supurflufybuny · 29 days
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based on that one vid
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supurflufybuny · 1 month
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did you see that0_o
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supurflufybuny · 1 month
me when i wanna talk about my special interests but i got the vampire autism where you gotta invite me to talk about smth first, otherwise i wont say shit or dont know what to say because i feel like im annoying
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
}{ I Found Love Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be }{ Part 3 }{
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They kept the dragon in Xornoth's quarters for the first few days. Scott preferred a cooler room, often leaving his balcony door or windows ajar even in mid-winter, while Xornoth often had a fire lit even in the summer, making their room the obvious choice. Scott gathered the warmest, softest blankets he could find and and made a makeshift nest near the fireplace for the dragon. As uncomfortable as the heat could get and as busy as he was, every spare second he could find was spent right next to their new charge.
"You might have to translate for me when he wakes up," said Scott, tracing a finger over the dragon's snout. "I never could get the hang of dragonspeech."
Gem had tried her best to teach him. But dragonspeech was a form of mental communication rather than verbal, making use of emotions and abstract concepts rather than concrete words. It could be translated into verbal languages, but nuance was often lost on beginners. And for someone like Scott, who put a hard freeze on all but the shallowest of emotions long before he learned to control ice, it wasn't a form of communication that came naturally to him.
"It's really not that difficult." Xornoth's teasing tone bordered on mocking, and Scott pinned his ears in annoyance. Xornoth didn't apologize, but they hesitated, and their next words came in a kinder voice. "I'll translate what I can. But he's not likely to express anything terribly complicated."
Scott shrugged, gently scratching along the dragon's neck the way his favorite owl liked out of habit. "Still, having someone more fluent than I am to translate will make it easier to learn. Gem couldn't always find the right - oh! Hello there, little one."
There were a few sleepy blinks, then gleaming blue eyes peered up at him. Scott recognized the nudge of another consciousness at the edge of his own. Along with it came a sense of wary confusion, then recognition and the feeling of warmth. The dragon moved toward him, wobbling like a new kitten, then sank back down with his chin resting on Scott's knee.
"Oh, you're a cutie pie," cooed Scott, stroking the top of his head with one hand and reaching into his pockets with the other. "I brought some mutton from the kitchens in case you woke up, I'm sure you're starving."
He was pleased to see the dragon eat eagerly despite the lingering weakness. "May we have the honor of knowing your name?" asked Xornoth, and the cautious respect in their voice surprised Scott. Though it made sense, he supposed, given their time bound by the Ender Dragon. They still felt guilty, they admitted to him once, about how cruelly they'd behaved toward her when she was only doing her duty, and about how callous they'd been about her death.
"Is - is he not answering that, or am I more out of practice than I thought?" asked Scott when he didn't hear anything at all in response, let alone anything that could be taken as a name. He doubted he simply missed it; dragon names were often long, made of words and phrases that described the subject's essence. He'd thought Gem's to be quite pretty, something along the lines of the amethyst crystal that resonates as magic flows through it.
"No, he didn't answer," said Xornoth.
Scott hummed and rubbed his fingers under the dragon's chin. He almost stopped when he felt a prick of annoyance that wasn't his own, but then the feeling disappeared and the dragon settled into the touch with a soft sigh.
"Can you tell us what happened, hm? Why were you all alone on top of the coldest mountain in Rivendell?" Scott murmured. For a moment it seemed the dragon was more interested in chin scratches than answering, then he felt a sense of irritated emptiness settle into his chest.
"He doesn't know," Xornoth translated. The dragon glanced up at the sound of their voice, as if only just remembering a second person was present. Then there was a flurry of fear, anger, and confusion as he stood, flaring out his wings and baring his teeth even as he struggled to keep his balance. For a moment it almost seemed like he was trying to put himself between Scott and Xornoth. But, Scott thought, surely he was mistaken about the sense of protectiveness he felt from the dragon. Why would this creature he'd only just met, who was so weak and vulnerable no less, prioritize the elf king's safety over his own?
To anyone else, Xornoth's face probably looked expressionless. But Scott could see the way they wilted ever so slightly, unhappy but resigned as the dragon bestowed upon them the same name Gem had. Hellfire creature, torturer and enjoyer of sorrow and suffering. The best translation into elvish was the same name everyone spat at them: Demon.
"That's not their name," Scott chided. He didn't know what exactly to replace it with, but that wasn't who their sibling was anymore.
"I haven't done anything to earn a better one," Xornoth countered. "Never will, probably. You saw what I was like under the Corruption's influence. How could I ever make up for all of those cruelties?" They bowed to the dragon, speaking aloud for Scott's sake at the same time as they spoke in dragonspeech. "But, I am remorseful for my actions, truly. My only aim is to repair as much of the damage I caused as I can, and I don't mean any harm to you or my brother."
The dragon stared them down, absorbing their statement. It was nearly impossible to lie to a dragon in their own tongue, Gem had explained to Scott once. The very nature of it made it difficult to fully mask any deception. It was how she knew he really hadn't meant to hurt her when his magic backfired.
After a moment the dragon accepted that Xornoth was being genuine, settling down into Scott's lap with a quiet trill of discomfort. Okay. Fine. It was getting easier for Scott to put words to what he was sensing from the dragon. You can be 'the purple one' for now, I guess.
Xornoth chuckled. "I can live with that. What will you call Scott? Does he get to be 'the blue one'?"
The dragon looked up at Scott, and his breath caught as Xornoth's translation confimed he hadn't misunderstood the name he was given: cold starlight that gleams off the blue snow, evoking divine awe and wonder at its sharp beauty.
Xornoth grinned as Scott's ears bloomed red. "Seems he thinks quite highly of you, Starlight. If he were a higher dragon I'd almost think he wanted to court you."
"Shut up," muttered Scott, but couldn't help but smile as he stroked the dragon's head. 'Starlight.' He rather liked it, actually. Fwhip had called him that once, teasingly. His throat tightened at the thought of his missing friend.
He traced a line over the dragon's back, looking at the crimson and black coloration. Fwhip was a blood dragon, too, with similar patterning, though he was much larger in his dragon form than this. Scott lifted the dragon and pressed a kiss to his snout, grinning at the flare of disgruntled surprise and the way he lashed his tail like an annoyed cat.
"Since you won't tell us a name," he decided, "I'm going to call you Fwhip. It's after a friend who I miss very much. Hopefully you don't mind."
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
uh. sorry nation i couldnt figure out read mores in asks soryr HSKFJD
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I love them actually <- Rain in non-blog admin mode
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
I have no clue how long it'll take me to finish, but for all my fellow Scwhip enjoyers here's a preview of something I started and am currently working on, a word of warning, the final project might involve smut, I felt it was polite to warn about my intentions early, I might drop that idea in the middle of writing said smut as well though.
His knees were starting to hurt from kneeling on the hard stone tiles. Wounds itching from lack of attention. His wings were long stiff in their bindings. Not like it was needed. He couldn't fly away if he wanted to. His true self forced out.
"According to what I know about elven law," Gem, fWhip's twin sister, Headmistress of Crystal Cliffs Academy, spoke up. A shiver of dread ran down Scott's spine. Did she know… "Xornoth can be considered an exile, meaning Scott is now the king," she did know. Of course, she knew. She figured out Scott was a half-dragon even with all the magic he used to hide it.
fWhip hummed. "Is that so," he chuckled and Scott heard him stand up. Followed by his boots on the tile. Then he could see fWhip's damned combat boots. "Then I might have an idea what we can do with Scott," suddenly a warm even through thick gloves hand grabbed one of Scott's horns and made him look at fWhip. "And maybe even annoy the cod lovers in the process," fWhip's grin was far too wide. He was enjoying his plan far too much for Scott. "You were supposed to marry Jimmy for the sake of alliance with Lizzie, no?" he smirked and suddenly seats were scraping against the floor.
"fWhip you better not say what I think you're about to say," Gem suddenly protested. Likely guessing the same thing Scott was guessing fWhip was about to say.
"Why? Isn't it about time I get married? Might as well use it to piss some people off," fWhip laughed, barely glancing at his sister. Scott glanced in her direction as well. She looked pissed. Fists clenched. Pearl hovering nearby. Sausage was just sitting causally. Likely didn't really care who fWhip married as long as their leader didn't turn on the rest of them. fWhip held the most military power in the whole alliance after all.
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
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taking the crumbs of venetian agna qel’a chewing biting gnashing on them until there aren’t even bones left and then spitting out. carnevale northern water tribe style
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
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My comic to @recovery-zine <3 ❤
I drew it two years ago and my style has changed a little but I'm still really proud of this piece, I'm happy I can finally show it ❤!
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
I've caved. Here's my Avatar The Last Airbender uni au and modern/non bender au headcanons.
Here's what I think the main kids uni majors/minors would be:
Aang: wildlife conservation with a minor in political sciences
Katara: medicine, education minor
Sokka: engineering, polisci minor
Toph: geology with a martial arts minor
Zuko: forced to do law & politics by his family but switches to history/anthropology, keeping politics as a minor
Azula: law w a psychology minor
Mai: forced to do politics by family but wants to do art, history minor
Ty Lee: training in acrobatics and performance at a performing arts school and works at the circus
Suki: human relations and activism, martial arts minor
Yue: Dance major (same school as Ty Lee, polisci minor
Living situations:
Katara and Sokka flat together and eventually Aang becomes a permanent resident
Toph lives right across from them, she likes her own space and independence but she'd never want to be too far from her friends
Zuko lives with Iroh above his teashop and works there part time
Suki has a sharehouse with the kyoshi warriors (her *insert sport I haven't decided on yet* team)
Ty Lee and Yue get assigned room-mates first year and became pretty quick friends, they continue to live together afterwards
Azula has her own apartment (of course). So does Mai, but she spends so much time at Azulas she basically lives there. Neither of them would admit it but they much prefer it to having whole houses to themselves.
General modern au/non bender au hcs:
(Pretty obvious) Ethnicity n nationality hcs:
Sokka and Katara r Inuit and from Alaska
Azula, Zuko and Mai are all Japanese American
Ty Lee is Japanese and Mongolian
Toph is Chinese and Singaporean (born in Singapore)
Aang is Bhutanese (so is Gyatso), but he grew up in Singapore. Him and Toph were childhood friends
Yue is Inuit and Sámi and her family lives in north-east Canada
Suki is mixed Chinese, Thai and French-Canadian and live in an island off of Quebec
Have not decided where the uni would be but probably BSSU (Ba Sing Se uni) cause I know a lot of ppl use that as the uni name
I don't know a ton about US and Canadian geography so if y'all have ideas for what states or provinces the characters would hail from (especially what state/city Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee grew up in) I would def appreciate the suggestions
Aang has a Tibetan Mastiff called Appa and Sokka has a Siamese cat called Momo (he found him behind a dumpster looking for food scraps and Sokka new he'd found a kindred spirit,,, much to Kataras initial dismay)
Aang grew up in a sort of hippie/alternative living foster home that taughtbuddist beliefs, he never knew his real parents but he was okay with that.
I'm a fan of bigcorp ceo Ozai but also political tyrant Ozai works as well so I'm srsly torn on that. Politician Ozai would either have to be a nation ruler or American ambassador because I like to think Zuko and Azula moved around a lot as kids so he couldn't have a job that keeps him in ine place. That's why I like the idea of ceo Ozai. He would still have a lot of political power and it would still mean moving around a lot plus him being super corrupt and exploiting his workers is fun for angst.
Oh and!! Zuko and Azula lived in Singapore for part of highschool and their family visited a lot for holidays. Since Tophs parents and Ozai worked together, Zuko and Azula were around at The Beifongs a lot and entertained themselves by making fun of Toph for hanging out with a "poor tree hugging commoner" like Aang
I may add more to this so look out for a part 2
I'm currently working on drawing them (and maybe chara profiles with sexualities, pronouns, character aesthetics/how I think they'd dress, interests ect) :] I've done the boys and the (non fire nation) gals are next!!
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
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The fellas doodle for self care, chronic illness hits like a bus but I managed to doodle them 4 myself
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
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Shirts that go hard
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supurflufybuny · 2 months
stir stir..
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Safety Rat: “zzzz… zzzzzz…”
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Safety Rat: “zzz… snrk- …mm?”
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supurflufybuny · 3 months
mumbo ends up being trans fem enby
anyways in light of the discourse i think i should tell everyone about my absolutely hilarious headcanon for mumbo/scar/grian! which is that grian and scar are trans and mumbo is their cis boyfriend. guess who get feminized the most in that relationship. 
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supurflufybuny · 3 months
T4T4T Mumscarian. And they’re all girlfriends.
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supurflufybuny · 3 months
i just need everyone to know that ive created something beautiful
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he is only 1 slab tall
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supurflufybuny · 3 months
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Little Gekko
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supurflufybuny · 3 months
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