sugarquills · 9 years
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sugarquills · 9 years
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sugarquills · 9 years
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325K notes · View notes
sugarquills · 9 years
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sugarquills · 10 years
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sugarquills · 10 years
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sugarquills · 10 years
oh my god i’m fucking sick of this generation’s mentality that your sadness is beautiful and somebody will fix you and all this fucking john green shit nobody will find you in a bookstore reading bukowski and want to lie with you and nobody will kiss your scars and you will not be like effie and freddie you’ve got to be your own fucking hero and surround yourself with positivity
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sugarquills · 10 years
#bend and SNAP
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sugarquills · 10 years
Analysis: One of the most powerful scenes in the film in which Katniss walks down the hall of District 13’s hospital wing while Alma Coin inspires the rebels with a speech about justice. This scenes’ transitions not only convey Katniss’s disconnect with the people of District 13 and the rebellion, it also communicates the idea that Katniss is merely used as a prop for the rebellion. To these people, she is not a living person suffering from ptsd. She is seen as an impenetrable warrior instead of a broken seventeen year old. They obliterated her personhood and provoked real, painful emotions for to create usable propaganda. Just as the Capitol used her torment as a source of entertainment, the rebellion uses her as a ploy by pushing her past her limits and draining her existence until they are through with her. As she struggles to understand what has happened to Peeta, the one person who could comfort and understand her after she was thrown into the arena, she is also forced to suffer alone from illness and trauma in silence to appease rebellion tactics.
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sugarquills · 10 years
tumblr drags people for being close-minded and i get it but at a certain point i’m like damn stop with the superiority complex and give people a chance to grow lord knows you didn’t come out of the womb a social justice blogger with a steve rogers obsession
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sugarquills · 10 years
Fire reflected on birds in smoke, at Moerdijk, the Netherlands
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sugarquills · 10 years
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People of Panem, we fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice!
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sugarquills · 10 years
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude.
Anne Frank’s Diary (via setbabiesonfire)
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sugarquills · 10 years
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Our Not in Harry’s Name campaign first officially began in 2010, seeking to stop the unethical sourcing of Harry Potter chocolate. We wanted to make sure that child slavery would no longer be carried out in Harry’s name. You joined us by signing petitions, spreading the word, and demanding Fair Trade products. Now, after years of collaboration with J.K. Rowling, Walk Free, and Warner Bros., we are thrilled to announce that we have won.
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sugarquills · 10 years
all i want is a partner who is way out of my league but thinks that i’m way out of their league and we’ll live together in perfect confused harmony with a dog
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sugarquills · 10 years
*reads a gorgeous line in a fanfic* oh my god. how is this possible. how did they even fucking think of this. the symbolism is spot on. the planets are fucking aligned, everything is one and all and the world is complete, my soul is at peace
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sugarquills · 10 years
why do boys have fast metabolism and long eyelashes like what good do they do for them to deserve that?? the answer is nothing
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