Tumblr Survivor: Svalbard
65 posts
Welcome to the blog of the 94th season of Tumblr Survivor
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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While many of you exhibited great gameplay throughout your time in Svalbard, the hosts have decided to give season 94′s Player of the Season to...
Throughout this game, we felt that Abby had a solid read on most goings-on at all times. She started out of the gate with strong social relationships on Folkvang that blossomed into one of the most powerful alliances in the game. She went 12 tribal councils vulnerable and only received 1 vote that entire time. Shockingly, this 1 accrued vote was not at her losing tribal, as she attempted to make the biggest move in the game by playing her idol for William at the final 5 to eliminate John. In a world where John did not have an idol, Abby very likely could have made the final tribal where she potentially swept the jury. Abby’s boldness and calculating gameplay juxtaposed by her great social standing during the game has won her Svalbard’s Player of the Season. Congratulations Abby!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Best Hero - Jarod
Best Villain - Raul
Most Robbed Pre-Juror - Megan
Best vote out - Adam
Best Rivalry - Raul vs The World
Best Alliance - Folkvang 3
Best Dark Horse - Rachael
Biggest Character - Cindi
Most Surprised By - John
Miss Congeniality - William
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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As an old Tumblr Survivor tradition, the hosts compile these special awards for the post game :)
Disclaimer: this is all in good fun and we love you all <3
Stobe - Andrew? Snowball? Stobe? We’ll just call you Francesca
Jessie - Hey, Jessie! (You might wanna play your idol)
Sam - You’re not in the alliance you think you’re in
Dre - Gameplay messier than my room during quarantine
Caleb - That flag just screamed 14th place
Tommy - Most likely to be a catfish
Megan - People’s Choice Award for best pre-jury VL member
Syd - Who needs a sleep schedule with friends like these?
Nathan - Most influential 10th placer
Theb - Gonna have to table this one
Cindi - “I promise I’m not bitter; it’s just the wine!"
Raul - Won’t get on cam but will send embarrassing 2010s selfies
Adam - White Twink #0829
Abrielle - Ma’am those vape clouds got to your head huh
William - Personality like Leo; gameplay like Capricorn
John - Surgically removed jury votes
Rachael - Spokesperson for All White Women of America
Jarod - Is that jury pandering in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Syd - Jaord Nathan - Jarod Theb - Rachael Cindi - Jarod Raul - John Adam - Jarod Abby - Jarod William - Jarod
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Winner reveal will be at 8 PM EST, 5/18!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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William has been voted out 3-1 over John and has become the 8th and final member of the jury. Congratulations to Jarod, John and Rachael on final 3!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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The four of you have been fighting like hell for the last 48 hours. However, only one of you can win final immunity and claim your spot in the final 3. For the last time, let’s get to the official results.
Earning 0 points is...
Rachael with a score of 4800.
Earning 1 point is...
John with a score of 5700.
Earning 2 points is...
William with a score of 6300.
That means that Jarod has earned 3 points with a score of 7700.
Jarod - 3 John - 1 Rachael - 0 William - 2
Earning 0 points is...
Jarod with a time of 21:39
Earning 1 point is...
John with a time of 14:16
Earning 2 points is...
Rachael with a time of 13:18
That means that William earns 3 points with a time of 8:22
Jarod - 3 John - 2 Rachael - 2 William - 5
Earning 0 points is...
William who unfortunately missed mistakes during is climb that he did not edit, resulting in a total of 0 steps.
Earning 1 point is...
John with 1 step.
Earning 2 points is...
Rachael with 66 steps.
That means that Jarod has earned 3 points after completing 132 steps.
Jarod - 6 John - 3 Rachael - 4 William - 5
Let’s meet the judges:
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“Hi I’m Olivia and I love the hosts <3″
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“hey final four! im the only winner the hosts could afford but thats mostly because im still repaying my debt to andrew for finally hosting a season i could win. ive had a blast watching this season and all four of you should be super proud of yourselves! good luck to all of you, cant wait to see yall around and add one of you to the winner chat in a few days”
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“I’m Johnny I’d do anything for andrew and here’s a random picture of me holding a vacuum”
As always, we give a big THANK YOU to our judges! Now let’s see how the creative portion went.
Olivia: Creativity: 9 Effort: 9 Overall Appeal: 8 I really enjoyed this! I thought the editing was smooth and I loved that you used videos of the avatars and actual videos of the contestants and using the flags from that challenge was such a cute touch! Very well done
Monty: Creativity: 7 Effort: 10 Overall Appeal: 7 DAMN video editing is HARD SHIT! and you killed it! its a little unfortunate that youre not the only one who did an intro because its knocking some points off of creativity for me just bc there were two of yall doing the same thing, and its easier to directly compare the two and be more critical. BUT all that being said it was a fun intro and i liked the mixing of videos of all of you and your avatars to give it a nice little tumblr survivor flavor
Johnny: Creativity: 7 Effort: 7 Overall Appeal: 9
TOTAL: 73/90
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Olivia: Creativity: 6 Effort: 3 Overall Appeal: 4 Bruh I’m sorry but compared to everyone else’s this was not it chief. It’s cute and I like the idea for a meme but for the FIC and especially looking at how well everyone else did... sorry 😬
Monty: Creativity: 7 Effort: 5 Overall Appeal: 5 nnnnnnnn i like the idea i really do with the norse gods (i sure hope theyre the norse gods) with all of your faces of them. because this was a god-tier season and you all belong on those faces, but the execution just...wasnt there. the faces on faces is fine and fun, but the little things, like the title, extra care to match up the faces 100%, and a border or something could have made this SUPER good and on par with the others. but this is final four! you've gotta be thinking about all the little details all the time and this is fine, but especially when compared to the other three its quite a bit of a dip
Johnny: Creativity: 4 Effort: 8 Overall Appeal: 4
TOTAL: 46/90
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Olivia: Effort: 9 Creativity: 8 Overall Appeal: 9 I’m gonna assume you drew these and if so wow! What a talent! Very pleasing to look at and a great tribute to the f4 
Monty: Creativity: 9 Effort: 10 Overall Appeal: 10 this, overall, is my favorite. its clean and simple but obviously drawing all of your avatars is hard work and it shows really nicely. it almost looks like it dips into tribe flag territory, but if it was it would be one kick ass flag. its a great celebration of the final four, clean work, and if someone made me in one of those, id be super flattered
Johnny: Creativity: 5 Effort: 8 Overall Appeal: 8
TOTAL: 76/90
Olivia: Creativity: 8 Effort: 9 Overall Appeal: 7 Ok so I thought this was well done too! However it was a bit choppier than the other video and not as clean. But you can tell a lot of effort went into it! Well done! 
Monty: Creativity: 7 Effort: 10 Overall Appeal: 9 basically, everything i said for jarod applies here, but the overall outcome just feels a little cleaner. the clips from waw and gc made it feel like a real intro, and i was a big fan of the countdown to the final four segment. this challenge is about yall and celebrating being in the final four and that bumped you up a few points in my book
Johnny: Creativity: 7 Effort: 7 Overall Appeal: 7
TOTAL: 71/90
John has earned 0 points.
William has earned 1 point.
Jarod has earned 2 points.
Rachael has earned 3 points.
The final point totals are as follows:
Here is a key for the final point totals:
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Tribal will be tomorrow night at 9 PM EST. In the event of a tie during the FIRST round of voting, there will be a fire tiebreaker challenge between the two voted into the tie. Two of you will be joining Jarod in the final 3 tomorrow night. Grab your things and head on out!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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For the last time, come on in guys! Rachael, I’ll take it back. Jarod, John, Rachael, William... this is your FINAL TEST of challenge strength on the snow-covered beaches of Svalbard. The winner of this challenge will win themselves a spot in the final 3 where they will have the chance to plead their case to the jury as to why they deserve to win Tumblr Survivor Svalbard.
Now, I know some of you both still in the game and on the jury have been wondering whether we will be going with post or pre-tiebreaker challenge rules that the show implemented starting in Survivor U.S’s 35th season. We will...
NOT be following the new rules of the show. That means that there WILL be a vote between all four of you. The only point in which we will head into a fire tiebreaker challenge is if there is a 2-2 tie in the FIRST round of voting, meaning that there will be no re-vote. Only fire.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into your final challenge of the season. For today’s challenge, you will be competing in a gauntlet of challenges reminiscent of past challenges in the season. There will be four (4) challenges in all, and they will be categorized by the following: Physical, Mental, Endurance, and Creativity.
Your job is to obviously do the best you can on each portion. However, the way we score the challenges is a little different. This is how the grading will work:
1st place in a challenge wins you 3 POINTS.
2nd place in a challenge wins you 2 POINTS.
3rd place in a challenge wins you 1 POINT.
4th place in a challenge wins you 0 POINTS.
In the event of a tie, we will be going into a tie breaker that will not be announced until after the initial results are given. So don’t worry about sending one in yet!
With all of that out of the way, let’s get into the individual challenges.
For this challenge, you will be competing in the flash game:
When you are satisfied with your score, screenshot your entire screen with your name in the URL and the time and date somehow visible. As always, you may submit as many screenshots to your host chat as you want and we will take your highest score submitted.
Keep in mind that like other flash games, you may need to enable flash on your web browser. If you need any assistance, just let us know!
Order of scores for the overall challenge totals will go from first to last based on scores from highest to lowest.
For this portion, you will be competing in a 3x5 LOGIC PUZZLE. The format we will be using for this logic puzzle will be from this website. While you can use this website to practice, we will be using a screenshot of the same logic puzzle for each of you as to keep things fair and consistent.
To play this portion of the challenge, just message your host chat. There, we will get on a call with you and send you the screenshot of the logic puzzle you must solve. How you submit the completed puzzle is up to you. You can use a photo editing tool, or can draw out the puzzle physically. As long as it is legible when you send a picture of it back to us, then you’re good to go!
You are attempting to complete the puzzle the fastest. Overall totals for the challenge will be based on who completes this puzzle the fastest. Time will start when we send you the puzzle. Time will PAUSE when you send it back. If it is wrong, we will let you know and the time will start again. If it is correct, then that is your final time.
For this portion of the challenge, you will be playing a Tumblr Survivor classic: Stairway to Heaven. Here’s how it will work:
When ready, you will create a NEW CHALLENGE CHAT with all of the hosts in it. You will then proceed to do the following:
I grab step 1
I place step 1
I grab step 2
I go up step 1
I place step 2
I go down step 1
I grab step 3
I go up step 1
I go up step 2
I place step 3
I go down step 2
I go down step 1
I grab step 4
etc. etc. etc.
Each command must be in its OWN MESSAGE. If you mess up, you may edit messages. However, it is up to you to catch those mistakes.
In order to submit your total, you. must enter this command at whichever top step you are at:
I place my flag
The total overall of the challenge will be graded by how far you get up your staircase and place your flag vs how low.
For your last part of this challenge, you must submit something creative that has to do with this season. This can be in ANY FORM you want. So let your creative and artistic sides soar! This challenge really doesn’t have any set boundaries, just make sure it is created by YOURSELF and has to do with our season!
Whatever form of media about the season that you decide to create will be judgej based on:
Overall Appeal
These will all be scored out of 10 by our unbiased judges panel.
Everything must be submitted by 9 PM EST on MAY 14TH. This means that you have 48 hours to complete these tasks to the best of your abilities! If you’re really hungry for this immunity, then you will have to EARN IT.
Good luck.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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As a long-time custom, Tumblr Survivor likes to take the time in the penultimate moments of our seasons to shed light on and remember those who have been eliminated leading up to the end game.
Over the next 24 hours, we ask our final 4 to write something in remembrance of those who have fallen before them. What you write can be as long or as short as possible.
During this time, we would also love if you could write something about your time and experience in this game. Again, this can be as short or as long as you would like.
NOTE: The Rites of Passage will be released POST-GAME as to avoid any potential jury pandering. This is something fun we like to do in order to release after the stress of the game, and want what is written to be produced in the real-time of the final 4 round where everyone can reflect before a winner is crowned.
Please submit what you have written to your host chat by 9 PM EST tomorrow if you would like to be included! Thanks!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Jarod has played an idol on himself and cancelled William’s vote.
Abby has played an idol on William.
John has played an idol on himself.
Rachael has individual immunity. Jarod, William, and John are all immune from their Hidden Immunity Idols.
Unfortunately Abby, that means that you are the only one without immunity. There’s no need to vote. You’re the 7th member of our jury. Abrielle, the tribe has spoken.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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The time has come.....
*dramatic sound effects*
For you to lip sync.........
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Whoops... ANYWAY! The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. Before we take a look at your works of musical art and see the scores, let’s meet today’s judges panel!
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“hi, i'm ali and the only reason I won this challenge in my season was because of a technicality so i'm super qualified to judge! i'm 19, a brit and super proud of all of you for doing a music video by yourself - i'd find that super daunting. also dont worry you can catch me doing terrible in a music video tomorrow so the scales of karma will balance!”
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“Hey y’all I’m Dan, you might know me as the 7th place flop of TS. Or you probably don’t know me at all! Judges get a lot of hate for their opinions on music videos, so consider my PMs open xoxo.”
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“Hi I’m JJ and I love rating people out of 10, but you probably already know that. I luv u all and can’t wait to see what you’ve put togetherrrr 💜 honesty is the best policy ladiez.”
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“You see that picture? Okay. Good. Now don't take shit I say seriously as I'm a clown on the internet. Hi I'm Keaton,  I'm 19 years old and I never learned how to fucking read.”
THANK YOU judges for taking the time to watch and score these videos!
Now that you’ve all be acquainted, let’s get into the judging. We will go alphabetically. First is...
Creativity - 8 Effort - 8 Overall - 9
okay this video was so so good, I loved the editing like with the arrows on the bench ha! this was so fun and I loved how you showed the like... whole narrative!! I also thought the various angles/settings/lighting colours really kept the video consistently super visually entertaining... this was my second favourite but I feel like if the competition wasn't so strong it would've been an amazing winner
Creativity - 9 Effort - 9 Overall - 9
Holy crap! This was so fun! I loved all of the text you added to give it a little spice. I could tell that you and your friends had a blast making this. I don't know who you are, but this video totally made me want to be friends with you! The only areas it lacked were precision with lip syncing and some minor editing things (but lets be real, this was dope).  
Creativity - 8 While this is a Super basic song to use for a music video challenge, I don't feel like I've ever seen it used like this before, telling the story using a pair of friends, that was super cute. I loved the little bits where you're rocking on "stage" with your boyfriend, that was super cute!!! Effort - 10 This music vide had so much attention to detail, between the little disclaimers, MTV logos, and the storytelling as a whole. The next time you do a video pay attention to the lighting though! There were some points where the crazy color lights were casting a strange shadow on one half of your face that didn't look super intentional. Overall - 10 This music video had me laying in bed CACKLING the whole time, it had the perfect blend of sophistication and stoopid that just made for one of the most enjoyable music videos I've ever seen done. Amazing job.
Creativity - 9 Effort - 10 Overall - 8
OKAY WHAT THE FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. With all the videos in this community this one totally stands out. It is clear you had fun with this but also how bad you wanted this immunity, clean editing, watching a story play out before our eyes just like a real music video, and also we are at a rave! If I have one complaint its that for a lot of the song you don't really match up with the song when you are lip-synching, and in most cases that would be backbreaking but when you pull something out like THIS, it only hurts you slightly in my eyes. AMAZING JOB!
Creativity - 7 Effort - 8 Overall - 9
this was so cute I loved the concept and idk why you having the tribal behind you really got me. you had some really really fun editing ideas in this, I think you just got unlucky where for the second half you kinda were out of ideas and it was just you lip synching so even tho you were serving it didn't maintain the momentum of the first half
Creativity - 6 Effort - 7 Overall - 7
This was such a cute video. I loved the greenscreen and all the parts with your cat in it. I think that it just got a little boring/repetitive toward the middle and I lost interest. I think it might have been a song choice issue, but your lip sync was on point.
Creativity - 9 This is a super basic song, but the concept was really funny, I really appreciated that the song wasn't just about love, but about immunity. Effort - 8 Girl you involved you cat, idk how you did it, but you did. That cat deserves an EMMY baby. Anyways, the effort was very obvious with the full grenscreen moments to the contextual scene changes. Good shit b. Overall - 8 The music video's concept really carried the entertaintment portion, I feel like it was very one note in its humor, and the song choice probably contributed to that a lot. Slower songs really need a LOT to make it work in context to a music video challenge.
Creativity - 7 Effort - 7 Overall - 7
Okay WORK!! Thank you for having a clean video it made it satisfying to watch. The issue here is the song, there's no real reason to stay hooked. I just woke up and that could of put me back to sleep, but not because of the effort you put in. I just am not staying engaged and that might be what's holding you down, but still enjoyed it!
Creativity - 6 Effort - 6 Overall - 7
honestly I relate to this video because I feel like you were stuck with not knowing how to edit videos which same... you are serving in the sling and the song you chose made me laugh ha giving in one more play in case we haven't heard it enough... you did your best which I appreciate
Creativity - 1 Effort - 2 Overall - 2
Honestly, this isn’t what I expect to see from an individual immunity challenge near the end of the game. Where was the fight?? I give you credit for the dance moves, but other than that, this was lackluster.
Creativity - 4 Effort - 3 Overall - 2
The only thing you did cool was throw a ball at the camera... like.. John, you've got IRL friends in the ORG world who have done killer music videos (Hey Nedd <3). Someone definitely should have given you a second opinion, this is the final 5 immunity. The video was only 45 seconds long, really poor song choice, and below average dance moves. Sorry dude, but I expected a lot more.
Creativity - 3 Effort - 3 Overall Entertainment - 3
You forgot you had to do this didn't you? Rushed, doesn't even look like you know the song but fuck at least you did it.
Creativity - 9 Effort - 10 Overall - 10
this video was my favourite!! first off a love letter/ode to danny devito is iconic.... and you went for it really acting out like every line, like I got the narrative I felt the LOVE for danny DeVito and it resonated... also the Wendell and woo shoutouts… hello?!
Creativity - 8 Effort - 10 Overall - 9
Miss Rachael! What a great take on this challenge. So many people just lip sync the house down, but you thought about the lyrics and created something really interesting. I think there are a few areas where I wanted more, but I was fully entertained the whole time. Danny Devito deserves love too!! Also, you looked like you had so much fun making this! Great job.
Creativity - 8 The dancing / scenes you used were very expected from that song, there's almost only one way to make a creative statement with that song choice. And you did it. Using a celebrity as your lover was the icing on the cake for the creativity portion. Effort - 10 I absolutely loved you getting your friends involved, it was so fun to see your "Cheerleading" friend in the music video. I also loved the editing, it probably would have flowed a bit better had the editing matched the scenes you filmed, like the change in car color, but you can't always control that. Also, messaging survivor alumni for shoutout vids for free instead of using Cameo is amazing, good job!! Overall - 9 I loooved the video, and the ode to Danny Devito, I thought it was hilarious, and iconic, in the most ironic way possible. Great job Rachael!!
Creativity - 9 Effort -10 Overall Entertainment - 9
DANNY DEVITO! Okay this one left a smile on my face the whole time, great way to take this song that makes me wanna drive several pencils up my nose. Story was well crafted, video looks overall really well done, even the little things like knocking in rhythm with "back door" just showed the attention to detail, you absolutely killed it!!
Creativity - 7 Effort - 10 Overall - 8
okay this was really fun you WENT FOR IT. why did the reveal give the energy of mother theresa leaving daily prayers to enter the club?! you really gave it your 100% and on individual effort you were so high up there
Creativity - 6 Effort - 8 Overall - 7
Miss William!!! With the RUVEALS! I was gagged at all the tiktok dancing, but it got a little repetitive at times. Your lip sync was solid and really in time with the music. I would have loved to see you do more though. Like change up the scenery or something. (I know it’s quarantine and a lot of people can’t do this in front of their families, but like roll around on your bed? On the floor? Something different)
Creativity - 7 C'mon brooklyn hytes!! I see your inspirations, and I see how it all accumulated. The song choice is very recent, which unfortunately makes it expected. I wish this could have been done in multiple takes, with scene / wardrobe changes etc. Effort - 6 The effort value comes in play with your original choreography. However, the lack of editing puts you beneath most of the other videos, because the low quality audio. Overall - 7 I feel like this music video was very average, I really liked the dancing, and I could see how much fun you were having with it, which makes me want to have fun and go dancing with you, but when it stacks up next to the other music videos, this is the score you earned.
Creativity - 8 Effort - 5 Overall Entertainment - 8
Nice! Song choice great, you knew it well so you were able to focus on your dance and honestly, really good as a whole. Not a whole lot of effort because it is a one shot and you have several others against you who did more but still loved the video!
In last place is...
JOHN with 42/120. 
In 4th place is...
WILLIAM with 87/120.
In 3rd place is...
JAROD with 90/120.
The difference between Abby and Rachael’s videos was a mere FOUR (4) points. With a score of 111, the winner of this challenge and a spot in the final 4 of Survivor Svalbard is...
RACHAEL. Congratulations Rachael! You have won individual immunity. Abby, it was a great effort but sadly for you, the score of 107/120 just wasn’t enough.
Tribal council will be held tomorrow night at 9 PM EST where one of you will become our 7th jury member. Grab you things and head on out.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Come on in final 5! Congratulations on making it to the FINALE of this season. For your next challenge, you will be doing a CLASSIC challenge: the MUSIC VIDEO.
For this challenge, you will be making your very own music video. You can choose whichever song you like, and you simply have to post it to youtube for us. You will be shooting, choreographing, and lip-syncing the entire video. So get creative! 
You will be judged on three (3) different qualities all out of 10 points:
Overall Entertainment
These will be judged by unbiased parties.
You music video will be due by 9 PM EST on MAY 10TH - meaning you have just under two days to complete this challenge. Some examples of past individual music videos can be sent once Andrew is done with his finals projects tonight. The person who wins immunity will win a 1 in 4 shot at winning this game. Good luck!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Raul was voted out 6-1 over Jarod. He is the 5th member of the jury. Raul, the tribe has spoken.
The next immunity challenge was Tile Flip! But before it started, we revealed that this would be a HANDS UP TRIBAL meaning that the challenge would be done with everyone’s hands up as well as go to tribal council with their hands up. At a hands up, there is ONLY verbal strategizing. 
JOHN won immunity!
Adam was voted out 4-1-1 over Abby and Rachael respectively. William played an idol on himself and received no votes. Adam, you are the 6th member of the jury. The tribe has spoken.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Let’s see how you all did! Before we go any further though, William’s submission is unfortunately incomplete as we were unable to access his document due to extenuating circumstances. He will NOT be receiving a strike.
That being said, we have a THREE-WAY tie for first place. Those players are...
ABBY, JOHN, AND RACHAEL with 17 points each! Here were the other scores:
Raul: 30
Adam: 18
Jarod: 18
William: n/a
As for the tiebreaker, all three of you went over which means the person who came the closest has won immunity. With a guess of 151...
Abby has not won. With a guess of 128...
John has not won which means with a guess of 124, RACHAEL has won immunity and a spot in the final 6 of this game. The real total was 117.
As for the rest of you, tribal council will be tomorrow at 9 PM EST where one of you will become the 5th member of the jury. Grab your things and head on out.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Come on in guys! Raul, I will take it back. For today’s challenge, you will using your best internet sleuthing skills to get from one Wikipedia page to another in the least amount of clicks as possible. Here’s how this challenge will work:
You will start on one of the linked pages below. From there, you will be going through links to get to the page listed next to it. There will be six (6) pairs of pages. Your ultimate goal is to get to the second listed page through the LEAST amount of Wikipedia pages that it took to get there from the linked page. The person with the least total clicks between all six pairs will win immunity! You will want to get from:
Leif Erikson to Deism
Grimes (musician) to Durian
Trumpeter swan to Social psychology
Longyearbyen to Quantum information science
Sea lettuce to Idris Elba
Downburst to Goat cheese
KEEP IN MIND that you will only be doing clicks between pairs, meaning that you will NOT be doing something like Deism to Grimes (musician).
To submit, please make a Google doc or sheet and put your lists of the Wikipedia pages you went to there and send them to your host chats. They will be locked in at 9 PM EST TOMORROW - when this challenge is due. Please also have listed the page you started with from the list of pairs (like the Leif Erikson page) as well as a link to the last page (like the Deism page). If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask. Good luck!
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Cindi has been voted out 3-2-2-1 over John, William, and Rachael respectively. She is the 4th member of the jury. Cindi, the tribe has spoken.
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survivor-svalbard · 5 years ago
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Let’s see how everyone knows their fellow tribe mates!
Without any of the fluff, I can announce that there was a TWO-WAY TIE for first place. Those two players were...
The tiebreaker question was to guess the closest number of total correct answers before advantages/disadvantages were applied. Adam and Raul BOTH WENT OVER meaning that the closest one to the actual total total. The winner of the tiebreaker and this challenge is...
RAUL. Congratulations Raul! You have won immunity and a spot in the final 7! Adam and Raul both got a score of 14. Adam guess 121 while Raul guessed 102, and the actual total before score alterations was 89.
Here is a link to the public results: (x)
Tribal will be at 10 PM EST TOMORROW since Survivor will be running for 2 hours. Grab your things and head on out.
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