22 posts
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sunshinemorningstar · 16 hours ago
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This guy has such a story behind him (consisting in part of xianxia heavenly court shenanigans and in part depression— with a healthy dose of deeply personal storytelling); please let me know if you’re interested in a post explaining his story, I need very little prompting to yap about him.
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sunshinemorningstar · 1 day ago
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sunshinemorningstar · 6 days ago
Right now, you can submit a comment for consideration on the proposed changes to US Passport law that will include requiring a change from "Gender" to "Sex" on all passports and require that people identify with their sex assigned at birth.
Please take a moment to click through and submit a comment. This kind of thing is fast, easy, and is one of the many ways to show your support of the trans community to the people that need to know how many of us there are.
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sunshinemorningstar · 14 days ago
We have 30 days until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) laws are rescinded. This is the 50-year bedrock of American conservation. Normally, these actions take years but the administration has provided 30 days for public comment gutting clean water and clean air. Drop what you’re doing, before you make any more calls or read any more social media posts, please populate the Federal Register with dissent.
A. Go to
B. Click on the green rectangle in the upper right corner ("SUBMIT A PUBLIC COMMENT") .
C. Fill in your comment, and info at the bottom, and SUBMIT COMMENT.
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sunshinemorningstar · 14 days ago
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Uk peeps!! Let’s get this going! 🏳️‍⚧️🇬🇧
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sunshinemorningstar · 20 days ago
Watched Nezha 2 yesterday, and oh my friggin’ gods it was so good!!!
Might write an analysis about the way it depicted the rise of facism and how it depicted marginalization and its use of color language when I have the time.
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sunshinemorningstar · 23 days ago
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Gaze upon the cute doodle of the lovely beans!!
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sunshinemorningstar · 24 days ago
Even with a ceasefire, the lives of Gazans have been destroyed. Here are dolls made by Safaa, who used to support her family with a crochet business before losing her home in an airstrike:
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Her parents both have diabetes and have not been able to access treatment since October 2023. Her father also lost an eye in an attack.
Please support her and her parents in rebuilding their home and the crochet business
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sunshinemorningstar · 24 days ago
i want more nuance to be entered into the discussion of the green girl sorority and how differently cynthia plays elphaba in comparison to those who came before her because while a lot of people are rightfully like "why was elphaba not black from the beginning" and celebrating that she is now being played by a black woman, i think we need to be careful in just writing off all the elphabas of the past as Random White Girls when the role was championed (and often followed/succeeded) by a jewish woman
the pop culture archetype of the Wicked Witch has deep roots in antisemitism stretching faaaar far back. there is a level of reclamation happening in casting idina menzel, a jewish woman, to play the Misunderstood and Maligned young girl who is branded as exactly that. and stage!Elphaba is also written and acted with jewish stereotypes in mind--she is loud, aggressive, no-nonsense, blunt. she is quick to advocate for herself and shut down the discrimination she faces. all of this is very intentional! her personality is abrasive from years of abuse, and that makes propagandizing her easy. this is literally the thesis statement of the musical--it's not about aptitude, it's the way you're viewed.
cynthia's performance of elphaba is fucking INSPIRED despite going in a completely different direction. she's much more reserved, analytical, one of her key character traits is how well she can read people (see her calling out Galinda as insecure/putting on airs in their first scene together, clocking that Fiyero is using his party guy persona as a shield for his own depression) elphaba's attempts to blend in and make herself smaller all fail simply because of her existence, if not that then because she feels empathy so strongly she often struggles to hold back from acting, protecting.
personality wise, though, cynthia's elphaba is very quiet and closed-off, not at all the bullet-to-the-face that she is in the stage show, and... she still gets propagandized and maligned. though this seems to contradict the other interpretation, it tells of the other end of the spectrum of propaganda, one that black women watching (and many, MANY other marginalized folks) are sure to identify with--it does not matter how "nice," how reserved, how small a black woman makes herself. a racist society will still scrutinize her every action for a way to parse ill intent from it, brand her as an angry black woman who is dangerous and wicked, and write off any humanity she has in the process.
these two very different interpretations tell of the lie of assimilation. the fact of the matter is, when you are marginalized, there is no way to sand down your edges enough to make the people oppressing you "accept" you. that is why wicked is a tragedy at its core. whether loud and aggressive or quiet and unimposing, there is nothing elphaba could have done to make the people of Oz see her as anything other than a scapegoat to blame all their problems on.
so while i definitely appreciate that people are excited for black girl era elphaba, i would encourage us all to still show appreciation for what came before--that was not white girl era elphaba. that was jewish girl era elphaba. two houses, both alike in dignity, two stories both worth being told.
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sunshinemorningstar · 24 days ago
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Took this from Instagram because this is urgent US folks.
You need to call and email your reps no matter if you live in a red or blue state. This cannot be allowed to pass.
It will prevent anyone who has ever changed their name from voting (including their last name)
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sunshinemorningstar · 25 days ago
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Some Patrochilles art I made a while ago :)
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sunshinemorningstar · 30 days ago
In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.
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P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
EDIT: Well this got a lot of attention! I got a few users asking to print or repost my art and I am unimaginably grateful to everyone's interest, especially since it's a really simple drawing I made on a whim haha! Anyone who is looking to print these out to hang or hand out or repost on another platform is free to do so, although I ask you to credit me and let people know it's from my Tumblr profile! If anyone wishes to do anything else with my art or post and wants to clarify what I consent to then they can message me privately and I'll explain! <333 all my love to my queer siblings
EDIT: I made an LGBTQIA+ version with a focus on trans and intersex folks, it's on my pinned if you prefer this version of the acronym.
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sunshinemorningstar · 1 month ago
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I cannot stress enough to you that all American government agencies are falling apart at the seams right now and they will not be put back together for the foreseeable future. EPA DHS ED VA FDA NIH IRS CDC HHS NPS etc... Elon Musk is dismantling everything. Anyone who resigns or is laid off now, the word we (I am an agency employee) are receiving internally is that their position will be abolished, not backfilled.
Do you like eating clean, safe food?
Do you like having clean, safe air and water?
Do you want experts monitoring developing infectious diseases?
Do you like getting tax returns?
Do you want your children to have free, quality, public education?
If so, you need to write to your senators and representatives RIGHT NOW. Trump is not obeying the rule of law. He is illegally firing all the inspectors general of these agencies (they are literally being escorted by security out of their offices) so that there is no one left to stop him from doing quite literally anything he wants. He has bypassed the internal structure of all of the agencies by plugging in external email servers to push typo-filled emails and memos written by employees of the heritage foundation directly into the inbox of every federal agency employee in the country, threatening to terminate them.
The rule of law is dead. The only mechanism left to stop any of this is mass public outcry via convincing your state's congressmen & women to do something, because right now they are staying absolutely silent and none of us in these agencies can figure out why. A massacre is happening right now and every single American will feel the material, concrete consequences of this in their daily lives very soon if nothing is done.
Please help me boost this information.
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sunshinemorningstar · 1 month ago
Ok so, I just remembered how people in the comments of a tiktok video were being assholes, and I want to rant now :3
The video showed two wheelchair users at a train(?), who had just arrived to their stop to find nobody was there with a ramp so they could leave the train. One of them blocked the door so it wouldn't close, and this lasted for 15 minutes. The train was stopped for said 15 minutes. There was a button by the door, that said that it'd contact the driver when pressed. It didn't. People offered to go find the driver, and they came back with the news that there were no people in the platform to put the ramp. In the end, passengers had to go out, and place the ramp themselves, before the train could carry on. The wheelchair users had warned they were coming, and asked to have the ramp put there so they could get down. The platform turned out to have workers, they all just ran away because they'd never encountered the situation in which they needed to do this simple task.
Because of the workers' negligence, the train was forced to stop for 15 minutes.
Everyone's comments?
"Why did they block the doors and stop the train? So selfish" Selfish were workers who refused to do their job.
"What if someone had needed to get to their stop urgently? They shouldn't have stopped the train" It wasn't the disabled people's fault, it was the workers who were negligent.
"Why didn't they just wheel themselves down those steps?" They shouldn't have to risk their (expensive) chairs just because people didn't do what they were paid to do.
"If I had been in that train I would've been pissed, how dare you stop it" And you probably wouldn't have even thought about fixing the problem yourself, would you?
"Entitled assholes" Ok I'll leave you stranded in a train with everyone who could help you get down outright refusing to. Let's see who's an entitled asshole now.
If someone fights for accessibility, as much as it might be a bother for you, you do not have the right to be mad at them. If someone fights for accessibility, it is exclusively the fault of a world catered exclusively for able-bodied people.
So next time you think, "hey the consequences of these disabled people fighting for their rights bother me", instead of blaming them for this, help them solve the issue. This way, next time they will not have to fight at all.
Able bodied people, go out and fight for a fucking accessible world if you're not an asshole.
[ Able-bodied people are encouraged to reblog this post, but try not to derail ]
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sunshinemorningstar · 1 month ago
That’s so real, the neurodivergent energy is strong with this one.
Lester: Sorry I can’t hang out tonight, I forgot how to mimic human-like behavior.
Frank: I mean if you wanna just loom in the corner like some kind of creature that’s cool, we don’t want you getting left out!
Lester (sobbing): Thank you, Frank.
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sunshinemorningstar · 1 month ago
SPOILERS for season 1 of Squid Game
I noticed something interesting about 001’s supposed reason to return to the game.
I'm quite late to the party, but I was watching episode two, where we explore the reasons each character returns to the game, and something I noticed was that 001's reason was very different to everyone else's. All the other characters were pushed to desperation due to their financial situations, leaving them functionally out of options, while 001 cites his terminal disease. The thing is, it's easy to cite a lack of finances for hospice care, or even just healthcare in general, but he doesn't, and it's representative of his wealth and privilige, his disconnect with the people he is playing the game with, that he doesn't think to do so, as well as a subtle clue in that he is not truly one of them.
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sunshinemorningstar · 2 months ago
Trials of Apollo animatic wip
Edit: Just realized that things would probably make a lot more sense with the script, so here it is :)
(Keep in mind, this is something I made for a drama project, so a lot of this is whittled down to be comprehensible to people who haven't read ToA- also the reason for the stage directions in the script)
(Music passage 1)
Meg: So, a god again, huh?
Apollo: Indeed, but I will not continue like before. I've learnt from my mortality, and Olympus is… 
Meg: Messed up?
Apollo: Yes, that. 
Meg: Hah, no surprises there. So, what'll you do about, y'know, your dad?
Apollo: I… don't know yet, but what he did… does to me, it isn't right, and neither is what he does to demigods, or… the rest of Olympus, and he cannot be allowed to continue
I broke free on a Saturday morning
I put the pedal to the floor
Headed north on Mills Avenue
And listened to the engine roar
(Music Passage 2)
Meg: So, you've been hanging out with your relatives, huh?
Apollo: My godly siblings, yes. We've not always been kind to one another, but I hope we can be, in the future. You understand.
Meg: Yeah, it's nice to get to know some of my siblings without Nero breathing down our necks
My broken house behind me and good things ahead
A girl named Cathy wants a little of my time
Six cylinders underneath the hood crashing and kicking
Aha! Listen to the engine whine
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me
(Music Passage 3)
Meg: So, a revolution?
Apollo: He cannot be allowed to act without recompense, I cannot chance that he will hurt my family again, not you, or my children, or Artemis or any of my divine siblings
Meg: (sits down) …Or you
Apollo: Or me. 
I played video games in a drunken haze
I was 17 years young
Hurt my knuckles punching the machines
The taste of Scotch rich on my tongue
(Music Passage 4)
Meg: (getting up, begin slowly walking off) So, what's it you wanted to talk about?
Apollo: …I got Athena on board
Meg: (stops) Oh
Apollo: We're confronting him tomorrow
Meg: Okay… Don't die, dummy
And then Cathy showed up and we hung out
Trading swigs from a bottle all bitter and clean
Locking eyes, holding hands
Twin high maintenance machines
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me
I drove home in the California dusk (Come on stage; take quiver)
I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum (Pause and emotionally prepare)
Pictured the look on my stepfather's face (Open door)
Ready for the bad things to come (Draw arrow; Zeus turns; Fire)
I downshifted as I pulled into the driveway (Lightning thrown; Dodge + Explosion; Another shot)
The motor screaming out stuck in second gear (Shot lands; Lighting thrown; Lightning blocked with arms)
The scene ends badly as you might imagine (Lightning; Lightning)
In a cavalcade of anger and fear (Reach for arrow; Realize the strike is coming, and fall to the ground at “fear”)
There will be feasting (sparks in the corner) and dancing (sparks in the corner) in Jerusalem next year (Tableau as Apollo has his anime power of friendship flashback)
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me (Get up with great difficulty; Stumble)
I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me (Take arrow, step to strong beat— make + through, stab at “kills me”)
(Music Passage 5)
The aftermath; reeling from his bittersweet victory in the first half
Apollo: I… I did it… We won… (relieved, scared, tired smile)
Olympian throne room bg swirls and fades as if teleportation; Aeisthales
Apollo: (~Eye contact of understanding~) …hey Meg…
Meg: (~Pause of processing~) …You did it, you killed him
Apollo: Yeah…
Meg: So, what's next?
Apollo: I… don't know, but… there's time to find out 
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