suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
Johnny semi smiled at the narrator voice Tunny was doing. “We’re innocent this time around, shockingly. Well...just the grass also caught fire.” He pointed to the dried up grass around the plastic Santa that was now charred with it. He could see an engine pull up and firefighters rushing to the scene. 
*whistles ‘Burn baby burn’ because he can’t help but be a little shit*
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Nah, we are way too elaborate to pull arson. Only when it’s necessary.” Johnny pointed out with a shrug as he could hear a few sirens from a while away getting closer. “Fire department is coming to save the day and Santa.” 
*whistles ‘Burn baby burn’ because he can’t help but be a little shit*
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“You’re welcome dude, any time.” Johnny grinned back as he threw his stuff away from the table. He could see the clouds slowly rolling in and the wind picking up just a bit more than usual. “I may have an extra blanket and pillow in the closet. Or if anything a sleeping bag which means sorry you’ll be on the floor.”
His eyes followed Johnny’s glance to the window and the dark grey clouds gathering behind it. Defeated he turned to look at his friend, torn between rushing out because damn it he could take care of himself, or accepting the situation and staying a while longer. “I won’t get in the way or anything? If you have plans, you know a bit of rain won’t kill me.”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Yeah okay but look at this fucking shit, Tun!” He pointed out the window at a plastic Santa across the street that’s on fire. 
*whistles ‘Burn baby burn’ because he can’t help but be a little shit*
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
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American Idiot - CD Scan (Booklet)
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
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I used to have a heart
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Nah, you won’t. You’re already a pain in the ass to begin with and that’s something you can’t change.” Johnny shoved Tunny again with a huge grin. “And I don’t really have plans. May do a memo or two for work tomorrow but other than that, I’m just going to be here anyways.” 
His eyes followed Johnny’s glance to the window and the dark grey clouds gathering behind it. Defeated he turned to look at his friend, torn between rushing out because damn it he could take care of himself, or accepting the situation and staying a while longer. “I won’t get in the way or anything? If you have plans, you know a bit of rain won’t kill me.”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
Tunny sitting up straight all of a sudden made Johnny slightly concerned. “Um...” He said before he pulled out his cell phone to check the time. “It’s about a quarter to five.” His eyes managed to look at the window to see it darkening up a bit. “Hey y’know if it does pour or some shit, you can hang out here until it passes or whatever.”
Okay now they both sounded sad. Tunny leaned back a bit, glancing sideways at his friend. How many times hadn’t he sat with Johnny and talked about this or that girl? Or just girls in general.
“Aw Johnny,” he said and patted the other on the shoulder, somewhat forcefully. His hand rested there perhaps somewhat awkwardly while he thought of something to say. With a sigh his lips pulled into a grin. “I don’t know man. Why am I even trying to give advise here? Never been good with that kind of stuff!” There he went, speaking his thoughts again.
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
Johnny scoffed with a smile coming back to his features. “You’re not too bad yourself when you give out advise like this, Tun.” He pointed out as he leaned back against his chair. Tunny did make him feel a bit better even when his advice isn’t the greatest at times but does get the job done when needed to do so. 
Okay now they both sounded sad. Tunny leaned back a bit, glancing sideways at his friend. How many times hadn’t he sat with Johnny and talked about this or that girl? Or just girls in general.
“Aw Johnny,” he said and patted the other on the shoulder, somewhat forcefully. His hand rested there perhaps somewhat awkwardly while he thought of something to say. With a sigh his lips pulled into a grin. “I don’t know man. Why am I even trying to give advise here? Never been good with that kind of stuff!” There he went, speaking his thoughts again.
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
Johnny shrug as he bit his own lip. It still hurt him now about what he did to her and what he did in the city but, he did grew from it and he was able to pick himself back up again and find himself for the most part.
“Yeah. But again, y’know it is what it is.” 
Oh. Tunny scratched the back of his neck, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. Perhaps this wasn’t the best topic of conversation.
But Tunny couldn’t help but wonder how much he had missed. After all returning to town, stories had been told, but sometimes it seemed parts had been missing. Chapters left untold. This felt like one of those.
“Ah man, that sucks.”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Yeah I had someone for a little while. She was...way too good and also out of my league. But...” I met someone else, went on a complete binge, lost myself, left her, she left me, never was able to apologize. “It just didn’t work out in the end. It wasn’t ‘meant to be’ as some would say. Still, she was pretty great and everything.”
Johnny didn’t want to go more into the city life. Something still hurt the fact that Tunny left him to go into the Army and he wasn’t sure why he still felt the way he does about that. 
“Ha well I look particularly stunning, yeah, but you… You’re alright too I suppose.” Tunny added with a teasing smirk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and nodded.
“Yeah, probably.” Johnny at least sounded convinced, but Tunny couldn’t help but wonder when ‘eventually’ would have been. A week? Another month? Years from now?
Tunny had often thought of calling, but what would he even say to Johnny? And with all the trips to the hospital and looking for a job, it got pushed back more and more.
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
The question was a bit surprising to Johnny. Not that it wasn’t something that he heard or was asked about before but just of the fact he wasn’t exactly sure how to answer it. Well he did, he just didn’t really want to get into everything just yet.
“It’s alright.” He said with a shrug. “It’s a bit lonely and quiet to be honest. I was sort of on my own in the city so I’m used to that fact.”
“Ha well I look particularly stunning, yeah, but you… You’re alright too I suppose.” Tunny added with a teasing smirk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and nodded.
“Yeah, probably.” Johnny at least sounded convinced, but Tunny couldn’t help but wonder when ‘eventually’ would have been. A week? Another month? Years from now?
Tunny had often thought of calling, but what would he even say to Johnny? And with all the trips to the hospital and looking for a job, it got pushed back more and more.
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Thank you for increasing my ego then,” He gave a proud smirk back. 
Johnny gave another shrug as he finished the remaining sips of his beer before setting the empty bottle down on the table. His feet bounced a bit against the floor. He was honestly relieved he had the afternoon off from his job which was rare but he did wondered if they did want to meet up earlier if it was possible. With him moving and getting a bit settled into the job, it probably would keep getting pushed back and back. 
“Ha well I look particularly stunning, yeah, but you… You’re alright too I suppose.” Tunny added with a teasing smirk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and nodded.
“Yeah, probably.” Johnny at least sounded convinced, but Tunny couldn’t help but wonder when ‘eventually’ would have been. A week? Another month? Years from now?
Tunny had often thought of calling, but what would he even say to Johnny? And with all the trips to the hospital and looking for a job, it got pushed back more and more.
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“I am actually, thank you for pointing it out,” Johnny grinned as he shoved Tunny back playfully. 
“Well at least we look good for seventy years old if that’s any consideration.” He joked with a grin. “Nah but dude, we probably would have met up eventually. It was just a matter of time and scheduling and all that shit that goes along with it.” 
Really? Tunny blinked in surprise. So Will had gotten his ass off of that bloody couch after all! Good on him. “I didn’t do anything!” Or so he thought. Suddenly his expression brightened a little. “You know, he probably just forgot to text back. I’ll give him a call! Next time, you guys should come check out my place. I’ll even order pizza. Can’t say no to that!”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“You are a fucking sap,” Johnny remarked back with a grin as he drank another sip of beer. “But yeah it’s nice to have the three of us hopefully hanging out again like we used to.” The good old days to be honest but perhaps they can relive everything again even for a moment. 
Really? Tunny blinked in surprise. So Will had gotten his ass off of that bloody couch after all! Good on him. “I didn’t do anything!” Or so he thought. Suddenly his expression brightened a little. “You know, he probably just forgot to text back. I’ll give him a call! Next time, you guys should come check out my place. I’ll even order pizza. Can’t say no to that!”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“Yeah he’s usually the one who responds back really slowly or never at all. And yeah definitely we can do that man!” Johnny gave a smile as he finished the remaining bit of his salad before relaxing back in his chair. 
Really? Tunny blinked in surprise. So Will had gotten his ass off of that bloody couch after all! Good on him. “I didn’t do anything!” Or so he thought. Suddenly his expression brightened a little. “You know, he probably just forgot to text back. I’ll give him a call! Next time, you guys should come check out my place. I’ll even order pizza. Can’t say no to that!”
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suburbiaisalie-blog · 9 years
“I talked to him maybe a few weeks ago. He also helped me bring a thing or two to my place but I haven’t hung out with him. From what I know, he’s still trying to get back on Heather’s good side. At least for the sake of his child and everything.” He shrugged as he fiddled around with the bottle. 
“He shouldn’t be giving you the silent treatment though. You didn’t do or say anything to him, right?”
Tunny found his mouth too full of food to give a witty retort. But God Chipotle was good! “Officially huh?” He said past a mouth half full of food before swallowing. “And here we are with beer and fast food. That’s a good old-school party, if ya ask me. When was the last time we went to hang out like this?”
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