when you sit so long your butt goes numb......
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omigawd can he just be my best friend
oh my gOD
holy mother of pearl
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only 30% of people celebrate Valentine's day, the other 70% spend the day feeling sad and lonely. :)
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these past three days have been palindromes:
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It's been a while since the last time I posted something. sooo much has happened, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. I guess I'll start with today. So we started school at 10:55 today, and I still managed to get to school late. 40 minutes late, actually. And it was a test day. Luckily for me, Rosales decided to be nice to me today and let me take it another time. Then I worked out at the weight room for the first time ever. I think I did more work today than I have in the past year. Yay for change! I understood pretty much everything in chem today.... lol I still need to get my permission slip signed. Then Lakeshore with the homiez!!!! Nothing like yogurt and chicken musubi on a hot day. Went back to school, and met up with Enders so we could talk. Ended up going back to Lakeshore because the chump wanted to eat food again. I saw you there. If you're reading this, I'm sure you know who you are. Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm not mad at you. I guess you could say I have insecurities too, and recently so many things have gone wrong so I don't even know what's up anymore. Anyways, after he finished his burrito bowl we bussed home. Then I went to Noriega for geo tutoring. Hooray for stupid people.... Saw my brother, awkward moment of the day. Then off to piano class, but not before an In-n-Out burger! I chipped in 17 cents. After piano, my dad brought me to Wendy's for fries. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM. <3 Thanks dad. You asked to hang out tomorrow.... you just kind of made my day. You also kind of ruined it... l0l why am I so bipolar and undecisive. There's been so much I wanted to tell you, so much I wanted to say to you. It's been so long since we last talked. I feel like it's been forever. It has been forever, since the last time we actually talked heart-to-heart. I'm going to end this post now. Good night, sleep tight.
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This is the greatest…you can’t not smile.
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Lowell High School’s 2011 Winterfaire: Social Studies Department.
Do you see why I love my school and the teachers?
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Thinking About You Frank Ocean Cover by JC Lynne Lu Sing
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babies are too precious. <3
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the men who are keeping us safe :) 
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1: Are you a virgin? 2: What do you want to major in? 3: What’s your sexual orientation? 4: What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? 5: What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? 6: What was the scariest moment of your life? 7: If you could take something back that you said or did, what would it be? 8: Do you think that the person who sent you this number was cute? 9: If you had to name three important details about you, what would you say? 10: Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? 11: Have you ever been in love? If so, are you still in love? 12: What are four things you can’t live without and why? 13: Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this number? 14: What do you like to do in your spare time? 15: What are your biggest fears? 16: What are two of your biggest weaknesses? 17: What are your three biggest insecurities? 18: If you could write anonymous letters to three people, who would you send it to and what would you say? 19: Favourite photo of yourself? 20: Who are you disappointed with right now? 21: Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? 22: Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? 23: Do you care if people talk badly about you? 24: In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? 24: Is your life anything like it was two years ago? 25: Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’? 26: Is there someone you will never forget? 27: Is there anyone you can tell everything to? 28: Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? 29: What’s the reason behind your last breakup? 30: What’s your relationship with your sibling/s like?
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