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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Such raw power. Such amazing strength. Such a rough personality. She is what a powerful Queen looks like, towering over others with not only her height and muscular build but also her supreme power. Riding into battle on her mighty, and what Leona would call adorable. Steed she was seemingly unstoppable with sharp tusks and large teeth.
Leona.. craved to snuggle the boar. How warm was it? Was its fur soft? These are the questions that always ran through the suns glory head when she laid eyes upon Sejuani and her trusty friend Bristle. 
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Fluff Starters
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
“Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
“If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Here, let’s share the blanket.”
“You’re comfy.”
“You are my new pillow.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“We can talk over dinner.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!”
“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
“Will you let me rub your back?”
“Care to give me a back scratch?”
“Star-gazing was a good idea.”
“You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
“I think I love you.”
“You are my love.”
“How about something warm? It will will help you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“It is not morning yet.”
“Shush and go back to bed.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“We’ll do dishes together.”
“How about a kiss?”
“I love your hugs.”
A few were inspired by these.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Such a mysterious creature she was. When I had met her on that sunny day oh how the sun had illuminated her scales. They dazzled underneath the water, she shined so brightly as she broke that babbling surface, tail and all jumping so high up. Never had I ever seen such a magnificent display! The water trailed with her like ribbons, our eyes had met for a moment before she would re enter into the depths of water. My heart was a beating quite fast as I dared to walk closer towards the water. My legs entering the ocean slightly.. I did not wish for her to come to close to the edge and risk being beached on the surface.
With my attire now water boarded I would stand knee deep within the depths, hoping that I might meet that woman. Luck was not on my side though as I quietly stood within the water all that I would meet was what I could assume to be the friends of that woman.
The woman of the Ocean.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
She is that of the moon. Erie, cold, dark, and hardly illuminated. Her hair is like a lake that shines within the moon glow and flows as one also. My enemy, my opposite, my equal, the one I strive to reprimand. Diana, Diana, oh Diana. Why did you betray us? My sister why have you forsaken the sun? Either way what we use to have, is now gone. 
As long as the heretic sings of the moon, and the order sings of the sun we are at odds. Your blood stained hands will come back cuffed or you will come back with no hands what so ever.
I will eclipse you.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
ϟ //Even though I haven't had the chance to interact with you yet ;n;
I had seen a bard, her voice was like silk and lips like pillows. She sang of love, she sang of sorrow, she sang things that touched my soul. Tears flowed from my eyes, and a smile creaked on my face. What was she doing in that little village at the base of the mountain? What brought her to face the trials of Targon?
Either way, our paths crossed and my soul was a flare with inspiration and thoughts of those I love. All from that bard who sang to me.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
For every ϟ in my inbox I'll tell you a random thought my muse has about yours.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
“Ah yes.. times like this I grow so tired.”
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Send me 🐷 for a compliment!
Sitting quietly beneath the stars and between the snow the Solari was. She looked towards the sky a somber smile on her face, such a peaceful night it was. Gentle rustles of wind blew between the branches of trees that where now naked, light sound came from each shake of a branch and a light whistle attached to it. Always alert though upon hearing foot steps she would turn her head while readying herself to instantly summon her sword. Ah.. but this was a welcomed face.
“Taric.” Leona gently said as she trudged within the snow towards the man. On this nice night Leona was feeling so tranquil. “It is a pleasure to be graced by you.” Comming closer to him she would give a nod. “It always surprises me to see you so high upon the mountain. But you know.. It is doubles as being amazing, impressive. Such strength and audacity you have. Most who would dare to even come near this mountain would be eaten alive, torn to pieces, killed in the name of honor.”
Simply naming a few of what the surroundings of the mountin where capable of. “But you conquered all of it! That is a feat that is truly amazing. You know.. I was once quite arrogant only thinking that those of us born onto the mountain where the only ones to have a chance to fully scale it and reach glory. Never had anyone heard of someone coming from a forigen land to us. Much less one like Demacia which prides so much on nobility, grace, and all of that.”
Reaching a hand out Leona would set it onto the mans shoulder. “Taric I deeply respect you. To have braved the trails, passed, and still be who you are? Truly you are amazing.”
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
[AU]: Pantheon Leona. Where she was chosen twice over by celestials and the two Aspects possess her body simultaneously. Sword + Spear or two shields?
Can you imagine though how fragmented her memories would be? Just think about how Pantheon and the Sun Celestial fight over her body. One that is kind enough to grant her memories and total control of her body while the other wants absolute control?
Leona would probably go blank on fighting someone as Pantheon fights for control for a full out brutal murder, meanwhile the other half of her wants what is best and defensive? Haha how sad would it be if she forgot everyone and who she was at times. Periods of times where loved ones become nothing, she just vanishes and shows up somewhere cold and blood splattered. 
Not knowing what happened to her, shes just afraid of losing her self again even though it is the honorable thing they say but she just can not help but disagree internally seeing as all of her ideals become out the window for someone else. And each time she just blacks out.
Like what if shes in love with someone and one day its like. Pantheon decideds it is time for HONOR! And she runs off and then her lover thinking she is gone leaves her. This can be so messed up. Anyways I think a sword and spear since Pantheon symbolizes war and glory so she would need two weapons for a full on all out assault.
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Tristana was faaaar shorter than Leona. There was no way that the yordle could possibly pull in Leona for a kiss. That is what she thought what with everyone coming and giving her tender moments. Ah.. red came to the Solaris face as she thought of how much affection she might be receiving today. However this was one crafty yordle with a rocket jump! “Good gracious!” Leona spat out as she noted that Tristana was suddenly on her shoulder. “How in the glory of the sun do you do..” Leona was stammering and her face was turned to the yordle that was now nearly face to face with her. 
Smaller hands clasped onto the face of the woman. The yordle was coming so close to her face. Oh not again! How in the world did Leona become victim to this? Not one, or two, but now three times would she be shown a greater amount of affection and in such a short amount of time it was far to much on the heart of the Solari. Heart beat growing faster and faster Leona was just letting this happen, after all what could she do?
Just knock her off her shoulder and crush her beneath her heel? Well yes.. yes she could. But that however was not the way of the Solari. Such a peaceful woman doing that would be unheard of. Leona instead would harden her self and suffer the tests being placed upon her. Such as a true warrior would, Leona would not cry or admit defeat but rather charge in head on!
Meeting the lips of the yordle Leona would make it fast and painless instead of just sitting in it like the last two times she would make it a quick one. Pressing her lips to the other and then pulling away at a quick pace. “Ahem..!” Leona would clear her throat when she was done, lifting up a hand to lift up Tristana from the back of her shirt. “I am not to sure what would lead you to do such a thing with me.”
Leona would gently set the other down onto the ground. “However I would ask that next time you alert me first! I can not promise that all surprises with me will end well, as next time you might suffer a dent from giving me a shock.” Leona explained as she straightened her self out taking on her usual regal stance. “Do you understand?”
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Send me 🐷 for a compliment!
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
It was quite rare to meet another woman as tall, if not taller than Leona. “Sejuani.” The suns warmth greeted a small smile on her face as she would tilt her head up ever so slightly so that the two would be able to see eye to eye. “I presume you are well?” Respect was found towards the Royal One. A great warrior and with a large heart and love for her land, Leona could find a touch of admiration for the other woman. 
That was until she felt large and strong hands onto her shoulders. “I beg pardon..?” confusion would sink into Leonas face, and it did not help that the frigid woman was coming so much closer to her face. Intimacy and loving actions where quite rare for someone who grew up trained in the art of war. Trained to kill or be killed, there was not much adoration received as a child and that came out in her adult life. Things like a kiss.. where rare to her and she did not understand how to react just that they come from someone you really love. That they are special.
Sejuanis frigid chapped lips came closer to Leonas soft and thick ones. She could feel a hand slide from her shoulder and onto her back and pulling her even more close to the other woman. Hot breath came from Leona as she was nervous and did not understand what to do, seeing as she had no bitterness or qualms towards the rider she saw no need for combat. However she also did not want really want this and would rather there be some sort of lead up so she could understand why this was happening. 
All these thoughts gurgled in Leonas head and gave her no real time to react to another womans lips being planted onto hers. The sensation was not like the thrill of combat, it was not similar to stabbing another person and gaining victory from it. This was slow... easy.. gentle? Leona was trying to find out how to put it as her eyes stayed wide open.
When the other woman pulled away Leona would slowly remove her self from the embrace and take a few steps back. “Ahem!” Clearning her throat and regaining her elegant stance Leona would look at Sejuani. “I do not understand what that was for. Perhaps it is a form of greeting in your culture?” A small tilt of the head, a smile also. “It is quite different from what I am use to. Next time warning or asking would be better but aha.. Whats done is done I suppose.”
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Disgust laced Leona’s face as Diana appeared before her, brows furrowing as the woman came closer. “Halt.” Commanding and authorative the Solari would take a battle stance as the Lunari came closer. The fire was ignited in her soul at the mere sight of this heretic and traitor. “Diana I will give you one last warning.” 
As the Lunar one came closer and closer to Leonas face the sun touched woman would reel back but that did not stop the other woman from closing in on her. Leona should of attacked she should of lept into battle and decapited the woman with a clean sweep but being so.. gracious she gave chances to others despite who they are and that was a large down fall to the golden woman who now had a kiss planted onto her warm lips.
Her pale lips where so cold compared to the much warmer lips of Leona. However they where also soft what a shock to Leona. Almost as if Diana actually took care of herself which would be a major surprise to the Solari, who was currently in a lip lock and trying to react. No blade, no shield? What to do, oh that was right. She had fists.
At that moment it all snapped back to Leona and the situation she was in. Her right hand would become a fist that was etched in glowing light that at first was gentle and became more intense. Leona pulled her face away. “I have a kiss for you too Diana.” She scoffed and quickly brought up her right hand to jab the other woman off of her.
Leona scoffed and brought her self back up, dusting off her armor as if to clean it from the filth that was a heretic touching her. “Diana I will give you till the count of three to get out of my sights. I do hope that your theatrics where worth tasting the suns glory!” Leonas voice boomed as she stretched her hands up, shield coming into place and sword ready for action. “Run while you can! For this will be brutal!”
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
send 💕 to just grab my muse & kiss them!
who cares about consequences, kisses all around !!!!!!
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
( Aha I am highly considering remaking into Zed.. oohh, thoughts? )
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sunshineiris · 8 years ago
Punch my Muse!
Specify where you punch them!
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