Alright I'm on vacation but screw it, I can't wait to post this any longer! Finally, the start of my new Pizza Tower AU, Supernatural Tower, begins!
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supernatural-tower-au · 11 months
The big "I'm not dead" update!
Hey everyone, Julie here! So listen, I'm not dead, nor is this AU! I've been working on it very slowly for three reasons. First is art block, second is my health (Mitochondrial disorder slows a girl down bigtime), and third is that I haven't been on Tumblr much lately. My plan moving forward is this: To be more active, create more art and character references for this blog, then open asks when I feel a little more confident with what I have. I thank everyone for your patience and understanding, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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On tonight's episode of “Crossovers Nobody Asked For"
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I've been working on a Pizza Tower Supernatural AU for a few months and finally got around to making a good reference for my main monster, Vampino! He had a bit of a rough time clearing Pizzascare, and didn't even notice the bite on his neck until the after the tower collapsed. That night, the sky was filled with painful screams as he went through his transformation. Afterwards he gained a lust for blood, but found out that pizza sauce was oddly just as filling. His restaurant closed after he completely drained his sauce supply, and he's been living alone in the wilderness ever since. He tries to keep to himself because he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he has to come out every few days to feed. He's drained many animals and pizza creatures of their blood/sauce, and isn't proud of it. Abilities include enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced sense of smell, semi-immortality, a bat transformation, and hypnosis. Sun will cause very painful severe burns, but not death. Keeps a parasol on his person to help mitigate this. He has a reflection, it just can't show up in a silver mirror. The only way he can die is via decapitation or stake to the heart. Crosses, garlic, silver, and holy water are all bs. Can't enter residences without being invited first. Eyes only appear black and red when he's hungry, fighting, or using hypnosis. Doesn't need to sleep or eat regular food, but usually does so anyway in an attempt to feel more human. Technically can go months without feeding, but the longer he waits, the more feral he becomes.
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Was playing Zelda Minish Cap and thought of Peppino as a Minish, so here he is! He's a rare variant with a patterned tail and he gets teased by the other Minish for it. He's still a ball of anxiety but he works hard to make humans happy like the others! He is fascinated by their cooking!
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I can't wait to play as this cheeky little demon gremlin
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