think she is? but it not like I can tell Newt to stay away from her. He is just going to ask why and what am I going to say then? ” because she smiles at me Newt, thats why”. Im just going to have to confront her tomorrow.
When I woke up the bed was empty, Newt had already got to work. The sun was shining throw the cracks in the wall lighting up the room. I got dressed and made my way out the hut and thowreds breakfast. There was hardly anyone at the food hut, just frypan and her. I rolled my eyes when I spotted her standing talking to fry.
” god morning” I said and smiled at both of them. ” Morning” frypan said back. But Karen didn't even look at me. ” So did you sleep well your first night?” I asked her. ” Fine” she said ” Have I done something?” I asked ” Existing” she said under her breath. ” Excuse me?” ”yeah” she said finally looking at me. ” Is this about Newt because I saw you all over him last night” I snapped at her. ” Just look at you and then look at him. He can do SO much better, like me” she said confident.
I didn’t know if I should laugh or hit her in the head with one of the chairs but I didn't have time to think before Newt came around the corner pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. I wrap my leg around his waist and arms around his neck. I open my eyes a little and can see Karen standing there looking down at he ground. I smile and kiss Newt harder, rubbing it in her face.The full on make out session got interrupted by Frypan clearing his throat.
- ” it docent get much better then that” Newt said Looking at Karen.
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swedteen · 8 years ago
Last part!?!?!?!?!? No i need more
Doesn’t Matter (Part 2)
(Part 1)
Requested: Yes, by @my-unique-mind
Summary/Request: “NewtXreader? The reader lives in the scorch and knows the crank city in and out. She worked for WCKD she and Newt were a couple but she left when he was sent up in the maze. Jorge needs help finding Brenda and Thomas he ask the reader for help. Newt feels like he knows her she doesn’t say anything because she knows he doesn’t remember, none of them do. They sleep at her house while she plans on how to find Brenda and Thomas. Newt offers to help and it leads to him comforting her about his past”
Pairing: Newt x Reader
Word Count: 1015
Warnings: None?
(A/N): This took a long time to complete, though it shouldn’t have. I just didn’t have any inspiration. Sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for, but I do hope you enjoy it.
Throughout the whole day, you worked with Jorge and your former friends to find your best friend and other former friend.
Not only that, you also had to avoid him. You saw how he kept stealing glances your way, as if he was trying to decipher something about you. You didn’t say anything to him, not a single word. You just kept your eyes on the map of the city in front of you. If it were any other situation, you would have run up to him, slung yourself into his arms, and kiss him all over. You would cry, you would laugh, you would tell him how much you had missed him, how much you had loved him.
But you couldn’t. You couldn’t because it wasn’t any other situation. It was the situation of him not remembering you, not a thing about you. None of them remembered you, and it broke you. Of course, it wasn’t their fault. It was WICKED’s. It was always WICKED’s fault.
Since you had spent the entire day trying to figure where they could’ve gone, you decided to let the boys stay at your house for the night and head out tomorrow. It will give them time to rest a bit.
You were currently cooking in the kitchen. All the thinking and planning has left the boys hungry, you as well. You heard footsteps coming from up behind you. Assuming it was Jorge, you broke into your usual sass.
“You know, when I woke up this morning… I expected to have a nice cup of water, breakfast, maybe read a book or two. What I did not expect was to have your ass come hoppin’ around, looking for help. So thanks for that.” You had expected to hear his accent sass you back.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to ruin your morning.” You had been prepared for… well… everything. Attacks by WICKED, Jorge sassing you, hell even the world breaking apart. You were prepared for a lot of things. But, you weren’t prepared to hear that oh so addictive British accent.
Almost dropping the fork into the hot pot, you spun around to come face to face with Isaac. You were at a loss for words. He always had a knack for doing that, leaving you speechless with just one look. After a moment, you recollected yourself.
“Uh, sorry. I thought you were Jorge.” He raised his eyebrow at you.
“Nevermind. Uhm, did you need something?”
“No, I just was wandering if you needed help with anything. Do you?”
“Sure, could you pass me that bowl over there?” After a moment of silence, you broke the ice.
“So, what else did you need? I know that you didn’t just want to ask if I needed help.”
“Well, I just… Do I know you? Did I know you?” His eyes were on you, watching you carefully as you stopped stirring, tensing up.
“I mean, did I know you before the Maze?”
“Uh, I don’t know what your-”
“Please. Don’t lie to me. I know I’ve seen you before. I just need to truth, please.” You glanced over to him, seeing his eyes on you. You never could resist his puppy dog eyes. Sighing, you turned away from him.
“Okay. Alright. You win.” You say, walking to your small dining table, letting a small smile cross your face. He followed right behind you. You took in a deep breath.
“Okay. Where do I even start?” You asked, more to yourself, letting a breathy laugh.
“Well, did we know each other?”
“Yeah, we did. We worked for WICKED. Of course, neither of us knew what they were actually doing. You and I, we were the best of friends. Inseparable, really.” You let the memories of your past with him flood into your mind, making you smile.
“Everyone made fun of us, especially Thomas and Minho, our other best friends. They insisted that there was something between us, despite our disagreeing. I had always hated when they did that. Now, I wish nothing more than to have that back.” You mumbled the last part so low, you didn’t think that he had heard.
“Was there? Something between us, I mean.” You nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah. We eventually began dating. We had spent two years together. We were so mischievous, always getting into trouble. It was the best two years of my life, honestly.” Your eyes began to well up in your eyes. You weren’t going to cry. You refused.
“What happened, then?”
“Then, you went up into that stupid maze. They tore you away from me, erased every memory in your head. As soon as you went up, I ran. I ran away from WICKED. Ever since then I’ve been on the run. If they find me, I’m dead.” He stayed silent, looking down at his lap as he took it all in.
“Isaac, I-”
“Isaac? Was that my name?” You nodded.
“I have one more question.” You wiped the stray tears away as you replied with a ‘What is it?’
“Did you love me?” Your breath caught in your throat, body tensing up. He took notice in this.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, no. It’s okay. Really. I did. I really did, more than anything. If I’m being honest, I still do. You were the love of my life.” He stayed silent. You could’ve sworn that you saw a tear fall of off his face.
“I’m really sorry. I’m sure that I loved you just as much. I wish I could remember you, everything.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Thank you, for telling me. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. It’s getting late and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. You need to get some sleep.” He nodded and stood up. He had began walking away, until he stopped, turned around, and took you in for a hug. Hesitantly, you wrapped your arms around him, before melting in them. It felt so nice to be in his arms again.
After that night, after you found Brenda and Thomas, after walking with them to the edge of the city, they asked if you wanted to tag along. You complied. And over time, Newt slowly began to gain feelings for you once again.
Forever Taglist:
@trustnobodyshootfirst, @16wiishes
Requests are open!
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Imagine getting this text from Thomas
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Story of my life
Friend- why are you always Talking about Thomas brodie sangster?
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Just wondering :)
so I was wondering where you lovely people are from? like what country, just curious.
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swedteen · 9 years ago
The Girl In The Glade: 1 The Box
A/N: This takes place a month after the first arrivals of the boys. So this is only the second month of them actually being in the glade. Thanks and enjoy xxxx ___________________________________________ I pushed my body up from the metal for a second before being slammed down again. It was dark and cold, but I could feel we were moving, as the box accelerated I could feel myself tense and panic. I managed to shuffle over to the sides and banged hard on whatever I was being trapped in and screamed for help. Tears streaked my face.
I was thrown to the opposite side of the container and let out a yelp as my neck caught something protruding from the wall.
A bright white light suddenly blinded me, I threw my face into the floor to hide from it. It was too painful to look into, it burned straight through my skin into my eyes and brain.
The container came to a screeching halt and I could hear an alarm sounding, I didn’t dare to look up. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
All I could hear were voices, they were low and I couldn’t make sense of them at first, I managed to pull myself to my knees and looked up, surrounding me was a churning sea of faces. I closed my eyes to stop the dizziness over taking my sight, and when I opened my eyes again I could see clearly the faces of a dozen boys staring down at me.
The light was no longer a searing pain in my head; I could stand, my legs were shaking but I could stand.
The silence was suddenly broken, a boy murmured “She’s a girl.”
I looked up at him, he was muscular and had extremely broad shoulders and was covered in splinters of wood.
“You guys look like you’ve seen a ghost or something,” I say, my voice is hoarse but still louder than I expected. I screw my eyes up at the sound of it.
“Stranger things have happened,” the boy smirks, “Come on.” He gripped my arms and pulled me out the cage, “I’m Gally. Do you remember your name yet shank?”
I shook my head in response, “I can’t remember anything.”
The rest of the boys start muttering amongst themselves, Gally glares at them to shut them up.
“You’ve had a better start then half the lads here. You didn’t klunk yourself, or cry. You’re doing well, trust me.” A low voice says from behind, I turn around slowly. My eyes land on a dark skinned boy, about my height, his hand outstretched.
"I’m Alby, first in command.” 

I nod before turning back around and looking around the glade.
"Where’s Newt?” Alby asked the boys.
"He’s in the maze, with Minho.” A slender boy with a dipping fringe replied.
"As soon as he leaves that shucking maze tell him to skip the map room, tell him to come here. He’s not going to believe it.”
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Newt imagine #3
Request: What about a Newt imagine where it's basically the same as the scorch trials movie but the reader was in the maze with Aris and they are best friends. Instead of Minho knocking out the guard the reader does that. And while running out of the compound the reader get shot, nothing serious, just a flesh wound on the upper arm. Since the moment Newt saw the reader he felt like he knew her, like Thomas felt like he knew Teresa and the reader feels that way about Newt too. The reader is fearless, protective of the people she love, hates having people take care of her, or worry about her. So she doesn't tell them that she was shoot right away. They figure out she was shoot when Thomas and Newt is fighting about not having a plan and she almost faints do to blood loss. (the bullet hit a blood vessel) not to much fluff. And you don't have to  stop writing in the mall, continue maybe to the end of the movie? I don't mind it being long and multiple parts, but if you like it short and have a good idea for a short one, don't let me stop you. Write how you want to!
 The alarm was ringing my ears as me, Aries and some other boys from an other maze was running down the hallway. I didn’t know any of them but Aries seem to trust them and we both seem to have the same goal. To get the hell out of here. One of the boys look familiar, like from a dream or an old friend. I couldn’t really put my finger on what it was but his face, his blonde hair, his eyes and his frown seemed so familiar. But that was not my main focus right now. We had to get out of here but the guards were just behind us as we tried to escape.
” This way!” the boy with brown hair shouted as we came to the end of the hallway.
I look back at the guard running at us and noticed that he was alone.
” wait” I say and turn back and start to run towards the guard.
”Y/n what are you doing!” Aries shouted trying to get a hold of my arm.
I started to run as fast as I could to the end of the hallway and with the last step I used all my force to jump up in the air and knockout the guard that was coming around the corner. My knee connect with his chest he collapses in to the ground. I could hear the other running down the hall towards me.
” Jesus Christ y/n” Aries said as he came up next to you and looked at the guard.
” well done” The Asian guy said bowing his head at me.
” okay we got to move now guys” Thomas said and gesture to us to run.
We got to the big space where all the cars were parked and we made our way to the big door that was the door to freedom. All of the sudden the guards where coming from every direction and starting to shoot at us. I started to run faster towards the door and avoid the bullets. We got to the door and Thomas pulled up the big switch and the door started to opened. I looked back at the guards and saw one aim his gun towards Aries who was facing the door. I quickly get behind Aries and shouted at him to move out the door. I push him out of the door as the other start to run out in the night. I could feel my leg starting to hurt but I didn’t think much of it. We make our way up the sand hills and lay down to hide from the guards.
As I try to catch my breath I look down at my leg and I could see blood pouring down my feet. ”Shit” I whisper. ” are you okay?” The blonde boy asked frowning at me. ”yeah I’m just out of breath” I said hiding my leg in the sand. When we notice that the soldiers started to get closer we started to run again. We found some sort of glass box in the sand with an opening so we climbed in. Inside there was a steep hill down to some sort of room with lots of tents.
”where the hell are we?” the Asian guy asked as he was shining his flashlight around the room.
” we got to go” Thomas said stressed.
” No.. no tell me what is going on” the girl from their group said.
” It’s WICKED, they lied to us, we never escaped. Me and Aries found bodies, to many to count.”
” dead bodies?”
” no, but they weren’t alive either. They had them strung up with tubes coming out of them. They where being drained. There is something in side of us that WICKED want” Thomas said
As he was talking I was starting to get really light headed. It was starting to get hard to hold my balance. I look down at my leg and the I realise that I was sanding in a pool of my own blood on the floor.
” okay so what is the plan?” the blond boy beside me asked…. You do have a plan right?”
” yeah…” Thomas said shaking his head.
” well we followed you out here Thomas and now you saying that you have no idea what we are doing or where we are going!”
They all went silence and tried to come up with some sort of plan. I could feel the cold sweat running down my forehead and my hand starting to shake. The room got darker and the noise got quieter. I lost my balance and fall in to the blond my beside me. I could feel him grabbing a hold of me around my waist.
” y/n?!” Aries said running up to me.
---Newts pov---
I could see the girl beside me start to lose balance and before I knew it she started to go down. I quickly grab a hold of her. I get down on the floor and lay her down in my lap. Her face was pale and her lips barely had any colour in them.
”What happened?” I asked as Aries was approaching her.
” I don’t know!” he said.
” let me take a look” Winston said leaning down next to her.
” she doesn’t seem to have hit her head or anything”
” I am fine” she blurred out.
” No you are not” Minho said shining his flashlight at her leg that was covered in blood.
” shit” Winston said and ripped the bottom part of her pants open.
”gun shoot whom” he said shaking his head.
” but she will be fine, right?” Aries asked.
” yeah the bullet went right through. I just have to close the hole somehow. See if you can find some first aid kit or something”
Everyone but me and Winston went looking for something that could close the wound on her leg. As she was laying in my lap I looked at her face and scanned it from chin to forehead. It felt like I knew this face.
” Earth to Newt?” Winston said putting me out of my thoughts.
” could you shine the flash light towards her leg?”
” I’m fine you guys don’t have to do this” she said trying to convince us.
” nice try but you are going to need stitches” Winston said looking at the wound
As I was looking down at her she caught me looking. But instead of turning my eyes away I kept them on her and gave her a vague smile.
” I found a first aid kit!” Aries said breaking our stare and handling the kit to Winston.
” thanks… this might hurt a little” Winston said holding up a needle and thread.
” I’m not so good with blood and flesh or needles going through flesh so I’m gonna go look for some water or something” Aries said walking away from us.
” fine just leave me here with this people I don’t know” she shouted.
”I’m Newt” I said pulling my hand out to shake hers.
” y/n” she said shaking it.
Winston pulled out some alcohol to sterilise the hole before stitching it up. As he was pouring it on her leg I she took a firm grip on my hand and squeezed it. Her whole face tense up and I could see that she was in pain. She looks up at me and then she looks at her hand that was in a tight grip on my hand.
” sorry” she said removing her hand.
” don’t worry about it” I said feeling my cheeks heat up a bit.
” Ill try to be quick” Winston said waiting for her approval to begin stitching.
She nodded her head at him and he started to stitch her up. Everytime Winston pushed the needle through her skin she would make a hissing sound though her teeth. She was anxiously tapping her finger on the floor beside her. I rubbed her arm lightly to calm her down. When I realised what I was doing I quickly removed my hand.
”sorry” I said avoiding eye contact.
”don’t worry about it” she said smiling.
” so.. where you a runner?” I asked.
”what?” she said a bit confused.
”back there… that was one hell of a knockout”
” oh thanks. Yeah I was a runner back in the maze. And you? What was your roll?”
” I worked the garden”
” oh..that sounds… boring”
” he was also second in command” Winston added.
” that’s a big responsibility” she said looking up at me.
” naa it wasn’t that big of a deal” I said giving her a smile.
”so all bandage and done” Winston said.
” guessing you where a medjack” she said as she was trying to stand up.
” what tipped you of?” he joked.
” how do it fell?” I asked her as she got on her feet.
” not that bad” she said as she walked a round.
”look at you two with your matching limps” Minho said walking back towards us.
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Other Newt Imagines
Assasion who helps the group find Thomas and Brenda
Helping Drunk Newt to bed (TMR)
Part 1
Part 2
Memory lost (Newt from TMR/TST)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The Dare (Nash Grier)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Pice of cake (Nash Grier)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Random one shots
Sam Pottorff Imagine 
The Proposal (Nash Fanfiction)
Fire (Nash Fanfiction)
Nerffgun WAR ( Nash Fanfiction)
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Im back!
Im sorry but my computer broke and all my fanfics got deleted. I am back on track and will get back in to writeing fanfics. So Send me a request if you want me to write something specific. Thanks for everyone who follows me, it means the world that I get the feedback here that I don't get in school! XX Not my GIF
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swedteen · 9 years ago
Anonymously tell me a story about something that happened to you recently
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swedteen · 9 years ago
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