Hera, Goddess of the Heavens 🐦‍⬛👑
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moukie/leila | she/her | 32 | your trans best friend your trans worst enemy | child of god | professional twink | rare mean canadian | omega of colour | chaotic bottom | full-time cum dump for paul rudd | kalen defense squad | unfriendly black slytherin hottie #2 | Birthday: April 21st | Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, RWBY, Marvel, DC, Fables, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and others comics/video games/multifandom blog | Artist/Illustrator/Graphic Designer - Commission Info | wishlist | PayPal | Ko-fi | Nostalgia is my biggest weakness | Adam Taurus Deserved Better
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
it’s important to master blood magic and necromancy, so you can make use of the whole body
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
i’m tryna make these things engaging but it’s also not coming out as i’d like so i’m gonna have to mull it over for a while. though i do like the concept of someone hiring spies individually to steal something, only to have each of them unaware of the others and it becomes a cat and mouse game between the spies as they believe they’re supposed to steal it from the other spies they don’t know about, so A is stealing from C who stole it from B who stole it from D who stole it from A etc
except it’d be like lucy liu and ginna torres and alfred enoch and simone missick and whoever else i like while viola davis is the rich person who hired these spies to do this just to give her something to laugh at
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
it’d be cool to be commissioned to write RPF murder mystery and/or fantasy short stories of the commissioner and their friends/whoever the work is for
i gotta look into that
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
as a response to the infamous bury your gays trope that 2016 and history seems to love, i’m just gonna write a gay character who is so resilient and scrappy that they inexplicably survive things that no person should be able to survive, and while it’s questioned at first, it becomes accepted in-universe that while they’re not immortal and can be killed, they just someone manage to avoid it and, if i’m being extra, come out unscathed in situations that should rightfully kill anyone who encounters it. occasionally they may have their body ripped in half or their heart torn out or brain shot into matter and everyone mourns but then a volume or two later, they’re somehow back and everyone’s like ??? but they just shrug it off. though i prefer the “somehow manages to avoid being killed and comes out unscathed” option much more so than the other. their nigh-immortal ability to survive literally everything becomes a running gag, and the bury your gays trope is successfully flicked off.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
concept: horror story where someone is being terrorized/stalked/harassed/tortured psychologically and emotionally by some person or scary thing, and throughout the course of the story the protagonist slowly grows more bold and learns to defend themselves and becomes more and more resourceful and adapts to their situation to survive and by the end of the novel or comic or whatever they’re a bonafide badass and it closes out with the quote “I survived you. But will you survive me?” because that quote just came to me and that sounds so poignant and has tons of potential
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
*pulls a Cassandra Claire and steals your ideas* You're whole unkillable gays thing is so cool,tbh. Tell me more about your new world.
in a world where gays are killed often, and black people die on the regular, one black gay rises above the masses to be a symbol of hope and peace and prosperity, essentially a colossal “fuck you” to the heterostraights who would see him and his people die
he leads them to the Promised Land of Representopia, where representation is plentiful and the AUs are not homophobic.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
How come when a house is haunted it’s always ghost from the 1800’s? Why there ain’t ever any ghosts from 2007 who screams “ITS BRITNEY BITCH!”  3 in the morning
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
i really love that “I know something you don’t know” / “What’s that?” / “I am not left-handed!” only to reveal that Westley was not left-handed either
HOWEVER, when I totally appropriate this for my own workings, I’m going to keep the first part the same, and reveal that character A is not left handed, but subvert this by revealing character B is not right handed, and thus have cool fun times
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
I want to write a murder-mystery story based off mafia where the group of friends decide to play mafia and each is assigned a role, some with powers, some without, but then one of the players actually dies, and things get really real, and the game moderator who initially gave everyone their roles is suddenly missing and players are dying one by one but they discover that those who have power roles gain those powers in real life so they need to start figuring out who is killing them and who is mafia so that they can put a stop to them but this means making alliances, figuring out who is town and who isn’t, trying to figure out who to trust and who to avoid, and comparing notes with people who may be town, mafia, an independent faction (like a serial killer) or elsewise. of course there’ll be representation in spades, and it’ll be complex and convoluted and a fun read, but who really knows what’s going on? i wanna do this.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
there are too many versions of me in the universe! the girl i bumped into but didn’t stop to say sorry to has a version of me in her mind. the guy i let borrow my homework has another version of me in his. even my friends, my family, and everyone i’ve ever met in my life has their own version of me in their minds that i’m not even aware of
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
You know what would be hilarious to write? An exorcist and paranormal detective who is very good at his job, aside from the fact he’s very cowardly and scares easily.
Imagine all the screams and hilarity of this dude who is amazing at what he does but hates his job and prays every murder he investigates is just a “normal” one instead of something paranormal and thus in his purview.
Jump scares galore and he screams loud each time.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
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You get it
what if emotions were currency? what if you had a certain set amount of emotions, an allocation of each one, and you had to spend them wisely, on either moments and memories or as transactions to gain other things/achieve your agendas? what if you could pay for something with a smile which was indicative of happiness, but there were different meanings behind the smiles and each one had a different cost or something? what if i focused more on the earlier points and elaborated upon that?
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
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why wait to pay a therapist who never called you back when you can work out your own problems through fiction
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
what if when parents named their children, they had to give up their own name in order to be able to give one to their child? so like if they had one kid, only one parent would have to give up their name, but if they had two, each would? and if they had another kid later, the oldest child would have to forfeit their name? because there can only be a certain amount of names within a family by law or magical creed or something, and this can cause resentment or confusion from either the now nameless people who have to be defined by epithets in relation to their named relatives, or maybe named citizens are prioritized and respected more than those without. hmm.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
one of my favourite things to say in an argument is “trust me, i know. i majored in academia.”
it cracks me up every fucking time. majored in academia. no specific major, no focus. just…academia. all of it. in its entirety. every single discipline. it’s so pretentious and hilarious, i love it.
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sunwukxng · 9 hours ago
I need more horror comedies featuring black people
I'mma have to write some
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