That's a terrible idea! Gimme that!
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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...what are you doing with that prism? Are you trying to Iris message Scott?! No!
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Maybe it's for the best that we're mortal...after all, what would we even be doing right now if we were gods? Trying to stop this? That'd only make it worse!
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Oli...that poor kid, he doesn't deserve this
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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*he breaks down into tears*
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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*he looks up at her with tears in his eyes*. My son
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Okay...Scott is going to try to bargain with Hades to get Jimmy's soul back... he's going to get desperate and...trade something he can't get back
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Are you gonna do something stupid if I tell you?
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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It's...about our kids, in the underworld.
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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... I'm not sure you should know. You'll only try to stop the inevitable.
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Want me to brush your hair?
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Uh, yeah, right, sorry. Didn't mean to imply otherwise
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Nonsense. You're beautiful, as always. Here, use mine
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Do you need to borrow one?
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Rough night's sleep? It's weird to see you with messed up hair, where'd your brush go?
Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Hey Dite, feeling better today?
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Night Dite, and I'm sorry
Ha... hey, 'Pollo...! How are you feeling, mortal shell treating you well, haha? *Her hair is unusually messy, and her eyes are faintly red.* - @allisfairinloveandwarxoxo
Um...Dite? Are you okay? I'm alright, all things considered but...have you been CRYING?
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