sunsubdued · 7 months
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sunsubdued · 7 months
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sunsubdued · 11 months
           𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞   𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡   dan   heng...   was   that   jing   yuan   remembered   everything.   too   easily,   he   remembered   how   dan   feng   had   so   often   come   apart   beneath   him,   or   how   he   had   occasionally   ventured   beneath   the   high   elder   himself.   there   were   so   many   intimate   memories   that   swirled   in   jing   yuan's   head   -   but   they   were   just   that,   memories.   he   supposes   it's   by   cruel   design   that   dan   heng   recollects   those   things,   and   even   crueler   still   that   jing   yuan   nurtures   that   same   burning   passion   for   him   he   had   for   dan   feng.   but   it   had   always   been   him   that   had   encouraged   the   man   before   him   to   forge   his   own   path   -   to   be   his   own   person,   even   if   his   roots   tried   to   tug   him   back.   jing   yuan   supposed   he   was   one   of   those   roots   in   a   way,   especially   depending   on   what   exactly   dan   heng   had   remembered...   
           he   does   recall   softly   pleading   with   the   vidyadhara   to   rest   in   his   bed   during   his   convalescence,   tired   of   seeing   him   bent   like   a   belobogian   pretzel   on   his   settee.   he'd   been   so   injured   at   the   time   that   it   wasn't   naughty   thoughts   that   purveyed   him   -   but   sweet   ones,   similar   memories.   so   many   naps   he'd   woken   up   with   his   head   pillowed   in   dan   feng's   lap,   a   smile   on   both   their   faces,   and   warmth   burgeoning   in   his   heart.   he'd   felt   just   the   same   when   he'd   awoken   to   dan   heng   resting   in   his   bed,   and   not   outside   of   it.   the   general   is   amused   by   this...   situation,   if   only   because   it's   hard   not   to   find   dan   heng   so   terribly   charming   with   his   stumbling.   his   composure   has   certainly   fallen   to   pieces,   and   jing   yuan   well...   something   flashes   in   those   golden   eyes,   something   almost   predatory.   as   if   the   great   cat   has   spotted   it's   prey,   and   is   prepared   to   pounce,   to   sink   his   fangs   into   the   neck   of   some   unsuspecting   gazelle...
           it's   forward   of   him.   terribly   forward,   but   near   death   experiences   tend   to   shed   inhibition.   so   jing   yuan   leaps   forward   -   lightning   quick.   one   boot   splashes   in   the   water,   the   other   remains   on   land,   and   his   hand   closes   around   dan   heng's   wrist.   with   a   powerful   yank   -   the   leonine   general   pulls   him   back   towards   him,   enough   so   to   shift   their   balance   and   give   him   access   to   the   slim   curvature   of   dan   heng's   waist.   another   hand,   broad   and   powerful,   settles   there,   as   he   pulls   dan   heng   back   onto   dry   land   and   peers   down   at   him   through   long,   dark   lashes.   there   is   something...   commanding   in   jing   yuan's   gaze,   something   utterly   resolute.   when   he   speaks,   it's   firm,   honeyed   voice   deep   and   smooth:   ❝   there   will   be   no   running   from   me,   dan   heng.   ❞
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           and   then   his   indolent   smile   is   back   in   place,   the   hand   on   his   waist   loosening   with   a   small   sweep   of   a   large   thumb   over   dan   heng's   hipbone.   ❝   please   -   tell   me   what   ails   you,   there   is   no   need   to   hide   from   me.   ❞   the   general's   head   cants   to   the   side,   white   flame   hair   shifting   over   his   stunning   features,   as   he   offers   dan   heng   a   lazy   blink,   ❝   we've   been   through   a   lot   together,   you   and   i.   don't   i   deserve   to   know   what   bothers   you   so?   ❞   such   soft,   plying   words,   the   gold   of   his   eyes   wide   -   entreating   dan   heng   for   his   honesty,   as   if   he   wasn't   lazily   stroking   his   pulse   and   hip   bone   with   a   clawed   thumb   in   the   same   breath   as   this   plea   for   truths.   scoundrel   indeed.
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          he’d known that with the arbiter general, there were no expectations. professional matters, such as safety of the luofu ?   dan heng had volunteered these abilities himself, to rectify whatever he could in dan feng’s stead. but personal matters, matters of the heart   -   that was another matter entirely. he did not want his former life to dictate his decisions now, but   -   in truth   -   it could not be helped. not when dan feng was merely a fractal of the same draconic soul, not when curiosity had always been a vice that they shared. where dan feng had longed for the call of the stars, dan heng had desired a place to belong, somewhere to call home. as it turned out, they had exchanged those desires and paid the price with dan feng’s life. he would not trade the life he had for anything. he was a proud member of the nameless, and the astral express was his chosen venture, his home. but   -   he had been privy to the memories where once, home stood mere metres behind him, warm and soft, smelling of brewing tea and gingko trees.
          the fresh breeze of the outside felt cooling on skin threatening to overheat, although he could not help the flourish of it over cheekbones and down his upper back. a hand rose to hold the back of his neck, the other moving to weave into the hair by his temple, arms now blocking out the outside world while dan heng tried to collect his thoughts. it was an odd sight, to see the regularly cool demeanour of the archivist falter like this, and over some silly fantasies too.   but they’re not fantasies,   he reminded himself, that ever intrusive voice that sounded suspiciously like yinyue himself,   they’re memories.   maybe the subject of them might have come as suspect, that longing in jing yuan’s gaze worrisome, if it hadn’t been dan heng that bridged the gap between them during his recovery, that hadn’t kept the man company during long cold nights   …   in the end, it had been dan heng that slipped into his bed the one night he’d fallen asleep upon the seatee, and dreamed of days napping between studies and sparring sessions.
          the finch landing upon his arms startled him out of his reverie, the poor bird moving to a nearby tree to escape the flustered vidyadhara’s erratic movement. he whirred around, almost as if ready to move into a battle stance, unable to help his guarded expression from softening when he noticed who’d come to check on him. march, trailblazer, welt, dan heng could have passed a very suitable and very convincing ‘ i’m fine ’ but jing yuan ?   no.   not when he was one of the only ones aware of the root of the problem. and   …   was it really a problem ?   so   …   some of dan feng’s residual emotions had come to effect him. was he infatuated with the general because dan feng was so immovably in love with him ?   or, was he infatuated with the general because his affections, were clearly unconditional ?   agape.   was he jealous of a love that spanned lifetimes ?   did he want to experience that level of dedication ?   did he admire jing yuan’s resilience, and compassion ?   or was it because, in the quiet hours of the morning where there was naught but jing yuan’s honey – laden voice, calling him to lie down instead of suffer another back ache upon the seatee, he had found himself trusting soft lionine eyes unequivocally ?
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          as soon as seafoam eyes were caught in the molten gold of jing yuan’s gaze, he swallowed, comically, taking one step backward when the general advanced.   he knows.   dan heng could just tell from the mischief in them, that spark of amusement. it wasn’t as if they didn’t know this would happen. it hadn’t been one of the first sensuous memories, nor the first time dan heng mentioned them but   …   who knows   ;   maybe it had something to do with the nearing alignment of the eight ringed moons, maybe being in such close proximity to the place dan feng had experienced so many pleasant memories, made such recollections   (   made such sensations in his own body   )   difficult to ignore. so much so that the vidyadhara’s immediate reaction to involving healer bailu was a resounding and undignified yelp.   “   no ! no, jing yuan, that won’t be necessary !   ”   he was having too much fun with this, that scoundrel.   footsteps would unintentionally skitter back from jing yuan again, as if to feel his heat nearby would make it difficult to breathe. unbeknownst to dan heng, he had already stumbled past the edge of the pond, so flustered he hadn’t registered that his sneakers were making ripples as he stepped onto the water, walking onto it as easily one would glass.   “   i – i just found it particularly stuffy inside,   ”   a tug at his collar, the zippers unfastening a little to reveal more flushed skin,   “   you didn’t need to go through the trouble.   ”
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sunsubdued · 11 months
           𝐢𝐟   𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐰𝐚𝐬   𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫   𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡   𝐭𝐡𝐞...   propensities   of   dragons,   it   would   be   jing   yuan.   even   before   he   had   exiled   dan   heng   against   their   will,   the   proud   and   noble   race   had   been   one   he'd   had   to   deal   with,   with   a   careful   touch.   politics   played   a   heavy   role,   manipulations   behind   the   scenes   -   but   there   too,   had   been   the   candidness   of   his   relationship   with   dan   feng.   and   how   he   was   the   very   definition   of   proud   -   the   previous   imbibitor   lunae.   so   very   haughty,   feet   never   quite   touching   the   ground   -   as   jing   yuan   had   reached   adulthood,   as   their   relationship   had   blossomed   from   him   simply   mooning   over   the   high   elder   to   something   more   romantic   -   he'd   seen   first   hand   how   simultaneously   adorable   and   petulant   the   scions   of   long   could   be.   as   he   looks   down   at   the   man   beneath   him,   emitting   cloudhymn   vapor   with   such   distaste,   he   knew   that   trait   to   exist   in   dan   heng   too.   
           he   is   thankful   for   his   many   centuries   of   political   expertise   -   for   otherwise   jing   yuan   is   fairly   certain   he   would   not   have   been   able   to   maintain   his   pokerface   as   that   long   and   luxurious   tail   thumps   upon   the   bed   (   giving   away   dan   heng   so   blatantly,   he   thinks   he   may   wheeze   ).   indeed,   jing   yuan   leans   further   over   dan   heng   -   before   a   large,   gentle   hand   combs   down   his   side.   ❝   i   see.   ❞   he   muses   placidly,   that   hand   gripping   lightly   at   the   vidyadhara's   waist,   applying   the   slightest   bit   of   pressure   to   get   him   to   roll   over   onto   his   back.   
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           ❝   well,   i   read   something   interesting.   just   now   in   fact.   ❞   the   great   arbiter-general   worms   his   way   between   the   vidyadhara's   long   legs,   though   not   without   a   bit   of   struggle   of   moving   that   petulant   tail   to   the   side.   now,   he   hovers   above   him,   hands   braced   by   his   head,   as   he   leans   closer   to   speak.   gilded   eyes   -   so   warm,   so   bright   -   regard   him   with   so   much   adoration,   there   is   no   question   of   his   love.   ❝   did   you   know   that   a   tabloid   recently   falsely   printed   false   information   about   me?   the   nerve   of   them...   they   got   my   stratagem   novel   recommendations   completely   wrong!   ❞            but   his   face   descends   to   something   more   serious,   gentleness   easing   into   wise   and   mirth   filled   features,   as   he   flutters   his   lips   ever   so   delicately   upon   dan   heng's   jaw.   ❝   i   am   sorry   you   saw   that,   qīnài   de.   you   know   i   am   only   yours.   ❞
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          the archivist of the esteemed astral express was not a petulant, jealous thing. he liked to believe that since adjusting to the life of a former exile that he was above the gossip that followed him in droves, whether he’d been doing anything to incite such gossip or not withstanding. but, dan heng’s quiet nature led to a naturally inclined listener, idle talk tending to find its way into his lap whether he liked it or not. more often than not, the information was inconsequential, and maybe he could file it away for another day. he had never gone out of his way to purchase a tabloid, to sit down with a tray of freshly brewed tea and rove over the contents until the pot was empty. he was not a begrudging, punitive little thing. he was not obsessive, or malicious, and he would not let idle gossip get the better of him. the legacy of the azure dragon was one of questionable repute but he was still a proud creature   …
          which in the end made the tear of paper look childish. the first had been dealt on accident, a quick flick of a page he had poured over a dozen times resulting in words torn asunder. there was little more information on jing yuan that had not been rehashed in the last century   (   recounts on the general’s favourite teas, doting on his pet lion, even some of his favourite stratagem novels to date   )   but the poll’s data was fresh, and included a footnote that the general’s popularity had only skyrocketed since his last battle with phantylia. the rest of the tears had been supposed ‘ accidents ’ too, done so repeatedly while dan heng had foolishly gone over the information before tiring himself into an irritated slumber.
          it was not lost on him that the arbiter general was a well sought after figure. he was sure that had jing yuan not carried the title, he would still be in the top ten of a stupid little list such as this. jing yuan was devilish wit, and a kind heart. he was heartbreaking devotion, and soft sonorous laughter. he was soft sunset eyes, and a lullaby ballad with every whispered affection pressed to dan heng’s temple. not a day went by than dan heng resisted thinking about soft fluffy hair, or jing yuan’s radiating warmth, the amused curl of his lips or the way they felt pressed to his own racing pulse. the imbibitor lunae was no stranger to a battle between head and heart, and even dan heng had not escaped that fate. logic dictated that his possession was silly, and that jing yuan was his and his alone. heart   (   foolish, foolish thing   )   whispered   ;   ‘   maybe he shouldn’t be.   ’   a treacherous thing indeed.   ‘   maybe a – yuan should not be subjected to waiting for me to come home.   ’
        half awake by the time he felt the weight of the bed shift, fully so by the time saccharine kiss ghosted over draconic ear, resting in his true form and devoid of cloudhymn glamour. it was a tender awakening, near met with a contented sigh ‘til the mention of reading was brought up. too sleepy to hide the way his body seized, and instead of releasing his contented clouds in gentle streams, an annoyed exhale left him in a way not unlike a steaming fissure. dan heng curled up protectively, still facing away from jing yuan as if it was his fault he was so unquestionably desirable. what was once a sweet greeting would twist into a sudden, punched out, and defensive   “   no.   ”   he had not read anything interesting, nor horrendous, nor possession – inducing on some silly dragon’s note. because he was not some petulant, jealous thing.
         (   though the angry thump of his draconic tail against tousled sheets might say otherwise.   )
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sunsubdued · 11 months
           𝐢𝐭'𝐬   𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧   𝐚   𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝   𝐟𝐨𝐫   𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬   now   -   a   tabloid   would   run   a   small   poll   throughout   the   year,   the   citizens   upon   the   luofu   would   submit   their   votes,   and   at   the   end   of   autumn   they   would   be   tallied   and   the   winner   released.   it   had   been...   quite   some   time,   since   jing   yuan   had   lost,   and   this   year   was   no   different.   but   it   was   so   frequent,   so   common,   he   wouldn't   have   known   he'd   been   labeled   'the   luofu's   #1   most   eligible   bachelor'   again   if   it   hadn't   been   for   diviner   fu's   snide   comment.   sure,   it   was   an   honor   to   be...   desired,   he   supposed,   but   this   year   he   was   especially   unawares...   because   this   year...   well   this   year   he   wasn't   actually   a   bachelor.   
           it   was   rare   dan   heng   got   to   visit,   so   rare   that   jing   yuan   would   find   himself   rearranging   his   entire   schedule   just   to   spend   the   most   time   with   him.   still   -   being   the   general   of   the   luofu   meant   duty   would   occasionally   call,   and   today   it   had.   he'd   left   dan   heng   on   his   estate   early   this   morning   -   kissing   him   gently   goodbye   and   promising   to   be   back   that   night.   some   things   could   not   be   put   off,   and   this   was   no   different:   jing   yuan   had   raced   through   his   days   work   with   a   sort   of   vigor   rarely   seen   even   in   his   youth,   but   even   still   the   moon   was   high   in   the   sky   by   the   time   he   managed   to   return   home   -   entering   his   lantern   dark   room   with   nary   a   sound.   
           he   sees   the   shape   of   dan   heng   beneath   the   sheets,   and   smiles   -   but   does   not   pounce   him   yet.   he   sets   starfall   reverie   on   it's   mantle,   the   lightning   lord's   scroll   and   his   pauldron   following   suit.   jing   yuan   dresses   down   with   practiced   ease,   though   he   prefer   dan   heng   do   it   for   him   -   soon   he   is   down   only   to   his   undergarments,   and   pauses   in   the   midst   of   removing   those,   when   he   denotes   the   bits   of   shredded   paper   on   the   floor.   grabbing   a   few   scraps,   the   general   finishes   stripping   before   standing   -   holding   the   items   up   to   the   lantern   and   squinting   briefly   at   the   text.   'GENERAL   JING   YUAN!   THE   LUOFU'S   #1   MOST   ELIGIBLE   BACHELOR...   150   YEARS   IN   A   ROW!'   
                                            ❝   uh   oh.   ❞   he   mutters.
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           paper   tossed   aside,   the   leonine   general   crawls   slowly   onto   the   bed,   a   little   unnerved   by   dan   heng's   unmoving   frame.   still...   jing   yuan   inches   closer.   and   closer.   and   closer,   until   he   hovers   just   slightly   over   him,   silver   flame   hair   shadowing   both   their   features,   and   offers   his   lover   a   small   smile.   ❝   apologies   for   arriving   home   so   late,   a-heng.   i   hope   you   didn't   stay   up   late   waiting   for   me.   ❞   his   kiss   to   dan   heng's   ear   is   just   a   gentle   brush,   so   painfully   tender   it   could   be   described   as   a   whisper   of   air,   ❝   how   was   your   day?   did   you   go   shopping?   read   anything...   interesting?   ❞   // @cloudhymn
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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           𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐞𝐝   𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬   𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲   𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐛   that   rather   dangerous   tail,   gently   stroking   the   underside,   and   give   dan   heng   an   ultimately   'knowing'   look.
                                 ❝   what   ails   you,   my   scaly   friend?   ❞   
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          the sound of angry little tail thumps.
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sunsubdued · 11 months
i post this for all the jy-lover's everywhere.
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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The General will see you now. 🦁⚡️
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sunsubdued · 11 months
" ' so many nights he spent dreaming of a softer epilogue. come night, come 'morrow. that he might bridge the gap between their heartbeats, make a string of stars to guide him back to his beloved … ' " the lights of the archive simulated night, only enough to illuminate the vidyadhara in the phone's grainy camera ( the service across galaxies could be quite cumbersome. ) bracketed with blankets, pillows, and piles of unsorted books, even the most lonesome of knights aboard the express felt warmer knowing that jing yuan was on the other side listening, or … had been. dan heng didn't mind. a long distance relationship was as difficult as he'd anticipated, they never promised this was going to be easy, but when they could while away the hours in the intimacy of books, he would drink up the honeyed words like a man parched. jing yuan sits up in his own bed, his phone seemingly propped on a bed side table, or perhaps another pillow. to dan heng he seemed to be asleep, eyes closed, whether uninterested in the reading or bone tired. he took no offence. they both led busy lives. dan heng looked down at the novel in his hand, daydreaming momentarily. they had started this novel with jing yuan reading, and since dan heng could not emulate the character's visceral longing in the same way, or with the same baritone, or heartfelt conviction, the protagonist felt off. a soft blush coloured dan heng's cheeks, svelte fingers moving to bookmark a few pages from where they'd stopped. maybe it lacked to dan heng, not because he could never express himself so boldly, but because - " … i missed your voice, a - yuan. " dan heng's own dulcet tone softened with vulnerability, a heartfelt yearning projected forth on deaf ears while the general seemed to slumber. in that moment he felt an almost phantom ache for the brush of his lion's lips on his own. // @cloudhymn
           𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞   𝐨𝐟   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬   𝐡𝐚𝐝   𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧   met   with   smiles   from   the   general,   but   ones   tinged   with   ever   ardent   sadness.   even   if   he   had   been   the   one   to   set   dan   heng   free   -   nothing   would   ever   burn   quite   like   the   agony   of   saying   goodbye   to   something   so   warm   and   new,   when   he   had   only   known   loneliness   for   so   many   years.   yet   the   general   was   well   and   old   enough   to   know   that   dan   heng   was   suited   for   his   life   among   the   stars   -   living   a   dream   that   he   had   once   had   -   and   could   never   fault   him   for   it.   not   when   he   still   had   the   vidyadhara's   heart,   not   when   they   both   strived   to   make   this   work.   at   times,   it   felt   impossible   -   distant   too   great   and   schedules   too   busy,   but   jing   yuan   was   patient.   he'd   waited   this   long.   he'd   wait   a   bit   longer,   until   then   -   this   tided   him   over.
           his   schedule   was,   as   always,   impossibly   busy,   and   since   phantylia's   injury   he'd   seemed   more   tired   than   usual,   recovering   at   a   rate   a   bit   slower   than   some   would   like.   still   -   he   always   makes   time   for   dan   heng,   happy   to   share   with   him   this   love   of   books,   to   allow   him   the   freedom   of   picking   and   choosing   instead   of   it   being   whatever   selection   he   could   bring   to   the   shackling   prison.   there,   jing   yuan   could   not   read   to   him.   but   here?   he's   more   than   happy   to   -   sweet   words   flowing   from   the   page,   crafted   by   a   storyteller   who   had   obviously   spent   nights   rallying   the   spirits   of   his   troops   with   a   story   or   two   on   the   battle   front,   or   stayed   up   late   telling   yanqing   spun   verses   of   some   ancient   history.   but   even   jing   yuan   is   not   immune   to   the   virtues   of   exhaustion   -   and   at   some   point,   had   asked   dan   heng   to   read,   and   well...   the   dulcet   notes   of   his   voice   were   a   soothing   balm,   causing   him   to   slide   further   and   further   down   into   his   pillow   until...
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           he   lay   on   his   stomach,   fast   asleep,   bare   back   exposed   to   the   flickering   lantern   light   and   deep   scars   illuminated   by   the   bright   flames.   strong   muscles   rose   and   fell   in   rhythmic   cadence,   and   one   hand   (   claws   growing   back   -   in   constant   need   of   a   trim   )   reaching   out   towards   his   phone,   as   if   he   wanted   to   touch   dan   heng...   as   if   he   wanted   to   hold   him.   it   seems   as   if   perhaps,   he   may   stay   slumbering   -   but   something   about   those   words   draws   him   to   wakefulness,   and   the   indolent   general   slowly   opens   his   gilded   eyes   -   warm   as   the   sun   rising   over   his   seat,   and   offers   the   vidyadhara   a   soft,   sleepy   smile.   ❝   and   i   miss   you,   dan   heng.   ❞   his   own   rare   vulnerability,   voice   husked   with   adoration.   how   he   wishes   his   arms   could   curl   around   his   lover,   instead   of   thin   air.   ❝   apologies,   ❞   comes   his   sleepy   inhale,   as   he   rolls   onto   his   back,   body   stretching   slow   and   languid   before   the   camera   lense   -   not   unlike   a   great   cat   waking   from   a   nap,   ❝   for   ruining   our   book   date.   will   you   stay   on   this   call   with   me   a   bit   longer...?   ❞
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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Heaven and Earth
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sunsubdued · 11 months
tag dump.
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sunsubdued · 11 months
JY of HSR by finch. previously at riftzenith. one day i'll finish this pinned.
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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dad son dynamic
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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cooldown of the silly... his little :3 is so dear to me
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sunsubdued · 11 months
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