susanuh-uh · 10 years
           ⟨☤⟩ — A twisted grin beams from the serpent; his grin underlining malicious intent, whilst possibly ambiguous to detection. Oh how innocent this boy was— Be he man or machine, it was clear that he was cautious of possible wrong-doing. But, could the serpent blame him? Hardly. For this was the path of the meek-minded.  
"No, no—" 
          Terumi raises a hand, as if to silence the boy. Apologies were the thing that vexed him most; be their being earned or not. If Terumi could avoid having to listen to such a spiel, then less frustration for him.
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"—there's no need to apologize for my sake, boy."
"Ack—!" The robot’s eyes widened as he realized his folley. That was practically breaching the Three Laws! "Sorry! I-I didn’t mean to—"
He disengaged his weapon, helmet disappearing in a white sheen. Giving a small sigh, Rock gave a helpless, meek-looking shrug.
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"Forgive me, sir. I’m not normally so…quick to raise arms. I just…don’t normally have my guard down that much." Raising an arm to rub the back of his neck, he grimaced in the thought he’d just ruined someone’s otherwise pleasant evening. "Usually someone coming us behind me so quietly results in something sharp in the back."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
          ⟨☤⟩ — A hat, square frames, facial hair, and a tall height to him? With these particular traits, did Jay know the man of whom he'd described? That would explain certain elements, but all of them? No. Squinting, Terumi eyes the succubus cautiously, as if wary to tell her this much.
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"Yeah, to all 'o that. What, d'ya know the fuck or somethin'?"
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   ✧❤✧~ ραℓραтє ѕυ¢¢υвυѕ ~
  She gave a nervous laugh for a moment, trying to think why that     had sounded so —- familiar.         Who exactly was he describing? Why it had almost sounded like—             —but it couldn’t have been.                 —but what if it WAS?                      —and HOW?
  “………..tell me. Did…did he wear a hat? And was he wearing tinted,      square frames as well? Facial hair, by chance? Rather tall?”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Yeah— I mean, you're far from wrong, vampire. Don't call me warm though, if anything, I'm jus' not as cold as I should be."
"I couldn’t have said it better."
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"And it’s not like you have someone that can keep you on your toes like I do." She leaned against him and closed her eyes, "You’re warm for a coldblooded snake, you know."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
          ⟨☤⟩ — Like candy? Though sickening sweet was a label that existed, it was hardly befitting of the serpent. Of his numerous atrocities, never had Terumi considered them worthy of ascertaining such a scent. Grin manic and widespread across his lips; Terumi considers the phrasing of the male's words— Wraith? Was that to refer to him? Though he was by no means no mere mortal, his usage of the word "wraith" had referred to something else—
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"Candy, 'ey? That's a pretty odd thing to say that I smell like. Guess I don't entirely hate it."
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   ”…yeah. You fuckin’ bet you did, buddy.”
  The taste of tobacco continued to linger against that tongue of his, as     he pushed the smoke from his lips and his nose. And no doubt, the       taste was always welcomed. Unlike Terumi —         —the no good, rotten stench of filth was all over him.
  “…memory eater then? Same shit. Gotta say though —      —I ain’t never met a WRAITH who ate MEMORIES before, rather        than dreams. You gotta be really special, or somethin’.            Either way, I ain’t havin’ that shit.”
 For a moment, Clyde had gone silent, clasping the cigarette with    his middle, and index finger, only to rest it at his side.       Yes, whoever he was, he smelt terrible. Offensive. Downright         repulsive.           …but he had another smell hanging around him.               One that made Clyde overly uncomfortable.
                                    “…you know, you kind of smell like candy.”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
I ate a baked potato today. It was delicious. I ate it out.
tumblr user susanuh-uh (via juandalynnxcastillo)
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Jus' keep your distance and I won't have any need to. Just looking at you gives me a chill up my spine, and I don't like it."
Greetings snakey man!
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“Well look at that, something for me to punt across the hall.”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
          ⟨☤⟩ — Upon observing the blue boy's defensive stance, the hooded serpent's arms shot up. Fingers spreading wide as his hands were raised as to announce his seemingly peaceful intent. Not that Terumi was by any means a walking saint, but not every waking moment of his was spent razing some poor unfortunate corner.
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"Woah there, don't go pointin' shit like that out of the blue—"
          Smirking, Terumi's hands slowly fall. In a mere few moments do his hands return to rest along his sides; the serpent at a fair distance from the other, still hoping that the boy understood his avoidance to possible violence.
A still night, upon a skyscraper rooftop high above the rest of Arcadia. His usual place to go and reflect, Rock was lost in his thoughts, the cool breeze welcome against his face.
He was so preoccupied, in fact, that he almost didn’t notice approaching from behind.
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"…Hey!" He took a defensive stance, hand resting against his Buster. "Is someone there?"
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
          ⟨☤⟩ — Cute. How cute. Terumi gives a brief roll of the eyes at the succubus and her jest; well phrased, but unfortunately wordplay had little an effect on the serpent after all the time he'd spent with that maniacal puppeteer, Relius. Rocking briefly on his heels, Terumi coils his arms loosely around himself as he thinks back to the one he'd so certainly annoyed—
"I honestly can't remember his name, if he even gave me it, the guy was pretty vexing."
          Terumi's eyes narrow as he remembers the irked expression of that man. Not only that, but that pungent odor of smoke that clung to his form, come to think of it he never parted with the damned things too.
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"He had long ears like yours— Also reeked of smoke, actually scratch that, the poor fuck was practically smoking in my face."
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    ✧❤✧~ ραℓραтє ѕυ¢¢υвυѕ ~ 
 ”…well now.”
  That was interesting.
   Now, Terumi had his moments of just coming from the blue with     random thoughts and statements about things that were rather      vague. But this time? This time it had stood out.      ”…well maybe if you wouldn’t go around rubbing your foot on       people, you WOULDN’T be rubbing them the wrong way.”        With a breathy chuckle, Juandalynn had stood up,           dusting her hands cautiously against her backside to pat              away whatever mess he had caused.
                “…now who, exactly, did you manage to RUB he wrong way?” 
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
Greetings snakey man!
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“Well look at that, something for me to punt across the hall.”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Well, y'know what they say, it's what inside that counts—"
          ⟨☤⟩ — A rather senseless uttering on part of the serpent; especially given his lack of necessity in addressing his love for a good mess. Either way, he's standing there, grinning like a child would after becoming overly proud of their self being. Honestly, he'd expected the succubus to attempt something horrid on him, but she hadn't— The benefits of a long-standing "friendship", he thought as much.
"Putrid pieces 'o shit like me can't exactly linger in the open for too long, y'know? It seems being a ghost really rubs some people the wrong way. You say ghost, they cry wraith, next thing y'know—"
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    ✧❤✧~ ραℓραтє ѕυ¢¢υвυѕ ~
  “…that’s disgusting.” She chimed after, softly.     Giving a shake of her head (and for some reason, absolutely NO        care to check her backside) the succubus folded her arms and         jerked away from the wraith, raising a brow.
   ”I guess that’s one way to say hello after being gone for such a long       time. Remind me the next time I say hello to you that I need to stick          a wad of gum in your hair, and not tell you about it.”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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   ✧❤✧~ ραℓραтє ѕυ¢¢υвυѕ ~
  “…have…have I ever told you…”
   Jay gave a slight turn of her head, and glared furiously,      digging her claws within her ALREADY tattered gown.
 ”…how much I detest you at times?”
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          ⟨☤⟩ — As per usual, Terumi wasn't bothered in the slightest by the glare shot towards him. If anything, it was looks such as these that sustained him most. Both metaphorically, and literally, for that matter. Snickering so crudely, the serpent raises a hand to his mouth, staring upon where he'd gone and scraped his sole against the succubus' dress.
"C'mon, don't look at me like that. It's not like I shat on your dress— Though I might've just scraped some on it."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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                                         ♫ Your futile existence has no meaning! ♫
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Without me, you don't really have someone to snap back at you, do you? Hah. I guess this means there's no better pleasantries than unpleasantries."
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"Indeed. I did miss this leisurely conversation. It does help keep on my toes."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Dream eater? Sorry to burst your bubble there, but the most I've ever eaten is someone's memories."
          ⟨☤⟩ — Not that Terumi had made such an ability a practice of his own. The ability to consume a person's memories— He'd only done it, what, twice? Maybe thrice? Quite honestly, Terumi's own memory was fuzzy here and there, the most vivid thing he recalled concerning the act being the taste. Memories were strangely delicious, then again twisted was the serpent's sense of taste.
"Did I jostle a foul taste in that mouth of 'yers?"
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   ”…could be somethin’ else too, you sick sack of crap.”
     The more the stench lingered beneath his nose, the more        the incubus curled his lip in disgust.
           Wraith; the smell that all demons and angels could agree was               downright despicable.                Because where HE was from? Wraiths were not welcome                     anywhere.
  “Man, you smell like more than everything I previously listed.       Tell me somethin’; and tell me somethin’ true.          You a dream eater?”
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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          ⟨☤⟩ — Again. Again. Again does Yuuki Terumi stand at the end of that very same blade, the Interfectum Malus: Ookami. How many times has this phenomena come to pass? How many times has the basilisk stared upon this persistent phantom of a judge? Too many, too many a time than he'd prefer to count. It's enough to earn vexation, and earn it does as Terumi huffs out a rather audible sigh.
          Had he hoped for understanding? Nah. He knew well the players on the board, and amongst each and every one of them—? Not one shared the understanding that he boasted. Terumi stood alone with his spiteful vendetta against the Master Unit, but that didn't mean he was the only rotten seed in existence. Relius, and of course Hades herself. Cut him down and what remained? Two more, and maybe even more than that. 
"Y'really never use that head 'o yours, do you?" 
          Terumi drew his knives, staring down Hakumen with little less than hatred burning in his eyes. Hatred for such idiocy was like a fuel for him to run off of, and Terumi could use every drop of fuel after the hell he'd gone through before. Strength fluctuating thanks to the interventions of the Master Unit herself, Terumi was never really sure on what he could go toe-to-toe with at this point. It was that obscurity of strength that irritated him most, but if things decided to go south
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"I'm never going away. Even if I did, what would change? Nothing. I'm not the only scrap of dark here, y'know."
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"These are things that I already know, being a puppet and servant to her, I do not care for it just as you do but I handle it differently than you as well. As for my opinion on the matter…" He stopped talking for a second, thinking on how to phrase his next thought to him.
It was true, he was not pleased for the world and the very god that he ‘protected’ with this armor, if anything he knew very well of the hate and disgust that Terumi was feeling about the whole thing. To watch and experience the death of his love, Tsubaki die over and over again while in the Boundary, it made his stomach churn just thinking about it.
"My opinion of the matter is I know how you feel…the torment that it has caused to witness the same thing countless times, being the victim of suffering and woe each time and knowing what will happen but nothing can change what will happen to you…but—"
Grasping his blade and pointing it to Terumi, he closed his eyes just for one moment, as if he had a quick second of understanding him.
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"But accept that fate and it is that very fate that will allow me to finally put an end to you and your vile ways! Have you ever thought that the constant Continuum Shifts are just a way to make sure that you do not win in your goal? If you are the sole reason that they happen, if you were to die, then time would flow normally."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Shhhhh…I’m having a moment here."
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susanuh-uh · 10 years
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"Quite so. It's good to be back, I suppose."
"And the ridiculous, gangling joke that you are can hardly classify as a man."
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"I suppose that makes up even, don’t you agree?"
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