surfindastorm · 5 months
guys guys GUYS someone sent me this and if it isn’t the best animatic then I don’t know what is
the amazing expressions?? the actually canon-accurate characters??
please I need more people to watch this
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surfindastorm · 5 months
I'm going to speak on the Alastor controversy real quick as a mixed person.
We do not all look the same we range from very light to very dark we can pop out looking like anything. We can literally pop out looking darker than both of our parents or looking lighter. And for his hair we also don't always have the curly hair! Is there a mixed people and people of colors that are born with naturally straight hair!! There are people that are born to both fully black parents and come out lighter than them with straight hair!! And the fact that he doesn't look black or he doesn't act like it's a very harmful stereotype. What do you mean he doesn't act black? First of all do you think we're all just copy versions of the same person that we don't have different interests? That the fact that you guys say that is so goddamn racist. Apparent that you have no education on what people of color look like and you're racist!
I don't care about the haters I will receive you can post under this you can do whatever you want I won't be responding I won't be paying a lick of attention do what you want.
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surfindastorm · 5 months
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. Lol.
Alastor: *uses common metaphor for being restrained or restricted in some way*
Hazbin fandom: OMG heS aN AnGeL???
Y'all have permanent clown shoes on, don't you?
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surfindastorm · 5 months
Why Is Alastor So Weirdly Protective Of Charlie (And/Or Why Does He Hate Lucifer So Much)?
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So I’m sure we’ve all seen the newest episodes. Wow, am I right? A whole load to unpack there!
The main thing that really caught my attention, though, was Alastor. Specifically, his actions towards Charlie and especially Lucifer in episode 5.
Well… there’s not really much to say about why it’s weird, is there? So, without any further ado, here’s my thoughts.
In Dad Beat Dad, Alastor engages in a whole-ass musical number about how he’s better than Lucifer and, specifically, better at being Charlie’s dad than him. He seems to do this… solely to piss him off.
And, honestly, that makes sense. Because no matter how deadbeat a dad Lucifer was, Alastor is nowhere near better than him. This is the same dude who called Charlie’s dream wacky nonsense and continuously stressed that he was only there for the entertainment.
There’s no way in hell (ba-dum-tish) that that dude suddenly developed paternal instincts for her in what couldn’t have been more than a few months. So, clearly, it must be to piss him off. But why?
Well, one of the popular theories about Alastor is that the one who gave him his powers is Lilith. I shouldn’t have to explain why this makes sense: both gone for seven years, and of course the first time he’s seen since his disappearance is after Charlie’s voicemail to her mom.
And he must be very loyal to her, to assist her daughter in a dream that he explicitly states he thinks is bullshit.
It would also explain how pissed he is when Husk brings it up: maybe it wasn’t the fact that he brought up that he also made a deal, but that he implied that his relationship with said patron is less than healthy. You know, he don’t want people to speak about his girl like that. (guys don’t worry I know al is aroace it’s just a joke he’s her personal bodyguard)
So, it’s safe to say that Alastor is very loyal to and protective of Lilith, an attitude which must extend to Charlie, yes? Yes, but that doesn’t explain the general pettiness of his relationship with Lucifer.
Well, we just established that Alastor is loyal to and protective of Lilith, that would do practically anything for her. So do we know any character that Al has a similar relationship with?…
Oh, right.
His mother.
It’s been confirmed via Word of Vivienne that Alastor is totally a mama’s boy and adores her above all else. So, it’s not much of a stretch to say that he sees Lilith as a sort of second mother figure, right?
So, inversely, it’s not much of a stretch to say that he would associate Lucifer with his father.
Think about it. Have we ever heard his father be mentioned anywhere? No. And knowing that daddy issues are TOTALLY a long-running theme in Vivziepop stories by now (Blitz, Stolas, Moxxie, Octavia, technically Loona, Charlie, probably Angel to some extent), who’s to say Alastor can’t be the same?
Now, this is kind of a stretch, but I propose that Alastor’s first victim was his own father, whom he killed and cannibalised as revenge for years of abuse to him, and even more so, his mother.
That’s why he hates Lucifer so much. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near him, he doesn’t want him anywhere near Lilith, and it seems he especially doesn’t want him anywhere near Charlie.
Which makes sense, if we apply the logic from earlier to her. If he sees his mother in Lilith and his father in Lucifer, it’s possible he sees Charlie as a younger, more innocent version of himself: both theatrical dreamers, both never fully dressed without a smile, both incredibly emotional when it comes to the protection of those they care about.
It’s also safe to say that, no matter how egotistical he pretends to be, Alastor probably doesn’t have a very high opinion of himself, given how in the pilot he outright says that inside every demon (which INCLUDES himself, by the way) is a lost cause. Maybe it’s possible he sees her as himself before everything went wrong.
So, as it turns out, he’s actually less of a dad to Charlie and more of a big brother. And… I think that’s a lot more fitting for him.
TLDR: Alastor’s weird grudge against Lucifer is because he associates him with his abusive father. That and his loyalty to Lilith and Charlie are two things that, if I’m right, will probably prove to be very important to understanding Alastor as a character.
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surfindastorm · 5 months
Reposting old art while I make some more
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surfindastorm · 7 months
get spun on, idiot
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surfindastorm · 8 months
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surfindastorm · 8 months
the five pebbles hk skin in a nutshell:
skin made by: @ded-lime
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surfindastorm · 8 months
let's see whether the 3rd time publishing this will get this hellsite to put this in the tags Anyways. I am commiting the highest form of blasphemy in this fandom called Removing The Helmet of Helmeted Characters. Actual content below the cut. Proceed with caution.
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and a line art because I like it.
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some justifications as to why he looks so young and has no beard: you see this guy's chin. he shaves, much to everyone's surprise.
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plus I liked the first draft of TPO. hence I used this look as an inspiration. Now feel free to stone me to death if you will
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surfindastorm · 8 months
Blasphemous really said "first you killed God. But that wasn't good enough. So now you're going to kill Jesus. He's 50 feet tall and gold plated btw."
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surfindastorm · 8 months
First you kill the Pope. Then you realize that that Pope was actually a marionette made of balsa wood being controlled by the real Pope, who is inexplicably fifty feet tall. So, logically, you kill the fifty foot tall Pope. Then you take an elevator to the pearly gates so you can kick in the doors of heaven, find the Pope you just killed, and then re-kill him so that you can murder the living incarnations of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit. This is the plot to the true ending of Blasphemous.
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surfindastorm · 8 months
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satisfying my need to draw kirby art and rw art by ,, combining them,,,
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surfindastorm · 1 year
leif is doing his best
(tube link with subtitles under the cut:)
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surfindastorm · 1 year
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did you know that, in safari mode as a scavenger, you can grab 5p and carry him around? i mean, i didn't know until i read about it on the wiki, but here's visual evidence! he seems to take being carried around quite well
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surfindastorm · 1 year
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god, this theme.
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surfindastorm · 2 years
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So… Tree man finally got an update huh.
Can’t wait for his candy, pet, and trial!
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surfindastorm · 2 years
And here we are.
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