sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
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Congratulations on being able to support yourself through sugaring! Your newfound source of income leaves you with a ton of extra money. You may want to splurge and spend your entire allowance the second it comes in contact with your perfectly manicured hands, but it is important to budget, save, and conserve. Here are a few of my tips for sugar babies to budget their money. Of course, you will need to tweak these tips to fit your lifestyle and goals. 
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There are three things you can do with your money: pay your bills, spend, and save.
Right now, let’s work with bills and spending. On a piece of paper, write down every thing you can think of that you will need to pay or spend money on. Here is an example:
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Next, let’s work on savings. You can divide your savings category into two additional sub categories: long-term savings (things you want to purchase/invest for your life that cost over a few hundred dollars) and short-term savings (smaller items that cost under a few hundred dollars). On a piece of paper, write down all your short-term and long-term savings goals. Here is an example:
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Next, you will want to allot a certain amount of money to each category. There are two ways to do this depending on how you receive your money.
You have a set allowance each month
-You have a sugar daddy who gives you around the same amount every single month 
You can distribute exact numerical amounts of money for each category. Each amount that you allot will depend on how much you make and the importance each category has for you. For example, if you don’t have any long terms saving goals but are sugaring to spoil yourself with nice items, you would put more money into the spending category. Distribute a certain amount of money for each main category (pay, spend, and save) and within those categories, distribute a certain amount of money for each sub-category within the main three. 
Heres an example: Let’s say Sally has a set allowance of $2000 that she receives on the first of every month. This is how she budgets her monthly allowance. 
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You make a different amount of money each month
-You either have multiple sugar daddies or receive money from WYP and POT dates which cause your monthly allowance to be sporadic and different from month to month.
If your sugaring income is erratic, it’s best to assign percentage values to each category instead of numerical values. Each time you get money from sugaring, you use the percentages you created to get a numerical value.
Here’s an example: Sally’s SD gives her money each time they meet. She also uses WYP and goes on a few POT dates every week. This is her budget.
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In one week, she received $1000 from her SD and POT dates. She uses her assigned percentages to calculate what she should do with her money each time she receives money. Her budget will change depending on how much she receives. This is her budget for the week. 
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Tweak and shape your budget so that it accurately and realistically meets your spending and saving needs. You can be as specific and strict about your budget as you’d like. 
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Now that you have a budget written out, the next step is to keep track of your spending and make sure you adhere to your budget. There are two ways of doing this. 
If your SD wires money directly into your account or you are able to safely deposit your money into your bank account without raising suspicion (read about banking laws here), you can easily track your finances virtually through an app of your choice. I personally love Mint.com because you can manage your bills and spending all in one place. You can also input your budget and Mint will track your spending, even alerting you if you go over your budget for any given category. 
If you operate mostly in cash, I would highly recommend the envelope system (and a good safe). Buy some pretty envelopes, label those bad boys with your different categories, and stick your money in them. Then, whenever you need to spend your money or pay your bills, take out the amount you need from the corresponding envelope. 
This is what my envelope system looks like.
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I have an four envelopes labeled Rent, Spend, Short-term Savings, and Long-term Savings. When it comes time to pay my rent, I will purchase a money order (read more about using them safely here). On my two “savings” envelopes, I attached a small memo sheet where I wrote down my savings goals which I can cross off once I achieve/purchase them. Also, once I accumulate enough in my long-term saving envelope, I will deposit the money into my bank account. I also bought a cute notebook in which log each “transaction” I make concerning the money in my envelopes. Tweak the amount of envelopes you have and their labels to fit your budget.
Be strict with your envelopes and don’t be tempted to “borrow” money from a different envelope if you run out. 
This guide is a conglomeration of posts that other babies have written about budgeting along with my own personal experience. Thanks for reading. I hope this helps. If anyone wants to add their own tips, feel free!
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sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
✨Pro Hoe Tips✨
1. Drink water with every meal, and between each meal. Hydration does wonders for your entire body. 2. Get yourself on a proper sleep schedule. Its easier to grind when you’re well rested. 3. Airspun translucent powder (Walgreens, $7) bakes ya makeup to the gods. Your shit won’t move for the entire day. Kiss ya fallout goodbye. 4. Brands like BH Cosmetics, Makeup Revolution, NYX, ELF, Essence, and Maybelline are all relatively cheap, good quality makeup brands for that last-all-night look 5. Dressing in neutrals like nudes, whites, blacks, and greys generally make your outfit choices easier to mix and match, without all the hustle of finding something to wear. Plus you’ll look like a fuckin baddie 6. Let your eyebrows grow, for the love of God. Castor oil and coconut make ya eyebrows and lashes grow thick and long, and ABH Brow Whiz is the shit for long lasting, natural looking brows. Seriously worth every penny. 7. Eat fresh fruit and stay away from processed sweets for a healthy, fresh smelling/tasting pussy 8. Roll non scented deodorant onto your pussy after you shave to avoid any razor bumps or ingrown hairs (DO NOT PUT NEAR YOUR ACTUAL VULVA, JUST THE OUTSIDE PORTION) 9. Make ya blowjobs wet, sloppy, and be sure to make eye contact as ya lick it. He’ll be putty in your hands 10. Coconut oil hoes👏👏👋 good for scars, stretch marks, cellulite, dry skin, you name it 11. Be sure to find your actual skin type, and look up ingredients in products that help according to your skin type. For example, skin products with salicylic acid help normal/oily skin, while glycolic acid helps dryer, aged skin. 12. Products and moisterizers with urea and ammonium lactate can help clear your keratosis pilaris (KP, the little bumps on your arms/legs/ass/cleavage) 13. Exercise regularly, and change up your workouts every couple of months to keep your body challenged 14. Never send your face in nudes. Make your nudes unidentifiable, in case you encounter a fuckboy who leaks them because hes an asshole. Protect yourself girl. 15. Always keep an extra change of clothes in your car, in case of an accident, dress code violation, or fashion emergency 16. Keep ya grades up, get a job, and make your own money so you don’t have to be financially dependent on some fuckboy. 17. Keep your cuticles moisturized for stronger, healthier nails (especially when wearing acrylics) 18. Take biotin pills to boost hair and nail growth, healthy skin, and kickstart metabolism. 19. Take selfies and nudes at all times to boost that body confidence. Snapchat has a password protected “My Eyes Only” option in Memories that you can hide these in if you’re shy. 20. Literally just worry about you babygirl stay unbothered
Thats all for now hoes✨✨
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sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
Some things!
So I suddenly have a ton of followers! Hi! I wanted to write down some things. Tips, updates, just whatever:
💖 I haven’t “worked” in like 3 years now.
💖 my friends know I’m “ballin” for my age. And they drop hints about money and needing things. I drop hints to myself like “maannnnn I want a fancy purse” even haha. But here’s the deal: we all want to ball out for our friends and treat them! We all wanna treat ourselves! And when you’re sugaring and making BANK, the urge is SO STRONG. But I gotta warn you: DONT DO IT. ***INVEST*** either invest in yourself, such as school or traveling or learning a new language etc. or find someone to help you make REAL INVESTMENTS (stocks, real estate, etc). Until you’re making bank outside of sugaring (such as with a job you scored after school, or through investment payouts), DO NOT START SHOWING OUT. Don’t buy the bloody shoes, don’t buy the YSL to show out for the gram, don’t be going out and buying everyone’s drinks. Don’t. Do. It. That is the quickest way to blow right through $50,000. Be smart. If you’re smart with the cash you’re getting, you can actually become a REAL boss. Screw flexing on people (for now). $10,000, $20,000, $50,000 might sound like a lot now. And it is, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not the kind of money that’ll last. You need to make THAT money work for you! And turn $50,000 into $500,000. Then you’re really talking.
💖 if you wanna flex on people (that’s not really my sorta thing), get an SD that loves taking you shopping. Get him to buy you things outside of your allowance.
💖 if you sense Red flags, go. with. your. gut. Your safety, and your time is SO IMPORTANT.
💖 do not come across like you haven’t done this before. I like to say “in the past, a $xxxxx allowance has worked very well for me” when money is being discussed. I do allow for some negotiating, but i never go past my bottom line. There is a way to assert that you know your value and that others have paid this, but to also come across as very sweet (that’s like my whole thing)
💖 I’ve been steady with my current SD for a good while now. Things are going great on that end. We genuinely enjoy our time together, and he’s incredibly reliable. I love love love seeing my savings account go up the first of every month. I also love that he pays me in CASH. However, he’s not much for shopping.
💖 I recently starting seeing a new POT. Our second date is this week. After that, I’ll be going to his house where he’s having his chef make my favorite food and calling in his masseuse to give us poolside massages. I’ve seen pics of his gorgeous estate with both him and his daughter, and I feel confident it’s real. I think this will be my shopping Daddy. I have higher hopes for one thing in particular, but I’m not gonna say it. I don’t wanna jinx it haha.
💖 if your friends don’t support you and what you do, you don’t need them. My friends are supportive. I can tell them where I am, and they’ll make sure I get home safe. Everyone on earth is going through too much to deal with friends who judge our lifestyle. Like, shut up Karen, you suck trash dick for free. I have two vehicles and travel the world **first class**. And usually not even on my own dime. Bye. Plus, when we get to be REAL BOSSES, we only wanna treat the friends who were really there for us anyway!
💖 and last, but certainly not least… sugaring is not for those desperately in need of some quick cash. Try camming or stripping or something (no hate!! Genuinely! I am head over heels in love with a stripper. And I used to cam! The money came in muuuch quicker!!!!). But to sugar you need to appear as if you have it all together without your SD. A sob story is the quickest way to turn a guy off or make him realize you’ll accept less than what you’re worth and probably accept subpar treatment. With sugaring patience is KEY. If I want a new Daddy, I will look around for weeks and weeks. And I let them know that I’m just looking for a man who will spoil me or help me invest in my future. Not to get me toilet paper and gas. They loooove that. They love feeling like they’re with an exceptional young lady, who just wants a mature guy to help her become even more exceptional. So don’t quit your day job quite yet. Take the time to find yourself someone safe, real, reliable, and loaded and get your savings account poppin.
Okay! That’s all for now!
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sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
i dropped off my resume at this place at 1:15 and got called for an interview at 1:45 holy dang
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sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
I lost my scholarship and now I can’t go back next semester
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sugar-in-the-city · 5 years
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this is the text of good fortune, reblog in 60 seconds and $1200 will spontaneously materialize in your bank account🙏🙌💪🏻😤
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
SB Financial Advice.
Don’t wait till you get money to save it. 
I’m building a habit of going the savings bank with change. If you have a dollar put the dollar in the account. Be proud of that dollar, build a habit. That constant depositing $1.00 will eventually be $10.00 + including interest. 
I’m sharing gems because, you see a lot of Sugar Baby Allowance on Tumblr but they never have enough money when the arrangement ends? Discipline yourself. I’m 24 and I’m DEBT FREE. I’ll say this again I’m DEBT FREE. When I had a job for my first degree, I wasn’t that smart with my finances. I shopped whenever I had a check. I graduated and received the bill for loan repayment fees. I paid towards the principal. If it was $50/month I paid $75.68. I used to put change amount so whenever it was a new month I went to my piggy bank my checking account or my mother would add $200 here or there. Paying towards the principal decreases the interest. 
I don’t own a credit card…not until I graduate. I go to school full-time and do freelance work. That’s not consistent for credit card payments. Once I receive my salary job, I will open a credit card account and automate my payments. 
Here’s a secret
Mr. B is in the banking industry, Mr. J is in the marketing industry. Guess what they are always talking about? Their job! Who you do you think I’m going to do mock interviews with me? Who do you think loves giving financial advice and wants his allowance to be properly used? Guess who is going to help me with my 30 second pitch? Allowance, salary and residual from the LLC. 
I’m getting funding to be that b**tch. To be that young black woman who manages a department in a corporation with a LLC on the side. 
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
When girls think you want to sleep with their boyfriends but it’s really their fathers they should be worried about
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
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sugar-in-the-city · 6 years
I want to say something about that “90% of women want to exit the industry” statistic
As someone who was forced into sex work because of extreme economic circumstance (aka poverty), I would probably be considered one of those who “wanted out”
But using me as a statistic to silence sex workers who love their jobs and continue working by choice DID NOT HELP ME
Four years ago, I begged my day-job boss to give me more hours.  BEGGED.   Said if something didn’t change soon I would have to become a sex worker in order to feed my family.  Nobody helped me.  I didn’t qualify for any government assistance programs.  Minimum wage was $8/hr at the time, and it was not even close to being enough to survive.  I had no other options.  Sex work was my ultimate last resort.
Because of websites like Backpage, I didn’t have to work on the street, where conditions are a thousand times more dangerous.  Redbook allowed me to screen clients by looking at their review history.  But in the back of my mind there was always an incredible amount of fear. Fear of law enforcement trumped my fear of bad clients. An arrest would have destroyed my entire family. Because I was terrified of the police, I took many clients that I should not have, and in doing so subjected myself to abuse in several cases.
The notion that sex workers should just “get another job” because of tightened prostitution laws is unfair and unrealistic. Many of those you claim to support because they “want out” are already doing sex work as a last resort.  There is no other job. This is it.  Taking away the few safety precautions they have is pulling the rug out from under them and making their job that much more dangerous.  Again, for many of us, sex work was our only option.
You will never eradicate the sex industry, and these moral crusades to “end demand” do nothing but harm those you claim to care about.
If you really want to help people exit the industry, advocate for a living wage.  Advocate for better addiction services that help rather than punish addicts.  Provide assistance to LGBT teens who were disowned from their families and are now living on the streets.  Stop the school-to-prison pipeline. The problem is a societal one that cannot be fixed with anti-prostitution laws.
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