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“i was just asking if you needed help- you looked a little lost is all.” hope was happy to help any tourist, sometimes with wrong directions into something a little less friendly for them. it’s been a month but she’s been busy. but this girl, something wasn’t normal with her, so hope felt inclined to actually aid her.
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                                   “Oh no,” she responded warily. “I’m not lost.. I just have no idea where I’m going.” Buffy sighed in defeated. “Which I guess is more or less the same thing so to speak. I don’t really have much of a destination though if you catch my drift. I’m kind of just.. Hanging out in the dark. Speaking of, what are you doing out here alone? It’s getting awful late.”
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Magnus rolled his eyes and stood up with a sigh as he thought about his wonderful drama free evening slipping through his beautifully manicured fingers. It wasn’t every day that he was called out like this, although he was becoming more accustomed to it than he would like.
“You know my name and yet I don’t know yours,” he said as he approached the stranger. He could feel a dark energy surrounding her but it didn’t feel like the source was magic. “Perhaps we could change that and discuss whatever it is that you need over a drink?”
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          “I’ve heard of you on several different occasions and to be honest—-” she replied. “It’s a little disappointing that Giles never mentioned his Slayer before.” Buffy shouldn’t of been surprised though after her adamant dismissal of his pleas for her to visit the Warlock. “You know about her right? Slayer, comma the. I’m sure all these fine people,” she looked around and instantly regretted her choice of words. “Uh.. things,” a mumbled correction of her former statement offered. “Know exactly who I am.”
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                        “You seem reasonable enough though.. I’ll take a drink now.”
ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ || ʙᴜғғʏ ﹠ ᴍᴀɢɴᴜꜱ
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                 “Huh–-       did you just say something?”
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ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ || ʙᴜғғʏ ﹠ ᴍᴀɢɴᴜꜱ
               Buffy could barely contain the demons battling inside her now. Everyday the urge to kill was stronger than it was the day before, the lines between right and wrong blurred a little more after each victory as the sweat that ran into her tired eyes showed the strenuous effort she put in just to survive what tomorrow might bring, without Giles’ steady hand to guide her way it seemed impossible to win the real fight. So here she was again.. Just going through motions.
               Not once had she ever placed her faith in a stranger, but for some reason tonight her feet started off towards a nightclub known as the Pandemonium. It was there Giles said a warlock by the name of Magnus Bane would be able to offer her some level of comfort in what she was dealing with. Truth be told, the Slayer was unconvinced of that and was consciously debating whether or not to seek out Faith. That was settled to be a last resort option within seconds of the passing thought. 
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                                “I’m looking for the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane.” Buffy shouted after tearing her way into the club with the utmost of ease. “I know you’re in here and I’m not leaving until I speak with you. I suggest you make yourself known if you want to save your patrons any trouble. Otherwise, it’s ashes to ashes. Either way I get what I want.” 
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Full name: Buffy Anne Summers !! Date of birth: January 19th, 1981 !! Myers-Briggs personality: ESFP !! Location on the isle: 1630 Revello dr !!
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1. What color is your character’s hair?
NOT red, blonde, brunette, black. Be specific (e.g., “russet,” “strawberry blonde,” “raven black,” “the color of a caramel macchiato”).
2. What color are your character’s eyes?
NOT blue, green, hazel, brown. Be specific (e.g., “chocolate brown,” “silver-blue,” “dark green with flecks of golden-brown”).
3. What color is your character’s skin?
NOT white, black, tan. Be specific (e.g., “latte-with-extra-soy,” “pale as ivory,” “the color of golden-glazed bread fresh out of the oven”).
4. What special aesthetic characteristics does your character have?
Does your character have notable scars? Freckles? A small nose? Big feet?
5. Does your character have any piercings? Tattoos?
Give details: What do the tattoos look like? Why did they get them? If they lack these extra decorations, why?
6. What’s the sexiest physical characteristic of your character?
Everyone’s sexy in their own special way. Is your character tall? Broad-shouldered? With a well-proportioned face? Wielding thick lips? What feature is most likely to attract people to them?
7. What’s the ugliest physical characteristic of your character?
Everyone’s ugly in their own special way. What physical characteristics are unappealing about your character? Do they have a weight problem? Big ears? A large forehead? An obtrusively visible neck-mole? bonus: What element of their appearance is your character most insecure about?
8. What does your character wear?
Describe a typical outfit your character may wear, including fine details such as color, style, brand, and/or fabric.BONUS: Why does your character like wearing that outfit? bonus: Repeat question 8 to show different clothing/outfit types (e.g., casual, formal, or favorite outfits).
9. When your character smiles, what does their smile look like?
Do they show teeth? Is it broad? Do they dimple? Do they prefer to smirk?
10. What does your character’s laugh sound like?
High-pitched? Low-pitched? Nasal? Guttural? bonus: What sort of things would make your character laugh?
11. What is your character’s normal style of speech?
Do they speak quickly or slowly? Are they quiet or loud? Monotone or expressive? bonus: What are some memorable things your character has said that showcase their unique voice?
12. How does your character express/handle anger?
Is your character likely to yell? Become physically violent? Retreat? Become somber?
13. Does your character cry?
How often? Just when they’re alone, or in the company of others? With intensity or with quiet tears? bonus: What sorts of things would make them cry?
14. How easy is it for other people to read your character’s emotions?
Can the character’s friends easily read every emotion on their face? Or are they a sealed-and-locked book?
15. Is your character religious?
If so, what faith and to what level of devotion.
16. How does your character view those of other faiths?
Are they tolerant or rigid? Do they condemn or judge others for their differing beliefs? Do they feel judged themselves?
17. What are your character’s core values?
What, above all else, does your character feel must be conserved in the world? Family? Freedom? Beauty? Connection? Kindness? Hope?
18. How willing is your character to fight for those values?
Are they held only as aesthetic values or is your character willing to fight for them? How committed are they to their beliefs?
19. What is your character’s favorite food?
Not Indian food, pizza, burritos. Be specific (e.g., “chicken tikka masala,” “pineapple pizza with extra cheese,” “freshly baked french bread topped with herb-infused cheese”).
20. What is your character’s favorite color?
Not green, blue, pink. Be specific (e.g., “pastel pink,” “teal,” “the color of mist on the mountain right after a storm”).
21. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
Are they an early bird or a night owl? A heavy sleeper or a light sleeper? Do they sleep short hours or long? Can they sleep easily or are they an insomniac? bonus: What position does your character typically sleep in?
22. What is your character’s sexual identity?
What gender/sexuality identity do they declare? Does this differ from their internal experience? Where might they fall on the Kinsey scale?
23. What are your character’s sexual preferences?
Are they sexually conservative or liberal? How comfortable must they be with a person to have sex with them? What meaning does sex have for them? What type of play do they enjoy during sex? bonus: What sexual experiences or choices does your character feel especially good or bad about?
24. What type of music does your character like?
Feel free to include both genre types and specific song examples. bonus: Does your character have a song that is “their song”?
25. What is your character’s birthday?
Be specific (month, day, year). If you’re a genre writer, this is a good opportunity to think over your world’s calendar. bonus: Does their astrological sign seem to fit them?
26. What family structure did your character have growing up?
Were they an only child? Adopted? Raised by a single parent? Part of a nuclear family?
27. How well did your character get along with their family?
Are the relationships strained? Do they have a sense of belonging there?
28. What is the worst thing your character has ever done?
This should be according to your character’s beliefs. What are they most ashamed of from the past? Why did that deed stick with them?
29. What is the best thing your character has ever done?
What are they most proud of from their past? Why did that deed stick with them?
30. What is the most significant romantic encounter of your character’s past?
Who broke their heart? Whose heart did they break? Or are they as of yet inexperienced with love?
31. Has your character ever been in love?
Is that good thing or a bad thing?
32. Has your character ever been in lust?
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
33. What is your character’s level of sexual experience?
Are they a virgin? A sexual adventurer?
34. What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?
Tell the full story.
35. What is your character’s biggest goal in life?
Everyone has a narrative that structures their life. What objectives is your character moving toward? If they lack a strong objective, how does that impact their behavior and outlook?
36. What does your character believe is their greatest virtue?
Do others agree or disagree?
37. What does your character believe is their greatest vice?
Do others agree or disagree?
38. What motivates your character most?
Are they driven by sex, money, connection, fame, pride, respect? Are they honest with themselves and others about these motives?
39. Is your character objective-oriented?
If so, what are some goals they have accomplished in the past?
40. Would your character rather be a great person or a good person?
Sometimes in life we have to choose; which of these is more important to them?
41. Would your character rather be hated for being who they are or loved for pretending to be someone else?
Sometimes in life we have to choose; which of these is more important to them?
42. Is your character an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
Consider introversion and extroversion as a gradient rather than a multiple-choice question. How introverted or extroverted are they, and when do these characteristics manifest?
43. Is your character creatively expressive?
If so, how do they express that creativity? How much of their sense of identity is tied to that creative expression?
44. What’s your character’s disorder?
Manic-depressive? Obsessive-compulsive? Attention-deficit? Anxiety? Narcissism? We’re all crazy. What’s their crazy’s name?
45. What is your character’s standard emotional state?
How happy or sad are they normally? What is their go-to emotion when things get rough?
46. Is your character materialistic?
What experiences or beliefs are linked to this? bonus: What are some of your character’s prized possessions?
47. What is your character’s major learning style?
Are they auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or some combination?
48. What question isn’t on this questionnaire that your character is just burning to answer?
What question would really allow them to talk about what they feel is important in their life, outlook, and experience?
49. I am a _________. How would your character complete that sentence?
Surgeon, dancer, mother, Christian, socialist, activist, Canadian, train-wreck. What is the primary element of your character’s self-perceived identity?
50. Life is an act of _________ing. What verb would your character use to complete that sentence?
Loving, struggling, dying, creating, dancing, exploring. What does life boil down to? What metaphoric action is most appropriate?
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gif meme - buffy summers + pink (for anon)
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Let her be everything, because she is everything. (insp)
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