sureamajesty · 1 month
Twists of Fate - Dylan O’Brien
After that we kinda went our own way, forgetting l lost my best friend in the middle of a huge Amusement park.. that’s when the panic started creeping in. The park was massive, way bigger than we had realized when we first walked in, and the crowd had grown thicker as the evening started. l pulled out my phone and called her, but no suprise she didn’t pick up. It was almost a running joke between us that’s she never answered her phone, especially when l needed her to.
The feeling of being lost in such a huge place took me back to the last time we were in this kind of situation. We were at another amusement park, much bigger then the last one, l remember how my heart pounded as l wandered aimlessly, trying to find her, wondering if we’d ever cross paths again in the maze of roller coasters, food stands, and endless crowds. The memory made me anxious, so l tried calling her again. Still no answer.
l couldn’t stand just standing around doing nothing, so l decided to distract myself. There was a large Disney-themed store nearby that looked like it had everything under the moon. As l walked in, the sheer size of the place made me feel like l’d stepped into a mini world of its own. Mickey Mouse plush toys, princess dresses, lightsabers, and pretty much anything Disney-related you could think of covered every inch of the store.
l wandered down the aisles, trying to take my mind off the situation, stopping here and there to look at souvenirs. There was something comforting about being surrounded by childhood nostalgia, like no matter what went wrong, at least there was a little bit of magic around.
l found myself in the clothing section, where racks were filled with Disney-themed t-shirts, hoodies, and matching outfits for couples. My hand grazed over a shirt, and l stopped smiling. It was a Minnie Mouse shirt with a cute little design that read, “l can’t live without my Mickey.” It was one of those couple shirts that people wore to be cute and cheesy together, but the sentiment hit me differently in that moment. Maybe because my best friend and l had this kind or relationship with here we joked about being eachother’s “Mickey and Minnie” she was always the one person l felt most comfortable with, even in a place as huge and chaotic as this park.
l tried on the shirt, standing in front of the mirror. It was cute, a little too cute for someone not in a relationship, but l didn’t mind. The soft fabric felt comfortable, like a little reminder that even when l felt lost, l wasn’t really alone. l ended up buying it, even though l knew it was meant for someone with their “Mickey.” Maybe l didn’t have that person yet, but atleast l had a best friend who, when she finally did answer her phone, would laugh at me for buying it.
While l stood in line at the cashier, fidgeting with the Minnie Mouse shirt in my hand, my mind was still half-focused on my best friend and whether she’d ever find her way back to me. The line moved slowly, giving me too much time to overthink everything, so l tried to distract myself by people-watching. The store was packed with families, couples, and groups of friends, all excited to pick out the perfect souvenirs.
As l stood at the cashier, waiting to pay for my Minnie Mouse shirt, l felt the faint sensation of someone stepping into the line behind me. Out of curiosity, l glanced over my shoulders, and to my suprise, it was Dylan. The guy from the ride earlier. For a moment, l was about to just turn back around, but then l noticed something that stopped me in my tracks.
He was holding the exact same shirt as me, expect his was the Mickey Mouse version, with “l can’t live without my Minnie.” Before l could say anything, he caught my eye and broke into a grin. “No way, we picked out the same shirts!” he said, his tone light and amused.
l couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “Yeah.. what are the odds?” l replied , shaking my head. It was such a strange coincidence, but also kind of funny, like the universe had a weird sense of humor.
We paid for our shirts, and without thinking much of it, l immediatly slipped mine on over my tight top, adjusting it as it felt neatly into place. The moment l looked up, l realized Dylan was doing the same thing. He had casually put on his Mickey shirt, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
And then l realized, we were now standing there, both wearing these matching shirts, which were clearly designed for couples. The realisation made me blush. My face grew warm as l glanced between us, noticing how we looked, like two people who had deliberately coordinated outfits to announce their relationship to the world.
Dylan caught the expression on my face and chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Guess we’re a pair now, huh?” he teased, though his voice had a warmth to it, like he found the whole thing a little charming.
l felt my cheeks burn even more to laugh ot off. “Yeah, couple goals,” l joked, rolling my eyes at the absurdity of it all. But deep down, the sight of us in those matching shirts made my heart face just a little faster. It was silly, sure, but also.. kind of cute.
As we left the store together, the two of us walking side by side, l couldn’t help but feel the eyes of other park-goers on us. Matching shirts were usually something couples did on purpose, and now we looked exactly like that, completely by accident. l wasn’t sure if l was more emberassed or amused by the whole thing, but Dylan seemed to take it in stride, chatting with a easy confidence.
As we left the store together, still in our matching shirts, Dylan glanced over at me with a playful smirk. “Hey, l never got ur number.” he said casually.
My heart skipped a beat, was this really happening? A handsome guy like him, asking for my number? l could feel the heat rise to my cheeks, and l knew l was blushing again, but there was no way l was going to say no. “Yeah, of course,” l replied, trying to keep my voice steady as l handed him my phone. He smiled as he quickly typed in his number, and l could barely contain my excitement.
We started waking through the park, chatting about all sorts of random things. Our conversation flowed so easily, jumping from funny amusement park stories to the rides we’d been on that day. There was a moment, though, when he seemed genuinely suprised that l didn’t recognize him right away.
“You didn’t know who l was?” he asked, laughing lightly, as if the thought amused him.
l smiled, playing along. “Nope, just thought you were some regular guy.” But deep down, l knew exactly who he was, Dylan O’Brien, the actor from some of my favourite movies. l’d seen Teen Wolf and Maze runner more times than l could count. And bebe though l was a huge fan, l didn’t want to act like one of those people who got startstruck, besides he was just a guy, after all, standing in front of me in a matching Mickey and Minnie shirt, it was too surreal, and l didn’t want to ruin the vibe by fangirling.
We kept talking, his voice carrying this friendly charm, and for a moment, it felt like l was hanging out with someone l had known for years. He made everything feel so easy, so normal. It was almost hard to believe that this guy, who had started in movies l loved, was just chatting away with me like we were old friends.
But, of course, in the middle of our conversation, my best friend had to make an entrance.
Out of nowhere, she appeared, like she couldn’t have did that 2 hours ago, through the crowd and clearly very drunk. “HEY GIRL, WHERE WERE YOU??” she slurred loudly, her arms flailing as she stumbled toward me.
l froze for a second, completely caught off guard. Dylan looked over at her, his eyes widen slightly in amusement. l wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
l shot my best friend a quick look, trying to catch her eyes, silently begging her to understand the situation. This was one of those moments, the kind that don’t come around often. But, of course, she was completely oblivious, too drunk and too wrapped up in her own world to notice that bag was going on.
“Ooh, who’s this cute guy?” she said, her eyes suddenly lighting up as she looked Dylan up and down. To my horror, she started casually flirting with him, her tone easing, but way too loud for comfort.
l cringed internally, glancing over at Dylan, who was trying to hide a smile. l could feel my face flush as l tried to signal her to stop with another look. No use. She was too far gone to pick up on any social cues right now.
l leaned in a little, muttering through clenched teeth, “l swear to God, please go away,” my voice just loud enough for her and, unfortunately, Dylan to hear.
He heard it, alright. l could see him bite back a laugh, clearly entertained by the entire situation. My best friend, though, just blinked at me, completely missing the hint. She was either too tipsy or just enjoying the chaos she was causing. l groaners inwardly, knowing l’d have to deal with her antics for the rest of the night.
Dylan, to his credit, took it all in stride, smiling softly as he tried to smooth over the awkwardness. “Don’t worry, it’s all good,” he said, throwing me a reassuring glance that only made me blush more.
Meanwhile, my friend gave me a wide, innocent grin, as if she hadn’t just completely ruined the moment. l could only sigh, half-laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. My “perfect moment” has quickly turned into a comedy of errors, but somehow, Dylan didn’t seem to mind one bit.
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sureamajesty · 1 month
Twists of Fate - Dylan O’Brien
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PLOT: Y/N and her best friend are super competitive, and dare was just another part of their friendship tradition. Before heading to the amusement park, they play a game (like rock-paper-scissors) and the stakes are set: Whoever loses must ride every roller coaster in the park, even the terrifying ones.
*Y/N is not a fan of roller coasters, but she’s not one to back down from a challenge*
Y/N and her best friend sped down the highway, windows down, music blasting as they headed toward Adventure Heights, one of the biggest and most famous amusement park in all of Los Angeles.
Y/N felt her stomach flip as they got closer, her excitement quickly overshadowed.
“This is gonna be epic!” Her best friend laughed from the driver’s seat, clearly pumped for the day,
Y/N forced a grin, but deep down, she was regretting every second of agreeing to that dare. She thought it wouldn’t be fun at first, but the sight of those towering rides made her second-guess her bravery.
Backing down wasn’t an option, though. Not with her best friend watching, and definitely not with her own pride on the line.
“Alright,” Y/N muttered under her breath, staring at the intimidating coaster looking ahead. “Let’s see how far l can go.”
As they pulled into the packed parking lot, Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenge. She had no idea how the day would unfold, but one thing was certain: she we in for a wild ride.
Once inside the park, they decided to start small, or atleast, small for Adventure Heights standards. Y/N’s best friend led the way toward the Galaxy Gliders, a ride that was just adventurous enough for kids, but with a touch of excitement to keep it interesting for older visitors. The ride was themed after space exploration, with sleek rocket-shaped cars that spun gently as they cruised along an elevated track, offering views of the park’s bigger rides from above.
“How about we ease into it?” Y/N suggested, trying to mask her relief.
Her best friend shot her a grin. “Sure, but don’t think this lets you off the hook. We’ve got way bigger thrills ahead.”
Y/N groaned playfully, but followed along, grateful for a chance to settle into the air, gliding through twists and turns that offered brief thrills without the stomach-dropping fear of the largest coasters.
“This isn’t so bad,” Y/N said, finally feeling her pulse calm down. The view of the park from up high gave her a sense of perspective, it was huge, and the coasters looked even more intimidating from up here.
But as they drifted smoothly through the air, she allowed herself to enjoy the moment. She knew it was only the beginning.
After surviving a few of the park’s more manageable rides, Y/N’s best friend, ever the socially butterfly, had quickly found a cute guy to accompany her on the next ride. Feeling a bit left out, Y/N decided to check out Nightmare Manor, the park’s eerie haunted house attraction.
As she approached the boarding area, she noticed that the ride was designed for couples. Y/N hesitated, glancing around nervously as she saw pairs laughing and holding hands. Everyone seemed to have a partner, and Y/N felt acutely aware of being alone.
Just as she was about to resign herself to riding alone, a guy stepped up beside her. He had warm, brown eyes flecked with charming moles that gave him an endearing, genuine look. His smile was both reassuring and friendly.
“Mine if l sit here?” he asked, his voice soft and inviting.
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. The combination of his adorable, slightly messy brown hair and those kind eyes made her feel flustered and self-conscious. She stuttered, her cheeks warming up as her emberassement grew.
“Y-yeah yeah ofcourse. l-l’d love that,” she managed to say, her face turning a bright shade of pink.
The guy chuckled, his gaze warm and understanding, “Great, lm Dylan, by the way”
“Y/N,” she replied, trying to steady her voice.
As they were ushered into the ride, they took their seats in the dimly lit car. The ride began its slow descent into the Haunted house, the lights flickering and eerie sounds filling the air. Despite the creepy atmosphere. Y/N found comfort in Dylan’s precense.
The ride was full of jumpscare and creepy animatronics. Y/N was practically screaming her head off, her voice echoing through the darkened corridors as every new scare seemed to catch her off guard.
Dylan, on the other hand, was having a hard time holding back his laughter. Everytime Y/N shrieked, he tried to stifle his chuckles, but the sound of her terrifying yells and the comical nature of the scares made it impossible for him to stay serious. His laughter, through quiet, was infectious, and Y/N found herself laughing along with him despite the fear.
When a particularly startling scare popped out, Y/N helped and grabbed Dylan’s arm tightly. He could barely contain his laughter as she clung to him. His reaction only made Y/N more emberassed, but also comforted.
By the end of the ride, they were both laughing. Y/N was still catching her breath, her cheeks flushed from the adrenaline and emberassement. Dylan, grinning widely, nudged her playfully.
“Well, that was.. intense,” he said between laughs.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “You weren’t kidding about the haunted house.”
“l had no idea you’d make it so entertaining,” Dylan said, still chuckling. “You should have seen your face!”
Despite the frightening nature of the ride, the scared experience had broken the ice, leaving Y/N and Dylan with a memorable experience, laughter-filled moment that made the scary ride feel like an adventure.
Part 2 is done
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