a legacy post
hello everyone, hope you all are well.
while i don’t update this blog anymore, i do keep tabs on it here and there to see how it’s doing. it is absolutely wild to me that there are so many people fandom wide using this kit, sharing it with their friends, and spreading the word about super junior far and wide. honestly, i love hearing how people have used this kit. i spent so many months hunched over my laptop editing the code and adding links, so i’m glad that time was put to good use. thank you all so much for your use and support of the kit. i created it for new fans, and i’m glad to see it’s being passed around as such.
i am somewhat disappointed that there are people online gatekeeping this resource from others, asking them to dm or follow instead of freely sharing the link. please share this kit freely without asking anything in return just as i did. i created this solely for the purpose of being shared, and i want you to share the knowledge and wealth without hidden motives. this is my gift to all of you, and i hope that you would continue to share the gift as you’ve received it.
if you’d like to share the twitter link, you can find it here.
i’m not in the super junior fandom anymore, though i still keep up with kyuhyun now and then. i’ll never forget the memories i had from my suju days. they truly changed the course of my life, and i still cannot believe it’s been nearly ten years since i first heard their music. an entire decade of magic.
i hope you all are staying kind, even when it’s hard, and staying healthy. we’ve received much happiness, and i hope you will pass that along in kind.
thank you again. aixing.
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final update: thank you and goodbye
hello everyone.
it seems very weird to be writing this update, even though i know that the day has been coming for at least a year now. knowing when things will end doesn’t make it any easier when they do.
after three (four?) years of updating the super junior starter kit, i will no longer be making official updates. at this point, i’m pretty removed from the fandom and the day-to-day activities of super junior that i no longer have the resources or the time needed to continue with the kit. i briefly considered recruiting co-creators or update helpers, but since this kit is my baby and mine alone, i couldn’t bear the thought of giving it to anyone else.
that said, i will be leaving the kit up for anyone to access indefinitely. it seems like it has served its original purpose: to help new elfs learn more about super junior, or at least have a place to start. this is what i wish i had when i joined the fandom over eight years ago. and besides, suju’s old stuff was more my bailiwick anyways.
i’m still in awe of how widely used the starter kit is. i know i haven’t been super active in the fandom for awhile now, but it still warms my heart when people share the link with their friends. i hope that this kit and its legacy will be my gift to super junior as a thank you for all of the memories and friends they’ve given me over the years.
(i’m not officially leaving the fandom, but that day may not be far off. i really never thought this day would come, but i guess it’s only inevitable.)
thank you to everyone who used the kit, who shared it with their friends, who submitted links and suggestions, and who cheered me on when i got discouraged.
thank you to super junior for making me laugh and for cheering me on during the hard days. you’ve irrevocably changed the course of my life, and i really can’t imagine what my life would have been like otherwise. even if/when we part ways in the future, you’ll always have a place in my heart.
and finally, thank you to my fandom friends. this whole thing was worth it if only for you. nat, suu, emma, alex, vi, issa, bookie, vince, daisy, mila, lizzie, lorena, kylie, steph, casey, mijae, cha, ally, lish, meng2, aimee, ash, sora, andie, chelsea, channa, tee, sandy, shay, nat, yumi, kris, and anyone else i forgot to mention.
i love you all.
thank you for everything. i wouldn’t be who i am today without you.
all my love, aixing.
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I wanna send an appreciation post for the creator of this page and E.L.F whom gather and keep updates. Thank you so much for all the hard work. I'm very happy to be able to watch all these collection 💙💙💙
thank you for your kind words, it's really means a lot!!
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this has been located and added to the concerts page!
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Oh my god THANK YOU! I've been looking for anniv vod for ages!! 😳😳😳🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i really grew up with your content and even now i still am thankful!
i'm so glad the kit was helpful!! thanks for your support!
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Hello do you have D&E returns behind scene ? In vlive?
i do not unfortunately :(
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hi! the link for the 15th anniversary isn't working anymore :( i thought i'd let you know!
thanks for the heads up! it isn't so i've removed it :(
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is the 15th anniv vod link not working? thank you for answering!
unfortunately i think it was either removed by the owner or taken down :(
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Do you have the continuation of Radio Star 2012 after part 3?
i have been looking for it but haven't yet found it unfortunately :(
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hi, i'm a new ELF and struggled so much to search and keep up with contents but i love watching them so thank you for compiling them here. everything's well organized ♡
i'm so glad you've enjoyed the kit! it really means a lot. i'm glad too that it helped you as a baby elf as that was the kit's origin :D
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Thank you so much for this! Also, Heechul and Shindong's show Friends are subbed in kisstv ♡
ooh this has been added, thank you!
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Hi! First of all, thank you for all your hard work. This blog is amazing!! Second, if you are still looking for a link to Eunhyuk on weekly idol then I would like to recommend youtube channel 1stonkpop. This channel has subbed weekly idol episodes starting from 225 and is actively updating, now at 511. I know other members have been hosting too so I hope the link can be of use. If not, sorry for bothering you.
oh this is very helpful! i've added it to the variety page, thank you!
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hello! thank you so much for creating and maintaining this 💙 i think the links in the pinned update post are broken (they seem to direct to superjuniorstarterkit/./com rather than …/./tumblr/./com. have a great day!
omg i did them ALL WRONG, oops! those have now been fixed, thanks for the update!
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hello everyone! i am trying to get some metrics about the super junior starter kit site and how people use it. please take this survey and share with your friends who also use the kit! i want to get as many responses as possible, and then i’ll open the kit again.
thank you!
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Hello! this is not really a question but it would be great if you can add this into the variety links? The title is Mokkoji live on 210126. There is an English interpreter in the show so it doesn't require subs.
i will add here! thank you!
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Thank you for doing this!! You're amazing!!
you’re welcome, thanks for enjoying it!
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Hi ^^ i found a variety starring Heechul and Kangin in my yt reccomendation. It is called "To be Kangin & Heechul" and the uploader name is ilovekidoya. He/she uploaded it ar Oct 11 2008. But, idk what is the exact year the show was published.
oh perfect! i will add it! thank you!!
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