Final Animation
I then compiled the clips together in after effects and gave it a background track.
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Here is my Final animation for this module
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Red Hat animation
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After adding the clips to After Effects Ii added a lumetri effect on the heart to change the colors from red to blue. This is to show how feelings and emotions could be represented by humans and AI once they evolve to that point.
I later added a glow effect to give it a little bit more character. I then downloaded a heart-thumping noise from Pixabay and edited it into my segment. Once completed i scaled the heart onto the beat of the heart and keyframed it.
Here is how the final red hat animation turned out.
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Heart Animation
For the red hat, I changed my stylistic choice from a cartoonish heart to a semi-realistic heart. I used this image as a reference. I then slowly drew the line art of the heart keyframing each line to create a unique effect, as if the heart was being drawn in real time for the viewer. I made this choice to represent that AI is always evolving.
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Here is how the animated footage turned out, i later exported it onto After Effects to animate the heartbeat effect.
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Green Hat Animation
I later added some circle shapes along the footage and blurred them to imitate camera flashing, I later added camera sound effects and a crowd cheering.
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Here is the final footage of my green hat animation
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Rotoscoping on After Effects
Rotoscoping proved to be a challenge in after effects as I did not record the footage with a clear background, however through a lot of tedious work I got the footage of my friends hand to look presentable.
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Footage of rotoscoped hand
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Green Hat footage
For this segment, i wanted to 2D rotoscope my hand and rotoscope my friends hand on after effects. Here is footage of the hand shake, i later imported it onto Krita where i sketched over each frame of the video.
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In the animation, I wanted to show the transition of AI from being circuitry and wires to a fully automated being.
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Yellow Hat Animation
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I rigged the human character with duik basel. For the robot i used a combination of anchor points and parenting as his animation would be very simple.
After adding the bones onto the human I parented it to the drawings, I later even added their shadow onto the platform they are standing on.
Next I started adding the keyframes for the animation which i then rendered.
I later downloaded construction noises from Pixabay to give the animation some ambient noise.
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Creating the models
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Here is the process of creating the character models in Krita. I later export it onto after effects to rig the character animation.
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Yellow Hat Characters
For the yellow hat, I wanted to have 2 Characters, 1 being a construction worker and the other his robot partner, interacting with each other. I wanted them to have a simple design to have more style.
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For the worker I made a simple design giving him his construction hat and a basic orange coat. I later make his design more yellow to emphasize that its the yellow hat animation.
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For the design of the robot, I took inspiration from the character Wheatley from the game Portal 2, I instead gave him arms and a more cube-like appearance. I would have him floating about in the animation.
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White Hat animation
After using the key-light effect on the scale to remove the background I decided to place the scale in the sky surrounded by clothes as a form of "Judgement". the scale shows the statistics of the percentage of people afraid of artificial intelligence.
I later added lens flare onto the footage along with some radial blur at the start of the animation. I later edited in the text showing the statstics.
Afterward, I added the sound of a calming blowing wind from Pixabay to juxtapose this deep question of FEAR. With the aid of lumetri lighting, I gave the footage a very desaturated look to emphasize that it's the white hat.
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Here is the final footage of the white hat animation.
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Scale Model
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I then began modeling the scale I will be using in the white hat animation. I first began by modeling of the scale using reference from the internet. I used a mirror modifier to make both sides equal and a subdivision modifier to give it a much smoother shape.
I later started to add texture to the scene, i used a tutorial on youtube which helped me design the wooden texture.
After completing that I parented all the parts together and added key frames to show the scale tilting.
Then i green-screened the scale and rendered it in cycles.
Here is how the footage turned out.
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Blue Hat animation
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After rendering the robot I created a simple Recording user interface on Krita and had it green-screened. I later recorded footage of my room to have my robot placed in. With the use of the key-light effect I was successfully able to put the robot in the setting, I created a shadow effect along his legs, and with the use of the lumetri effect I gave it a blue tint to emphasize that it's the blue hat. I later added sounds from Pixa Bay and rendered out the animation.
Here is how the final animation turned out
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Robot Rendered
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Through the use of parenting, I joined all the limbs together and created the basic movement of the robot booting up. I later rendered it in cycles, and with the aid of the world editer, I had it green-screened as well so that it could be edited in after effects easier.
Here is how it turned out
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Black Hat Animation
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I then started editing the footage together, also giving the eyes a glow and blur as they get focused on at the end of the animation. I later added the audio I downloaded from Pixabay into this segment.
Here is the final footage for the black hat
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I later animated an eye on Krita, the eye represents how AI is always watching, collecting your data without you even knowing it.
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Stop Motion
I changed the technology from the phone to the laptop as I feel that the laptop could express the message of how AI can breach a user's privacy more effectively.
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I first started by taking pictures of my laptop opening to use as stop motion footage
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I later took the final image of my laptop and animated a glitching screen.
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Mediums for Animation
Green Hat: 2D and After Effects Rotoscoping
Yellow Hat: 2D rigged animation
Black Hat: Stop motion and 2D animation
Red Hat: 2D animation and VFX animation
White hat: 3D animation with VFX Animation
Blue Hat: 3D animation with motion tracking on After Effects
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