Sometimes I forget will is a agent of chaos
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Sometimes I forget will is a agent of chaos
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You’re forgiven, I could never stay mad at you
*Nico emerging from the hades cabin, headphones on and a hand full of sour patch kids*
Annabeth: Good morning, Nico! How did you sleep?
Nico: Sleep? It’s morning?
Nico: Oops.
Will: Don’t you shove those sour patch kids in your mouth and run away from me!
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Don’t be grumpy at me >:(
*Nico emerging from the hades cabin, headphones on and a hand full of sour patch kids*
Annabeth: Good morning, Nico! How did you sleep?
Nico: Sleep? It’s morning?
Nico: Oops.
Will: Don’t you shove those sour patch kids in your mouth and run away from me!
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:D thank you!!!
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Solangelo hair kiss ❤️❤️
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So teeny tiny <3
*Nico emerging from the hades cabin, headphones on and a hand full of sour patch kids*
Annabeth: Good morning, Nico! How did you sleep?
Nico: Sleep? It’s morning?
Nico: Oops.
Will: Don’t you shove those sour patch kids in your mouth and run away from me!
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For a little guy he’s very fast
*Nico emerging from the hades cabin, headphones on and a hand full of sour patch kids*
Annabeth: Good morning, Nico! How did you sleep?
Nico: Sleep? It’s morning?
Nico: Oops.
Will: Don’t you shove those sour patch kids in your mouth and run away from me!
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Thank you!!!
Nico is a baby (in love), Bianca is alive
Inspired by one of the posts I've recently reblogged.
Gods, I haven't made these in a while...
*knock knock*
Thalia: Oh, hey, Nico.
Nico: Is Bia in?
Thalia: Yeah, just a sec. Bianca!!
Bianca: Yes? *notices Nico* Oh, hi, Nico.
Nico: Hi. Can you two do me a favor?
Bianca: Uhh *looks at Thalia*
Thalia: What's up?
Nico: So, as you guys may know, tomorrow is my anniversary with Will.
Bianca: Yes, we're aware. You've been nonstop planning for days.
Nico: Anyway, I wanted to ask if it would be possible for you guys to make sure no one interrupts us? Like, nothing too elaborate. But make sure there's no medical emergencies?
Bianca and Thalia: *look at each other*
Thalia: Yeah, okay. Leave it to us, kiddo.
Nico: *sighs in relief* Thanks, guys.
The next Day:
Will: Huh. Look at that! Nearly 3 pm and I havent gotten an emergency call to the infirmary. Can you believe that?
Nico: See? I told you we'd be okay
Will: Yeah, okay. You were right *kisses his cheek*
Hermes Cabin:
Travis: Hey, Thalia
Thalia: What?
Travis: We just got a package. They said it's just by the camp gate.
Thalia: Peyton, go get their package
Peyton: On it.
Travis: Thank you.
Hermes Cabin Camper: This is stupid. You can't just keep us in here the whole day.
Thalia: We can and we will.
Hermes Cabin Camper: We'd like to see you try.
Thalia: Sit your ass down.
Hermes Cabin Camper: Yes, mam.
Kayla: And be sure to eat something before you take the medicine.
Camper: Thanks, Kayla.
Kayla: Sure, no prob.
Greta (HoA, child of Apollo): Hey.
Austin: Hey. Kayla! Greta's back.
Greta: So, rundown: Ares boy scraped his knee so I applied betadine and patched him up. Aphrodite girl needed some dysmenorrhoea meds. And this Hephastus kid got 1st degree burns on his arm. I poured as much cold water as I could on it and wrapped it a towel so here he is.
Austin: Alright. Thanks, Greta
Greta: Sure, no prob.
Bianca: *reading a book*
Percy: Can I just-
Bianca: No.
Percy: But I-
Bianca: No.
*knock knock*
Bianca: Who is it?
Annabeth: It's Annabeth.
Bianca: *opens the door* Hi, Annabeth. Sorry, Percy's on lockdown right now.
Annabeth: Why?
Bianca: Short version is that today is Will and Nico's anniversary and we don't trust Percy to not cause chaos today that doesn't end up with anyone in the infirmary.
Annabeth: ...I see...want me to help?
Bianca: That'd be great, thanks.
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I know I know the purest of pure
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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Will shot a gun once, accidentally hit a bird and then proceeded to cry in his room for 4 hours straight and became vegan for 3 weeks
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I am so pure wdym
Stop spilling my serects
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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Nuh uh he’s agree with me
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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Nuh uh I am the most innocent, pure, kind boy ever
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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How dare you-
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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I’m so pure idk what yoy mean 😇
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Go on. Change my mind.
PS sorry I couldn't decide which meme template I liked better so I posted both lol
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Percy, opinions on the animated Little Mermaid movie?
-Teresa, cabin 20
Siren propaganda, very inaccurate in terms of fish :( - Percy Jackson 🌊
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Yesh fair-
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I was dead, but I got better dw.
Anyways, some info:
Name: Jason Grace
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight (?)
Age: 16
Birthday: July 1
Godly parent: Jupiter / Zeus
Mortal parent: Beryl Grace
Cabin: 1, zeus
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Other people you know:
@fire-boy-official / Leo Valdez
@totally-percy-jackson / Percy Jackson
@wise-girltm / Annabeth Chase
@king-of-the-ghosts / Nico Di Angelo
@miss-beauty-queen / Piper McLean
@gemstonequeen / Hazel Levesque
@not-so-dead-sister / Bianca Di Angelo
@goat-boy-underwood / Grover Underwood
@i-can-see-stars-again / Zoe Nightshade
@silenasblogies / Silena Beauregard
@official-drakon-slayer / Clarisse La Rue
@yes-im-aphrodite / Aphrodite
@by-the-decree-of-my-crown / Zeus
@my-sisters-and-the-moon / Artemis
@amusing-little-things / Amphitrite Nereidia
@reyna-dontcallmerara / Reyna Ramirez Arellano
@best-country-singer / Naomi Solace
@bestdemigodarcherever / Kayla Knowles
@kit-kat-flowers / Katie Gardener
@fucking-alone-for-an-eternity / Calypso
@yes-im-hades / Hades
@sunshine-and-socialanxiety / Will Solace
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Ooc: hiya! I'm cleo, and I run this blog as well as @cleothevoid & @cleothefrogo2
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