do you know what happened to brooklyn-boys I can’t find them anywhere :(
she’s deactivated :(
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So Jeremy Renner is filming down the street from my work today and I feel like this is a good time to quit and just try to meet him
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Did you continue your fic Unexpected!?!? I loved it and it ended with Bucky going off to find whoever was threatening reader/baby. Haven’t see anything further!
Okay, so I’m going to be completely honest with you. I have an extremely bad habit of starting stories and then struggling to finish them. Part of it is cause I hate ending things that I’ve worked so long on. Another part is I lose interest and don’t entirely know where I’m going with it. And the last part is I have so much going on in my life that I don’t have time to sit down and finish things. I have every intention of finishing Unexpected, because it’s really my first series on here and I swear I have the next part started! I really appreciate you asking this because it does give me motivation to finish it! The fact that people are so interested in it to ask me if I’m still working on it amazes me! So I want to thank you for reading it! Keep an eye out, because hopefully I’ll have it out soon! 
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The Price of Truth
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Death (fake), grief, mourning, violence, blood, swearing, TW attempted suicide, angst, angst, angst
Summary: When Bucky Barnes’s life is threatened, SHIELD decides to hide him under the radar by faking his death. The issue comes when (Y/N) doesn’t have a high enough clearance to know the truth, and when telling the truth could result in the failure of the mission and the dangerous consequences for Bucky.
Word Count: 5,228
A/N: I haven’t written in over three years and since I deleted my whole masterlist, so this could be iffy. Also, there are heavy topics so don’t read if you are sensitive to topics such as death and suicide. No saving or posting on other sites, please.
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This week had been a dream. A week off of missions left more time for Bucky and yourself than you have had before. You spent your time going on walks, making each other dinner, watching movies, and genuinely relaxing with one another. Nothing came in the way of you two, and you couldn’t have been more grateful. You knew that there was a scheduled mission in the morning, but you couldn’t find it in you to be resentful as you laid in his arms that night, the fingers of his right hand stroking your bare back.
“I love you,” his soft voice broke the peaceful silence surrounding you. “I hope you know that.”
Your fingers drew patterns on his chest, your smile growing at his words. “Of course I know that.”
He laid a soft kiss onto the top of your head, and you found yourself growing too warm in his arms, too content, your eyes fluttering a bit as they begged for sleep. You didn’t want to rest quite yet, however, the moment too special for you to let go of so easily. “You know I love you, right?”
You lifted your head to look him in the eyes as he took in your question. His blue eyes sparkled as his lips quirked up into a small smirk, playfulness making his eyes crinkle. “Eh,” he shrugged.
“You’re an ass,” you told him, but you were smiling. Placing a soft kiss on his lips, he moaned slightly into your mouth before pulling away slightly.
“I know you love me. Maybe a little too much.” His words are not accusatory, but he knows how much you rely on him. The two of you became close the moment he stepped foot into the compound, thanks to his flirting, and you had never really opened up to anyone else the way you had opened up to him. The other members of the team were your coworkers more than they were your friends, but Bucky was your everything.
You don’t say anything in return, the body heat coming off of him making your bones tired and your eyes heavy. As you drift off to sleep, you feel Bucky hold you tighter, stroking your hair between his fingers, sleep not taking him away quite yet.
Awakening the next morning was difficult, but Bucky made sure to raise you from the bed and get you up and moving. His eyes held you as you got ready into your tactical gear, slipping on the catsuit and tying your hair back into a tight ponytail. As you were brushing your teeth, he came up behind you in the mirror and placed light kisses onto your shoulder. He met your eyes in the reflection.
“Want me to grab you some breakfast for the ride?”
You nodded appreciatively, smiling around your toothbrush to show your thanks. He tapped your ass in a gentle manner as he walked away to grab your food, and you finished up your routine, making sure to do your stretches and get in the right mindset for the mission ahead. Many distress signals were currently being sent from an old weapons base owned by SHIELD. The scheduled mission was made after a routine sweep of agents revealed a bunker of unused war-grade weapons that were never retrieved when the base was secured and evacuated years ago. With the information being retrieved about the weapons, there was a likelihood that other, not as friendly, people had also heard the news of the weapons. Your job along with your teams was to help the agents get the weaponry out of the base, fighting off others if need be.
As you made your way to the quinjet to meet the rest of the team, Bucky stepped into place beside you, passing you a banana, hard-boiled egg, and protein bar. You thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, peeling the fruit as you walked. Bucky was strapping his vest onto him, his black metal arm gleaming next to you.
His fingers did not leave your thigh the entire trip over, and you thought the touchiness of his behavior was wholesome. The week of time together was well-needed, and it seemed that Bucky was touched by it as well, not wanting it to end as he stayed as close to you as possible until the jet landed.
“Stay with Tasha, alright?” His voice broke next to you as you both stepped down the ramp.
“And you with Sam,” you winked. He smiled, grasping your face in his hands gently before he placed a loving kiss on your forehead. Your heart skipped at the random sweet gesture, but by the time you looked up at him to respond to it, he was jogging to meet Sam down the path.
It was go time.
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happy late birthday! 💕💞
Thank you so much 💕💕 I've been seeing the birthday messages on my story and I feel so loved guys like its unreal 💕
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Truly Forgotten
Summary: A birthday is forgotten.
Warnings: angst, language
Word count: 783
A/N: OKAY so this is angsty. This is from personal experience as my birthday was just on the weekend and my entire family didn’t wish me a happy birthday. I just really wanted to get how I felt into words and I thought what better way than through fanfiction? But here you go! I’m also working on a Bridgerton Series with Bucky that has been taking me sooooo long to get out, but school and work have been kicking my ass and my mental health isn’t doing too well, but I promise I’m working on it! Anyways, enjoy!
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     You watched the clock countdown the seconds until your birthday was over. It was like watching the countdown for new years, just without the excitement. Your phone lay beside you, taunting you with the black screen. Your eyes began to water as the seconds came closer to the end of the one day of the year you always looked forward to. Five… Your phone stayed black. Four… The silence grew louder. Three… Your tears fell freely. Two… Your hands shook as they wiped at your face. One… A sob break free. The bright 12:00 on your clock mocked you. 
     Not a single happy birthday message. From anyone. You had gone through the whole day, thinking perhaps everyone was just waiting for the right moment to surprise you. To wish you a happy birthday. But as the day slowly went on and no one even acknowledged your birthday, your heart began to break. Had everyone truly forgotten?
     More sobs broke free as you curled into the fetal position on your bed. Horrible thoughts flew around in your head. You tried putting on the TV to drown them out, but the more that your tears fell the more the thoughts got worse. You were an afterthought. You truly meant nothing to anyone and they only thought of you when you needed someone. 
     After a few hours exhaustion took over, and the thoughts silenced as slept took you.
     Everyone woke up the next day, well rested. They met in the kitchen for their usual Sunday morning breakfast. Bucky immediately noticed a person missing. “Guys, where’s (Y/N)? She never misses out on breakfast,” he said, a smile going on his face thinking about you scarfing down your favourite pancakes.
     Steve shrugged. “FRIDAY, where’s (Y/N)?” he asked the AI as everyone started setting the table.
     “(Y/N) is still sleeping, Captain Rogers. It seemed she didn’t get to sleep until just a few hours ago,” FRIDAY announced to the team.
     “Nightmares again?” Tony asked no one in particular.
     Bucky’s heart dropped at the thought of you suffering through your nightmares alone. He knew how bad they got and he always told you to come to him because of his own experiences. “I’ll go check on her,” Bucky announced, already walking towards your room. He reached your door and gently knocked. “(Y/N)?” he asked.
     After a minute and no response, he opened your door, finding it unlocked. The light from the hallway lit up your room and he could see you curled up on your bed, your back to him. He walked towards you, arm outstretched to gently shake you awake. “(Y/N), wake up,” he whispered to not startle you.
     Your eyes slowly opened. They felt sore from all the crying you did that night. You turned to look at Bucky giving you a small smile. “Please, get out of my room,” you whispered, not wanting to let your simmering anger boil over and start yelling. 
     He looked taken aback. “W-What?”
     You turned back over. “You heard me. Get out of my room,” you said, you voice slowly getting louder as your anger threatened to come out.
     “Listen, I just came to see if you were alright. We thought maybe you started having nightmares again and I-”
     “For once, it’s not a nightmare,” you said, throwing your blankets off. You got up and started pacing, trying to get away from him. “For once, I wish it was a nightmare. But no. It’s not a nightmare. It’s reality. And it fucking sucks! It sucks because I thought I meant something to everyone, but I don’t!” you scream. Tears rush down your face as Bucky stands. He tries to come near you, but you wrap your arms around yourself and move away from him. “Don’t. Please. Just get out,” you begged.
     Bucky nods his head in defeat and leaves your room. He hears the lock slide the second the door closed. “FRIDAY, what did we do?” he asked, afraid of the answer.
     “I believe (Y/N) is upset because everyone forgot her birthday this year,” the AI answered.
     Bucky shook his head. “No. No. That’s not possible. We would never forget her birthday. It’s-”
     “It was yesterday, Sergeant Barnes,” the AI told him.
     “Why didn’t you tell us?!” Bucky yelled, frustrated at himself and the others.
     “(Y/N) asked me not to. They said that it wouldn’t make it special if everyone had to be reminded. That it wouldn’t mean anything,” FRIDAY explained.
     Bucky shook his head in disbelief. How could he have forgotten? How could he have done that to you? He heard your sobs through your door and his heart broke even further.
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Chapter Four - Unbearable
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Updates : Every Wednesday
Word Count: 2809
Chapter Warning: **18+ NSFW**, Language, Whump, Blood, and Graphic Violence, Mention of Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Gunshot Wounds, Medical Procedures/Terminology, Angst, Guilt/Grief
Warnings: *18+*, Language, Enemies to Lovers, Blood and Graphic Violence, Torture, Captivity, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Fear of Death, Angst, Aftermath of Torture/Recovery, Smut, Fluff, A Happy Ending
Series Summary: Bucky isn’t happy about being paired with a snarky, untested hacker on a stealth mission to infuriate Hammer Industries. But when the mission spirals out of control and they’re both captured, he finds out just how much heart his hacker has–and how far she’s willing to go to protect the lives of others.
A/N: This is the last overly violent chapter. Please heed the warnings, because there is still a lot of whump and graphic violence. 
A/N/N: This was a request by @mademoiselle-lydia .See masterlist for original prompt. Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
**If you are under 18, you should not be reading this. Please heed the warnings, they are there for your safety. Your media consumption is your responsibility, not mine, you have been warned.**
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Synth’s Masterlist
Hello and welcome to my masterlist! My works are largely on AO3 prior to me setting up shop over here so that’s why it’s a little thin at the moment.
If you are interested, please sign up for my tag list.
Most of what I write is Marvel but honestly, anything goes as long as I feel the challenge to try 😘. The majority of my fics are dark. I have a soft spot for Chris Evans, Henry Cavill and Sebastian Stan - I know, not a shocker, ha. Requests/asks are CLOSED at the moment.
I also strive to be inclusive with readers and body types unless specifically noted. Many of my fics are written for black women because, well, I write what I am 🥰 but I like people to insert themselves into the stories so my tags will be noted as such if I am making a particular piece a love letter to my melanin readers. Please read and respect them.
Please note that the majority of my works are 18+. Navigate with caution and DO NOT ENGAGE with my work if you are not of legal age on fics that are tagged 18+.
As a reminder, I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted anywhere BUT I more than welcome re-blogs and comments, especially since I’m fairly new to Tumblr! I’d like to get more recs, so please help me out so that I can be introduced to more fantastic writers! I have been completely bowled over by what I have been reading. Everyone is so talented!
Thank you for reading my lil fics and I hope you have a fantastic day!
If no one has complimented you today, I will.
Nice butt.
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A Bucky Barnes Series
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Hacker!Fem!Reader 
Updates: Wednesdays
Word Count: 2500(so far)
Chapters: 1/6
Warnings: *18+*, Language, Enemies to Lovers, Blood and Graphic Violence, Torture, Captivity, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Fear of Death, Angst, Aftermath of Torture/Recovery, Smut, Fluff, A Happy Ending
Series Summary: Bucky isn’t happy about being paired with a snarky, untested hacker on a stealth mission to infuriate Hammer Industries. But when the mission spirals out of control and they’re both captured, he finds out just how much heart his hacker has–and how far she’s willing to go to protect the lives of others.
A/N: This is not so much a prompt as a collaboration with my dear friend @mademoiselle-lydia​, my partner in whump. The story is hers, I just brought it to life. 
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Whispers Of The Past - Masterlist
Summary: She has a past that she can’t quite remember, then again so does he. When worlds collide he may be the only one that can help her, and they might find out that their pasts are more intertwined than they ever would have thought.
Warnings: this one is going to be dark and handle some heavy stuff like non-con, domestic violence and mentions of child abuse. It will also have some other mature themes (i’m talking smut) so this is an 18+ only fic.
If you want to be tagged just send me an ask or add yourself to the taglist via the link in my bio!
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Updated 2.9.21
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Oh sweetie! Can you please tag me in your Bridgeton series? 🥰😘
Of course I can!!! I can't wait to get it out 🥰🥰
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Bridgerton Series - Character List
I am currently working on the first few parts as I want to get it established before I post it. Right now, I want to follow the episodes and do a part for each episode, so there should be 8 parts in total (and maybe an epilogue!). However, I do have the character list kinda established. SOO I wanted to post it here and if anyone has any characters I should add or take away, please let me know!!
This is clearly going to be a BuckyxReader story, so the reader (YOU MY LOVELIES) is going to be Daphne! I have also read the first book, and I loved some aspects of it that weren’t included in the Netflix series, that I do want to include in this one!
I’m back to school and working so I won’t have too much time to work on this as I had hoped, but I will be trying to post the first part within the next two weeks or so. Anyway, here is the character list:
Anthony - Steve
Benedict - Scott
Colin - Vision
Daphne - reader
Eloise - Natasha
Francesca - Carol
Gregory - Peter
Hyacinth - Morgan
Penelope - Wanda
Marina Thompson - Nakia
Lord Featherington - Alexander Pierce
Other Characters
The Duke - Bucky
Siena - Peggy
The Queen - Pepper
The King - Tony
Will - Sam
The Prince - Thor
Lord Berbrooke - Brock
George - T’Challa
I really hope everyone enjoys this series as much as I’m enjoying writing it! I will do a tag list if enough people want it so feel free to ask! 
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Who else watched Bridgerton??? Who else wants a BuckyxReader based off of it??? No? Just me??
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Shifter Series Masterlist
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Summary: Bucky wasn’t sure what to make of the newest recruit. What he thought was the new team pet was really a shifter in disguise. He learns she’s not afraid of much, whether it’s himself, or walking around all natural. Having the unique ability to change into several different kinds of animals makes her a bit more in tune to her animal instincts as well. Things are hardly ever dull anymore with her around. 
Gold Retriever
Fennec Fox 
Wolf 2
top moodboard by the amazing: @221bshrlocked
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Moodboard by: @BadassBaker (whom i can’t tag)
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Where You Go - Masterlist
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After a run-in with some hitmen, you find yourself with a new protection detail.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Angst, Canon typical violence, mild fluff, 
A/n: This is my entry for @sunmoonandbucky ‘s writing challenge (Infinity War/ Endgame who?) if you want to be tagged please look at the link in my bio
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Hello, my love. Do you know of any angst to fluff fics?? I’m in a mood. Thank you!!! 💕
Hi sweetheart! Okay, so I compiled a list of some of my favorite angsty to fluff fics. I tried to recommend ones that maybe you haven't read yet? (There are some that are classics though lol)  But also these are some of the ones that I could think of, so if you've read them, or want different ones, I can totally look into more!
Anything by @wkemeup, she will get you hurting but fix it by the end. My favorites are Lavender, Cold Cold Water, Twice Broken Man (!This one really hurt!), The Other Side Of The Door(!), and Guiding Light(!) for when I want pain.
Say It by @sgtjbuccky (Next To Me is also Pretty angsty)
A million invisible threads by @bitsandbobsandstuff
My Eyes by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Lost by @softhairbarnes
Live Wild by @redgillan
In the Arms of Justice by @avengerofyourheart (also I really love Faithfully) 
Nothing Ever Hurt Like You by @interestedbystanderwrites
Bad Match by @justreadingfics
Biting Cold by @hootyhoobuckaroo
The one // for me // forever by @serpienten 
Not the Time by @notimetoblog
Love or Hate by @justsomebucky - less painful angst, more irritating wanna throttle bucky angst 
Burning House by @jaamesbbarnes
His Wedding by @jurassicbarnes 
The Guardian by @moonbeambucky
Always Been Yours by @moonstruckbucky
Petals and Bullets by @revengingbarnes (also Deception)
Rose by @softlybarnes
Safe House by @thottybarnes
Obviously Heart and Soul by @all1e23
I hope these are some good ones! And I hope you and anyone else reading like these as much as I do ☺️💖
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Say It - Masterlist
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Status: Complete
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapters: 8 + Epilogue
Summary: In where you loved Bucky unconditionally, enough to sacrifice your life for his happiness, now Bucky tries to save yours.
Based on a request and made to a series from that “Could you write buckyxreader where the reader has a speech impediment.”
Warning(s): Angst. When I say angst, I really do mean angst, ask anyone that’s read the series! 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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