To manage my condition.
75 posts
Greetings, my name is Hal. I do not enjoy conversing, I am here purely to stablise my condition.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
Send me:
Random asks
Rude asks
Random words - I’ll write a headcanon
A  % and I’ll put my iPod on shuffle and write a headcanon inspired by that song
Or just come and chat with me
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
"I have killed." Hal stated rather simply, "But I see. Might I be of assistance?"
“And also yours.”
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“People. Well, not people, more vermin.”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
"Greetings." Hal replied, smiling slightly, "I am Hal." He extended his hand toward her, "I am here to socialise and meet new people, if that is okay?" 
suchhauntedthoughts started following you
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: @dietodayloveforever.
"You were home schooled until you were fifteen?"
"No, not at all. It's just… a bit of a shock."
Sherlock Holmes sighed, his hand placed on his forehead, his elbow leaning onto the arm of the chair; a position that gave off the impression that I was becoming much of a headache to the great detective.
I leaned back into the chair, watching the man still, almost as if it were some sort of competition; who could stare the longest?
"Are you going to read it?" Sherlock finally asked, his voice husky with a tint of annoyance.
"Yes." The words fell out of my lips, sharp and quick. Sherlock's head twitched slightly to the right.
"I just wanted to confirm the information," I continued, my left eye brow raising slightly in response to Sherlock's current attitude. "You don't have to be a dick about it."
"How was I being a dick?" Sherlock asked, obviously confused. I swear there were so many times that arose in our time together that I could very gladly shoot that man for his ignorance. I had the mental strength to stop myself though.
"Never mind."
'I started school for the first time today. It was hard to communicate with others, but the teachers helped. Mum told me the night before that it felt like she was going to ship me away to another country- like she had sent me to war. (I don't think she's ever been to school based on this statement). Mycroft had to comfort her when I left this morning. (He likes doing that, says 'it keeps him top on her lists'). I enjoy my classes and my teachers are very friendly. People stared at me today though, I felt like a goldfish in a bowl.
We're reading Of Mice and Men in English class. I like Lennie Small, he's described as a bear in the beginning and those creatures are magnificent! ( I wish to be described as a bear some day, maybe I might gain a few friends if I did. Like, a George. I'd like to gain myself a George. I doubt Mycroft would approve of that though.).'
I stopped reading, a smile plastered on my face as I looked up at Sherlock.
"Bear?" He asked in monotone.
I nodded in agreement, " 'I doubt Mycroft would approve of that though.' Playing Mother- I can see that very clearly now." I mused, chuckling under my breath.
Sherlock rolled his eyes and sighed, pulling his 'are you going to continue with what you are doing? Or shall you mock me for the coming hours?' face. I laughed and began to read the next few entries, but this time, I read them aloud. Mostly as an experiment of my own; to watch Sherlock's expression as I read. I was starting to wonder how long it had been since Sherlock last laid eyes upon his childhood. He'd deleted most primary school knowledge as fair as I could tell- had he deleted his childhood too? Or was that all stored away in his Mind Palace? To me, I decided upon the former. Sherlock did not seem the type to be sentimental of his childhood, even if the keeping of a diary from his teenage years said otherwise.
"I had maths first lesson today. Mister Stelle, pronounced Stell-aye, placed me next to a boy named Matthew Johnstone. He is a very messy boy and he kept sniffling and he has very heavy breathing. It is highly distracting. I don't like him too much- Mycroft told me not to be too judgemental of Matthew's character just because I have picked out a few habits of his I don't like. I might speak to him tomorrow."
Typical of Sherlock to write something like that. I shook my head, the smile still playing on my lips as I continued to read.
"Lydia Graymound called me a 'Faggot' today. (Rumours have been going around at school that she's a slut). I shan't listen to her comments, I am not a traditional English dish. Then again, I am British. Maybe that's what she meant? I don't understand what half of the words people shout at me mean."
I turned the page.
"I felt like the odd one out today in P.E. I was picked last for netball teams. I am rather tall and slim for my age; the perfect structure for a netball player. The boys laughed at me for playing a girl's sport. I don't quite understand why. Basketball is practically the same as netball. Had maths again today too, Matthew wasn't in so I couldn't try and communicate with him. High hopes for next lesson."
"Sounds like you were really set on talking to this Matthew kid." I stated, pointing at the book whilst watching Sherlock. The man sunk in his chair, raising his brows a little before letting them drop to their normal height. I sensed the silent 'John, just shut up and read' body language, causing me to roll my eyes and read from the book once more.
"No Maths today, double English though. We managed to finish Of Mice and Men. Good ending. It made me want a George of my own even more. Someone loyal, kind too. It would be great."
I smiled, a hum dancing up through my throat. Sherlock raised a quizzical brow at me, "What?"
"You seem pretty set on getting your own George too." I muttered before things started to click in my mind. I placed my left hand on the page, marking it as I closed the book.
"I'm finding it hard to believe that you wrote all of this, Sherlock." I took in a sharp breath, huffing it back out to show a tad of frustration. Sherlock's brows knitted close together,
I laughed, looking to the fireplace then back to Sherlock, my lips parted and the words caught in my throat, letting more laughter slip through before speaking, "Have you read this?" I asked with disbelief, "For God's sake Sherlock, this isn't you!"
I knew Sherlock Holmes- and this was not him. This was a normal child! I blinked as my mind went back to it's logical thinking, Sherlock slipping a smirk onto his features. I think Sherlock preferred it when I thought about things, I do have the tendency to speak without thinking at times; and this was one of those times.
"People change, they become bitter." Sherlock stated, watching me still. His words only just squeezed into my ear drums, causing my own thoughts to seize.
"What?" Slipped through my lips, I must have had a dumbfounded expression on my face judging by Sherlock's own.
"I changed. Everyone goes through such a stage in their childhood, John. Mine happened a little later- for the best."
'For the best'. That hit me like a smack around the face. For the best! How could changing from such a child as I read from the diary to what he was now be for the best? I shook my head, "No, Sherlo-"
"Read." Sherlock demanded and, rather swiftly, my hand flipped the book back open and I turned the page.
I frowned, "These pages are blank…" Ten points for stating the absolute obvious, but I couldn't stop myself.
I turned the page again.
"Sherlock…" I began, wetting my lips.
"January finishes there."
"Because it does- move to February. It's approximately twenty pages from there." Sherlock explained, still slumped back in his chair. I did exactly as he had said, flipping the pages a little vigorously until I reached his messy black inked writing once again.
"Ah, February."
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
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I'm getting kicked off for the rest of the night. I'll be on tomorrow most probably! Night guys!
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
Hal raised his eyebrows in a mocking fashion before letting them drop again, "A holiday?" He shook his head, "No. I do not need a holiday, I cannot escape this just by running away and trying to relax. Plus, Annie, Tom and baby Eve need me. I have no time to relax."
To manage my condition.: immsadler-ireneadler: To manage my condition.: immsadler-ireneadler:…
“Life is good, business is a bit slow…” she grimaced at her current lack of clients. “I think it might be the after effect of Valentine’s Day. May I ask what you do for a...
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
"Thank you for the compliment, Emilia. I appreciate how interesting and kind you find me." Hal smiled, "I am a vampire. I need to keep myself busy and generally away from other's to stop the temptation." He explained, "It is very difficult at times, without Leo and Pearl to help me, but Annie is helping as much as she can." He sighed, "She doesn't seem to understand like they did though. They left me to my own devices, but Annie..." Hal's voice trailed away and he looked down at his feet. Annie was feisty and stubborn and she was always right. It bothered Hal quite a lot in all honesty. He wanted things to be how they were before, but with Leo and Pearl gone, he'd just have to cope with what Annie pushed at him. And Tom. Hal frowned before looking back up to meet Emilia's features once more, throwing a sheepish smile at her.
“It would take a lot to offend me, so do not worry on that front, Emilia.” He smiled.
“I can tell, very much so. It is no matter though, I am not much of a social butterfly myself. I am only here because Annie complains that staying cooped up indoors does not help stabilise my condition in the slightest”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
"I see." Hal muttered, watching the other still, "Then it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Jim." He said, extending his hand out toward the other.
thefinestinthefleet started following you.
Hal raised a brow, watching the man with curiosity and caution, “Greetings, I am Hal.” He began, “Who are you? And why are you here?” 
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
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"Vermin?" Hal asked, raising a brow, "What kind of vermin?" He was wondering, by how Nathaniel had spoken, if he himself was the vermin the other was looking for. After all, by the sniffing motion a few moments earlier, well, it did slot together as a reasonable assumption. 
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nathanielofthelord started following you
“Greetings, I am Hal” The Vampire said, watching the other with caution, “Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
"You are the first version of any person I have met. Rather strange, but lucky, I guess. It is better than bumping into another version of an annoying person." He rolled his eyes slightly, smiling at the other, "I would be mad not to agree with myself."
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dominosandblood started following you
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 thegreatsociopath started following you
“Well, this is quite the turn-out, hrm?” Hal muttered with a smirk, watching them, “Greetings, I am Hal. Though, I suppose, one of you already knew that.”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
Hal lowered his eyelids at the other's sniffing, nodding slowly, "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He muttered with a hint of monotone and a twist of caution. "Looking around for a particular something?"
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nathanielofthelord started following you
“Greetings, I am Hal” The Vampire said, watching the other with caution, “Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
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nathanielofthelord started following you
"Greetings, I am Hal" The Vampire said, watching the other with caution, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
That man is too good to be real .___.
Awesome! And yes I did! :3 Congratulations for finishing it without shedding a tear you heartless bastard :')
“I started school for the first time today. It was hard to communicate with others, but the teachers helped. Mum told me the night before that it felt like she was going to ship me away to another country-  like she had sent me to war. (I don’t think she’s ever been to school based on this statement). Mycroft had to comfort her when I left this morning. ( He likes doing that, says it keeps him top on her lists). I enjoy my classes and my teachers are very friendly. People stared at me today though, I felt like a goldfish in a bowl. We’re reading Of Mice and Men in English class. I like Lennie Small, he’s described as a bear in the beginning and those creatures are magnificent! ( I wish to be described as a bear some day,  maybe I might gain a few friends if I did. Like, a George. I’d like to gain myself a George. I doubt Mycroft would approve of that though.)” I stopped reading, a smile plastered on my face as I looked up at Sherlock. “Bear?” He asked in monotone. I nodded in agreement, “ ‘I doubt Mycroft would approve of that though.’ Playing Mother- I can see that very clearly now.” I mused, chuckling under my breath. Sherlock rolled his eyes and sighed, pulling his ‘are you going to continue with what you are doing? Or shall you mock me for the coming hours?’ face. I laughed and began to read the next few entries, but this time, I read them aloud. Mostly as an experiment of my own; to watch Sherlock as I read. “I had maths first lesson today. Mister Stelle, pronounced Stell-aye, placed me next to a boy named Matthew Arnatt. He is a very messy boy and he kept sniffling and he has very heavy breathing. It is highly distracting. I don’t like him too much- Mycroft told me not to be too judgemental of Matthew‘s character just because I have picked out a few habits of his I don‘t like. I might speak to him tomorrow.” Typical of Sherlock to write something like that. I shook my head, the smile still playing on my lips as I continued to read. “Lydia Graymound called me a ‘Faggot’ today. Rumours have been going around at school that she’s a slut. I shan’t listen to her comments, I am not a traditional English dish. Then again, I am British. Maybe that’s what she meant? I don’t understand what half of the words people shout at me mean.”
OOC: @dietodayloveforever.
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((my favourite one))
Sure, why not~ :3
Also… Did you get my text? ]]
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
(I swear, I am in one of those weird moods today! xD; Excuse my outlandish-ness!)
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Yes, yes it is! Would you like to read what I have of 'January' so far? Still got a lot more to write, of course~
OOC: @dietodayloveforever.
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Also, what do you think of this;
“Lydia Graymound called me a ‘Faggot’ today. Rumours have been going around at school that she’s a slut. I shan’t listen to her comments, I am not a traditional English dish. Then again, I am British. Maybe that’s what she meant? I don’t understand what half of the words people shout at me mean.”
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suchhauntedthoughts-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: @dietodayloveforever.
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Also, what do you think of this;
“Lydia Graymound called me a ‘Faggot’ today. Rumours have been going around at school that she’s a slut. I shan’t listen to her comments, I am not a traditional English dish. Then again, I am British. Maybe that’s what she meant? I don’t understand what half of the words people shout at me mean.”
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