superweebside · 8 hours
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AU where Tim wasn’t ever obsessed with the Flying Graysons or Batman and Robin, and thus never found out their identities. And then at 15 years old his class gets assigned a “fun” research project to propose who resident boogeyman Batman could be and, being the overachieving genius that he is, Tim gets sucked into a conspiracy theory rabbit hole and actually uncovers the truth. Mostly he’s mad that he can’t actually give his excellent presentation bc he can’t compromise Batman’s identity even more, can he?
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superweebside · 8 hours
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They. They forgor
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superweebside · 8 hours
Funniest possible stance for Brucie Wayne to publically take is a firmly-rooted belief that Batman doesn't exist.
"I've never once been rescued by this so-called hero and I've been kidnapped 14 times already this year."
"Why would the police summon him with a giant lantern? Wouldn't that make more sense for Mothman?"
"I know what you can do with Photoshop, these doctored pictures can't fool me! Tim's a whiz with photos, have you seen his latest exhibit..?"
"Vigilantism is illegal, you can't do that."
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superweebside · 8 hours
*Jason walks into the living room to see Tim flopped on the couch sniffing*
Jason: “Oh. my. gosh. What could you possibly be crying about now?”
Tim *looks up and sniffles*: “I miss the supercycle… you know, my beloved sentient vehicle who used to fly me and young justice around… ”
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superweebside · 8 hours
A pound of smoked salmon for the lady. STAT
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superweebside · 8 hours
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redrew another old print, this time we're goin ghost
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superweebside · 8 hours
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superweebside · 8 hours
Idea I got from tiktok:
Dick: Why's Tim in the manor while it's getting fumigated?!
Bruce: Tim, get out of the manor right now!
Duke, banging on the manor window: You're breathing in poison!!! You're gonna die!!!
Tim: It's fine. I grew up in Gotham! I'm immune!
Jason: You're from Bristol. You got rich boy filtered air! You're not from Gotham!
Damian: Tt. Drake probably got poison training from those gifts grandfather's sent him.
Dick: From the what-
Cass: Focus.
Steph, snickering: I bet you held your breath the first time you snuck into Crime Alley to take photos.
Tim, actively dying from the gas: NO!
Alfred, across gotham: ... something just happened...
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superweebside · 8 hours
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superweebside · 8 hours
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someone fetch peepaw his robe!!! run him a bath!!!! cook him dinner!!!
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superweebside · 10 hours
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lots of various tim robin drawings from the past few days!!!!
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superweebside · 2 days
So during a wayne gala, there was a rouge attack shocker. It was by scarecrow he was planning to flood the ballroom with his gas
Unfortunately his bomb was shoddily put together and one of the cannisters holding the gas fell and landed in the hands of one danny fenton there with his godfather
Now unfortunately all anyone could do was watch as this gas can suddenly spayed gas in this young mans face who started looking panicked and backing up before spotting vlad and stopping
Suddenly this kid who seemed like he was seconds from running is now fucking growing and preparing to pounce on vlad???
And vlad just looks resigned as if he figured this would happen
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superweebside · 2 days
A Robin tradition
13 year old Jason: Dick, I need to borrow the Batmobile! Roy needs help with his English homework, Alfred is busy, and the Batmobile is the fastest car we have!
18 year old Dick: [is mad at Bruce and knows full well that this is going to piss him off] Say no more
[Dick gets the keys]
Dick: I'll hide the keys to the motorcycles and the plane. When Bruce tries to call you, just ignore him
Jason: [running to the car] Thanks, Dick! You're the best!
[Years later]
Tim: Jason please help me! I need the Batmobile to save Kon from Kryptonite Zombies!
Jason: 'Kay, try not to hit any pedestrians
Jason: [takes the Batmobile keys out of his pocket tosses them to Tim]
Tim: You just had them in your pocket...?
Jason: Zombies, Tim
Tim: Right! Thanks! [Runs away]
[Even more years later]
Damian: Drake! I require the Batmobile. Connor needs assist-
Tim: [already tossing Damian the keys] Cool, see ya later
Damian: [already running to the car] Thank you!
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superweebside · 2 days
A Danny Phantom in Gotham AU
Where Danny keeps feeling cold when he should be warm and having his ghost sense go off for no reason.
He tries to go out and expend his extra ghost energy as Frostbite taught him, but he doesn't have excess energy, meaning he is draining himself and getting no results.
He's poor and living in a crap place and to top it all off he can't get warm, no matter what!
The Bats just meet this really cold guy who's obviously being haunted but they can't investigate him because all the ghosts haunting him are messing up their equipment and making him disappear at random times.
And when they actually try to talk to him he's like "What?? Ghosts? ME??? pfft noo those don't exist."
-At the end it turns out that he's being haunted by like twenty shades, all feeding on his misery like mini Spectras.
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superweebside · 2 days
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“Trouble Brewing”, by Gary Larson
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superweebside · 2 days
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little pumpkin thief
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superweebside · 2 days
When Bruce gets injected with truth serum
"Who's your favorite"
Everyone looked at Jason.
"Out of the four of us," he clarified. "Who's your favorite?"
He, Dick, Tim, and Damian turned to Bruce curiously.
Bruce proceeded to go on and on for over 3 hours about how he didn't actually have a favorite and how proud he was of all of them, only interrupted when Alfred walked in and Bruce started about how he was the best butler-dad ever.
None of them could honestly say they weren't at least a little teary.
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