Wow thank you so much🤗😍😄
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Happy Birthday for Pixie77x2001
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Poor Morton
Is it hard to decide on what to eat, or do you all just sorta do your own thing? The favorite/least favorite foods post shows that there's a lot of huge differences in taste between you all, so I can imagine it'd be difficult at times. Like, I can imagine watching Larry down burger after burger being a bit stomach turning for guys like Morton to watch!
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Larry: Man, M.J. used to be tough and cool! Now, he’s such a wuss and a traitor to carnivores everywhere!!!
Iggy: Yeah, and M.J. doesn’t mind people eating meat; he just doesn’t like how Larry eats it! Haha! But yeah, it’s usually during lunch when we all go out and eat wherever. The chef in our fortress always makes breakfast and dinner daily, and is aware of our food preferences, so we never have to worry about that. 
Larry: If any one of us decide to bring a few to grab a bite, there are certain people we ask and we also have to agree on a place that covers all our needs so everyone’s happy.
Iggy: Hell, I’m pretty lax when it comes to my ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. So I’ve eaten meat occasionally for social reasons… That, and there are just some foods that taste better with meat.
Larry: Uh, bro, you can’t call yourself a “vegetarian” if you do shit like that!
Iggy: Yeah, so I guess that really makes me a “flexitarian!”
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Hey I'm Pixie77x2001/Chloekoopa
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