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Tagging Guide for DPxDC
Hey guys, there has been a lot of confusion recently about tagging the crossover on Tumblr. We want to encourage people to enjoy DPxDC content without annoying people who aren’t keen on the crossover. This does NOT apply to tagging on AO3, since the AO3 tagging system is extremely robust and easy to filter.
Sailor Toni from the main DP fanfic server made this graphic on best tagging practices.
[Image description: Image shows Nightwing and Robin talking to Bruce. Robin says “We have company.” Nightwing says “We need to talk. All of us.” Red Robin, Red Hood, and Batwoman are behind them, as well as a photoshopped Danny Phantom. At the bottom of the graphic, there is an image of Danny in a martial arts pose wielding a sword. The rest of the text follows.]
Tagging Guide for DPxDC
As the crossover grows more and more popular, we need to make sure the Danny Phantom, DC, and Batman tags on Tumblr is not taken over.
- For crossover items please tag it as “DPxDC” with no spaces.
- DO NOT tag the main fandoms
(Ex. DP, Danny Phantom, DC, Batman, Batfam, etc.)
- For ships like Tim X Danny, please use ship names like “Dead Tired ship” or remove all spaces (ex. TimXDanny)
(The list of ship names can be found here:
We suggest you follow the guide in order to avoid both the Danny Phantom and DC fandom’s anger at them being unable to find non-crossover content.
Huge thanks to everyone on Tumblr who has been working with us to keep things tagged and orderly. This is a big crossover fandom and we want to ensure that everyone can engage with it as much or as little as they want.
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Danny Phantom has a Passive Danger Potential of 17 on a scale of 1-10.
He no longer plays by the rules of mere mortals.
Drop me a Ko-Fi if you enjoyed!
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Reality Trip Zine Cover!
The entire AU Zine is available for free >>Here!<< Ao3 Link to all the fics >>Here!<<
Can you identify all the AUs?👀 Answers in image description! I am very honoured to have been chosen for the cover position. The @dpauzine Reality Trip team was awesome to work with and I loved seeing everyone’s work!
The cover is a two page spread set in Clockwork’s lair, the Long Now. The colour palette is predominantly navy blue, teal, and green with limited yellow accents. The Long Now has a cobblestone floor with the stones radiating out from a central dais on the right side of the page that supports Clockwork’s main viewing portal. In the bottom left corner, half of a large gear protrudes through the floor. A swarm of semi-transparent, light green blob ghosts traverse in a gentle curve across the bottom of the left page. On the right page they are hidden behind clockwork but a few can be seen near the dais’ base.
In front of the viewing portal, Clockwork is reclined in an old-fashioned armchair with his back to the audience, his spectral tail lazily draped across the floor. Holding a TV remote in his outstretched right hand, he looks over his shoulder with a serene, or perhaps even mischievous, grin. His main viewing portal displays the zine title, “Reality Trip”. “A Danny Phantom Zine” appears on the back of his armchair.
Visible beyond Clockwork, and behind his viewer, is a wall of dark gears that vary in size. Behind the gears, small patches of green are visible evoking the ghost zone beyond. The gears take up a majority of the two page spread, arranged roughly in three rows. They are framed by dark blue, crumbling stone columns at the far left edge, slightly left of center, and the far right. The center of each gear displays a different Danny Phantom AU. The AU’s are as follows:
Top row, left to right:
Portal Danny. A stream of ghosts pour out of Danny’s chest and mouth. His head is thrown back with solid green eyes. Blue Danny/Phantom starts to look like Dan. Facing right, the top half of Danny’s face is obscured by white, flaming hair. His skin is “blue”, (it is technically teal), he has pointed ears and fangs. Astronaut AU. An astronaut suit posing in front of an American Flag. Mermaid/merman AU. A dark, scaly mer tail twisted over itself with a light fin at the end. Inverse Trio. Tucker is the halfa, Danny is the goth, and Sam is the nerd. The trio is huddled together throwing up peace signs posing for a photo.
Middle row, left to right:
Lab Rat/Dissection Bad End AU. Angst Central. An upward view of Maddie and Jack with tools in hand, seen from the perspective of someone on their dissection table. Wings AU. That phenomenon of people putting wings on characters represented by a disembodied pair of black and white wings floating in a lime green void. Full Ghost. Danny died all the way in the portal accident. His transparent ghost tail is half phased into a patch of freshly dug dirt in front of a headstone, implied to belong to Daniel Fenton. A lone bouquet is laid on his grave. Ghost King. Danny in full royal regalia with the crown of fire hovering over his head and the ring of rage on his hand. The ghost zone and a few floating door behind him. He looks to the side warily mid-action. Hazmat AU. Danny died wearing a big, chunky, OSHA approved, real hazmat suit. He is only visible from chest up with his eyes glowing inside the hood.
Bottom row, left to right:
Ghost Hunger. Two blob ghosts peek out of a BLT sandwich (Blob, Lettuce, Tomato). Corpse AU. Sam, Tucker, and Danny huddled together over a freshly dug pile of dirt in the woods. Danny has a shovel and Sam has a messily rolled up tarp. Clockwork’s Apprentice/CW Danny. Danny, facing left, wearing Clockwork’s cloak with the hood up, holding a staff similar to Clockwork’s with a stopwatch at the end. This gear is positioned directly behind, and partially obscured by, Clockwork’s head. Cowboy/Western AU. A blob ghost in a tiny cowboy hat sits on Danny’s white cowboy boots. A green lasso rope partially visible at the top right.
End ID
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Special thanks to @glitteryandpeachy for her support towards myself and this comic- if you aren’t following her already, I recommend you check out her blog!
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the fact that……. when sal feels like he’s in danger and is gonna get hurt……… he instinctively covers his face………. crying

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How to do “extra” facial expressions!
Drawing basic facial expressions is not the hardest. Most people can draw a sad face, a happy face, angry etc., but making more multidimensional expressions is more of a challenge. I have gotten a lot of compliments on how I draw facial expressions, (specifically “angsty ones”) telling me that they are very dramatic and well… expressive! And there are actually only a few things I think about when I draw faces that take them to the next level, so I thought i’d illustrate them all here!
SUPER IMPORTANT TIP BEFORE WE START: Look at your own face when you draw faces. Even making the face when you are drawing (you don’t even have to look at it), will give you some sense of how the face muscles pull and where things fold and stretch, because you can feel it. You are the best reference when it comes to facial expressions!
Draw the head in an angle that matches the expressions you want to make. It is not a requirement, but is going to add to the effect.
Symmetry vs asymmetry
A face is rarely symmetric. Unless the face the character is making is 100 % relaxed or even dissociating, the eyebrows, mouth and facial muscles will have different placements of their respective side. This image shows the dramatic impact asymmetry has on a face:
That’s the difference between a smile and a smirk!
The first one’s like “oh yeah?” and the second is like “oH YEAH??”
The “balloon squishing principle”
This is something I did subconsciously, and I didn’t know about until I made this tutorial. And this principle goes hand in hand with an asymmetric face. Basically, if you squish one part of the face, you need to even out the empty space by “inflating” the other part of the face so that it doesn’t appear shrunken. The picture hopefully explains it:
Don’t forget to add the gum when the mouth is open to its full potential!
Squinting and folding
Adding folds around the eyes when a character is squinting makes a HUGE difference. It makes a smile more genuine and a growl more intimidating. Adding folds to the face in general makes your characters more lifelike and ‘visually relatable’. Like, they look human, and less plastic or fake.
and so on..
Pupils and irises
The placement of the iris and pupil in relation to the eyelids is very important! The less of the white you see, the more relaxed the character is.
And then of course eyebrows and eyes go hand in hand!
Gestures, spitting, sweating…
Adding more elements than just a face is key to making the character actually look like they are feeling what you want them to feel. Just the tiniest sweat drop adds to their anxiety, spitting adds frustration to their rage, slouching shoulders, waving hands, a double chin, extreme angles, the list goes on! Add whatever and see what kind of impact it makes! Does it do the trick? Great! Add it!
Over exaggeration!!
Remember that you can almost always exaggerate more. Don’t be afraid to do draw “too much” because you’re just experimenting. See what works and what doesn’t. What do you like to exaggerate?
Now that you know some theory, it’s time to practice!
The 25 Essential Expressions (a classic! I’ve done it multiple times)
And the one I do when I’m bored:
Fill a page with circles and fill them in with different expressions. Try and exaggerate as much as you can!
This is mostly for experimenting. They are quicker to draw than complete faces, but the same rules should apply!
And that’s about it!
I don’t know if I covered everything in this tutorial, since some things might be obvious for me, and this post perhaps only scratches the surface. So feel free to send me a message if you want an explanation about something more in depth! Thank you for reading! And now DRAW!!! ✨🎨
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Hey Stan, where did you get that boat?
Hey Stan, where did you get that mask?
Hey Stan, where did you get your fez?
Hey Stan, where did you get that crossbow?
Hey Stan, where did the phrase “Hot Belgian Waffles” come from?

Hey Stan, how do you know there’s a secret button on the wall?
Hey Stan, where did you get Journal 1?
Hey Stan, where did your love of money come from?
Hey Stan, where did you learn to lie?
Hey Stan, where did you learn how to punch triangles?

Hey Stan, where did you learn how to fight?
Man, Stan got a lot of things from his past and his family
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Send me a character and a number!
Feel free to use!
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I am called Ishikirimaru. Although I am said to be a sacred sword that can cut through stone, I am mainly devoted to spiritually cutting away tumors and diseases. At any rate, I’ve been enshrined for a long time. Now, I may specialize in Shinto rituals more than battles.
石切丸という。 石をも斬る神刀、とは言われるけれど、もっぱら腫れ物や病魔を霊的に斬ることが多いな。 何せ、神社ぐらしが長いものでね。いくさよりは神事のほうが得意になってしまったよ
Ishikirimaru was forged by the great swordsmith Sanjou Munechika 三条宗近 (who also forged Kogitsunemaru 小狐丸, Mikazuki Munechika 三日月宗近, Imanotsurugi 石切丸 and possibly Iwatooshi 岩融).
Ishikirimaru claims to be a sacred sword with healing powers that can cure tumors and diseases, in the japanese quote he says: 腫れ物 (haremono), which describes swelling or tumors, but in this context it also encompasses anything that causes swelling or tumors (i.e. injuries of various kind).
He was probably never used in battle (when you give him equipment he doesn’t even know how to use it: “You use this to make prayers? Ahh, am I wrong?” even though he does recognize a weapon: “So I’m going to have something other than the gohei*.”), in fact he often asks if it’s alright to take him to battlefield since he’s not suited for battle (“Oh, is it alright for me to lead if I’m not suited for battle?”), and he was probably always kept in a shrine to be whorshipped (“I don’t plan to forget my status as a weapon, but really, this environment is quite different from the shrine.”).
Though he may be used to have people around him he is clearly not used to have subordinates (When you give him troops: “Today’s fortune is… Oops, this isn’t an O-mikuji**”.), he also not used to go outside, infact when we take him to an expedition he says: “It feel strange to vacate the house even though it isn’t the godless month***.”
Ishikirimaru’s name can come from multiple anecdotes, so it’s unsure exactly which one is the original. The more popularly known version comes from the old story, also made into a Kabuki play called Ishikiri Kajiwara, where legendary swordsman Kajiwara Heizo possessed a treasured sword from the Genji clan. In order to prove the sharpness of the sword, he used it to cut through a stonewater. To put it into perspective, it’s considered a talented feat in Kendo today just to be able to cut cleanly through a bundle of hay or stack of bamboo.
Another possibility comes from a sword named Ishikiri which also appears in the Heiji Monogatari. Said to be the work of Sanjou Munechika’s son Arinari, it was the favoured sword of Minamoto no Yoshihira. This Yoshihira was widely feared for his fighting prowess and was thus nicknamed “Kamakura Akugenta” (The Daring Eldest Son of the Minamoto Clan of Kamakura).
Another possible name is from the Ishikiri Tsurugiya shrine in Higashiosaka at the base of Mt. Ikoma, in the Osaka province in Japan. The god Ishikiri-san is believed to have the power to heal diseases. The shrine’s name comes from two objects enshrined there, a sword and arrow (tsurugi (sword) and ya(arrow), so tsurugiya) said to be able to cut/penetrate any rock.
So his intro combines elements from all stories, being a sword that can cut through rock or an artifact that can cure diseases. Also most of is quotes let us know that he was actually being kept in a shrine and partecipated in the Misogi purification ritual*°. (He says: Purify and cleanse. which are quotes from the ritual.)
He is kept in Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine, Osaka, Japan, and will be on display on September 20th ~ 23th this year, further dates will be announce since he is open to public viewing.
*The gohei (御幣) is a wooden staff with two zigzag paper streamers, usually used in purification rituals.
**O-mikuji are fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto and Buddhist shrines. They will contain either a blessing or a curse, and the strength of these can be different. It also lists the aspect of your life the fortune applies to.
***The godless month (神無月), the tenth month in the lunar calendar, is the month when gods from all over the country gather at Izumo Shrine, hence the reason why he talks about vacating the house (shrine).
*°Misogi (禊) is a Japanese Shinto practice of ritual purification by washing the entire body. Misogi is related to another Shinto purification ritual called Harae – thus both being collectively referred to as Misogiharae (禊祓). In Kyoto, people douse themselves under Kiyomizu Temple’s Otowa no taki (Sound-of-Wings) waterfall, although the majority of visitors drink from the waters rather than plunging into them. Before encountering Misogi, members generally undergo some sort of preliminary purification. Such things as prayers, fasting, or some sort of physical activity is common.
Ootachi - 🌸🌸🌸 High rarity - #7
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creepy pasta
ben drowned and lost silver manga.
this manga is… if they met in lost silver’s world
so its fiction.
sorry my english is bad。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
benとlost silverの漫画(英語バージョン)です!
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Source: コトブキ
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