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Aroace. He/Him. 31 years old. Minors DNI.
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Happy 21st Anniversary!!!!!
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Sorato 19th Anniversary! Happy Sorato Day, everyone!
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Really pretty art!!!!!!! 10/10 😭🥰
It hurts so much…
Okay, Soratoweek is over but I got one more Soratofanart up my sleeve 😂
This time I didn’t use a reference, so made it more challenging, but I am here to leave my comfort zone …
#### Kizuna Spoiler ####
I had this pose in my head before I thought of the situation that caused it but it fit so well. So here is Yamato comforting Sora after Biyomon has vanished.
I’m not sure if you can see it, but I tried to draw Sora’s room. I had to look up several pictures on the net to combine the details 😅 what a nerd 😂
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Reblog if you ship Sorato (Sora Takenouchi x Yamato Ishida), but do not ship Takari (Takeu Takaishi x Hikari Yagami).
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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Had some fun sketching a bunch of Salamon poses one night and decided to paint them as well!
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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Hikari Yagami / Kari Kamiya and her Digimon Partner picspam
(Japanese and English dub names)
1st and 3rd pics = 8 year old Hikari Yagami / Kari Kamiya in Digimon Adventure
2nd and 4th pics = 11 year old Hikari Yagami / Kari Kamiya in Digimon Adventure 02
5th and 7th pics = 14 year old Hikari Yagami / Kari Kamiya in Digimon Adventure Tri
6th and 8th pics = 19 year old Hikari Yagami / Kari Kamiya in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie
9th pic = adult Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya in the epilogue of Digimon Adventure 02 (the epilogue itself might be too controversial to many Digimon fans.)
10th pic = Nyaromon (baby form)
11th pic = Plotmon/Salamon (child/rookie form of Tailmon/Gatomon)
12th pic = Tailmon/Gatomon (default adult/champion form)
13th pic = Angewomon (perfect/ultimate form)
14th pic = Holydramon/Magnadramon (ultimate/mega form)
15th pic = Ofanimon/Orphanimon (alternate ultimate/mega form)
16th pic = Nefertimon (armor evolution with Digimental of Light)
17th pic = Silphymon (another perfect/ultimate form except that Aquilamon is fused with Tailmon. Also known as Jogress evolution or DNA digivolution)
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Tailmon/Gatomon is an interesting example of the corners that writers can accidentally work themselves into, and the ways that writers can then work themselves back out.
Hikari and Tailmon are unusual for Digimon protagonists. Traditionally, a partner Digimon rests in their Child state, evolving to Adult, Perfect, or Ultimate form as necessary for battle. What makes Tailmon unusual, possibly even unique, is that her natural state is her Adult stage. Her child stage, Salamon, is only seen on rare occasions when she exhausts her strength.
This is an important distinction, since Digimon "power levels" so to speak are often wrapped up in those evolution stages.
In Digimon Adventure, this didn't matter so much. Hikari and Tailmon were introduced very late in the series. By that point, everyone had Perfect evolutions to battle with, and Taichi and Yamato were about to unlock their Ultimate evolutions. Adult-stage fighting was so last season.
But in 02, this presented a conundrum. The show was starting over fresh with new protagonists, new partners, and an escalation reset. Hikari and Takeru would join newcomers Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori and start over from the beginning.
This presented the writers with two separate problems. The first is that, as veterans of the first series, Hikari and Takeru were already comfortable evolving their Digimon to Perfect stage. This was resolved with the Dark Towers and Dark Digivice, which suppress evolution and force the characters to rely on the new Armor Evolution instead.
Blocking normal evolution served to nerf Takeru and Hikari, bringing them down to the new kids' levels - While occasionally lending them opportunities for Angemon and Angewomon to come out and shine, as a teaser of things to come.
But there was one other problem. Since the escalation was starting over, that meant the series would present the kids with Adult-stage Digimon as deadly threats that they needed Armor Evolution to overcome.
But the thing is? Tailmon is an Adult-stage Digimon in her natural state. This distinction suddenly mattered. The show needed all five kids to be running around in terror of Adult Digimon until they get the ability to fight back with Armor Digimon, but there was nothing stopping Tailmon from getting in there and throwing paws.
The solution? One of the very first things the show established is that Tailmon lost the golden ring she wears on her tail. Her "Holy Ring" would go on to have a plot-important role after the Kaiser arc was complete. But the more immediate effect it had was that losing her tail ring cut Tailmon's power dramatically.
This was kind of a new concept. Other Digimon don't work like this. Andromon doesn't turn as weak as a Child Digimon if you knock off his right index finger. But it needed to happen in order to bring Tailmon down to the others' level and stop her from walking all over the challenges that the protagonists would face in the early series.
I've often wondered why Digimon abandoned the concept of a consistent continuity, opting instead to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh with a new world with each series. Looking back now, I think I finally understand.
From the Dark Towers and Digimon Kaiser to the Holy Ring to Armor Evolution, it's kind of amazing just how much of 02's story had to be done the way it was, specifically to prevent Hikari's LVL100 endgame Digimon from effortlessly stomping all comers and nuking the tension. The show had to go out of its way to nerf Patamon and Tailmon, and then go further out of its way to nerf Tailmon some more.
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
10/10. bamf art!!!!!!!!! 😄
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Hey guys! I did Angewomon X!!
Results: Number of layers: 191 Time consumed: 5 days …. And I a pain in the wrist. :’D
( For a better resolution: https://bit.ly/2Pff7pQ )
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Signing up for lessons at first opportunity. 😄 There is an indoors archery range a twenty minute bus ride away from my flat, but work keeps me busy so it's taking a while for me to get started.
So, how many of my aro aces are learning archery? 
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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🖤🤍💜 happy ace week to the moon
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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my gift for @that-was-anticlimactic for the winter solstice exchange!!
[id: a drawing of yue and suki from avatar the last airbender. they sit on a mattress on the floor and eat pineapple pizza. yue holds a phone and giggles while suki smirks. sokka is talking through the phone and says: it’s an insult to modern cuisine!! there are moving boxes on the ground and a bi flag, and a kyoshi poster with string lights on the wall. end id]
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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day four: secrets @atlasapphicweek
What if Yue lives and goes on an ambassadorial trip to the South after the War, and meets Suki and falls in love with her? What then? Huh?
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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a scene from The Courage of Stars by @hella1975
idk why its so dark but u may need to turn brightness up to see it
[ID: a semi-realistic digital portrait of yue and suki from atla. they’re facing each other, faces close, looking each other in the eyes. suki is wearing her kyoshi warrior outfit and yue a parka. behind them, the stars and the full moon shine through a circular window. /end ID] (ID by @maileesque <3)
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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wow, yue, your hair looks just like moonlight.
for @atlasapphicweek​ day 7: free day
Keep reading
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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My mermaid inspiration ends here
(Image description: 3 images. The first shows the characters Sokka and Suki. Suki is holding Sokka in a bridal carry and he is kissing her cheek. Sokka has a seal tail. The second image is on Yue as a mermaid, sitting on a piece of wood. Her tail is white and she has her head in her hand pouting. The third image shows Sokka and Yue. Sokka has a seal tail and Yue a koi fish white tail with a black spot. Sokka is handing Yue a green necklace.)
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
Sukka headcanons bc they deserve it!!
Sokka always wants pets w/out actual responsibility and suki is fantastic with animals (see: appa’s lost days) so they always have animals around. They feed stray cats, have bird feeders, etc.
When sokka is visiting kyoshi island he always goes in for one of suki’s self defense classes even though he’s long mastered the forms. He just likes watching suki teach
Whenever sokka meets someone in his time as a republic city councilman who needs self defense classes- benders, nonbenders, adults and kids alike- he always recommends suki to them
When sokka grows his hair out (bc long hair sokka supremacy!!) they have matching hairdos
Suki secretly finds sokka hilarious and just won’t admit it bc she has a reputation dammit. but she’s transparent and everyone totally knows
Suki loves the warmth of the fire nation while sokka is always complaining it’s too hot. This works out bc suki likes to hog blankets
After the war, zuko’s life changing field trip with suki is hunting for sokka’s boomerang and space sword in a random earth kingdom field so she can give them to him as gifts (could be zukki i guess)
They are both night owls and hate getting up early, if left unattended they’ll sleep till noon
Hyper productive together, when their minds come together they get shit done
Sokka is the little spoon
Sokka likes braiding suki’s hair and trying out fun styles on it bc she always looks good no matter how weird the do is
They compete by complimenting each other aggressively. Sokka: well you’re the smartest coolest best fighter i know!! Suki: you’re the funniest guy ever and best strategist in the world!! Plus you invented hot air balloons and submarines! Everyone else: uhh is this a fight or what
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swamp689 · 1 year ago
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