sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
Banishment is the funniest punishment I can think of. Just get out of here
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
no offense but there’s somethin bout the way the street looks when its just rained, there’s a glow off the pavement you walk me to the car and you know I wanna ask you to dance right there- in the middle of the parking lot…. YEEEAAAAAGHHHH
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
“Gay sex life, unlike straight sex life, is never a private matter. When a man and a woman walk hand in hand, it is their love that they make public. When two men walk hand in hand, it is their sex life that they make public… Our words are acts; our privacy is public. This reality stems from the nature of homophobia.”
Rabbi Steven Greenberg
“Wrestling with G-d and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition” (2004)
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
Feeling extremely
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
GOD I just want to be CREATIVE but all my energy is being used to survive
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
i ADORE the anomitinity of tumblr. when i post stupid ass shit from my mush brain on like snapchat or whatever i gotta deal with messages like “are you okay?” and “what does this even mean”. here i can just post 30 pictures of dinosaurs in a row and my followers will be like YEEEEEAAAA BABBY
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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me @ me
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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People Matching Artworks: An Unusual Photo Series By Stefan Draschan
People Matching Artworks: An Unusual Photo Series By Stefan Draschan More info: Website | Instagram…
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
being a longtime follower of an average Tumblr blog is like walking into a cafe for a cup of coffee once and then continuing to go there every morning for nine years even though it’s now a mattress store
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
taylor swift (2006) isn't good for an album by a teenager or good for a country album or good for a debut. it's just good. she went into a genre dominated by men and said well here's my songs about what it's like to be a teenage girl in high school. and she did it so well!!! like "you come away with a great little story / of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you" and "I guess it's true that love was all you wanted / cause you're giving it away like it's extra change / hoping it will end up in his pocket" and "if you and I are a story that never gets told / if what you are is a daydream I'll never get to hold" and "the one only one who's got enough of me to break my heart / he's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do"??? masterpiece. genius. invented country music.
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
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this show deserves an emmy for this scene alone
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
“suffering feels religious if you do it right” no shut up it doesn’t. my friends laughing in the kitchen while i make dinner feels religious. the sun on my face after a long winter feels religious.
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sun-andsunflowers · 3 years
“I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was grief.”
— C.S. Lewis (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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