suhntaek · 4 years
cute friend who deserves all the food​:
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Seven lights up, steps out of the door way to let her in. “Gifts? For me? Oh, oh! Gimme!” Seven beams. (Does she know what day it is? No way, she’s just this nice all the time. Better not mention it.)
Seven, gentlemanly and at least a little greedy, scoops the bags - which seem a bit heavy- and leads her into the kitchen. At least it’s not a disaster. “An angel! Coming to me with delicious baked goods! And it just so happens I have a stomach which would very happily take some in~ Come on in and make yourself comfortable.”
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     “huzzah!! i knew i could depend on superhero seven to take care of this for me~ there’s a special order to have .. the best food experience, so you have to let me set it up, ok??” she shoos him off ever so slightly, gently pushing him out of his own kitchen.
                      she then proceeds to set up a full meal on the table, with 미역국, rice, side dishes and in the center... a big cake with a happy birthday on it !! she had her methods for finding out info (begging and pleading a certain leader of the org to tell her); and there was no way she wouldn’t give him a special birthday party !! 
             she then runs back into the room he’s in, tugging him by both hands back into the kitchen with a proud smile. “ta-da~!!’  she turns to look at him with a hopeful expression-- he would.. like it, right?
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suhntaek · 4 years
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                         YOU’RE    NEVER    TOO    YOUNG    TO    DIE .
          ind .   priv .   VANDERWOOD   of   mystic   messenger .   understood   by   LIGHT .                                                                          ART  ©
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suhntaek · 4 years
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Oh, someone’s knock knock knocking on his chamber door? Seven checks the security feed, turns off the system and starts talking through the intercom. 
“Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Deploying security countermeasures! Super mega attack cat robots, go!” He uses his best robot voice before laughing. “Nah, just kidding~ Oh weary traveler, your request for entrance has been granted!” By Seven, opening the door and smiling. “State your business and be received~”
   she lets out an expression of shock, shaking her head slightly. “please!! no cat robots..!! i’m not an intruder, i come bearing gifts--!” of course, she already knows it isn’t like he’d actually attack her.. 
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         she holds up a medium-sized box, a few bags hooked on her arm and a smile to counter his on her face. “i accidentally baked way too much and absolutely need another stomach to take some of it in..!!” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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does he not realize what day it is or is he just ignoring his own birthday? The mystery continues. 
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       knocks on his door-- knocks on his door- knocks again-- please holding this with one hand is so heavy---
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suhntaek · 4 years
             THIS  MOST  certainly  isn’t  her  crying  over  her  score  on  the  last  chemistry  exam  —  no  ,  most  definitely  not  .  not  crying  at  the  sight  of  the  58  circled  in  bright  red  .
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              “are...are you doing ok??” she’s holding up a tissue pack.. it’s probably not always the best idea to approach crying strangers, they may not want to be noticed by other’s; but you never know!! maybe they need it! 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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                                     “ Too cute! You’re too cute, Hana~. I                                         could just smooch  you  all day and                                         never get used to it. ”
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           “오빠!!! you can’t just keep... filling my heart.. it’s already so full, it might go and explode!!” she’s reaching up to nuzzle her nose against his. 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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                              He nuzzled his nose into her cheek before placing                         a kiss there affectionately. 
                                            “ You’ll always have my love~. ”
       she giggled at the gentle affection, arms wrapping around him. 
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             “well.. that makes me the luckiest person in the universe then, to receive such a treasure.. i can only pay you back with my own love!!” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
“Of course!” The fox chirped loudly while Nakigitsune had nodded his head in acknowledgement of her question. His hands moved to settle behind his back as his eyes made sure to remain on his companion. “Is it really so unusual to see a speaking fox? Well… pay no mind to that it’s me speaking! I simply just speak in place of Nakigitsune.”
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He nodded once more, returning his gaze to stare back up at her. He did feel he should make one more comment at least. “Sorry… for disturbing you.” Sure, he wanted to speak to someone but he knew his fox understood there were better way to go about it than just abruptly interrupting someone.
        she was.. stunned. it was certainly bizarre, and not anything she’d ever seen before- she almost wanted to question if it was real, but that seemed rude so.. “i-it’s just my first time meeting one..! i.. uhm.. if you’re talking for him, should i. .. talk to him, or to you??” 
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          “you didn’t... disturb me, just shocked me a little bit is all..!” she holds out a hand to him with a bright smile on her face. “i’m hana, it’s nice to meet you..both?” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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                                “ It seems we both need to make it up to                                    each   other~.  Whatever  should  I  do?                                    What does my  princess  need from her                                    knight? ”
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             she simply snuggles up to him, giggling gently. “ohhh~ i don’t care, i just want some loving from my shining knight!!” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
@suhntaek​ replied to your post: Zen has appeared! What to do? Kiss cheek Grope…
kiss cheek..!! and then smooch !!! hehe
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                             “ Hana sweetheart! You’re only making me                                needy for your attention~.  Are  you going                                to take responsibility for your boyfriend~? ”
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          she giggles, arms wrapping around her boyfriend. “only if you take responsibility first!! you looked so sweet, i couldn’t help but kiss you~!” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
@suhntaek​ // starter
Seeing his fox leap off him and on over to the female had him nervously shifting in place– “Wai—…” He doesn’t finish what he had started to say and instead had exhaled heavily.  He did receive a mission but… intruding on a stranger was something he was didn’t want.
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“I’m sorry.” He bowed as he reached to retrieve his companion. His fox on the other hand had other plans and swiftly dodged his reach by running around to sit in front of her. “Miss miss! What’s your name?”
 no way.. was that... a fox??! she crouched down, curiously peering at the little thing with a big smile on her face. “hello there~ where did you come from?” and it was all ok, because the owner seemed to have noticed it was missing and come to get it- so yeah, totally ok--that is.. until the moment it started talking to her. 
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                “d..did you just....speak?” she looked up at the other person. “did.. he just speak..??” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“It’s as simple as this; I don’t need to know you to judge you. What i’ve seen here is enough for me to know that I don’t like you, and I don’t want to know you.”
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 “well.. i have no plans of moving, regardless of what you say, so you can choose to get to know me or not, i’ll just say standing here~” crosses her arms and frowns. 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“I don’t care to know your name… so why would that stop me from judging?“
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         “if you don’t even know my name, there’s no way you’d be able to judge my character; you don’t know me well enough!!” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“I know enough. The way you reacted to my insults so far says enough, weakling.”
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    “you don’t even know my name, who are you to judge my character--” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“ did you really think that was going to hurt my feelings? i’m not as weak as you are.  “
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         “what gives you the impression that i’m weak.. you don’t even know me-” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“ that’s not surprising to hear – you radiate the kind of energy that suggests no one would want to spend time with you. “
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      “bold words from a man who couldn’t even control his temper against a literal inanimate door--” 
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suhntaek · 4 years
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“ then you better get used to seeing this face for a while. ” 
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  “well.. it’s a good thing i don’t have any plans today then, huh-?” 
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