sunofdorne · 6 years
heeeey pssst psssst
guess who revamped Elia on their multimuse
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I missed her 
and you all
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sunofdorne · 6 years
heeeey pssst psssst
guess who revamped Elia on their multimuse
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I missed her 
and you all
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sunofdorne · 6 years
also guys that Game of Thrones RPG is so fucking good the show was in its early days so it’s all book based :’) I am weeping at the beauty (and screaming at their shitty camera) THERE’S CHATAYA IN IT
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sunofdorne · 6 years
what are drafts anyway
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sunofdorne · 6 years
{The Morning After}
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sunofdorne · 6 years
‘ Everything has changed, for both of us. You must get used to it. ‘
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“That is an easier thing to say when you are the one who got the best bargain of it, Your Grace.” 
Is it contempt seeping out of her voice ? Is it anger ? Or is she just being a sad, heartbroken woman ? 
Elia is subtle, walking on eggshells, but she shall not submit. Not completely. And while young Lady Cersei -- no, it is Queen Cersei, now, who is wearing the crown that was to be hers once -- did nothing to her, she is a lioness. She snatched her crown upon her children’s corpses.
And Elia does not bend to dragons, does not bend to lions, even broken, even childless, even as a hostage to Robert Baratheon.
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sunofdorne · 6 years
“When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.”
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“Cersei, I can barely walk,” she replied, form curled up on the sofa, Aegon finally asleep as she lied trying to handle her own pain. It was hard enough to take care of her children without Rhaegar, so taking care of herself ? Apart from gritting her teeth in front of the babes and lying down once they were sleeping, there was not much she was able to do if someone wasn’t there to help her.
Oberyn and Doran had raised the same concerns, but she was just too tired. Did it have something to do with the other pain of feeling discarded, left for another ? Maybe. But mostly she had no room to take care of her depressive state as well. 
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sunofdorne · 6 years
worried starters
trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
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sunofdorne · 6 years
protective sibling starters
as requested by anon. Could be used for formed families as well as blood families. Many of them can be used in other categories. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
protective older
“Mom/dad/parent/guardian left me in charge.”
“I’ve been taking care of you since you were little.”
“Come here. I’ll play with your hair until you fall asleep.”
“I checked for monsters, but they’re all scared of me.”
“You’re not going out like that.”
“What do you think you’re doing? I said ‘no’.”
“Did you eat yet?”
“I don’t want to see that boy/girl/person around here again.”
“It’s for your own good.”
“I’d never let anyone else talk shit about you. Only I can.”
protected younger
“You’re barely older than me!”
“You raised me…”
“Quit telling me what to do!”
“You’re not my mom/dad/parent!”
“I can’t imagine being an only child…”
“Stop acting like you know everything. You don’t.”
“You don’t understand!”
“But I don’t need a jacket.”
“You’re supposed to be my brother/sister/sibling, not my dad/mom/parent.”
“I need a hug. And I think you do too.”
protective younger
“You may be older, but I’m stronger.”
“Just listen to me for once!”
“You know, I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Trust me. Please.”
“You always said I was an old soul.”
“Are you going out again?”
“You can’t keep eating Cheetos and marshmallows. It’s not good for you.”
“I feel like a grandma/grandpa/grandparent.”
“You made me so worried!”
“I don’t like your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/etc. I want to kill him/her/them.”
protected older
“I can’t believe you’re taking care of me again…”
“I should be the one protecting you.” / “I’m supposed to take care of you.”
“I’m so proud of you.” / “I wish mom/dad/parent/guardian could see you now.”
“You were always the responsible one.”
“You know what? I know what I’m doing.”
“Don’t worry about me.” / “You always worry too much.”
“Here, take this. I won’t be needing it anymore.”
“You can’t boss me around just because you have the faintest idea of how the world works.”
“Let me do one thing right! Get behind me!”
“I’m not supposed to outlive you.”
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sunofdorne · 6 years
Tell me what you like about my portrayal
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sunofdorne · 6 years
✧     THE    VIKINGS    SENTENCE    PROMPTS    !   
‘ You’re crazy! You have the mind of a child. ‘
‘ We knew each other a long time. Since I was a boy. ‘
‘ I shall be an empty ship with no rudder set upon their endless sea. ‘
‘ My opinion is that we should take the land. ‘
‘ You are not like anybody else. Be yourself, [ NAME ]. ‘
‘ What are they doing? Where are they going? ‘
‘ Oh, you crippled bastard! You were right! You were right! ‘
‘ Oh, you bloody, mad genius. You were right! ‘
‘ Perhaps, instead of a narrow and small place, we should stretch the battlefield. ‘
‘ If it works, it is a good plan. If it doesn’t, then it is a bad plan. ‘
‘ If I do it it is for you, not for me. I am dead anyway. ‘
‘ Perhaps they will spare you. ‘
‘ So this is what the grunting of the little pigs was all about? ‘
‘ I’ve been told your god is a carpenter. And guess what? So am I. ‘
‘ No, it’s a truth. I just don’t know what the truth is. ‘
‘ I will establish the battle plans, and I will give the orders. Do you understand that? ‘
‘ You’re not behaving like a king anymore. ‘
‘ You’re distracted, you’re withdrawn, you seem unsure, hesitant. ‘
‘ Once you were firm, you were strong. ‘
‘ I have begun to believe that being firm and strong was the illusion. ‘
‘ I am unsure now because it is the most honest way to be. ‘
‘ Not in the face of a great heathen army that have come to destroy us. ‘
‘ I don’t remember you asking permission to kill my mother. ‘
‘ Us? You are no longer a part of us, [ NAME ]. ‘
‘ You should have killed him when you had the chance. ‘
‘ I have a bad feeling that he will reach more fame than any of you. ‘
‘ I’ve come here for justice. Everyone knows that you killed my mother for no reason. ‘
‘ I no longer know who I am, why I’m here, what my purpose is. ‘
‘ I feel like an empty vessel. I need something to fill me up. ‘
‘ He’s a viking. You made a huge mistake releasing him. ‘
‘ No more killing. Not in here, not in this place. I forbid it. ‘
‘ If you want to kill these people, you have to kill me first. ‘
‘ How the little piggies will grunt when they hear how the old boar suffered. ‘
‘ But don’t worry, I can see you [ NAME ]. I can see you. ‘
‘ Shut up and listen, idiot. You have many gifts, and anger is a gift. ‘
‘ You do not think like other men. You are unpredictable. That will serve you well. ‘
‘ You emerge from the womb with only one thing on your mind…how to die. ‘
‘ Oh, so you thought by killing all of my people, that was mutually beneficial? ’
‘ One woman against another. it doesn’t quite fit with your reputation. ‘
‘ The fact that you’re a woman is neither here nor there. ‘
‘ How long do you think you can keep us prisoner, traitor? ‘
‘ We left sixty ships outside your port, full of Vikings.  ‘
‘ Don’t you think they will come knocking soon if we don’t return? ‘
‘ How do we know that we are going the right direction? ‘
‘ Once you realize that, that is when greatness will happen. ‘
‘ I bet you wish you would’ve killed me when I was born. ‘
‘ Your mistakes are yours, and so are your successes.. ‘
‘ Then tell me this, what calamity will befall us? ‘
‘ You are not my brother. You never have been. One of us will die today. ‘
‘ I chose you as my companion. I accept that you might not love me. ‘
‘ I know that my being the son of [ NAME ] has little meaning to you. ‘
‘ Everything has changed, for both of us. You must get used to it. ‘
‘ Yes we had an alliance, as equals, but as you can plainly see we are no longer equals. ‘
‘ You know this weakens you. This weakens you in every way. ‘
‘ What have I done to you? I haven’t done anything to you. I love you. ‘
‘ How can you love me when you sleep with every woman in [ PLACE ]? ‘
‘ The space between life and death. That’s where we are the most alive. ‘
‘ When everyone wanted you dead, I kept you alive. You hurt me, brother. ‘
‘ You’ve never spoken to me of [ NAME ] death. It must have broken your heart. ‘
‘ Come to me and I will put an end to your suffering and heal you… and make you free. ‘
‘ I would never give you any cause to kill me. ‘
‘ You’re free to go with her. I won’t be jealous.  ‘
‘ Why didn’t they hide you better from such innocent eyes? ‘
‘ It’s about loyalty. And trust. Something you can’t understand. ‘
‘ If you were free to choose, what would give you the most pleasure and satisfaction? ‘
‘ You were incapacitated, I thought it was the right thing to do. ‘
‘ You betrayed me. You betrayed my trust and my love for you. ‘
‘ I thought it was power that I wanted, it’s not true. All I ever really wanted was you. ‘
‘ I don’t know you and you don’t know me, yet I want to tell you my most terrible secrets. ‘
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sunofdorne · 6 years
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“You so are,” she teased. Houses weren’t actually that important, even if Elia was much more about house pride than her brother was. She fit in like a charm in Hufflepuff, and well -- it wasn’t as easy to fit in as it could be for Oberyn. 
“I agree separating us is quite dumb, but as a matter of fact I quite like Hufflepuff. Though I do feel everyone should value honesty and kindness rather than have one house dedicated to it,” she reflected, leaning in on Doran as he hugged her. There was no debate to have, but the distraction there was more than welcome ; for the first time today she wasn’t feeling so depressed. All because Oberyn was being Oberyn, and Doran was there. She gave her little brother a look, and whispered under secretive tones to Doran, laughter seeping into her voice.
“He wouldn’t shut up about you, wondering what you were doing and where you were. He did miss you”
sunofdorne /
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She wouldn’t let go of Doran’s hand – she had missed him dearly. Besides, the house always felt suffocating after a full moon, so she was just glad to have him there in those times.
Oberyn actually has no idea what he’s doing, in fact, she thought, and the grinning that ensued would only encourage him some more. Her little brother was always up for mischief, but particularly on days like this one, and she knew very well why.
“Do you even know what they are ? Because I don’t.” she shrugged. “I mean, try it. It will be either the best thing ever, or we’ll die. It’s how Gryffindors do it, right ?.”
With you there’s no middle ground, ever.   
“By the way, try to greet Doran at least.” 
She sank on one of the kitchen chair, trying not to get flour on herself in the process.
“Big bro, I missed you. How have you been ?”
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                               Doran began to laugh when Oberyn’s face turned indignant, “ I’m not a Gryffindor,” the boy insisted, as he took a handful of the nuts and dropped it into the mixing bowl as the spoon began to stir once more, “ Houses are stupid anyway, grandma agrees. Anyway this will be the best cake ever, you’ll see. And Doran doesn’t mind,”
                              “ Actually i do mind,” Doran grinned, wrapped his arm around Elia, “ I could have not come back you know. Could’ve been trapped in some thousand year old hole. I come home tired and stinky and I would very much like to get a hug from my two most favourite people,”
                              “ Oh, shut up. You came back. I knew you would anyway. So,” Oberyn shrugged, pouring the milk into the mix, “ Whatever,”
                              “ Did he miss me?” Doran asked Elia, raising his brow, “ Is that why he’s so cagey about it?”
                              “ Did not !”
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sunofdorne · 6 years
so hello my computer was dying too much to handle two rp blog but i’ve emptied the hard drive and I’m here whaddup
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sunofdorne · 7 years
me @ people who drop threads:  i aM SO *clenches fist*…. not angry at all because it’s your blog and you can do what you want and rping is a hobby and you never gotta force yourself or your muses to do anything thank you. seriously guys i need you to remember that it is ALWAYS okay to a) drop threads  b) reply to a MILLION other things first  c) let things sit in your drafts for AGES if necessary. this is your hobby and you shouldn’t stress over replies. please keep in mind that you don’t owe anybody on here. also please keep in mind that i am awlays open for NEW things if you are not feeling a certain thread. take care, have FUN– it’s what this website is for. improve your creativity, have fun and, if anything, REDUCE your stress. not add to it.
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sunofdorne · 7 years
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                                   “ Hey !” He set his bag down and gave Elia a hug, easily lifting her off her feet. She did not seem to have grown any taller or heavier since he had last seen her over the winter break. Of course, he knew that it cannot be easy for her to keep a steady apetite or diet – but he always hoped that being in Hogwarts meant that she would eat more and eat well. Though, perhaps she did eat quite a bit – it would just quickly burn away during each full moon. Regardless, he saved his concern for later and smiled at her – smoothing a palm over the top of her head, “ Baking? All right, yes, let’s hurry,”
                                  Grabbing his bag again and placing it safely on the dining table, he followed Elia into the kitchen – and unsurprisingly, the scene looked as if a herd of centaurs had just passed through. Oberyn seemed like he was enjoying himself though – completely absorbed in searching through grandmother’s cabinets to look for more ingredients to add into the large mixing bowl.
                                  “ What cake are you making?” Doran asked as he pulled out a seat to watch his siblings.
                                  Oby turned, grinning – not the least bit surprised to see Doran home, “ The best cake ever, obviously. Elia do you reckon we can put these nuts in?”
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She wouldn’t let go of Doran’s hand -- she had missed him dearly. Besides, the house always felt suffocating after a full moon, so she was just glad to have him there in those times.
Oberyn actually has no idea what he’s doing, in fact, she thought, and the grinning that ensued would only encourage him some more. Her little brother was always up for mischief, but particularly on days like this one, and she knew very well why.
“Do you even know what they are ? Because I don’t.” she shrugged. “I mean, try it. It will be either the best thing ever, or we’ll die. It’s how Gryffindors do it, right ?.”
With you there’s no middle ground, ever.   
“By the way, try to greet Doran at least.” 
She sank on one of the kitchen chair, trying not to get flour on herself in the process.
“Big bro, I missed you. How have you been ?”
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sunofdorne · 7 years
Woops I have a new blog
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sunofdorne · 7 years
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░▒▌╳▐ s ɪ ʟ ᴠ ᴇ ʀ ᴘ ʀ ɪ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ
      ❛ AS IT SHOULD BE ❜, he wanted to utter but did not, simply nodding in acceptance and agreement to her comment of the Water Gardens. Children are children regardless of their gender or birth, high born or low born does not dictate the treatment nor care they ought to receive. Or at least, that’s how it should be. Dorne was rather different from King’s Landing in these matters—and he wonders how different his life would’ve been had he been raised there as his wife was. The North is another isolated part of the realm where they still keep their Old Gods and superstitions as well; how different would everything be had he born in either of these places? 
He was curious to know more about his wife and her life, as well as her family, for they are also his own now. And any children born from their union will be as much Martell as Targaryen. Mention of her brother has the prince chuckle lightly, a small smile remaining on his features even whilst he speaks.
           ❝ It’s admirable that he cares so deeply for you. I might’ve been the same had I a sibling so close in age. My brother and I are over a decade apart, and father is… Well, he’s quite protective of who spends time with Viserys. ❞ Only then does the smile falter but he dismisses the unpleasant thoughts to the side for the time being, focusing on his newlywed wife instead, and her own fond memories and jests.
          ❝ Mayhaps I was lucky then for I doubt your brother is the kind to be intimidated by titles. Though who’s to say he did not return to Dorne with some nickname– ❞ Elia’s sudden smile catches his attention and cuts him short, head tilting to the side. She has a pleasant laugh, and it evokes a wider smile of his own.
         ❝ I take you were reminded of something, my princess? ❞
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“I’m quite close with Doran eventhough he is a decade older than me as well. However it’s not the case for Oberyn and Doran. They are complete opposites and can never agree on a thing... Except when it come to me, I suppose.”
They would complete each other quite well if they actually got along, but the two of them shared one common Martell trait she was no stranger to : stubbornness. 
“I suppose the time you got to spend together marks the difference. Doran took care of us a lot when we were children.”
It was more like they had been consistently exhausting him during their youth, to be fair about it. She hoped they would get to be all together soon so Rhaegar might get to know both Oberyn and Doran better.
Ah -- He had caught on her laughter. Was that an alright story to tell ?
“I was... thinking of the said nicknames, in fact. It actually ruined a potential proposal. Our mother was livid. Yet I suppose you shall be thankful for that, otherwise I might be married to another by now.”
She looked back at him with a smile, still hesitating before shrugging it away. It was only a story, and a funny one no less.
“You see, we traveled to find suitors when I was still a girl. I must say neither Oberyn nor I took the whole thing very seriously. I would soon grow bored of lords trying to flatter me with empty words, boasting about their land or speaking about completely uninteresting matters. They would often fret about me being so small and thin and I have always disliked this. In those times, Oberyn would pick up on my boredom and find an excuse to get me to leave, or he’d distract them, pull some prank even... That kind of thing.”
Her voice was more enthusiastic than before as she forgot all the airs she took to act the princess, eyes bright glancing at Rhaegar for his reaction.
“So, you see, I will not name the poor lord, but one of those suitors, I quite liked him, but then -- ahem -- he once farted in front of us. Oberyn then nicknamed him Baelor Breakwind and I must say -- please do not judge me too harshly, I was a girl bored out of her wits -- I couldn’t talk to him anymore without giggling. Ever. My mother lectured us, which would only make me laugh even more.”
Elia couldn’t help but laugh again, without retenue. 
“You can imagine any sort of proposal was off the table after this.”
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