suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Bottle Cap Spells
Inspired by @uurbain​ ’s salt bottle caps.
At first, I wanted to add herbs to the salt, but worried about how well that would stick. So, I put herbs in the bottom and poured melted wax over top.
Basil + dill and the first layer of wax.
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The second layer of wax is hard.
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Plus, a luck sigil on the back.
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Possible variations:
carve/scratch a sigil or rune into the wax
use a coloured candle depending on correspondences (I used white because it’s the one I had)
add essential oils
add salt to the wax (tho I’m not sure how well this would work)
a paper with a sigil on it in the bottom of the cap
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Fire Witchcraft: Tools & Associations
Tools: Ash, Alcohol, Athame, Axe, Black Salt, Blown Glass, Bonfire, Burn Safe Containers, Burned Herbs, Campfire, Candles, Charcoal, Charred Wood, Cast Iron, Dagger, Double-Headed Axe, Electrical Appliances/Items, Fairy Lights/Christmas Lights, Fire Pit, Firewood, Golden Objects/jewelry, Kitchen Supplies/Appliances/Tools, Knives, Lamps/Lights, Lantern, Lava Lamp, Leather, LED Lights/Candles, Lighters, Lightning Bolt Imagery, Matches, Pots & Pans, Razors, Requests on Paper/Written, Rod, Scourge/Whip, Smoke, Skillet, Spatulas, Staff, Sun Imagery, Sword, Tea Lights, Tinder Bundles, Wax Melter, Wooden Spoon, Volcano Imagery
Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow and Gold
Corresponds to: Strength, passion, love, lust, anger, rage, wrath, war, competition, courage, power, willpower, sex, desire, labor, cleansing, destruction, banishing and protection
Crystals: Amber, Sunstone, Carnelian, Obsidian, Fire Agate, Agate, Ruby, Garnet, Star Garnet, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Diamond, Red Tiger’s Eye, Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Fire Opal, Lava Rock, Pumace, Sulfur, Thunderstone
Metals: Steel, Gold, Brass, *Nickle
*can be dangerous in raw form or if ingested
Herbs: Cinnamon, Basil, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Peppercorn, Peppermint, Rosemary, Chile Peppers, Cacti, Prickly Pear, Coffee, Nettles, Garlic, Thorn Trees/Plants, Thistle, Onion, Allspice, Juniper, Hibiscus, Red Poppy, Almond, Clove, Chamomile, Bay Leaf, Sunflower, Marigold, Holly, Oak
Animals: Lion, Tiger, Puma, Lizards, Dragon, Snakes, Coyote, Fox, Mantids, Scorpion, Ram, Goat, Squirrel, Salamanders
Elementals and Beasts/Creatures: Girtabilu, Dragon, Salamanders, Djinn, Sprites, Genies, Efreet, Hellhounds, Lampad, Phoenix, Cherufe, Manticore 
Sense: Sight, Taste
Body: Eyes, Head, Heart, Blood, Muscles, Arms, Stomach, Reproductive Organs
Fire Related Magick: Sun, Love, Sex/Lust, Fertility, Candle, Strength, Kitchen, Burning, Destructive, Offensive, Competitive, Motivation, Emotional Strength, Intimidation, Revenge, Banishing, Cleansing, Unbinding, Curse Removal, Energy Work
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Fire Oil
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Fire oil (OR Fire Water)  is used to add that extra “oomph” to your magic. Use it when ever you want to add extra power into your spell work. Excellent for “Return to sender” spells, Or protection spells.
To make it, all you need is
Clean, Glass container 
Sunflower Oil
Red Pepper Flakes
Cayenne Pepper (Optional)
Once your oil is prepared, Seal it up and give it a vigorous shake. Imagine your peppers releasing fire into your oil, Visualize the Oil giving off light, And heat.
Once it feels “right” to you sit it in a dark place.Shake daily for a minimum of 2 weeks, Each time visualizing the flames and infusing it with your intention of fire and power. 
Disclaimer: This oil can burn your skin if you touch it directly so be cautious when handling. (I use bamboo skewers when handling my Fire Oil)
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
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When you’re a poor witch and you can’t afford a cauldron you just have to make do 🌞🌞🌞
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
full moon (supermoon) [in virgo]: december 3rd good for: employment, health & healing, intellectual matters, and dietary concerns
new moon [in aries]: december 18th good for: authority, leadership, willpower, rebirth, and spiritual conversion
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you post witchy content
I need more active witchy blogs to follow!!! Reblog and i will follow you, but only reblog if you are a witchy blog!!
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Vaporeon's Acid Armor Bath
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To remove yourself from the view of those who wish you harm
What you will need:  - A bathtub (of course)  - Moon water  - Sun water  - Salt  - An open window or incense/scented candle that reminds you of nature  - White and/or blue candles
Fill the tub with cool water.  Not cold, a relaxing temperature.  Splash in some moon and sun water (you needn’t add more than a cup each).  Add a pinch of salt.  Place the candles in spots that won’t be a fire hazard (watch those towels and shower curtain) and open the window/light the incense/candle.  
Now sink into the tub.  Submerge yourself as much as you can/like.  Don’t worry if your knees have to stick out.  If you feel comfortable, submerge your face.  Imagine yourself melting into the water.  You are the water.  
In the day, in the night, in fresh water, in the sea, you are a drop of water.  Present and unseen.  Seen but not noticed.  You flow, swiftly, softly, strongly, peacefully.  
Once you truly feel one with the water, or the tub gets too cold, climb out, dry off with a nice, fluffy towel, and relax.  
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
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Witchy Moon*:・゚✧
A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!
The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Meditations based on the Major Arcana
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If you find yourself stressed or simply desire a different form of meditation, go ahead and pick one, or, better yet, have your tarot tell you which meditation you should do!
0. Fool – meditate to some calming music, find a nice track and let it fill your mind and body
1. Magician – recite a mantra of some sort, word or phrase, pick something meaningful to you, not just what the internet suggests
2. High Priestess – the practice of attending: look at and assess each thought you have as you meditate
3. Empress – focus on self-love, find things you appreciate about yourself, let love fill you and your soul
4. Emperor – count your heartbeats or your breaths 
5. Hierophant – take this time to recite a prayer to a higher being, speak a blessing of some sort, or your equivalent
6. Lovers – send love, good vibes, and blessings to a loved one
7. Chariot – focus on each body part separately, flexing and relaxing each part from your toes to your head
8. Strength – stand up and do the sun salutation or a similar yoga exercise, or if you’d rather, go work out
9. Hermit – ask a deep, philosophical question and ponder on it for awhile
10. Wheel – diaphragmatic breathing: breath deeply from the diaphragm, so your stomach moves but your chest does not
11. Justice – find five things or people you are grateful for and meditate on them
12. Hanged Man – the practice of mindfulness: simply let your thoughts pass by as you meditate, not focusing on anything in particular
13. Death – take a short nap! please wake up, though
14. Temperance – the practice of visualization: visualize your dreams about the future
15. Devil – focus on each sense individually, what do you feel, hear, see, if you want you can eat a small treat and focus on what you taste
16. Tower – candle meditation: focus on a flame, image of a flame, or some sort of object
17. Star – take a bath or shower and focus on the water cleansing both your body and mind
18. Moon – acknowledge your worries, then give them up or let them go to a higher being
19. Sun – sit in sunlight or other bright light and focus on the brightness, draining all your negativity away to be replaced with positivity
20. Judgment – focus on the energy within, how it interacts with the earth and others around you
21. World – stand up and take a walk, preferably walk outside through nature
Enjoy and may all be well with each of you <3
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
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“I Will Protect You”
Draw this sigil on a picture of the person you wish to protect. Keep in mind that this sigil specifies that the castor will be the one doing the protecting. This sigil designates you as the target’s protector. Then either add a drop of your own blood on the picture (or spit if you can’t do blood)
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
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Prometheus (by Rxhawk288)
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Magical Uses for Matches
added resource
initiate a ritual with a match instead of a lighter
seal a spell with the extinguishing of the flame
light one and let it burn until you can’t hold it anymore for an energy cleansing (can hold with tweezers or prop in an incense holder)
develop a good rule of thumb for how long you should burn a match for when you’re holding it (how many seconds until to have to put it out)
create a key of omens for your burnt match sticks
create a key of correspondences for holding your match vertical or horizontal, or in your left hand of right hand (possibly align it to N,S,E,W)
grind up the burnt charcoal for ash as a spell ingredient
save the wooden base separately for wood splinters as a spell ingredient
color-code your matches and strike them as a substitute for lighting a colored candle
charge your matchbox with crystals, plants, herbs, overnight, in sunlight, etc.
whisper your wish or intent into the flame then promptly blow it out
hold it over an object and circle it counterclockwise to cleanse it
hold it over an object and circle it clockwise to enchant it
light a match with a lighter with the intent to cancel a spell
throw the burnt match into a bowl of water and let it sit in the moonlight to give your moonwater added protective properties
draw a sigil with a used match tip
write someone’s name and cross it out with a used match tip to hex them
write someone’s name and circle it with a used match tip to protect them
pour your negative energy into your fingertips, and into the match as you strike it, then toss the stick out to forcibly remove negative energy
light a match to produce productive or powerful energy
hold a lit match up to a mirror to banish unwanted entities
light a match in the middle of your garden right at sunrise or after sunset and bury the used stick for a bountiful harvest season
rub your thumb slowly across the strike pad 3 times to dispel anxiety and encourage confidence
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suburban-mage-blog · 7 years
Who else loves making spell bottles but can’t find easy items for what I want it to do?
Well y’all are in luck cause I got annoyed and so I made a list of commonly found kitchen items that have properties that are often desired for spell bottles! ~please note that other items that you may have also have these properties but I wanted to make something very generic~
Courage- Thyme
Luck- Clove, Clover, Dill, Hazel, Mint, Orange
Protection- Clove, Clover, Basil, Cinnamon, Cumin, Fennel, Garlic, Grass, Lettuce, Lime, Olive, Onion, Parsley, Pepper, Radish, Rosemary, Sage
Love- Clove, Clover, Orange, Basil, Cinnamon, Ginger, Jasmine, Lemon, Lettuce, Lime, Parsley, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Rosemary, Thyme, Vanilla
Success- Clove, Clover, Cinnamon, Ginger
Money/Riches/Wealth- Dill, Mint, Orange, Ginger, Jasmine, Oats, Onion, Pecan, Pineapple, Basil
Health- Thyme
Wishes- Hazel, Peach, Sage
Healing- Mint, Fennel, Garlic, Lime, Olive, Onion, Rosemary, Thyme
Travel- Mint
Anti-theft- Garlic
Power- Ginger
Longevity- Lemon, Peach, Sage
Friendship- Lemon
Purification- Fennel, Lemon, Parsley, Thyme
Sleep- Lettuce, Rosemary, Thyme
Fertility- Olive
Potency- Olive
Lust-  Olive, Pear, Radish, Rosemary, Vanilla
Employment- Pecan
Youth- Rosemary
Immortality- Sage
Wisdom- Sage
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