superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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Teen Wolf Season 2 + Text Posts
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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What have you been doing on your own against the Daleks for a year? Making soufflés? Soufflés. Against the Daleks. Where’d you get the milk? Asylum of the Daleks (s7 e1) countdown to season 11: 29?
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
Derek Hale is perfect and here’s the proof:
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Done with everyone’s shit!
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Sexy even when he’s getting arrested!
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Falls asleep reading books🌸😍
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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So I drew this awhile ago
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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I love Captain Jack
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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- The boy is dangerous, Derek. He is possessed. We have to kill him. - Do not even think about it, Argent. I won’t let you hurt him.
Thanks to siny for this post that inspired me :)
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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“So, how does space kill you? I’m glad you asked. The main problem is pressure. There isn’t any. So, don’t hold your breath or your lungs will explode. Blood vessels rupture. Exposed areas swell. Fun fact! The boiling temperature of water is much lower in a vacuum. Which means that your sweat and your saliva will boil, as will the fluid around your eyes. You won’t notice any of this because fifteen seconds in, you’ve passed out as oxygen bubbles formed in your blood. And ninety seconds in, you’re dead. Any questions?”
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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One of my favorite mashups
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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It's not wrong, but the car should be a black Camaro or a Jeep Wrangler just saying
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superwhovianwolf · 6 years
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Geronimo 🌠
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