Why Bullying...!!
A major problem nowadays is bullying which specially happens during school life of children. Bullying is unwanted behavior among school aged children. Most of the children who bully other children are the ones that had been bullied once. Bullying does not only hurt the other person but also leaves lasting effects in their lives. When we hear the word âbullyingâ majority of peopleâs mind show them image of one child beating another, bullying is not always associated with physical actions sometimes it also involves verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is to bully others through words and the most common victims of verbal bullying are fat people who are teased of being obese and overweight and are called with different names. It discourages them and causes hatred in their hearts for themselves and for others too, they start being aggressive and feeling worthless and wrap themselves in covers of depression that they arenât good enough and some of them seek revenge and bully other children physically by pushing them or beating them and through this way bullying starts affecting one person from another. Bullying does not only hurt physically but it also hurts oneâs self esteem and confidence. Victims of bullying are more likely to suffer depression; anxiety and many of them indulge in drugs or commit suicide sometimes. Many of us say that suicide is a stupid act but in my view stupid act is hurting someone so much that they think suicide is the only answer instead of blaming oneâs decision we should first have a look on our actions that give birth to such decisions. Â Â Â Â
Bullying should be stopped through awareness programs and campaigns. Teachers should keep an eye on whatâs happening inside classroom and should encourage less confident children to come forward and participate but sadly nowadays many of teachers only come to class to teach, they longer show friendly attitude towards children and discuss their problems because of which many children slip through the cracks and are lagged behind from others. Not only teachers but parents should also maintain a friendly relation with their children so that children can feel comfortable while sharing everything but parents nowadays no longer give attention to their children and most of them compare their children with other fellow children which makes things even worse. A children who is being bullied in school, who merely have friends, is not given a proper attention, is compared or insulted between friends or fellows began to die from inside. His self confidence is crushed into pieces and he starts drifting away from everyone and when this pain overflows the results come out in uglier ways, the child no longer obey parents, he starts avoiding gatherings, starts being drug addict or does self harm. Itâs our responsibility to stop this entire ad to help them. If we cannot, then the least possible thing we can do is to stop judging them.
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Nokia disconnected, Microsoft connected
Today, Microsoft gets the opportunity to flip the switch and Nokia gets the chance to switch its business cards. (A disgrace, since its cards are extremely easygoing.) But this is only the start of an extensive move-in procedure in which the two organizations can at last begin cooperating as one. Odds are despite everything we'll be making inquiries about the merger a while not far off, however as executives disclosed to us, these sorts of methods require some serious energy to get everything dealt with. Until further notice, what would it be advisable for us to think about the merger
Microsoft will assume control over Nokia's Devices and Services business, which incorporates both Smart Devices and Mobile Devices. As it were: The Lumia, Asha and X arrangement is currently all under Microsoft's umbrella. Configuration groups, inventory network, extras, representatives, engineer relations and a large portion of Nokia's assembling plants and testing offices are likewise on Microsoft's side, as are the majority of the organization's administrations like MixRadio, Store and that's just the beginning. Here, Nokia's mapping element, is viewed as a different business and is excluded as a major aspect of the arrangement, yet Microsoft has consented to a 10-year permitting understanding. (Furthermore, Nokia likewise holds its Solutions and Networks division, its CTO office and a substantial number of licenses.)
Microsoft will likewise control IP understandings and any outsider contracts identified with Nokia's gadgets. Symbian ought to fit in this classification, and any organizations Nokia had with Qualcomm and other silicon organizations. What's more, on the off chance that you were pondering, the organization's imaging ability will do the change over to Microsoft too.
Since Microsoft holds rights to the Lumia and Asha brand names, the organization will exploit them for now. Anything Nokia had in the pipeline will probably still turn out in the following a while (unless Microsoft chooses to veto certain items). A genuine Microsoft telephone likely won't be seen for no less than 10 months, since it ordinarily takes quite a while to push a gadget through the improvement process.Â
Stephen Elop, who served as Nokia's leader and CEO, is presently official VP of Microsoft's Devices Group and will report specifically to CEO Satya Nadella. In this part, he regulates the organization's whole equipment lineup: telephones, tablets, Surface, Xbox, Perceptive Pixel items (PPI) and even extras. Moreover, 25,000 Nokia representatives will make the move over to Microsoft.
Microsoft and Nokia were at that point the nearest of BFFs, however regardless they needed to go about as partitioned organizations. Despite the fact that the two worked together as often as possible, they each needed to experience distinctive improvement forms; both organizations had their own assets, apparatuses, culture and competitive innovations, which made a considerable measure of inefficiencies. By bringing Nokia into the fold, Microsoft can now chip away at both firmware and equipment from the very beginning, hypothetically making the procedure of creating, assembling and conveying another telephone or tablet substantially more productive.
Also, Microsoft claims that with a more noteworthy comprehension of how equipment and programming cooperate, it will have the capacity to apply that learning to its associations with existing accomplices, engineers and administrators
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Stay foolish ,Stay hungry!!
It starts with Steve Jobsâs Stanford commencement address where he talks admiringly of Stewart Brand and quotes that slogan that has since come to be associated with Jobs: Â
âStewart and his team put out several issues of the Whole Earth Catalogue, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: âStay Hungry. Stay Foolish.â It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.â
âEveryone talks about age, but itâs not about age. Itâs about work ethic, Winning never gets oldâ.
It was full of a lot of wonderful stories, including about his first bout with cancer. And the speech ended with some words Jobs saw on the back of âThe Whole Earth Catalogueâ when he was young, which impacted him greatly.
They were: âStay Hungry. Stay Foolish.â
I think right about now, that foolish part has gone way too far for Jobs and the rest of us. Â
Stay hungry: Have a want, or need to feel like what you have right now isn't enough. You can always build something better. One day, there will be something better and more important than even the iPad. Â
Stay foolish: Notions like "that isn't possible" or "no one's ever done that so we can't" should be something you foolishly cast to the wind because that kind of thinking isn't how you change things but instead how you maintain the status quo.
My Mantra is âLet them hate. Just make sure they spell your name right!â Â
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Say what? Over Populated World, Letâs go mars!!
Whenever I hear this my usual response is w.t.f wrong with humans. So many questions just pile up in my mind. Too much population, Where is prove? Why birth rates are dropping? Why has the global total fertility rate dropped so much? Why there are cities/lands with less population? If condom is not the solution why put more money in its production? UN predictions how much reliable they are? What make humans more important than animals? Is it ethical to colonize Mars or other planets? Why or why not? How much it will cost us? Who will get the profit because itâs always about money and power! Why not moon? In addition, overpopulation is defined as a problem created by the numbers of people, not their behaviours. If every person demanded his or her own continent or island, the world would seem âoverpopulatedâ very quickly. Letâs keep these things in mind as we consider the argument that the earth, as a closed environment, is overpopulated. Is Spaceship Earth (as they like to call it), running out of resources? Letâs evaluate: 1) âFood: there isnât enough!â Yet the world currently produces enough food to feed 10 billion people, and there are only 7 billion of us. âBut there are still hungry people in the world!â Yes, hunger remains a problem in some parts of the world, but it is not caused by the number of people. Commenting on the recent Somali famine, Oxfam, an international humanitarian organization, stated, âFamines are not natural phenomena, they are catastrophic political failures.â 2) âWe are running out of water!â The earth is awash in water. Oceans cover 70 percent of the planetâs surface to an average depth of 6,000 feet. Thatâs why the earth looks blue from space. You cannot use up or destroy water; you can only change its state (from liquid to solid or gas) or contaminate it so that it is undrinkable. âThatâs a great theory, but if Iâm thirsty, theory doesnât mean much to me. There is not enough fresh water for everyone!â There is! Since 1900, freshwater withdrawals (i.e. production of usable water) have increased much faster than the human population has increased. Freshwater withdrawals have increased seven-fold since 1900 while the world population has increased only four-fold. This suggests our ability to access usable water increases faster than population growth. Other instances of phony overpopulation occur when humans create artificially closed environments. If someone locked me in my office, most people wouldnât blame my resulting demise on âthe overpopulation of the officeâ but on the cruel person who locked me in. Similarly, if government policies prevent food from being transported to where it is needed, or distributed to those who are hungry, âoverpopulationâ is not to blame. Itâs the policy, stupid. Overcrowding is not overpopulation, overcrowding is a problem that should be solved by city planners not by population controllers. Key causes of hunger are conflict (war), poverty, natural disasters, over exploitation of environment, poor agricultural infrastructure not overpopulation. Demographers estimate that at least 20 billion people lived on earth between the years 8000 B.C. and 0 A.D. Plankton make up 3 times more biomass than all 7 billion humans combined. Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have 5 acres of land. If we wanted to squeeze close, everyone in the world could stand shoulder-to-shoulder on the island of Zanzibar. The global total fertility rate is 2.53 children per woman.
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