sugaryspeed · 21 days
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Anonymous asked:
Oh, pizzano with expression b3 please
asklordofthelost asked:
(( B4 for Pizzano- ))
➜ mmmm yes put the character expression meme on the pizza tower muses // accepting but will be slow
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// This is every single one of his interactions with @sugaryspeed
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
"You are getting dismissed by the smallest fuckin' fry there is, so ske-fuckin'-daddle. Get the--"
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Oh. For fuck's sakes. Her window, her wall... there's another good chunk of change. Pizzelle can feel heat welling up behind her eyes but blinks it back and says, in a dead tone of voice,
"Little guy. Get him."
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"Nill!" Vanillite used Icy Wind!
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" Oh, the least sincere person ya ever met? What a compliment! I knew I was already beatin' out the competition in sheer charisma n' good looks, but knowin' I'm the crownin' champ of not givin' a FUCK is high praise!
I ain't one t' get dismissed by small fries, but I get the feeling we'll be seein' each other again real soon, when that Spire's up n' running again. It's gonna be a real showstopper, Pizzy. You can bet on it!
YAH - HAH! "
He then proceeded to bash through a wall ... then reach back in through the hole and punch out a window, really maximize the collateral damage caused by his exit.
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
"You said it was a bit, you said I was the one to go to for 'depressing shit', like it's apparently what I'm known for, and overall I already didn't like your sleaze in the first place. You're the least sincere person I've ever met."
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"So, uh, like I said. Shoo. Outta here. I was willin' to hear you out before but ya blew it." It's clear that she's only a little miffed on the outside - the amount of anger internally is impossible to judge right now.
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" Yeesh. T' be honest, I ain't even sure what the grand offense was here. I said I don't do fuckin' sad stuff, but you sure seem to, yeah? You told me some REAL heavy shit last time we talked, kinda seems like you got a lot goin' on for you.
Not me, though. My life is great. I am doin' so good it's unbelievable. "
He's sort of annoyed at being dismissed, so this might be doubling down purely for the sake of that ego anon indicated could be taken down a notch or two.
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
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"not especially but you wrecked any and all chances for me to be anything more than coldly polite towards you. now get out before i get my ice cream cone friend to give you frostbite."
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"Vanillite." So true, bestie.
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" ... wait, does that mean the other stuff I was doin' was working? Cuz I was mostly doin' a bit, but like, I can do more of that if you liked it. "
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
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Ohhh, you just blew it with her.
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
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"I know everything about myself so I would totally know if I got killed once. And I didn't. So there."
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sugaryspeed · 2 months
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Heart Donut / Marshmallow Donut
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sugaryspeed · 3 months
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
vanilla cupcake with sprinkles on your counter jumpscare
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"OH SHIT!" A jumpscare!
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"... that aside, thanks. I think." A vanilla cupcake with sprinkles is nothing to sneeze at, especially if it's still warm...
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
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Currently she's dancing in her kitchen while listening to one of her favorite songs.
You, you were working, you were working as a waitress in a cocktail baaAar--
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
He-llo, Rosette. For someone coming in to see her beloved girlfriend whom you adores, you sure seem. Very serious, staring at Pizzelle with your hands folded before you. What's got you so somber?
"The Italian guy, huh?"
Eek. Rosette's treated to the sight of her girlfriend turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow, slight bewilderment on her face as one of the Confecti (Gummi Worm, her favorite) sits at her feet.
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"Which ones? There's tha nice one that reminds me of me, tha jackass who keeps breakin' my windows and givin' me bodily damage, and tha kinda sleazy one who thinks he's all that."
You don't count, frog.
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
Pizzy if dates are just to laugh at your expense then explain the *ongoing endless line of people who wish they could go out with you*
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She doesn't seem to know.
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
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"Someone said I was Jerma-coded and I just learned what that means today."
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
guy named pizano keeps staying at my hotel and brother it activates the pizzelle state in me
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
First, ew. Gross. Where've your fingers been before this. Second...
"... Uh. C'mon. Focus. The spire. Coneball. Remember?"
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"I asked what the nature of your whole deal was." Hey. This is... not good. Okay. Uh. Was this just the typical Pizzano absent-mindedness? Or was it something more?
Was she in danger again?
" Yeah, yeah. I'm a real sweetheart, an absolute darling with a heart a' gold under my rough exterior, " he replied, sticking his pinkie finger up his nose to dig around briefly. " So, uh. What exactly ... uh ... "
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Suddenly the words were all muddled in his brain. He had no idea how to ask about what he wanted to know, or what it was he wanted to know in the first place. It was just at the tip of his tongue, the corner of his mind, retreating rapidly from focus. Wasn't as alarming as it should be, almost like this sort of thing tended to happen to him a lot —
" ... what were we talkin' about, before whatever just happened t' you. "
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
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sugaryspeed · 4 months
I love you, and I care about you a whole bunch. But it's kind of scary too, because I'm terrified of ruining everything, and there's also so much in between that I don't understand or know how to handle...more than anything, I want you to be okay. I want you to be happy. And...I hope I make you happy, too.
"It's okay... I love you so much it's okay!! It's okay!! You won't ruin it. I'm happy! I'm so happy that you're with me, and that you think about me, and that we feel how we feel about each other. I hope I don't scare you away someday. I hope that once this stupid Spire business is finished, that everything really will be okay. And if I have to chase away the cops, I will."
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"Je t'aime, ma rose..."
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