crazy maisy
3K posts
Maisy Bergman, 21 years old, submissive at Orenda Estates since July 2014!
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
I miss human interaction.
As cute as Bear is, he's not very good at carrying on a conversation. And Thumper has very strong opinions about a lot of things.
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Me, me, me!
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Already ready for the weekend.
Who’s with me?
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Yeah, definitely! Can I bring the pup with me?
Feels like I'm the only one who's not excited for the superbowl...
Do you want to come hang out?
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
I'm not either, so you're not alone!
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Feels like I'm the only one who's not excited for the superbowl...
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Howdy Mouse
Kitty! I miss your pretty face!
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
He is. I could gush for days about how good he is to me, so I'll cut myself off before I get annoying. 
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Guilty Pleasure: Shakespeare
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Maisy laughed as Bear ran to greet the other girl. "Well, that's Bear, in case you didn't figure that out," she chuckled, scooping the wriggling puppy up into her arms when he scampered back over to her. She kissed the top of his head, letting him down, shaking her head when he slipped on his paws as he ran inside. "No problem. You said you wanted some scotch, right?" Going over to the table, she poured a bit into the two glasses she'd brought out, offering one to Kiera as she sat next to her. "It's the good stuff. Walker wouldn't have anything less."
Open Ears || Maisy and Kiera, 1/28
Kiera wasn’t sure if talking about her feelings was going to be the right way to go about things, but she figured she’d give it a shot. Maisy had been nothing but sweet to her since she got here, and honestly the brunette found her optimism to be somewhat refreshing. Finding the villa pretty easily she walked up the steps, following the girl’s instructions. Smiling as she approached she bent down to pet the excited dog that ran up to her, laughing. “Hey. Thanks again for doing this,” she said softly, sitting down next to the girl. 
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Very. Oh, I basically annoyed him into being my friend. I didn't stop talking to him, even when he got huffy with me. Paid off in the end, though.
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Guilty Pleasure: Shakespeare
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
He's just so mischievous. Oh, I like him too!
Seriously! I probably would too. My boyfriend's pretty good about making me feel like that without words though. Words aren't really his thing.
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Guilty Pleasure: Shakespeare
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Midsummer Night's Dream is my favorite. I love Puck!
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Guilty Pleasure: Shakespeare
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
It's so beautiful, how can you not love Shakespeare?
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Guilty Pleasure: Shakespeare
There I said it.
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Open Ears || Maisy and Kiera, 1/28
It felt like it had been forever since she'd spent time with someone. Bear and Thumper had been her companions, along with Walker when he wasn't working so hard. So she'd jumped at the chance to have someone over, and she certainly didn't mind opening her ears - and liquor cabinet - to whatever was bothering Kiera. Bear's excited yips signaled that someone was close, and Maisy stood and waved when she saw the girl approaching. "You can come on back here, Kiera," she called, gesturing to the porch steps.
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
See you soon!
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I need a drink.
Thanks Maisy. 
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Awesome! Aw, no worries. It's no trouble. I definitely don't mind listening and helping, if I can.
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I need a drink.
That’s true. Okay, I’ll be over before curfew hits. Thanks in advance if, you know, I don’t say it later. 
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
You don't have to know someone to listen. Yeah, my boyfriend loves it, so we always have a lot. Cool! I'll be out on the porch, it's villa #.
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I need a drink.
Because you don’t even really know me? Scotch? Wow. I’m gonna steal some of that good stuff. 
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Sure, why not? Oh yeah, you can, or we have some here if you want. Lots of scotch.
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I need a drink.
Just like that? That’s sweet. Am I still allowed to bring alcohol? 
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submaisyb · 10 years ago
Well, you're totally welcome to come over to the villa, and you might get a puppy cuddling you even if you don't want it. Bear's pretty excited when he meets new people.
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I need a drink.
You’re too cute, Maisy. I don’t know about the puppy cuddling, but talking to someone might not be that bad. 
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