sukiban · 4 years
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“Begone, thot.” Aw, she missed him.
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“Phewwww, been a while since I’ve talked to anyone.” 
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sukiban · 4 years
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours.
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sukiban · 4 years
Masako had been trying not to sneak so many glances at the gorgeous woman sitting across from her. She couldn’t help it, really. That woman was the only other person on the train, after all. Well, that was the excuse the highschooler kept revisiting. She’d had suspicions, but the sudden halt had confirmed it. 
This might be the coolest person Masako had ever seen in real life. 
She was gorgeous, and seemed to have mastered the kind of cool composure that Masako had been striving for all this time. The nonchalance. It’s the best possible response to a startling situation.
Now Masako had to match it, right? Staying silent wasn’t an option, that’d be weird. She’d look weird, or even cowardly, clamming up after a comment like that. It was like a test. Well, challenge accepted! Masako Nitou is no coward, and she’s not a weirdo!
Not if I have anything to say about it. No way, I was born for this. I’ve been preparing for this moment my entire life. All of those sound kind of dumb, but she has to say something---
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“Not if I’ve been born for this for my entire life.”
Shit. SHIT.
@sukiban​ liked for a starter!
Well, this was shitty. Celene’s eyes went to the girl seated across from her. Would she freak out? They were the only two in the subway train and it had come to a sudden halt. The lights turned off – then the emergency light went on, a dull red, followed by a low emergency tone.
It did not help Celene’s hangover migraine at all.
No announcement over the speakers from the conductor, huh? Odd.
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“Looks like we’re gonna die.”
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sukiban · 4 years
hey little shit
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sukiban · 4 years
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“Le-Lenora?! What are you doing here?!” 
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sukiban · 4 years
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Oy, is that what you’ve been calling me all this time?!
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Steak kid is back. 
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sukiban · 4 years
…He knew what she was offering. 
He didn’t like the thought. 
Making his way over to the couch, he plopped down on it and took a deep breath. “No. Not now.”
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“That would end up a shitshow. If I just walked in here and came out with you dead because I took too much… because then I’d have to kill anyone who came in here looking for you. Any neighbors that saw or heard me - all of them, if I want to be safe. And then if that’s not enough and I end up arrested anyway, I’d have to kill every cop, every officer, every civilian that’s in whatever facility they take me to for questioning. After that, I would have to skip town, destroy my phone and get rid of anything that would lead back to that. That’s not even mentioning if they bring in anyone I know for questioning, like Rima. So that’s a hard no, not right now.”
Would that frighten her? Probably. But it was the truth. Things like that had happened to him before, in other realms.
As tempting as it was, he would have to pass. He had to keep a low profile so he didn’t get caught for any other murders. 
“I’ll just… stay a bit to get my strength up and then eat an animal or something.”
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“...Well, damn, alright. I was just trying to be hospitable.” Hospitable, huh. In the sense of being a good host, or being willing to go to the hospital? For this kid, the two tend to blend together in quite the peculiar way.
Then again, this was quite the peculiar situation she’d gotten herself into this time, wasn’t it. Peculiar times call for peculiar measures, and sometimes those measures called for putting some blood in a sippy cup for the stupid bastard that barged into her house all bloodied up to take her steaks. Sometimes that’s just how life goes, apparently!
But not right now.
“Okay, okay, that’s...cool. Not gonna complain about keeping my blood. If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of freaking out right now. That’s cool though, it’s cool. I’m cool.”
Are you, though?
Masako wandered back over toward Damian, squatting down to his level from a reasonable distance. Though, a reasonable distance from this god-forsaken immortal being was probably about 200 miles further away from where she watched. An ebb and flow of curiosity and apprehension left the girl swaying in place a bit--or maybe the stench of blood had finally started to make her dizzy.
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“Is there...anything I can do? I really hate just sitting and waiting, you know, since you’re like... kind of still bleeding. On my floor. Which is cool, I mean--not the bleeding part. I can clean it later. I mean, probably.”
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sukiban · 5 years
hurt sentence starters blood, broken bone mention.
“you’re going to have a bruise.”
“it won’t heal if you keep picking at it.”
“you were out for a few days. how are you feeling?”
“absolutely not. you’ll pop your stitches.” 
“take it easy. you’re in rough shape.”
“those pain meds knocked you out.”
“where’d you get that bloody nose?”
“make a fist for me.” 
“where does it hurt?” 
“ow, ow, ow.”
“that’s going to need stitches.”
“shit, that hurts.”
“is it broken?”
“keep ice on it.”
“i can’t even look. is it bad? wait, don’t tell me.” 
“you shouldn’t be walking around right now.”
“how am i supposed to sleep with all these bandages?”
“stay in bed and let me look after you.” 
“there, you’re all patched up.” 
“let me help you to your room.”
“how many fingers am i holding up?”
“take your time. slow, slow. you’re doing great.”
“you could have a concussion. ”
“i’m okay. you can stop hovering.”
“you’re lucky. you could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“how exactly did you manage to give yourself a black eye?” 
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sukiban · 5 years
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“---Listen I know this wasn’t directed at me but it still hurts.”
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“If you wander the streets at 3 in the morning, there’s no time for beauty sleep. …I guess that solves one mystery.”
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sukiban · 5 years
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“You don’t understand. I don’t pick fights, the fights pick me...”
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You’re liking what I’m saying, but I don’t think you’ll listen to it…
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sukiban · 5 years
Reblog if your muse would pick a fight in a parking lot at 3am
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sukiban · 5 years
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sukiban · 5 years
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“The stakes have never been higher--!”
sukiban replied to your post: Part of me: Damian should be friends with everyone…
masako will fist fight him every single day-
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“Winner gets the steaks.”
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sukiban · 5 years
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“Nakamura-san --- heroes fight all the time! This is a fight for justice!”
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   “No fightiiiiiiing~”
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sukiban · 5 years
"Hey Masako, guess who's gonna be movin' in soon!" It's neighbor bullying time.
Masako pulled out a kitchen knife, wielding it with both hands — a hardened warrior, a venomous snake — prepared to strike when proven necessary. In these past few weeks, she’d learned things she never thought possible. She had seen the darkest parts of the hearts of man, fighting through them with all of her might until her knuckles were bloodied and her legs refused to support her weight any longer. Stumbling through life on her own flimsy values, broken and bloodied and brittle — and for what?
To this, the stalwart soldier speaks:
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“You better stay the fuck away from my steaks, Damiwan.” 
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sukiban · 5 years
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muse vs. mun
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sukiban · 5 years
👫 Torako?
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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The Nitou apartment has turned into the complex’s designated doctor’s office. Torako usually sends tenants over there if they need some form of first-aid that isn’t immediately life-threatening, as most of them are pressed for cash and can’t be bothered to go out to a doctor’s office. Masako kind of likes the responsibility that comes with that. She takes these things very seriously! Torako finds it cute.
Masako thinks of Torako as a cool big sister type! She’s practically family, really. Masako would go to Torako for advice before Haruto.
 When she’s upset with Haruto, Masako skulks over to Torako’s apartment where she introduces Masako to shows she thinks the girl would like. Masako especially likes the ones where the lone hero rides a motorbike and kicks monsters into oblivion. Torako’s heart is filled with pride when she overhears Masako stomping around trying to imitate a rider kick. Then filled with dismay when the neighbors complain about the noise.
Masako quietly resents her just a little bit, still absolutely sure in her heart that she and Haruto have slept together no matter what either of them say. I’m so sorry Torako. You deserve so much better than this asdfgkjhg
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