superbbearsong · 2 years
Everyday activities to promote language
Everyday activities to promote language
The types of activities you need to interest babies to toddlers in, to develop their language skills canroughly be divided into eight different areas, although they will cross over more often than not. All ofthese activities involve active, side-by-side learning. They are: Fine Motor Skills. The skills needed to learn to write, draw, and cut out, and create with the hands. Arts/Crafts. Creative…
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superbbearsong · 2 years
Raising an emotionally intelligent child ages 1-3
Raising an emotionally intelligent child ages 1-3
By Psyche Pascual It’s not easy being a toddler. One moment your child feels as if he’s king of the world; the next he’s crying in rage and hurling a toy across the room. Like many parents, you may find it hard to cope with your toddler’s outbursts of anger and frustration. But these times actually provide the best opportunities to teach a young child how to manage strong feelings and calm…
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superbbearsong · 2 years
babies learn Language Just After being born
babies learn Language Just After being born
I found this article on the Science 2.0 website ,previously copied from The Conversation .Written by By Guillaume Thierry, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Bangor University. Absolutely fascinating. “We often think of babies as blank canvases with little ability to learn during the first few weeks of life. But babies actually start processing language and speech incredibly early. Even while…
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superbbearsong · 4 years
Everyday activities to promote language in babies and toddlers
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The types of activities you need to interest babies to toddlers in, to develop their language skills can roughly be divided into eight different areas, although they will cross over more often than not.
All of these activities involve active, side-by-side learning. They are:
Fine Motor Skills. The skills needed to learn to write, draw, and cut out, and create with the hands.
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superbbearsong · 4 years
A Silent Tragedy
There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in childhood mental illness that is now reaching epidemic proportions:
What is happening and what…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Reading and Libraries...what does the future hold?
Reading and Libraries…what does the future hold?
As technology and all of its influences on all areas of society seems to be increasing at an ever accelerating rate,we need to  stop and reflect just where WE want to go into the future. To me technology is a tool but if we are not careful it could soon turn into a dictator taking us places and changing our lives in directions we might not necessarily want to go.
What I am talking about is an…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Buy the book
Teach Baby to Talk is written in an easy-to-read format with minimal educational jargon. It is a must-read for parents and anyone working with very young children!
To purchase book click here ebook only $9.99 click here Overview
Teach Baby to Talk …and Make Reading Fun, The Importance of Speech and Language in Learning to Read begins by recounting author Sandra Jean Smith’s experience as a…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Kindergarten speech assessment is two years too late
Kindergarten speech assessment is two years too late
This is the title of an Article by Annemarie Laurence ,Clinical educator in Speech Pathology in the Speech Pathology School program run by Newcastle University NSW Australia. In very simple terms Annemarie has pointed out to us how important talking to ,playing with and  reading to babies and toddlers is BEFORE they get to school.
I was chatting to a couple of children at work the other day.…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Starting school - The first BIG step
Starting school – The first BIG step
Once you’ve decided which school you would like your child to attend, the next step is enrolment and preparing for this new phase in your child’s life.
Staring school is the first  BIG occasion in your child’s life so its important to make them feel relaxed about the first day.
If you have already enrolled your child in the school of your choice , he or she may have already participated…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Books For Christmas?
The eternal question for families all over the world at this time of the year is always “ But what shall we get them for Christmas? With all of the electronic gadgetry , IPods, iPads, mobile phones, Kindles and Nooks which kids decry to you that they simply must have ,why not include a few beautiful and carefully chosen BOOKS in the mix of Christmas gifts this year? When I was a little girl of…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
A Speech Pathology Expert Can Help Your Child’s Speech Problems
A Speech Pathology Expert Can Help Your Child’s Speech Problems
Today I found this very informative article on a website called “Self growth.com ”  It quotes my interview with the Daily Telegraph in 2012 but more importantly gives more evidence to support my research as well as advising parents about who and  how to seek help from if they suspect their child has a speech problem.
” The Daily Telegraph reported children starting kindergarten have speech skills…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Why Do Some Children Have Difficulty Learning to Read?
Why Do Some Children Have Difficulty Learning to Read?
G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D., is former Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. The post that he wrote below is from The International Dyslexia Association’s Quarterly Periodical, Perspectives, Spring 2003! I just reread it recently and thought it has so much valuable information that I…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Sandra Jean Smith
‘The Daily Telegraph’ interviewed Sandra Jean Smith in their article ‘Cute kiddie speak can stunt school starters’ Wednesday March 14, 2012
Interviewed by 2UE’s Stuart Bocking, The Central Coast’s 107.7 2GO – Sarah & Dwayne, ABC’s Caroline Perryman, Sandra Jean Smith will also appear on Channel Ten’s TV Show ‘The Circle’ in April.
Teach Baby to Talk is written in an…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
To buy the book: click here
To contact Sandra Jean Smith
For interviews please call 0410 4324 64
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superbbearsong · 6 years
More Talking, longer sentences help babies brains
More Talking, longer sentences help babies brains
This is the title of an article out of Washington today on the importance of talking to babies early. It supports all I have found in my own experience of teaching Kindergarten on how important it is to talk to your babies from day one as if they understand every word you say! In my book “Teach Baby to talk and make Reading Fun” I stress the importance of how early talk builds vocabulary,language…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
Preschool Isn't enough! talk to your babies.
Preschool Isn’t enough! talk to your babies.
I came across this article today on a website called Metro West daily News. It is written by a pre – school teacher of 16 years experience Diane Magum about her experience and observations on pre school education and the situation in the differences between children as they start pre school .
By Diane Mangum Posted Apr. 1, 2014 @ 6:23 pm
Importance of preschool
 I support preschool. I’ve taught…
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superbbearsong · 6 years
How to Raise a Reader
As many of you are already aware I am a Teacher-librarian at Narara Public School New South Wales Australia.
I am connected to the Department of Education NSW email and I sign all of my emails  with my name, position on staff and a little personal vision statement which says “Turning learners into Readers”.
This is how I see the role of the teacher-librarian in the school setting.
By Reading…
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