My name's Kara Zor-El and I am a refugee on this planet. My home planet, Krypton, died but myself and my Cousin survived the explosion, both of us sent off to make our way to Earth. I was to be his protector... However my pod got knocked off course and I ended up stuck in the phantom zone for 24 years, where I did not age a day. Eventually I ended up on Earth and my Cousin found me and brought me to a good home and now I am simply trying to find my way in life, both as a reporter and as a hero.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“Wow. I don’t know any other languages. I regret not taking any languages in school,” Barry said letting out a puff of air. “So you get your powers from the sun? Sounds kind of like the fire benders in Avatar,” he said with a small smile. “I’m sorry that you had to grow feeling like an outcast though. I’m sure we would have been friends had we gone to school together.”
Barry nodded. “Here, I’ll show you some of the suits he made,” Barry said walking over to a computer and pulling up some of the pictures of Cisco’s final designs of his suit, the suit Iris used when she had Barry’s speed for a day, Cisco’s Vibe suit, and Ralph’s Elongated Man suit. “Here’s some of what he’s designed over the years. He’d probably work with you to see what you lean more towards.”
“I’m sure we would have been friends too, Barry. I already feel so comfortable around you now...I think having a friend like you back when I was getting used to life on Earth would have made things even better,” She says as she goes to Barry and pokes his arm gently before she leaned in to look at all the suits that Cisco has made, and she smiled at seeing them.
“You know...I do like blue and Red if that helps? And I hear capes help with flying...” She sits down next to Barry and seems to think on things a bit, “Could he make a suit like what the other Supergirl wears? Just add some red gloves to it and any other things he feels would work?”
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“Pretty much. There’s not much that goes on with metas we don’t know about,” Barry said with a nod. “It original was just the satellite but it grew,” he shrugged.
“El mayarah,” Barry repeated. “I like that. So does Krypton have it’s own language?”
Barry couldn’t help but laugh at the nervous look on her face. “Don’t worry, he just love creating suits for people and giving our meta rogues names. Hell, he even gave the Green Arrow an upgrade for a while. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t have some sort prototype thrown together right now.”
“It does. I learned English in my Pod while I was being sent here. My parents didn’t want me standing out because I didn’t know the language and couldn’t communicate,” She says with a small smile though that faltered a little, “She knew I’d have other challenges that would likely make me an outcast growing up, with how the sun affects Kryptonians here.
“As for Cisco....I guess if he wants to make a suit, I’d be willing to try it on, so long as it’s not too cheesy, you know?” She says as she smiles at Barry, happy to see the other smile and laugh
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“I just react faster than most. And I already got attached to Flash. Although I’m pretty sure I heard mention of a speedster in the future named Impulse, but then again that could change,” Barry said with laugh.
“Yeah, and it’s own satellite that monitors for meta attacks, and it helps that Iris is a reporter, Joe is the police Captain so we get news of crime pretty quickly,” he shrug. “If I know Cisco he’s already thinking of ideas. Give him a day or two he’ll have something thrown together. But I will let him know about the house symbol. It mean something on Krypton, doesn’t it?”
“It’s the best way to learn, that and start on small things and work your way up.”
“So satellite, wife, and reporter, all get you the info you need. Huh. I would have just thought the satellite at first before meeting you,” She says with a laugh before leaning against a wall.
When he brought up Krypton and her house symbol, she sobered up a little, looking a bit sad, but also happy to tell her family’s motto.
“The ‘S’ as you guys call it, is the symbol of the House of El, and on Krypton the phrase ‘ El mayarah ’ it means ‘Stronger Together’. It’s a good symbol to wear for someone wanting to be a hero, and bring people together like what my cousin does....and what do you mean Cisco has a few ideas? Why am I suddenly a bit nervous?”
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“Not very often no,” he told her. Of course, it had happened before, but he did try to avoid it. “I’m sure it won’t be a concern, especially since you are quite a lot stronger and less vulnerable than most humans I would take on a trip, as long as we visit a planet with a yellow sun of course.”
“Even if we visit a planet with a red sun, I know plenty of martial arts to get my way out of a tough situation,” Kara says as she smiles at The Doctor, “Though it is good to know that you don’t lose people. That would make things a lot more difficult on a new planet as you and the person likely wouldn’t even know where to look or where to go for a place to meet up if you did get lost...”
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“Yeah, that would be a bit tricky. In my first year of being the Flash I had the issue of sometimes I’d start vibrating if I got…excited. It made keeping my identity as a meta and the Flash a secret a bit difficult,” of course he knew it wasn’t that at all that made people realize he was the Flash.
“Understandable. Sure Batman had his reasons. And it’s good that your cousin keeps that for him,” Barry said with a nod. He knew he’d keep his friends’ secrets way better than his own. It wasn’t his place to give away other’s secrets.
“That would work. Slowly gain the trust of the people and whenver you want to work with me just let me know. Nah, not everyone I work with are speedsters and yet I can work faster with them,” he said. Even when Ralph started his own hero journey he didn’t really slow Barry down, even if they did fight over method a few times. “Only thing that tends to slow me down is my own impulsiveness.”
“You? Impulsive? Yeah I can see that. You should have called yourself Impulse then instead of The Flash,” She says with a cheeky smile before shaking her head fondly, and she really had to keep from making a bad joke when Barry said he vibrated when he was excited back then.
“So...I take it this place has a line with the police dispatch?” She asks as she looks around some more and then she looks back to Barry, “And what am I going to do for a costume? All I know is I want my Kryptonian house’s symbol on it somewhere.” She says softly now. She wanted to help, she wanted to train. She wanted to save people like Flash, like Barry did.
“And if you think I wont slow you down...then maybe i will do a few tag-a-longs.”
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Barry’s eyes widen when she mention Batman and a wide smile spread across his lips. Of course he knew Batman existed, unlike Oliver who still was pretty sure the Cape Crusader was a urban legends despite meeting Batwoman. “You met Batman? I’m so jealous. I’ve only met Batwoman and she told us to get out Gotham after I asked to ride in the batmobile,” he laugh.
“I don’t think any of us will figure out why he disappeared or where he went. Probably the only person who knows that his well Batman. But who knows, life has a way of surprising,” he replied.
“Of course. You did look like you could handle yourself. Honestly I didn’t question that, if I run fast enough I can run across water so nobody got wet or risked drowning if they didn’t know how to swim. And I get that, I hid as the Flash until Leonard Snart and Mick Rory forced me out in the open. I mean Iris wrote about the Flash on the blog but I don’t think many people believed in the Flash until Snart and Rory got me reveal myself to the police,” Barry thought about the days when the Flash was just first being reported on. “It gets hectic when they first get whiff of you, I remember every incident had a bunch of reporters and cameras. And there were times they almost messed things up by trying to get exclusive interviews with Central City’s hero,” he shook his head. “Well yeah, that goes where you are looking, right?”
“Yeah, it is heat vision after all, just a matter of making sure I can turn the heat off inbetween without accidentally hitting someone while I’m trying to be intimidating, you know? Or while looking for the person i was using it against. Like...making sure the dam doesn’t break free at the wrong time kind of thing,” She says sheepishly
“And no, Barry, my cousin knows why Batman left Gotham, like i said, he just refuses to say why.” She smiles a little sadly before she thinks on what he said, about how he got the passengers to safety and his own story about trying to stay in the shadows for a while when he first started off.
“Well...maybe I should start small....stop robberies or something, show what I can do slowly but surely and stuff with you, I guess? Though I feel like i would slow you down,” She laughs
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“That’s true. Although I’ve learned how to run through walls,” Barry said with a grin. “I might. Definitely have a room full of targets for you shoot at with your heat vision, and super breath. We just need figure out something to stand up to your strength,” Barry said as he thought a bit. “Maybe it’s something you’re more tuned too. Or when I learned to phase through solid objects…I had a bomb strapped to my wrist. Sometimes life or death situations can help you learn…” he paused realizing what it sound like he was suggesting. “Not that I’m saying we should try and kill you to bring them out…just something I observe with discovering my own abilities and tricks.” He paused again thinking some more. “But we can try different things. I know the other Kara I know has a bit of training in fighting with fists, I think her adoptive sister trained her. But I’m not too good with that stuff myself. The Green Arrow tried to train me and it ended with him kicking my ass and shooting me with a bunch of arrows.”
“Oh I already know how to fist fight. My cousin and I spend a lot of time getting me to learn what abilities I do know how to do and he had a friend of his come over and teach me how to ‘properly fight’ as he said it. Weird thing is the guy knew how to speak my native language too, my cousin said it’s cause he’d worked with him for long enough he knew he could trust the guy, even if the guy was hesitant to give his own trust. He went by ‘Batman’ or something like that? I don’t know. He disappeared two or three years ago, though and my cousin won’t tell me why.” She smiled at Barry, seemed Barry was lucky he didn’t have to do that kind of training with her. Though she may or may not be imagining him getting his ass handed to him by the Green Arrow and she had to fight back a laugh.
“And I know you weren’t trying to say we needed to but me in a life or death situation. We’ve already seen I’m pretty good at handling myself....I hope. Though I guess I could have properly put that plan on the beach with no tide water there....I just kinda panicked at the end when I realized cameras likely had gotten a good look at my face.” She says sheepishly, “I don’t need too much reported on me til i have a proper name and uniform, right? And a place to practice my heat vision and superbreath sounds great, though the heat vision is going to be way more precise than the superbreath.”
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Barry ran as fast as he could hoping that he could push Kara to do her best. He didn’t know if he could get her to go any faster or not but who knows many with some training he could.
The whole time they were running around he refrained from saying “On your left” everytime he passed her. Although it would be pretty ironic for a superhero to reference a superhero movie, wouldn’t it?
“Not by much, but to fair you have more than just speed with your powers. His only power is speed,” Cisco said as Barry came sliding to a stop beside her. “Nice, run, definitely think I can’ teach a trick or two.” he grinned.
“okay, good point....and I do have flight to combine with speed so I dont have to avoid any buildings,” She grins as she smiles at Barry and Cisco before she looked back to Barry, “So...these new tricks...think you could help me with my super breath? Or at least give me things to target and try it out on? It’s rather embarrassing I can’t figure it out and yet my cousin has...though I did beat him with figuring out how to fly within days of arriving when it took him years,” She says with a grin
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The Doctor smiled, handing her the box. It was a very small box, but it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. He had trouble thinking of gifts for the Girl of Steel, considering her abilities there wasn’t much she might need, but he tried his best regardless. Inside there was a scarf he knitted just for her, that looked like his old one he wore in his fourth face. He knew she had no use for a scarf except for fashion, but the people of Earth did seem to enjoy that sort of thing. He also had a new anti kryptonite battle suit he had designed, just for her, using Time Lord technology so it wasn’t too heavy and easy to move around in. She had once complained about not having a good way to restrain criminals she caught, so he included several pairs of handcuffs she could use for that. There was also a necklace, from her home world that he had found while out exploring and the jewel on it perfectly matched her eyes. There was some chocolates, since he knew she enjoyed that, along with a copy of a book about her that was written a few months after the current date so he knew she didn’t have it yet. There was also a photo album, full of pictures from their adventures together and even some other photos he had found from some of her other adventures without him. Lastly, there was a sonic screwdriver he had specifically designed for her and a TARDIS key, so she’d always have a way to get inside the TARDIS. The box was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside and wrapped in green and red Christmas wrapping.
“I hope you enjoy it,” he grinned, handing her the gift box.
Kara stared at each and every gift, the Kryptonian in shock at seeing such elegant and thoughtful presents given to her by The Doctor and each one she grinned at and happily hugged close, and the necklace she was more than happy to put on, Kara over the moon at getting the new suit and the sonic and book as well before she got up, went over to The Doctor and hugged him as close as she could manage without restricting his breathing or breaking a bone
“This is all seriously amazing and thoughtful and....WOW.” She smiled and sighed softly, “clearly you know a lot more about what I like than what I can figure out of you besides you liking fish fingers and custard and the color blue.”
It was December 25th, Christmas day of the year 2019. The Doctor wanted to do something special for Kara, so he put together a very special gift box for her. The box was bigger on the inside with several items inside and wrapped in Christmas wrapping. "Merry Christmas," he told her, a big grin on his face when she opened the door. (Trying to do some Christmasy/Holiday related threads. I hope that's okay :D )
“Oh! Now I feel a little guilty, I couldn’t find anything for you, Doctor,” She says sheepishly as she looks at the presents inside and takes out the smallest one first, wanting to save the biggest one for last and she goes and sits on the closest couch and starts to open it“Thank you, Doctor, for doing this, it really is sweet of you.”
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“Krypton exploding is a fixed point that I tried several times to fix myself with no luck,” the Doctor told her, “Sometimes as a Time Lord, I can tell what is a fixed point and what isn’t, but no, the TARDIS doesn’t have a way of knowing and even my own abilities are somewhat limited. There’s really no way of knowing for sure until you try tinkering with things. Usually births and deaths are fixed points in time though.”
“Hm....well, I do appreciate you trying,” She says as she smiles at The Doctor and she walks over slowly
“So of all of time and can only tell what a fixed point is as you’re possibly accidentally messing it up? Sounds a bit risky if you ask me.” She says as she pushes some of her blonde hair back
“Do you ever lose people on your trips?”
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“How interesting is the question. What would you do with said powers? Would you hide them and help people from the shadows? Or would you do more with them?” Kara asks, sounding genuinely curious
“ Can you imagine waking up one morning and having powers? “
A surprised look came onto Lex’s face at the question and he frowned thoughtfully. “I can’t imagine it would be an easy thing to deal with.” He mused. “It would be interesting though.”
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“I wouldn’t recommend it. Although somethings can be changed without much issues and big events like say the death of my mother, it makes trouble,” Barry said with a shrug. “I think Doctor Who described it best as fixed events and changing them makes paradoxes that could destroyed universes if they are big enough,” he shook his head.
“Alright,” Barry smiled pulling his cowl back over his face. “Count us down Cisco,” he called as he got ready. Cisco pressed a few buttons. “Okay, start in five, four, three, two, one..” he said and Barry took off as soon as Cisco said one.
Kara grinned at the Doctor Who reference. That was one of her favorite shows, and now she was glad to have someone to geek out over it with...and she was about to say something when the countdown began and she let out a “Meep!” And ran after Barry. She ran as fast as she could without just leaping up to fly.
It was rather....freeing, she found, and she loved feeling like nothing in the world could bother her if she just kept running. It felt nice to know that she didn’t have to hide her powers here. She could have people besides Clark that she could share things with. People to train with and to help. This...this felt nice.
She ran for about three minutes before coming out of the speed lab entrance and she laughed as she came to a stop, looking to Cisco
“I definitely saw Barry pass me a lot. I’m slower aren’t I?” She asks, smiling despite herself cause she really didn’t care in this scenario
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new year's / new year's eve starters
“New Year’s is always the year’s biggest letdown.”
“So, what are your resolutions?”
“I swear, if I have to hear ‘Auld Lang Syne’ one more time…”
“Hey, sorry, it took me forever to find a place where my cell could get a signal… happy new year’s from [location].”
“What have you accomplished this year?”
“This year sucked. Good riddance.”
“Let’s hope this year goes better than the last one…”
“There’s a party at [name]’s house. You coming?”
“We’re headed to Times Square to watch the ball drop. You can tag along if you want.”
“Hey, last year of [politician your character doesn’t like]!”
“Just think of all the video games and movies that are being released this year…”
“No champagne for me. Designated driver.”
“Giving up chocolate for new year’s? I give it a week.”
“We’ve had a big year.”
“I plan to hit five parties before midnight.”
“3… 2… 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
“Want a party hat?”
“Three biggest moments from this year?”
“It’s nearly midnight… have you seen my date?”
“Ah, yes, it’s almost midnight, which no one is going to kiss me at.”
“This time last year, I was living in a motel. This is definitely an improvement.”
“I’ve heard ‘Auld Lang Syne’ six times tonight and it’s only 11:30.”
“And to think, this time last year I was dating you.”
“I need someone to kiss at midnight. You up to it?”
“I need your help. I want to kiss [name] at midnight, and I need you to help me make it happen.”
“It’s New Year’s. Aren’t we supposed to be making out?”
“Oh, God, my ex is here. Pass the champagne.”
“Look, I know you’d rather be in bed, but could you at least pretend to be excited?”
“A toast to my amazing friends, and to the new year!”
“I should’ve been in bed two hours ago.”
“Are you sure [name] is up to stay awake until midnight? I mean, s/he’s only [age]…”
“Psst. Hey. Hey, wake up. It’s midnight. Make your resolutions.”
“I swear, if next New Year’s, we’re in the same place we are now, shoot me. Just do it. I’m serious. Just shoot me.”
“I remember when I’d get so excited for New Year’s…”
“Y'know, New Year’s sort of loses its punch when you stay up until 2 AM every night anyway…”
“I like to think we grew up this year.”
“No firecrackers this year. The neighbors complained.”
“I’m tipsy, covered in streamers, surrounded by hung over people, I have Auld Lang Syne stuck in my head, and I don’t know where my cell phone is. It is New Year’s.”
“You know, under the circumstances, I think this isn’t such a bad impromptu New Year’s party.”
“I can’t believe you gave our son/daughter champagne!”
“Come on, it’s New Year’s Eve, you can’t spend the whole party hiding in the bathroom!”
“How much longer?”
“Any good New Year’s specials on?”
“I’ve had a glass of champagne, I made my resolution, I watched the clock strike midnight. I’m going to bed.”
“You’re crazy. That place is always a zoo on New Year’s.”
“Just pick an outfit so we can go. I mean, it’s just a New Year’s party, it’s not a black-tie event.”
“We should probably get back to the party.”
“What are you doing out here on the roof? The party’s inside.”
“Snow on New Year’s! Wish it had bothered to show up for Christmas…”
“Where’s [name]? S/he’s my ride.”
“I rented a limo. We are arriving to that party in style.”
“To 2015. May it not totally fuck us in the ass.”
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There’s something else to add that I didn’t know before. If you don’t want your name to be seen on the donor list, there is the option to donate anonymously. My friend Sam appreciates all the help and support that’s been given so far and I know I’m happy to see that she’s getting help from you lovely people. So even if you can’t give money just reblog this post if you can? That would be awesome!
Further Vet Bill Help >< Hi everyone,
The $250 we’ve raised paid for Benjamin’s vet exam and the medication I have for him!
Thanks guys!!
I need to get up to $1275 (and because GoFundMe takes funds away, we’ll have to raise a bit more than that) for a dental procedure. His major bottom left canine has an abscess and they need to remove the fang, so please, spread the word and donate what you can, it’ll help us out a lot.
There’s no set date for the procedure but the sooner I raise the money the sooner we can get this fluffball on the track to health again!
Thank you all for supporting me so far and I’m so grateful for all of you <3
Sam and Benjamin (Fluffbutt)
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I am so happy right now. i didn’t think I’d be able to watch Rise of Skywalker for a few days cause I wanted to watch it with my bro and I wasn’t sure when he had his kid with him. Turns out he can go with me to see Rise of Skywalker after I get off work tomorrow. Sooo happy ^_^
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