Open Mind, Open Heart
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Riding Waves of Chaos 30yrs
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
summerfirewood · 15 hours ago
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"Drop this and run away" 🫥😶‍🌫️
Yes, I am an obscenely romantic person.
Now I go back to the fan comics of these two.
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summerfirewood · 20 hours ago
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summerfirewood · 23 hours ago
posting a lone emo fah-biaan because i was too lazy and tired to finish a drawing i had of him being emo with fig
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summerfirewood · 23 hours ago
I know everyone is probably sick of this au but enjoy this stupid collection of the rook/lucanis/Emmrich timeline so far. Plus. Yknow. Spite.
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summerfirewood · 1 day ago
From one Gen-Z to another, let’s continue to deprogram ourselves from the idea that 30 is old and you need to have your shit together before 30.
You can go back to school after age 30!
You can fall in love after age 30!
You can find a best friend after age 30!
You can find a passion after age 30!
You can find a job you love after age 30!
You can recover from an addiction after the age 30!
You can pursue a large goal after age 30!
You can travel the world after age 30!
You can move after age 30!
You can change your appearance after age 30!
You can ask for help after age 30!
You can make discoveries about yourself after age 30!
You can come out after age 30!
You can fix your finances after age 30!
You can be attractive after age 30!
You can fix your life after age 30!
You can do anything after age 30!
Idk what so specifically about the number 30 has bewitched so many of us into believing that means your life is over, but it’s just so far from the truth!
You have so much more time after 30 to accomplish all that you want to do.
Your life isn’t over until it quite literally is over. Stop giving yourself a deadline that doesn’t exist!
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summerfirewood · 1 day ago
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Emmrich was the only one aware that rook was just a nickname 😔
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
Broken Restraints Chapter 16: Dinner Time
Let's see who's coming for dinner :)
The other 2 guests were the last people Vera would have thought of to accompany Neve.
“D’aw!” Vera greeted him with a cheek kiss. “When did you finish your mission?”
“Technically about a year in.” D’aw said. “Spent the last year traveling. I just returned to Minrathous 2 weeks ago and got to hear that you were causing chaos without me.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Vera said with an innocent smile.
“Sure you don’t.” Said the 2nd guest. One that Vera had avoided making direct eye contact with upon noticing him.
“Tarquin.” Vera greeted, giving him a tentative cheek kiss.
“Who's the older gentleman behind you?” He asked.
“Ah. Right.” Vera led D’aw and Tarquin over to Emmrich where Bellara had already introduced Neve to him. “D’aw, Tarquin, this Professor Emmrich Volkarin of the Mournwatch. He’s your host tonight.”
“And your master?” Tarquin questioned, his eyes flitted down to her throat where her collar had been replaced with a choker and a simple locket.
“Yes that too.” Vera waved her hand dismissively.
Emmrich extended a hand to D’aw and then Tarquin as she introduced them. “Emmrich, this is D’aw. He and I have worked together. He's been traveling the past 2 years. And this is Tarquin, a Templar Knight, and…my brother.”
Emmrich noticed that she hadn’t mentioned them being Shadow Dragons.
“A pleasure to meet you both.” Emmrich said. “I do hope you all had a pleasant journey. Vera will show you to the parlor for some refreshments. I will join you once I have checked on dinner.”
He gave a slight bow of his head before setting off for the kitchen.
“Follow me.” Vera stated as she led D’aw and Tarquin to the parlor area with Bellara and Neve taking up the rear.
When they were all spread out throughout the parlor, Vera offered the different drinks they had on hand: wine, whiskey, gin, and water.
“I was surprised to see Nevarra City still standing for how long you’ve been here.” Tarquin stated as Vera handed him a whiskey neat.
“We’ll see how long that lasts now that D’aw and Vera are in the same city again.” Neve said.
“Hey!” D’aw and Vera said in unison.
Giggles erupted from Bellara while Neve and Tarquin looked at the two amused.
“So, do you have a mission update?” Tarquin asked Vera.
“This wasn’t an official mission.” Vera pointed out.
“Yes you went rogue. Couldn’t bother to wait at least a week.” Tarquin said. “Disobeyed orders.”
Vera knew he was being sarcastic. But it felt like he wasn't taking her seriously.
“First off, you didn’t give me any orders. All you did was tell me that the Shadow Dragons couldn’t carry out a mission here since we didn’t have knowledge of the area. I understood that then, I understand that now.” Vera said, drawing Tarquin closer to the wall. She dropped her voice to just above a whisper. “Secondly, time is precious and so is Bellara. I couldn’t afford to wait.”
“I know you had your reasons. But you didn’t tell anyone else besides Neve.” Tarquin crossed his arms. “You didn’t even tell me.”
“I couldn’t risk you stopping me.” Vera said.
“Maker forbid I want you to be safe.” Tarquin said. “When you first disappeared, I knew logically you had decided to do this yourself. But with the Venatori running around in Minrathous, I didn’t know for sure. I only found out you were safe from Neve after weeks with no word.”
Vera opened her mouth to reply but found she had no words. She truly didn’t think about Tarquin. That wasn’t fair of her. She closed her mouth and took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry. You’re right.” Vera said.
Tarquin blinked. “What?”
“What? Did fighting Venatori make you deaf all of a sudden?” Vera teased.
D’aw, a silent bystander in the siblings’ back-and-forth, grabbed Vera by the shoulders gently and stared at her face, causing Vera to lean back a little. “Did the old man brainwash you?”
Vera scoffed. “Excuse me?”
“You never admit that you’re wrong.” D’aw said.
“I mean…I didn’t.” Vera smirked.
“You also never tell him he’s right.” D’aw said.
Vera rolled her eyes.
As she did so, another hand rested in the crook where her neck and shoulder met, pulling her slightly back out of D’aw’s grip. She looked up to see Emmrich politely smiling at D’aw.
“Dinner will be ready shortly.” Emmrich said. “If you don’t mind convening in the dining room. Manfred will lead the way.”
Manfred gave a friendly hiss from the parlor door.
Vera would have seen the look that D’aw and Tarquin shared or would have noticed the intense whispering that Bellara was doing to Neve who was staring at her and Emmrich if she had not been distracted by the feel of his hand on her bare skin, her eyes still on his face.
After the others followed Manfred out, Emmrich slowly looked down at her, the smile replaced by an unamused frown. His hand traveled towards the back of her neck, gripping it. She turned the rest of her body towards him.
“He is awfully familiar with you.” He stated. His other hand coming to her waist.
“Of course he is.” She said, her words coming out breathy. “We’ve worked together on many missions.”
“I see.” Emmrich said. “Did he always have habit of touching what doesn’t belong to him?”
Vera let her thoughts drift for a moment. She knew what Emmrich meant but, “Yes. We both do. It’s why we would come back from missions a few coin richer.”
 A twitch of his mustache had a smile spreading across Vera’s face. She chanced sliding a hand up his chest, feeling the soft texture of the flowing shirt he had chosen for that evening. It was buttoned all the up to his neck, hiding the marks she had left on him that morning. Even though he had been cooking, there wasn’t a single stain on his person, leaving him pristine.
He put the hand that was on her waist over hers, stopping her from toying with the button in the middle of his chest.
“Should I be worried?” He asked her, twisting her hand so he could lace his fingers with hers.
“About your coin purse? No. I couldn’t direct him to it even if I wanted to.” She said.
He lifted her hand to his lips muttering against it, “You’re being facetious.”
“You don’t have to worry about him at all. I already have you and Lucanis.” Vera said softly. “What more could I ever want?”
“Speaking of our favorite Crow, he will not be joining us.” Emmrich said.
“Is he alright?”
“I believe so. I think he’s worried about how he’ll be received by your people.” Emmrich replied.
Vera sighed. “He’s not wrong to be worried. Especially since Tarquin is here. I was hoping to see him though.”
Emmrich gave her a kiss on the forehead. “We can talk to him after dinner.”
“If he even stays.” Vera muttered.
Emmrich chuckled. “I’m sure he will. He has no reason to leave.”
Vera smiled at his reassurance. He led her out of the parlor, letting go of her hand when they reached the dining room door.
She is out there. We could be out there.
It is safer for us to be in here.
They cannot hurt us. You have killed many of them.
Those are Vera’s people. We are not going to hurt Vera’s people.
You and Emmrich are her people.
Lucanis shook his head and went back to ignoring Spite. When he expressed his…disinterest…in joining them for dinner, Emmrich didn’t argue or try to goad him into joining. He expressed his disappointment but told Lucanis he could keep an eye on the food for them, giving Manfred a chance to observe.
It wasn't much of an excuse but Lucanis used it regardless. He kept the food warm in case anybody wanted more, being mindful of the temp to not burn it. Emmrich made a lot.
Lucanis just didn’t want to answer questions about him and Spite. Or be outright accused of being dangerous, which was far more likely, since they were. He didn’t want to ruin the dinner party.
Over Spite's grumbling, Lucanis could hear the conversation float from the dining room. Could pick up Vera’s voice amongst the different voices. And Emmrich’s. He wondered what Vera was wearing since he hadn't had a chance to see her once they got back from the markets. He and Emmrich had to discuss what he had found out on his latest trip for Vera's blood vial since they had not been able to the night before since he came in late.
Unfortunately, the person he was supposed to meet to find out the location of the blood vials did not show up. Following what he knew about the man led him to an empty home with a broken door and signs of a struggle. Snow had fallen since as there were no tracks leading out.
He only had one other plan and it would have to wait until the end of Winter. From what he learned, the shipment of people ended after the last group, 2 groups after Vera’s, had seen half of the people with frostbite.
These snatchers were incompetent. Cruel. Stupid.
“I must commend you Master Volkarin. I don’t think I have ever seen Rook to be submissive.”
“Ha ha very funny Quinn.”
Lucanis’s ears perked up. Vera’s voice sounded annoyed but also…worried.
“No truly. You must be quite the Master. I was worried back she would cut off your hand in the other room. She has done worse to the others.”
“I know that Vera and I have quite the unique dynamic when seen as Master and Servant.” Lucanis heard Emmrich reply. He moved closer to the doorway. “I would say that we have developed a…close relationship. Especially once she revealed her true reasoning for being in Nevarra City.”
Lucanis let out a light breath. Very diplomatic, Emmrich.
“Is that so? I’m curious on what else she has told you.” Tarquin said.
“She has told me she belongs to an organization called Shadow Dragons. The name she uses is Rook. She has gone on many missions to help free servants across Minrathous.” Emmrich listed, his fingers interlaced in front of him. “She has also shared her wish to free the servants here as well. An endeavor I and a friend of ours plan on lending a hand with.”
“Do you have specific targets in mind?” Neve asked.
“I definitely have one.” Vera promised. “The main goal is finding the blood vials. Masters don’t hold them.”
“It’s kept separate?” D’aw asked.
“We are still trying to figure out where.” Emmrich answered. “I was unaware that they bled the servants. I would venture a guess that other Masters would be as well.”
“But there would be Masters who aren’t ignorant of it.” Neve said. Emmrich nodded at her.
“And what would the plan be once you found the vials?” Tarquin asked.
“That’s where it gets tricky.” Vera said. “I could smash them all so that the servants are free in that way but if the snatchers find out before I get the word out…”
“They could just bleed them again.” D’aw finished.
“Stealing them would also be out for the same reason.” Vera continued.
“You also shouldn’t be around so much blood.” Tarquin added. Vera rolled her eyes.
“I’d be fine thank you very much.” Vera said.
“Has she told you that she uses blood magic?” Tarquin directed the question towards Emmrich.
Silence stretched.
“What the fuck Tarquin?” Vera glared at him with confusion.
“If your relationship is as close as he makes it seem, I would assume this would be one of the things that he would know.”
“I had my suspicions about her usage due to some of the worry Miss Lutare had about Vera’s proximity to blood. But as she had been under my care, Vera has not used it.” Emmirch stated. His voice was cool. “Not even when we were fighting against Venatori in the Necropolis. Her precision was impressive without needing to harm herself to strengthen her blows.”
“Already in fights here?”
“Tarquin, stop.”
“I think Master Volkarin here would agree that you would be better off in Minrathous where we can keep an eye on you. Especially with Venatori activity ramping up.”
“Don't draw Emmrich into this by putting words in his mouth.” Vera said. "This isn't a Shadow Dragon meeting where you outrank everybody."
"I am well aware that it's not. But I will be pull rank as your brother. Your use of blood magic is a cause for worry."
"Maker give me patience." Vera rubbed her head. "I am not having this argument with you for the hundredth time."
“Yes, you always say that you don't use other people's blood." Tarquin continued as if Vera didn't say anything. "But how long until you do? When will an exception be made? And how long until you are doing it in rituals?” Tarquin questioned. “It is a slippery slope that we see all the time. Our people aren’t here. Your safety cannot be guaranteed. It is why we all agreed when Neve volunteered to be your Watcher.”
“Rook, its not what you think. It came up because of the contract.” Neve stated. “But…”
“But it is also to make sure you aren’t falling for the Venatori doctrine.”
“Do you really not trust me that much?”
“That’s not it. It’s to keep you safe. They can be quite persuasive.”
“They really aren’t persuasive. They’re bullies. I can keep myself safe.”
“Obviously not since you keep throwing yourself into every single issue that catches your eye.”
Vera stood up, pushing her chair back forcefully.
“I have had enough." She sounded…emotionless. "Its always wonderful to hear how little faith people have in me."
Vera left the dining room and headed towards the side of the house that led out to the garden. Lucanis watched as she passed by the open kitchen doorway, blue light flashing from her eyes. Her dress flaring out behind her as if chasing after her. He followed after her.
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
I needed to do this. Hezenkoss does not like Emmrich's butt ❤️
[and here's the rest of short comics....]
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
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miss lutare is all of us on ao3 rn
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
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So I read up about Nevarra being renowned for its artistic culture and my brain forcibly conjured this. Sorry not sorry.
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summerfirewood · 2 days ago
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summerfirewood · 3 days ago
The person I reblogged this from deserves happiness and love
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summerfirewood · 3 days ago
Emmrich Volkarin would be such a disruptive presence to the local online dating app pools. An innocuous hookup with a handsome Vincent Price looking older guy. He's unsinister. Clearly takes care of himself. One of his profile pictures is from the day he got his doctorate. He shows up to the agreed-upon location and he's brought flowers. Okay...whatever. Some decent food (UberEats? The Chinese place on the corner? Maybe he cooks?) and some crazy hot sex later and the subject of his very soft hands just so happens to come up. Oh, he says. It's the embalming fluid. EMBALMING FLUID? OKAY. Dude's a mortician. Sure.
He gets up and puts on his clothes. He stares out the window for a few moments. Just long enough to be a little awkward.
"Do you have an uncle who recently passed?" he says. "By the name of Gerard. Gerry?"
"I'm so sorry," he sighs, dragging a hand through his hair. "He wants to tell you that your mother hid something from you underneath the floorboards of the blue bedroom. Does that make sense?"
Unfortunately, yes.
"Right," says Emmrich Volkarin. His hair is still sticking up from being clutched into by ecstatic hands. He is ten minutes post-orgasm and looks so, so annoyed. He only brightens a little when he says, "Thank you for a lovely night. You were wonderful."
Then he leaves in an almost-silent swish of expensive trousers and a plume of even more expensive cologne.
The only further contact from him is a message that says Your uncle spoke to me before we retired to your bedroom. I assure you his spirit was not present or aware of our sexual encounter.
I'm gonna need you to lose my number Emmrich, is the response from most people
There is a sadness about him.
He's sweet, considerate. He can do crazy things with his tongue. He also needs someone who can match his freak on a molecular level.
Understood, he responds.
At some point he pops up on the TV because he's become a regular on a well-loved YouTube channel. One of those phenomenally popular longform documentary-style series about ghosts or true crime. He's apparently the expert medium. The host of the show, some thirty-something named after a chess piece, looks at him like he hung the stars while he monologues about demons who imitate children. Or something.
Good for him.
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summerfirewood · 3 days ago
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Inspired by this post
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summerfirewood · 4 days ago
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thinking 'bout her hair again
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summerfirewood · 5 days ago
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I very rarely get into fanfiction, something about getting too far away from the source material and the original character design often makes me uncomfortable, but I found @thepalehorsevictoria Coastline Variations on ao3 and omg I’m hooked, haha :D
so kinda spoilery for Chapter 27, but I warmly suggest you give it a read yourself!
“Emmrich cannot take his eyes off of Rook, still at the threshold of Kal-Sharok. She stares at the ground outside as if it would burn her. And she is trembling.  
“Maker, Tara!” He manages the strength to fade-step to her side, heart stopping as her head snaps to the movement and a crushing grip immediately finds his neck, his hands instantly reaching up to pry himself free. The blight is still screaming in her veins, he realizes, his glowing green eyes wide as they find hers still coal-black. “Darling,” he manages, “Liebchen. It’s me,” he gasps again. “It’s alright. You’re safe.”
“I told you to stay back,” her voice is still not her own, “Why didn’t you listen." Her eyes squeeze shut, and so does her gloved hand around his throat. His eyes flash green, but fade.”
song I post this to Instagram with:
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