Hold on I haven't had my coffee yet
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23 year old chaotic good writing about the many adventures of her boyfriend, Adam Sackler, and a bunch of other boys that look strangely like him // 18+ only please! If age isn’t in your bio I’m going to block you, it’s nothing personal! // Requests are o p e n
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suddenlysackler · 2 years ago
Hair Texture & Appearance
Below is a list of words to describe hair texture/appearance:
bristly - having a stiff and prickly texture
brittle - hard but liable to break or shatter easily
bushy - resembling a bush; thick and shaggy
coarse - rough
coiff - style or arrange (someone’s hair), typically in an elaborate way
coiffured - having the hair brushed, combed, and curled
crinkly - having wrinkles or waves
delicate - very fine in texture
disheveled - untidy; disordered
downy - covered with fine soft hair
dull - lacking brightness, vividness, or sheen
fine - thin
flat - dull and lifeless
fluffy - being light and soft or airy
frizzy - formed of a mass of small, tight curls or tufts
fuzzy - having a frizzy, fluffy, or frayed texture or appearance
glossy - shiny and smooth
greasy - covered with or resembling an oily substance
knotted - tangled
lank - long, limp, and straight
lush - rich, thick, full
lustrous - having luster; shining
luxuriant - thick and healthy
luxurious - characterized by opulence, sumptuousness, or rich abundance
matted - tangled into a thick mass
oily - containing oil
puffy - soft, rounded, and light
satiny - having a smooth, glossy surface or finish like that of satin
scraggly - ragged, thin, or untidy in form or appearance
shaggy - long, thick, and unkempt
silky - of or resembling silk, especially in being soft, fine, and lustrous
sleek - smooth and glossy
slick - smooth and glossy
snarled - tangled
stiff - not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid
straw-like - resembling straw
stringy - resembling string; long, thin, and lusterless
supple - bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
tangled - twisted together untidily; matted
tousled - untidy
unkempt - having an untidy or disheveled appearance
velvety - having a smooth, soft appearance
voluminous - to add fullness or volume
wavy - not straight or curly, but curves slightly
windblown - messy because of being blown around by wind
windswept - untidy in appearance after being exposed to the wind
wiry - resembling wire in form and texture
wispy - fine; feathery
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suddenlysackler · 2 years ago
hi do you have a list of your fanfics?
Hi love! I currently don’t, but give me a day or so and I’ll pull together a master list :)
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suddenlysackler · 2 years ago
Taylor wrote an album about navigating the pressures of being a career woman in a society that says it’s over telling women that their place is to be a wife and a mother but still do it anyway just not as blatantly
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
with the lights out
jake lockley x reader (mentions of marc x reader and steven x reader)
word count: 2.7k+
excerpt: “he knows what’s next, he’s watched you on your knees for marc and steven both, committing your face to memory so he can recall it when he’s by himself with his hand wrapped around-”
warnings: smut smut smut, jake losing his virginity. oral, male receiving. p in v sex. reader calls him papi once. 
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Jake’s kissing you. His lips are chapped and somehow, he tastes different from Marc or Steven. He tastes like cinnamon, like spice and something else you can’t quite place but it’s just so Jake. So entirely Jake.
His hands are on your hips, fingers tight, nails leaving little crescent shaped indents like the ones Marc wears on his chest. You know you’ll have bruises in their place when you wake in the morning and examine yourself in the bathroom mirror, you know that Steven will fret and Marc will take Jake’s marks as a challenge.
He’s so sure in the way that he kisses, so confident in the way that he lets his hands slide up your body until he has your waist trapped between his hands. His grip isn’t any tighter, not really, but you feel more secure this way and Jake has more control over the way you move against him. He lays down, his back flush against the mattress and lips never leaving yours as you settle against his chest and become even more lost in him.
Keep reading
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
the insomnia is so fucking real tonight i need to write
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
April Fool’s Day is in a few days, and I just wanted to make this clear. This blog is safe, and I can promise you no screamers, nothing emotionally abusive, no fake posts, and nothing to intentionally trigger dissociation. You are safe here.
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
Hi everyone! My name is Caitlin and you are being invited to participate in a research study about socialization and video game habits that is being conducted at Boston University College of Communication. This study has been approved by the Boston University IRB.
Participation is completely voluntary and your information will remain confidential. In order to participate, you will answer a questionnaire that asks you to reflect on your video game play habits, media consumption habits, and emotional state since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic during the past year. Participation will take approximately 20 minutes. Please note that sensitive topics that may be triggering for some regarding mental health will be discussed.
Participants will be eligible to enter a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card. If you would like to participate, please see the link to the questionnaire here
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected] or Kelsey Prena at [email protected]. Thank you!
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
A friendly reminder about a/b/o:
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As a courtesy please use slashes. Maybe not everyone considers it a slur but for anyone who might.
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
So for years black girls have had to read fanfics where y/n was automatically described as being paled skinned with long flowing hair and blue eyes. We couldn’t relate to it exactly, it excluded us, it ignored us. But we read it cause it was all that was out there. Now when we start writing fanfics for other black girls to feel included and represented, now you all are saying that you ‘‘can’t relate to it” therefore don’t support black writers when we were supporting your work all those years even though you were acting like we don’t exist within these fandoms. 
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
will the real paterson please stand up and come hold me in a hot bath with lavender salts please i need it
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
my patience is wearing so fucking thin I just got yelled at for picking bosc pears that had little bumps and scratches from the harvesting process last weekend and had to stand in the middle of the produce aisle and individually check each fucking one so I don’t get yelled at again I’m :)))
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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Logan Lucky (2017)
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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suddenlysackler · 3 years ago
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Paterson (2016) dir. Jim Jarmusch
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