supermarshall-blog · 11 years
i just finished 30 Rock, and see no point in my life anymore.
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Netflix is my go to.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
That might do.
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I could make a silly face, if you’d like.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Can too.
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You can’t demand entertainment and not return the favor.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Are you here to entertain me?
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[appears behind him, and taps on his shoulder] Ta-da!
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
I'm the most bored teenager in the entire world. I demand entertainment.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Marshie poo?
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I guess we’ll just have to live with that.
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Besides our failed business arrangement, how’ve you been, Marshie poo?
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
I suppose it's for the best.
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Then I guess we’re just remaining friends, not business partners.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
That's not how Marshall works, babe.
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Shouldn’t I be making more? Isn’t that how it works?
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
You won't even do half and half.
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Am not! I just won’t give you eighty percent of whatever is made off of my talent.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Oh, we are! But you're a difficult girl.
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Ouch. I thought we were friends.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
You're lucky you're cute, honestly.
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Nuh uh. Not allowed.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
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Don’t hate.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Your skill is rolling your tongue, Petra,
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It comes with the territory of having skills.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
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You've already got an ego!
Locals seem to love me enough. I can manage myself and keep all the money.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Good luck findin' a manager.
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I gotta have standards. Fifty fifty just isn’t gonna cut it.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
Fame's gotten to your head, babe.
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No can do. I have to protect my talent.
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supermarshall-blog · 11 years
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Nope. No deal.
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