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Ref: Dakes Study BIBLE, GRACE Ministries Study BIBLE,
Giving is the nature of God . Giving is a source of thanksgiving and praise to God . Being able to give is a gift of God, God’s grace working in our hearts and lives. Even very small gifts are acceptable to God, if the heart is right. Giving is service to God’s people .Giving is a test of the sincerity of our love and obedience – no giving indicates no love, little giving - little love, much giving - much love. Giving should be with freedom and cheerfulness. Giving helps to bridge the gap between those who have plenty and those who are in need . Giving will bring its reward. So Giving is a privilege we should seek.
We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good deeds (Ephesians 2:10). Good deeds are a part of the evidence that our faith is real, that God has done His work in our hearts . God has prepared us for good works and created good works for us. He places the opportunities to do good works before us all. If we do not do good works we show that we are not God’s workmanship (Matt 7:16-20). The new life in us will bear good fruit as surely as a good tree will bear good fruit. Jesus Christ was speaking of more than giving money or things. Jesus appointed for us to receive an abundance – it is not asking others for it, but giving to others. In some measure at least God will see to it that people give to us as He sees we deserve by our giving. We can give our time, our labour, our counsel, our loving service to others. And if we do , we will have a full reward in some way or other, at some time or other.
Those who give generously and cheerfully to others will not be the losers. Just the opposite is often true . God loves to give to those who love to give. God is the ruler of the universe. Men’s plans and projects, lands, weather conditions, the state of an economy, and all the many factors which can make or break a person financially, are all in His hands. God can make all circumstances to work for the good of those in whom He delights. He can even work miracles for them if He pleases to bless the giving people to needy. Results of generous and cheerful giving will be both in this life and in the life to come .God will never forget what we have done to poor . Usually God blesses us in more ordinary ways, using men and circumstances to increase our prosperity, and protecting us from disasters which could bring poverty. God knows how to pour out His grace in such a way that we will always prosper both spiritually and materially (if material prosperity is in His plan for us).
The desire to give must come spontaneously from the heart. God does not want forced and unwilling giving . Love is the basis of the giving that pleases Him. Giving is a test of the sincerity of one’s love for Christ. This is always true. The person who will not give to Christ does not love Christ, regardless of what he thinks or says. God will judge us at last not merely by what we have said, or intended, or taught to others, but by what we have actually done or not done. Works prove the reality of faith, and faith without works is dead . The good works of God’s children are not the cause of their being saved, but they are the evidence that they are saved. Of course those who have real love do not help others with a view of getting some benefit for themselves (such help is only disguised selfishness). They help those in need simply because they need help. A consistent lack of good works is proof that our faith is only in words. Enthusiasm and zeal to do good should flow up out of our hearts. Let our light shine – not good talk, not good intentions, but good deeds.
God shares all He has with people. Then why we should not share all we have with Him and with one another? Since we are all one in Christ why should some of us be exceedingly rich and others be exceedingly poor? Why should some of us almost throw their money away on needless luxuries while others are destitute? Believers should be willing even to die for fellow believers. This is the standard of love God shows and teaches us. When the people of Israel were in the desert God arranged things so there would be equality . God now gives good things to people so that all might have enough – not that some might enjoy all the good (and all the expensive) things of life while others starve. Some Christians are like saints in public, but like demons at home or in private. How sad it is that many who think of themselves as good Christian people will hardly lift a finger to help another fellow brethren in India.
God is the Maker of both poor and rich. He who oppresses the poor, oppresses a part of God’s creation and thus shows contempt for the Creator. Kindness to the poor is a great virtue in God’s sight. Those who give to the poor will be laying up treasures in heaven . We may be sure that God will pay his “debts”, and with good interest. In this world, There are only two possible kinds of treasures – the perishing ones in this world or the eternal ones in heaven. For which should a sensible person labour? The Lord Jesus does not want us to love this world and its treasures, but to set our hearts on heaven. Treasures in heaven – the rewards God gives His servants . We store them up by service to God and acts of kindness and mercy to men . We can do things on earth which will have eternal results. We can live for the sake of eternity rather than for our brief time here. Why should God give His blessings to us if we will not give anything to Him and to others? . The reason God blessing us “may have an abundance for every good work”. If we do not helps the poor needy people when God blesses us , we should remember that God can just as easily withdraw His blessing as give it from us.
If our giving is to please God it must come willingly from the heart, must be an act of love for God and for His people, must be a happy thing, not something done with a sad face. If we have love, giving is as natural as breathing to us. Giving should not be forced. A man’s property is his own, and he can give it or keep as much as he likes. But if he keeps most and gives little, there will be great loss to himself and suffering to others whom he might have helped if he were more generous. God will bless us if we are cheerful and generous givers. Of course, this is not a sweeping promise that God will make everyone rich who gives generously. There are many poor people who are cheerful givers who remain poor (but probably not as poor as they would have been otherwise).Some people are poor and will remain poor both in material and spiritual matters because they have no heart to give to God and others. So many now in Christian circles not only are reluctant to give to God’s work, they enrich themselves by filling their pockets from what others have given.
In any case, we should never seek to be rich, or to have material prosperity for our own sake . If we want prosperity it should be only because it will enable us to do more for God and His work and His people. To give only because of the hope of getting back more than we gave is not the kind of giving in which God delights. In fact, it is only selfishness in disguise. It is a big mistake to think of it as merit which will make us worthy of God’s grace. And we should always remember that Jesus pronounced a blessing on people who were poor, and He warned against riches .
Christians should desire to be rich not in material things but in spiritual. Who is the truly rich person on earth? He who is content with what he has. Contentment is something we should learn, not something we have by nature. Contentment goes along with the peace of God which guards the hearts of those who trust Him. The desire of some Christians to pile up money, possessions, luxuries, etc, is contrary to God’s Word and exceedingly harmful to the spiritual life. Contentment is the result of confidence and trust in God. The way to contentment is believing that God has put us in the place and position and circumstances He knows are best for us and has given us what He knows we should have, neither more nor less. Contentment will keep us from complaining, and from going after greedy desires . It will keep us from allowing material things to rule us. Contentment is a very important quality in a servant of Jesus Christ. Refusing to be contented is the same as criticizing God’s ways and His behaviour toward us. It leads to the sin of murmuring against God.
Food and cloth are the things that are really essential to life. One can live his whole life on earth without owning a house. Apostles had great spiritual gifts and abilities, and could have made much money had they chosen to do so. But they preferred to follow the Lord Jesus who had no place to lay His head . Apostles had proved their apostleship by the things they had done and suffered by Hunger, thirst, nakedness. Could they not have made their life more comfortable, more easy, more financially secure? Of course they could have, if they had been willing to ask individuals or churches for help, if they had taken money along for the best available accommodations, Inns and food, if they had gone only where it was easy to go and where things were well arranged for their coming. But they was not interested in all that . They wanted to reach people in places where those things were not even possible, and they considered suffering for Christ a privilege and a glory, not something to be avoided at all costs .
Cast your bread upon the waters means to give of what you have to help others. It may seem like a complete loss to you, even a foolish use of what you have (like literally casting bread on the waters). But God will see to it that you are rewarded. Those who want to do good in a world will find many opportunities, but will meet with many discouragements also and will sometimes be tempted to give up. God’s people should count it a joy to give to God and His work. If we do not, there is something wrong with our spiritual condition. We should not grumble to give something to God – But count as it a great privilege.
Tithing is not a command given to Christians now. Believers are not under the law but under grace . So God appeals to us to give on the basis of grace. But surely grace and love working in our hearts will not teach us to give less than Jews under the law . A tenth is the very least part, Christians should give to God and His work. If we are not doing God called for us, then we are deceivers, robbers. We had robbed God by keeping for ourselves what belonged to Him. This is not an instruction to Christians now to give all their offerings to one church or denomination. In Christ there is freedom to give toward His work anywhere. Tithe to be laid up in store house ( churches)for 4 class of people namely The levites( servants of God), The Strangers, The Fatherless or orphans and The Widows. By helping to needy, God blessed us in prosperity and increase the stock of whole nation of our country India.
God loves to bless believing, obedient, generous people. If we have none of these qualities we have no right to expect His blessings. Christians must not call attention to their giving. Standing with a rupee in one hand and a trumpet in the other is not the way for them. That is the way of hypocrites . Hypocrites do not do good deeds simply If others did not see or know of them, they would never do any good deeds at all. God will not honour such people, because they are not seeking God’s honour. They themselves are the centre of their existence, and their hope is that men will praise them, that they will be honoured by fellow human beings in the field of religion or education or whatever their special interest is. God really does not have the slightest place in their hearts. God examines the heart and mind and knows all about the inner thoughts, desires and motives of men . Men may see the righteous acts or charitable works of God’s people and it is right that they should . But His people must not do them hoping men will see them and praise them. It is enough that God sees and approves. There must be no hypocrisy in God’s kingdom, no using of religious acts to impress men, gain a name, or get praise.
Christ’s servants may meet with much injustice, persecution, humiliation and dishonour in this world. They may be despised and rejected of men as their Master was. Their honours are still to come. The eternal God Himself will exalt, praise, honour and reward Christ’s servants . Any loss they face here He will more than make up then. So we must choose what honours to pursue, whose praises we desire – those that come from men or those that come from God. No one is serving Christ who does his own thing in his own way. Those who follow Christ will be where He is in this world, for He is their Shepherd who leads them where they should go. And if this means trials, dangers, sufferings and a martyr’s death, He will be with them and they with Him in all of that. His followers will be with Him in the next world too and throughout eternity. This is what He prayed for them and this is what they will have.
Jesus is saying, “If you have love for your neighbour you must prove it by your actions. Words are not enough”. Does Jesus here demand that we all sell all we have and give it away? The answer is “yes”, if a love of money and possessions is the sin that keeps us from following Him. Without deeds faith is dead. We can say the same about love. Love that does not practice good deeds is not love at all. So-called love that does not help others is a false, deceptive and useless thing. Love must be practical. When Christ comes to judge the nations the basis of His judgment will be what people have and have not done, not the fine words they may have uttered, or the fine emotions they may think they have felt. See Matt 25:31- 46. True faith will always produce good works. Love can be known only by what it produces and seen only in how it behaves. Real love is always willing to labour for Jesus Christ and others. They help those in need simply because they need help. They were not trying to pile up merit, but helped simply because they had God’s love in their hearts.
Most of Jesus Christ miracles were performed on the poor. He gave all that He was and all that He had with no desire to receive anything from those He helped. He was not like many today who think “godliness” is a means to financial gain and only want what they think is the blessing of piling up money or possessions for themselves . Such people have never understood that Christianity in action is not seeing how much we can get for ourselves, but how much we can give to others. God’s People must think of others and their needs as He did. But should we give to a person who begs for money to buy intoxicating drink or drugs? Or to a crook who makes his living deceiving others? Surely our giving should not cause harm, or actually promote idleness, begging, or evil. The Lord Jesus wants us to be compassionate but not stupid. When people are in real need , we should help if we can. We may not be able to give what such people ask or all they ask, but we can give something.
To harden the heart and shut up the bowels of compassion against a men in need was one of the surest ways of receiving the curse of God and cutting off His blessings of material prosperity. The kindness, compassion, and right doing toward all men, especially the poor, that guaranteed the continued blessing of God. We shall ever be ready to help the poor and needy, for they will always be in our land. The blessing of God depends upon our doing right according to the law. We do not scheme against our poor brethren in India or evade our responsibility of helping them. When we are kind to our poor brethren in India, the Lord will bless us and prosper us in all we have to do . There would have been no poor people in India if all had obeyed the covenant of God and lived in harmony with Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Laws of prosperity.

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God does not give us the rest from troubles, but rest in troubles. Jesus Christ tells us plainly that the life of discipleship is not one of ease and pleasure and success in this world. Christ never promised any of His believers that they would escape tribulation or distress. He warned them of persecution and death for His sake. His faithful servants must follow Him in this and preach the same truth as He did.Troubles for Christ’s sake actually are working for the eternal good of those who suffer them.
Ref: Mathew 11: 28 -30, 2 Corinthians 4:17, John 16:33
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God is always at work in the earth fulfilling His purposes, but it is all obscure and mysterious to men. Especially He hides Himself from the sinful, disobedient and unbelieving.The more we learn God’s Word and understand the revelation of Himself He has given, the more we will see that He is infinitely above us in wisdom as in everything else. He knows all that He is doing in the world. We can know only the little He has revealed.
Instead of criticizing His ways and complaining about His dealings with us and others (as many do), we must learn to trust and praise Him and to submit our puny minds to His eternal wisdom. Our thoughts can’t even begin to understand all God has made, let alone the depths in God Himself.
Ref: Isaiah 45:15, Romans 11:33, Ecclesiastes 8:17
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God will not fulfill His purpose by noisy endeavor, but quietly and gently. He would deal mildly, compassionately with people in fulfilling God’s purpose. Christ’s way is not the way of hardness and violence. He came to save men not destroy them.
Ref: 2 Corinthians 13:10, Isaiah 42:2-4, John 10:10
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False prophets/prophetee or anyone who says he/she gets messages from God by other means than God has appointed. There will be many who like to think of themselves as prophets/prophetee, and whom others regard as prophets/prophetee who are false. They may give signs that deceive many people. But God will show in His time and way who is true and who is false.
When a prophet/ prophetee speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or take place, the LORD has not spoken that word, but the prophet/ prophetee(Vision 2020) has spoken it presumptuously. So We should desolate that false prophets/ prophetees.God proves the true prophets by fulfilling their words.
Ref:Ref: Isaiah 44:25-26 Jeremiah 14:14, Deuteronomy 18:22
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Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany in 1932 with a mandate of 33.1% from the German electorate. But 66.9% Germans did not vote for him but he ruined the Germany. In the same way, 69% , 63% of Indians did not vote for Narendra Modi in 2014, 2019 Loksabha Elections respectively but every one suffer BJP - RSS Hindutva Ideology in India. So India will have to first determine what it wants out of its elections and then choose the electoral system that works for Secular Country with Inclusive growth .
Kindly Pray for Our Present Electoral System (FPTP – First Past The Post) should replace with PR- Open List ( Proportional Representation) before 18th Loksabha. Amen

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True Honest people often seem to meet with more trials and difficulties than others. The reason is God is dealing with them as sons. A person who considers himself faithful to God, should not worry if God is disciplining him, only if God is not. God does not discipline Satan’s children. His anger rests on them, He punishes them, and will judge them one by one at the proper time.
Judgments and punishments are severe teachers, but it is far better to learn by them than not to learn at all.Affliction by God is good but not pleasant. Usually our troubles came from men, but God turned it all to good . God brings health out of sickness, riches out of poverty, strength out of weakness. So we should bear our cross and moves closer to heaven.
When troubles and sufferings come it is very possible to feel sorry for ourselves, or to fall into discouragement. Instead we should be “exercised”. That is, we should learn to examine ourselves, seek the reason for God’s chastisement, and correct ourselves.God carries on His work of disciplining, and no doubt carries on with it until we leave this world.
God brings good out of every circumstance into our life. We may not always be able to see what possible good has come to them from some things which have happened, but we are not required to understand, only to believe.
But if all things work together for good in our life, it is God who causes them to do so.
Ref: Hebrews 12: 5 - 11, Lamentations 3:40, Isaiah 26:9, Psalms 119:71,Romans 8:28
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The Lord Jesus Christ can counsel us in everything we need to know, say, or do. When He was on earth He always gave perfectly wise answers to those who came to Him for anything. His counsel now is no less wise, for in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Is it not sad that people go with their problems and questions to everyone under the sun, except to Jesus Christ, the One who knows all questions and all answers? Let us make a practice of consulting this One who is perfect in wisdom and perfect in counsel, and using His Word (the Bible) which He has given to us as a book of counsel.
If we know Jesus Christ we are at the source of all spiritual wisdom. All wisdom, without limit, is in Christ. If we do not know Him we are completely lacking in spiritual wisdom even though we know all philosophy and have all of the world’s knowledge.Men with all their philosophy, intellectual activity or mystic knowledge did not come to the knowledge of God.
Ref: Isaiah 11:2; 28:29; Proverbs 8:14, Colossians 2:3, 1 Corinthians 1: 20- 21 - Quotes taken from Grace Ministries Multiple Language Study Bible

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God is willing to give signs to encourage weak faith in His promises.Sometimes asking for signs may be good, sometimes bad. It depends on the circumstances, or the persons, or the motive.When men want to do God’s will and ask for a sign to make sure of His will, God is willing to grant them. But signs should be asked for in faith, not in unbelief.But Willful and determined unbelievers could not be convinced by the most spectacular of signs.
Ref : Isaiah 7:10-11,Exodus 3:12; 4:1-9, Judges 6:16-22, 36-40,Matthew 12:38-39 , Luke 16:31.

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True religion is of the heart. Without inner love and reverence for God, going to places of worship is useless. We should not expect God to answer our prayers if we do not love Him, obey Him, and serve Him, and if we want answers only for selfish reasons.We should not expect God to wash us if we are not willing to wash ourselves from all evil.
Men do not need to learn to do wrong. It is as natural to them as breathing . They need to learn to do right. This can be accomplished only by turning to the one true God and by studying and obeying God’s Word. Without God’s Word men frequently will not even have an idea of what is right .The more we know God’s Word, the more we know what right is. Learning to do right is a process that never ceases in the lives of God’s people as long as they are on earth.Learning to do right will result in our standing for righteousness, and in helping the poor and helpless.Have a heart to helping to poor is the true religion
Ref: Isaiah 1th chapter

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15.04.22 Dear All, this is 17th Loksabha constituency MP's Representation in India. Saffron Colour - BJP ( 303), Blue Colour - Congress (52).
Kindly Pray for 18th Loksabha on 2024 should get congress atleast 169 MPs , Aam Aadmi 69 MPs , New Emerging Secular Christian Political Party 72 MPs and Communist Parties to make the coalition Union Government under the Prime Ministership of Shri Kejriwalji to uphold secularism in our country India. Amen
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If it is God’s will for you to marry, search for virtuous woman. Do not consider lesser things. If one like this on Proverbs 31: 10 -31 is found, all your efforts will be well rewarded. How sad it is that when looking for a wife so many people (including many Christians) think mainly of how much the (illegal) dowry will be, or what her caste is, or what her job qualifications or degrees, or some other such consideration which means nothing in God’s eyes.
Her good qualities are far more valuable than any dowry that could be offered. She will be great blessings in both practical and spiritual ways to her husband and children. Such a woman is what she is because she fears the Lord . Without the fear of the Lord there is no truly noble character, no real spirituality, no wisdom worthy of the name. She is blessed by God and a source of blessing to others.She has earned the reward of respect and praise. They who fear the Lord should be honored by men, and will certainly be honored by God.
Ref: Proverbs 31: 10 -31- Grace Ministries Multiple Language Study Bible
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The Ant is a remarkable creature an example to Mankind.
1. They carry out life's work without being forced to do so by a guide, overseer, or ruler.
2. Work quietly without show
3. Work unweariedly until Work is done
4. Work together in astonishing systems of organisation to the best good of the whole community not selfish
5. Have keen foresight for others , Help one another in carrying their burden
6.Ants are diligent in preparing for the future
7. Collect food in proper seasons
So Be Like the Ant
Ref: Proverbs 6:6, 30:25
Dakes Study Bible

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We must be more intelligent than to give our money and hospitality to every one posing as a servant of God.Receiving a false prophet/ prophetee as a true one, or a wicked man posing as a righteous man will not be rewarded by God. If a person receives such or bids him God - Speed one is a partaker of his evil deeds.We cannot receive every teacher of religion and expect to be rewarded by God even if we make a mistake.
False prophets and prophetees rules their lives is not according to the will of God but their own wills. They may speak much about the kingdom of God but they are not in it. They think the fact that they are prophesying and doing miracles is proof that they are in the kingdom of God.We should know that the ability to preach sermons is no sign of holiness, being able to do miracles is not evidence of salvation. Is it possible for those who are not true servants of God to prophesy, to give God’s message to men, to perform miracles? Yes, it is possible.
Even if any good deeds this false prophets and prophetees do with the wrong motive. So Character is more important than outward activity. If we are right on the inside, then our outer actions will also be right. But our outer actions may seem to be right to men when actually we are not right inside.Those who do their works only for themselves will find in the end that all they will have is themselves – not Christ, not God, not salvation. So don't receive false prophets and prophetees in your homes for hospitality.
Ref: Matthew 7: 15-20,2 John 10-11, Matthew 10: 40- 42
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God is the Maker of both poor and rich .The weak or poor have a special place in God’s heart and should have in ours also .Kindness to the poor is a great virtue in God’s sight.If any one who oppresses the poor, they oppresses a part of God’s creation and thus shows contempt for the Creator. The man who shuts up his bowels of compassion on the poor will reap what he sows. Blessed are those who help them.
Giving is a test of the sincerity of our love and obedience – no giving indicates no love, little giving, little love, much giving, much love .
Giving helps to bridge the gap between those who have plenty and those who are in need . Those who give to the poor will be laying up treasures in heaven.We can do things on earth which will have eternal results.Our gain (the kingdom of God) was far greater than any supposed loss.
Each good deed is to rewarded if done with the right motive. The minutest details of goodness, if done for the right person and with right Motive will be rewarded.To have the opportunity of lending to the Lord is a great privilege in life and but yer few take advantage of it. The poor we have always and in all places so the opportunity is everywhere and at all times present. God Himself becomes debtor for everything given to the poor.God will pay it again, for in no case has He ever failed to do so.
Ref: Matthew 6:19 -20, 2 Corinthians 8: 8 - 14, Psalms 41:1, Luke 6:20, Galatians 2:10, Proverbs 22:2, Proverbs 14: 20-21, 31,Matthew 6:1, Proverbs 19:17, Luke 6:38, Matthew 10:42, Proverbs 21:13.

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Discipline our children before their habits are formed and sealed for life. It is better for them to cry now from strict punishment than for we to cry later. Discipline is one means of keeping children from evil ways which lead to death. So refusing to discipline children is the same as agreeing to their destruction. So Do not be responsible for our children premature death by refusing to discipline them.
Ref: 1 Samuel 3: 13, 1 Samuel 2: 12- 36, Proverbs 19:19, Genesis 18:19.

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It is better to be humble and associate with the lowly than to make friends with the proud. God raises up friends for those who serve Him and do His Will
Ref: Proverbs 16:7, 19

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