suvjen · 6 years
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Xiumin • EXO’luXion in Hong Kong [150816] c. xiumin world ↳ things we adore about xiumin ♡ he’s an embodiment of the actual sun
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suvjen · 6 years
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how very demonic of him
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suvjen · 6 years
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suvjen · 6 years
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Edit: Miss Moon
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suvjen · 6 years
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I’m not the type to shove EXO ships down other people’s throat, but if they are real and it happens…heyyyyyyy
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suvjen · 6 years
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Sweet prince // Prince Baekhyun 2/∞
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suvjen · 6 years
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EXO-CBX // Magical Circus 🎪
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suvjen · 6 years
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Jongin’s punishment after losing the crocodile game ♡
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suvjen · 6 years
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ellie (the mc) being ready to fight antis for yixing [iheartradio interview]
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suvjen · 6 years
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in the mood
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suvjen · 6 years
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Lay’s laughter ❤️// iHeartRadio Interview 181124
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suvjen · 6 years
Number 42
Prompt; “I need a hug.”
Boy: Minseok
Word count: 732
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You’d had a shit day. Plain and simple. It wasn’t like something bad had happened or anything but you had just woken up on the wrong side of the bed and every little thing just seemed to bother you. You were tired, your head hurt and you just wanted to go and hide in your bed for at least a week. The boys had invited you over to their dorms though as you hadn’t seen each other in a while, so that lightened your mood a little.
You let yourself in as always as you had been given a key some time back in return of you dropping by every once in a while to water their plants and stuff when they were away. Their manager hadn’t been too happy at first but it saved them some money for housekeeping so they were persuaded at last.
Sehun and Jongin were napping on the two couches in the living room as you walked in, Chanyeol and Baekhyun playing some video game surprisingly quietly and Kyungsoo watching something on his iPad. The ones awake greeted you happily as you walked in before looking back at what you were doing and you figured you wanted to let them finish up before you disturbed them.
Feeling a little hungry, and your nose picking up on something that smelled delicious, you gravitated towards the kitchen where Minseok was fluttering about. The scent of coffee filled your senses as you stepped in and you weren’t surprised to see the older boy tinkering with his new coffee maker – a really fancy one he had saved up to buy for a long time.
  “You’re here,” he greeted with a beaming smile. “Come sit, the first cup is nearly done. I think you’ll like this.”
You dragged yourself over and sat down heavily by the little kitchen island, letting out a loud sigh without even realizing it. A cup of coffee sounded amazing right about now.
  “Rough day?” Minseok asked, glancing up at you concerned from behind the giant coffee maker.
  “I guess,” you mumbled, leaning your head on your hand as you slumped down. “Just having a bad day.”
  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” he said with a frown, reaching out to squeeze your hand. “Is there anything I can do?”
  “I…” you paused, blushing slightly as you stopped yourself. Hold me. Cuddle me, please. Was what you wanted to say but you were too shy. The two of you had kind of danced around each other for a while but neither ever said anything so you had no idea where you stood. “I think that coffee will be just what I need.” You finally said, a little disappointed in yourself.
  “Y/N,” he said a little sternly, walking out from behind the counter to stand in front of you. “You can tell me. What’s wrong?”
To your horror, you suddenly felt tears well up into your eyes. He was the first person to show any type of kindness that day and you just felt really shitty without any reason. He looked a little scared as he noticed you were close to crying but obviously didn’t really know what to do.
  “I could…” you sniffled feeling pathetic. “I need a hug. Please.”
  “Why didn’t you just say so?” he sighed softly, pulling you into a bone-crushing but still surprisingly gentle hug. He smelled like the coffee he had been brewing and you allowed yourself to burrow closer to him, grabbing on to his shirt. A few tears rolled down your cheeks but you already felt better just being close to him like this.
  “Is there really nothing wrong?” he mumbled into your hair.
  “There’s not, I promise,” you reassured him quietly, not wanting to break the bubble around you. “I’m just having an off day and felt really down.”
He pulled back a bit to look at you, cupping your cheeks to wipe away your tears. “Okay, we’re just gonna have to change that then,” he smiled softly before booping your nose to make you laugh.
The coffee maker beeped, breaking the mood a little and he stepped away to deal with it. You felt colder for a second, but when you looked up and met his eyes, he smiled warmly, something glinting in his eyes and you smiled back shyly. Perhaps you should start asking for hugs more often.  
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suvjen · 6 years
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-click the images for full letter-
*All credits to rightful owner*
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suvjen · 6 years
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suvjen · 6 years
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3 cuties
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suvjen · 6 years
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BFF EXO Series • Kim Minseok 
Junmyeon • Yixing • Baekhyun • Jongdae • Chanyeol • Kyungsoo • Jongin • Sehun
please do not remove my writing from the moodboard as i will report you.
Is probably the most loyal friend you will ever have
Calls you early in the morning to wake you up and see if you want to hang out
Doesn’t care if you yell at him to let you sleep
Wants to go on spontaneous adventures with you and start early
Even if its just a rainy morning drive with loud R&B he loves just going out and laughing with you
Likes coffee dates
Will spend HOURS in the coffee shop with you talking about everything
Probably orders three or four drinks within those few hours
Wants you to vent to him, also wants to vent to you
Listens to everything you have to say without interrupting
You both end up talking shit and gossiping and it’s amazing because he’s so good at it
Gives NO fucks
Will tell you if your outfit is not up to par, will shamelessly bash one of your toxic friends, will fight someone for you
Afficher davantage
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suvjen · 6 years
Hey PCY stans are you alive? Hey Sehun stans are you alive? Hey Nini stans are you alive? Hey Minnie stans are you alive? Hey Baekkie stans are you alive? Hey DaeDae stans are you alive? Hey DKS stans are you alive? Hey Yixing stans are you alive? Hey Leader stans are you alive?
Hey EXO-Ls are you alive?
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