Survival Of The Fittest
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Are you a survivor or a failure?
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I think I'm back. Hope you all are still here.
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Are you afraid?
Things like ghost, goblins, ghouls, and vampires are made up, right?
Or are they actually real?
Cities around the world are infested with these immortals and no one seems to know…..or do they?
With all the extreme, odd attacks around the world, who will save mortals from being close to extinct? Who will shed light to these immortal beings that walk amongst us?
It’s only one way to find out…..but are you afraid?
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I want to come back and start this up again....
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Trigger warning:
This chapter contains abuse and rape.
February 2016
The city that never sleeps, felt sleep for once. The normal hustle and bustle was on vacation it seemed. Even at 1 am, the train would have a little action. Sage glanced over to the left of her and saw a Hispanic boy with raggaeton blasting from his headphones, a group of guys and girls talking loudly, an older black lady falling asleep and to the far right of her it was a man wearing all black. Sage quickly darted her eyes back to her phone. She didn’t want to make eye contact at all. He could be a killer or something, she thought. No telling who you’ll get on a train in New York City.
She was tired, and she was completely drained. Working at a hospital was consuming her life and to be totally honest, Sage didn’t like it. She chose to do nursing as a safe space. She couldn’t disappoint her family. She had to be somebody and if that meant leaving the hospital in ”wee hours” of the morning, then she had to do it. She couldn’t let her family down, no matter how much she hated her work life.
Moments later the doors opened and Sage proceeded to leave off of the train, with the Hispanic boy following behind her. Making her way down E 98th, the snow began to fall at a rapid pace. Sage knew she had to get home, but with the cold air brushing against her face it felt impossible. The wind felt like she was hit with mountains of snow, but the blow to the back of her head felt even worse.
Sage’s limped body fell to the ground as blood made a pathway on the snow. Her scrubs had become stained from the blood that slowly dripped down from her head. She was unconscious, but suddenly her body was being dragged. Dragged to an unknown place and with her being temporarily knocked out, dragging her was an easy task.
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Who killed me?
It’s a mystery, but if it’s up to a few individuals, this case won’t go unsolved. 26 year old Sage Jones went missing on February 9, 2016, and was discovered a week after her death. Flyers and phone calls to the police didn’t do anything, but her family received an anonymous phone call from a stranger. Sage’s body was found wrapped in plastic wrap in alley in Brownsville, Brooklyn. After only a week of investigation for her killer, NYPD suddenly put the case aside, making it a cold case. 31 year old Trevor Washington, a detective with NYPD wants to change that, though. He feels no case, especially the ones similar to Sage Jones, should go unnoticed. He wants her family to have some closure, even he would have some closure as well.
Will he solve this cold case? Or will it just be a mystery forever?
A Michael B Jordan x Vashtie Kola fanfiction.
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This seems like it’s going to be good.
Thank you. Glad you all like it.
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Update pleaseeeee
I’ll try to soon.
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Are you bringing this back? I loved the first couple of chapters.
I’m thinking about it and thank you. I didn’t know you all were so interested.
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The second chapter is coming soon!
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1: Money Moves
six months earlier
Time was moving so fast and the way Dionne’s day was set up, she hated it. She didn’t like her job, but she sure didn’t want to get off either. She contemplated on staying an extra hour, but would the headache of customers be worth it? Her hands were shaking and her heart started pounding. She wanted to go elsewhere after work, but she knew that wouldn’t work out too great. Dionne knew she had to deal with him one way or another, but today wasn’t the day.
Dionne was in an abusive relationship, not physical, but it was abusive verbally, mentally and emotionally. She couldn’t escape it, though. She only dealt with it because his abusive, insecure, crazy ass was paying her bills and buying her expensive gifts. None of that was worth it, but Dionne felt she didn’t have a choice.
”Dionne! Are you staying over again?” Dionne snapped out of her thoughts as her manager asked her a question.
”I was going to, but -”
”But you’re already maxed out with hours. I love that you like to stay over, but I can’t allow it this week. Go ahead and clock out. I’ll see you in the morning.”
”Alrighty.” Dionne sighed and walked away.
Wrapped up in her thoughts, Dionne wasn’t paying any attention to her surroundings. She was so annoyed by her manager that she didn’t even notice customers asking her for help as she walked by.
”Yo, can you help me?” Dionne finally turned around. ”Yeah, you.”
Dionna stood there and puzzled for a moment. It was two guys standing there and she couldn’t take her eyes off of one. The one asking for help didn’t really catch her eye, it was the guy he was with. He was very tall, which Dionne liked and his caramel colored skin had art all over. He was beautiful, but of course, he wasn’t paying attention to Dionne.
”Um, yes I - ”
”She can’t, she’s off the clock. I’ll be more than welcome to help you, though.” Dionne frowned as her co-worker Maria cut her off. ”Get out of here before Shelia comes back. I’ll take care of this. See you later?” Maria whispered.
”Yeah, see you later.” 
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Prologue: Present Day
”Excuse me miss, you dropped something.” She swung her head back and stuck the cherry lollipop back in her mouth. She noticed her enveloped dropped and surprisingly somebody told her.
Normally, nobody would’ve said anything, especially in the big apple. It was busy on the streets and people didn’t pay attention too much. She was trying to keep count for her next mission and this threw off everything. If she didn’t make it to where she was going, it would cost her money and possibly her life.
”Thank you.” She grabbed it from him and walked away quickly.
Brushing through the crowd, she finally saw the building she was looking for. She was meeting up with a few people for a business meeting, at least that’s what they called it. A meeting between the boss of the city, loan shark, street thug, bartender and a music producer was something strange. It was business, though and they all needed a piece of the pie. The piece of the pie was a huge chunk of money that needed to be split four ways, but the obstacles getting to it was life threatening, especially on her end.
”You’re late. I passed you five minutes before you started walking towards this way, what happened?”
”You know, for you to be a mute sometimes, you sure have a lot to say.” she pressed the button to go onto the eleventh floor, putting her lollipop back into her mouth.
”Next time, follow directions please. We’re doing things that require time limits and I need everyone on time. That includes you, Dionne. Also, wear something less noticeable.” Referring to her Burberry quilted jacket, Chanel quilted bag and her Chanel sneakers Dionne was definitely a little flashy. She rolled her eyes and waved her hand at him, proceeding to count in her head. They were getting ready to make a big decision and she didn’t need to walk in there with an attitude.
Walking off of the elevator, she began to panic. Sweat ran down the side of her head and Lennox pushing her towards the glass double doors didn’t make the situation better. She thought she was ready for this but was she down for a serious mission? He was, but she was suddenly realizing she wasn’t built for this lifestyle, but she was tired of working off of tips and getting money from a guy she hated.
”Go this way and sit next to me.” He whispered to her.
”Is this meeting going to go smoothly? I don’t like surprises, Len.” Dionne whispered back.
”Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Just follow my gestures, and only speak when you need to. This guy can catch on when you’re nervous. We can’t mess this up.” Rolling her eyes again, she wrapped her lollipop back into the wrapper, sticking it in her bag.
Sitting down at the large table that took up more space than anything, Dionne wondered who the guy was. She assumed it was some big time executive, probably white and of course be had some power. She didn’t expect an easy task either, she expected hard work. She knew whoever the guy was, it would involve their life being a risk.
”Glad to see you two made it. I’m Roland Jones, well I’m sure you two already know who I am. I damn near own everything and everybody in this city. Including these so called rich white people who think they run things as well. Pay attention closely. It’s time to discuss money and I hope you all have the information I need.” Dionne swallowed the lump in her throat and grabbed the envelope. It had what they needed. Was this a gateway for a new beginning?
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Update? 😫
Very soon.
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I like the character line up, so I'll definitely be reading!
Do you? Thank you, hopefully, you guys will like it.
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