swcrdlillies · 4 years
okay because icebreak, like this and i’ll go through your memes and send you a thing!!
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swcrdlillies · 4 years
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what if i made a come back?
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
Grace Mitchell - ‘Cali God’
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
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As much relief as the blonde had felt before, Prompto couldn’t help but feel his eyes bulge just a little bit once more. Again he looked around, though this time it was more in wonder. “I… yeah? Wait, why?” Why would Gladio want to do that in the first place? Why would he want people to know that he was dating a commoner? Let alone someone not from the city, someone poor, someone so far below his station it wasn’t even funny.
Now the blonde was starting to doubt himself just like before. Was this a date? Weren’t they just friends? It made no sense for Gladio to want this, but… he knew the guy. Knew he wouldn’t ask or say anything unless he was serious about it. “If you want to… sure?”
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“I didn’t know there was a test.” He managed his own chuckle. Although, he knew why Prompto asked. True, he could have dated someone from the Citadel. The Council’s daughter or son something or other. But Gladio didn’t like any of them. They didn’t make him laugh. Didn’t know what he liked. Didn’t even know what kind of cup noodle he liked when it was cold outside. “Because I want to. Because I really like you.” But who did know this information? Prompto. Prompto paid attention. And even when he was being a jackass, the blond still cared about the big guy.  And that was. ..  everything.  To him at least. “I do. I’m sure.”
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
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( Text - Big Bear ) : …. Fine, you win. There is no one else. ( Text - Big Bear ) : I know, I know, big shocker right? ( Text - Big Bear ) : Now you.
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[ smg. - p.a. ] as long as you don’t send it to my dad we’re good. [ smg. - p.a. ] or cor. [ smg. - p.a. ] or the king. [ smg. - p.a. ] not a shocker. you totally could be banging someone on the side. [ smg. - p.a. ] . . . i still have rachel’s playlist.
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
Though outwardly, he only stirred a little, he was dreaming vividly and unpleasantly. Violent purple fire, Ardyn’s insane laughter. Noct, bloody and on the ground, unconscious. Taunting words, and the flash of a knife.
Ignis startled away with a panicked gasp, his hands hit the table as he reached for his face, startling him again.
“Prompto, Gladio?” He was breathing quickly, hyperventilating. When he touched Gladio and jumped again. “G-Gladio…I.. Im sorry..”
Somewhere the dreams Ignis was having turned violent. Gladio could sense it before it started. The way his breathing picked up, the movements he made in his sleep weren’t ones he usually makes. Gladio knew a night terror when he saw it. His father had them so many times when he was growing up---- “Iggy!” He moved, his hands on his forearms. Gladio moved him closer to him. To his chest. To the warmth. To safety. “I’m here. It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” He didn’t ask. If Ignis wanted to tell him, he’d tell him. But for now. . . “It’s okay. I got you.”
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
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The minute that Gladio started to speak, Prompto sucked in a breath, and he doubted he let it out again until every word had left the older man’s mouth. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his head which felt weird, but he supposed with out quiet it felt - even being in a diner with other people - that was to be expected. It was the last two words that had him finally releasing the breath.
The chuckle that followed it though wasn’t one that the blonde was expecting. It was a relief and a surprise all at once. “Isn’t that what we’ve been doin’? I mean… wouldn’t this be considered a date?”
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He was trying here. He really was. Gladio wasn’t good at romance. He loved it. Loved love. It was silly but it was true. Everything he liked about romance was so grand. It was powerful. But him actually doing it? That was hard. Gladio wasn’t expecting a chuckle. So when he heard Prompto, at first he was hurt. Why would he be laughing at him? That was mean. Cruel. But. . . it wasn’t cruel. And he might have a point. Gladio didn’t even realize it. “Uh. ..  well. Um. . . yeah. Okay so it might be. But, are we--- can we. . . is it okay if I refer to you as my boyfriend to other people? Is that okay?”
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
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( Text - Big Bear ) : Nu uh, just because I told you that doesn’t mean you get details ( Text - Big Bear ) : Why don’t you start with those skellys, huh? ;)
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[ smg. - p.a. ] that’s awful mean. don’t you know sharing is caring? [ smg. - p.a. ] don’t you know that you gotta tell a secret to get one?
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
"No- Just like... hug me." If anything, it was more embarrassing for Noctis.
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“Huh?” He blinked for a minute. Unsure how to… react to that. “You need your back popped or somethin’?” It wasn’t like he was dull, it was just. Sometimes it was hard with Noctis. Like he wasn’t sure where he was going with something. He needed to be direct. Ignis was better at picking things up, piecing together vague responses. Gladio was…More of an action man.
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
"On a scale from one to eleven, how embarrassing would it be to carry me for a little bit?" Not that he was lazy, just that it felt kinda nice.
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“Probably like a thirteen.” He grinned, completely joking and teasing the poor prince. “Your leg or your back?” Noctis might have been pushing himself too much. And that could spell trouble. Gladio wanted him to get stronger, not to hurt himself. “Welp. C’mon. Jump on my back or I’m carrying you bridal style. Pick your poison.”
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
//Double or Nothing: Clarus would make the EXACT same decision. 
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
what was that for? // From Iris
                                              coraline // accepting!!
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“What? The guy had it coming! You don’t just waltz over and hit on the King’s Shield’s daughter and not expect to get a background check. That was allll on dad. Not me.” Although, he did scare him off. With a growl but that’s not the point.
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
"well, can’t you give me a clue?" (Welcome back!!)
                                          coraline // accepting!!
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“You want a clue?” He repeated the question as if he wasn’t sure. “Well. He’s tiny. About… this tall and should have been in bed like two hours ago.”
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
what was that for?
                                               coraline // accepting!!
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“Well, maybe if you stop bitchin’, I would have to kick your ass in gear, would I?” He says this with fondness. He’s sure. Very sure. Probably at least.
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
@swcrdlillies​ sent the ask:  💧
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Everyone else had gone to bed, or at least retreated into their rooms within the hotel. Iris couldn’t sleep, she had barely time to think since the attack. She sat on the couch in the common sitting area, and she could tell her brother had started to walk towards her.
That’s when she just crumbled.
“I tried to go back for him, but Monica wouldn’t let me.” she admitted. Hugging her legs to her chest, tears dropping from her chin and onto her knees. “I promise I tried.”
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They hadn’t had time to really. . . talk. Honestly this whole thing felt like some kind of fever dream. Their home was gone. Their kingdom gone. But most importantly. . . their father. Dead.  Gladio hadn’t let it sink in. Hadn’t let himself feel it. Noctis had been such a mess about his dad and Gladio knew he needed support. Prompto had tried to help him, Gladio knew that. Tried to talk to him but Gladio couldn’t--- not until he knew Iris was okay. And when she was. . . When she was okay.  Well. That’s why he sat beside her. That’s why he reached out and held her. “I know. I know you did.” His voice was cracking, his eyes were wet. Even now he was trying to be strong when all he wanted to do was break.
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swcrdlillies · 5 years
gemmulier replied to your post: [ people saying tie up the shield i ]
The only thing Gladio tops is Ramen
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