subbythotstuff · 19 days
I want you to own me like a dog (sexual) but also keep me as your pet(romantic)
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subbythotstuff · 19 days
hire me as a stress relief toy. tie me up in the conference room as a little treat for business partners. chain me up in a corner of the office so everyone can just piss inside of my ass and plug me back up instead of having to walk across the building for the nearest toilet. every employee can use a half hour break to fuck me during their workday. you can make me cockwarm you while you do boring paperwork in your office. the employee of the week gets to take me home on fridays. during team meetings, whoever makes good points is allowed to whip me for the amusement of everyone. during business trips, you bring me on a leash, like a dog. i'll wear nipple clamps with bells around the office so you can always hear where i am. when i leave the office, you put me in a chastity belt so i don't steal an orgasm at home.
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subbythotstuff · 2 months
Actual image of me fighting for my fucking life on discord
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subbythotstuff · 2 months
♡ The Sleep Over ♡
At a sleepover with my friend, smoking, drinking, hanging out.. laughing at each other's silliness until i get so high and drunk im practically unconscious. I didn't know my friend has had a crush on me for a long time, and they know i have a boyfriend, but we're still close.. so close they began slowly stripping my limp body of every article of clothing, being careful not to startle me. They spread my legs open and lightly play with my pussy, almost tickling it. It was already wet from the cold air hitting it but the sensation from being high and touched made it wetter. There was no reaction from me so they continued, soon putting their mouth on my silky slit. It caused me to groan and move around slightly, my face wrinkling in the process, however they didn't back down because they just loved the taste of me so much. Licking every last bit of my juices up and ignoring my groans, they decided they had enough. The growing pain against their zipper was just too much for them to handle. They flipped me onto my stomach and raised my hips to meet theirs while holding their cock steady against my pussy. As they pushed the tip in, they leaned over to my ear and quietly whispered, "im so.. so sorry for whats about to happen. Please.. dont hate me. I love you, so much." And with that, they began pleasuring themselves with my knocked out body and recording this act for their own pleasure later. My groaning turned to light moans as i began groggily waking up from the pleasure i was receiving. I tried to look back at him, but my head was so heavy and my vision was all blurry.. i forgot where i was, what i was doing, didnt know what was going on but it felt so good. "Mm.. Daddyy..", i moaned softly, lightly pushing my hips back into his thinking it was my boyfriend. He felt a little bigger but i wasnt worried at all, my brain was just too clouded. I wanted more of this feeling, every thrust and every moan he gave out spiraled me deeper into euphoria. "Fuck.. your pussy feels so good.. So sticky.. creamy.. tight.. warm.. i dont want to stop.. i cant..", he whispered to himself. He was so deep in the moment he hadnt noticed i was awake, and i had recognized the voice. It startled me to know my bestfriend of all people would do something like this to me. However i had no energy in me, the euphoria mixed with being all storts of drugged out, i just couldn't fight back. I hated the feeling, i hated he would do this, i hated every second of him shoving his cock in and out of me.. but i loved it, i loved it all. I loved the minutes, maybe even hours, that he fucked my limp body.. i couldnt tell how long he did it, i just know it was to the point he couldnt hold out much longer and he let loose his entire load inside of me. The next day i pretended nothing even happened, and i continued to sleepover with him.
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subbythotstuff · 2 months
Hey!! Idk if you know this but terfs on twitter have been screenshotting your kink posts and using them to demonize trans women (calling y’all monsters, r@pists, etc) You might wanna put a fantasy disclaimer on the bottom of your posts but stay safe!!
I don't think there's really a difference to them if there's a fantasy disclaimer or not.
Also woah I'm twitter famous now?
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subbythotstuff · 2 months
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
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puppyplay patches - pt 2
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
god didn’t give me a dick because I’d get hard at warm paper that’s just come out of the printer and everyone would make fun of me
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
there’s always so much admiration and praise for swallowers... well what if i decide your treat is to be forced to spit? to be called a good filthy mutt for getting your master’s seed all over yourself? i’d relish the feeling of gripping your chin, making sure your eyes are on mine so i can hear you whine when i order you to “drop it.”
come now, pet… be good and i might just let you keep it all inside next time.
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
you can jerk off to anything. just the other day i jerked off to a crisp and refreshing spring breeze
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
he can infodump so deep inside me I'll have trivia running down my leg
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
Shy subs who get nervous when you tell them all the disgusting things you'll do to them are so cute. Stop pretending you're not a slut.
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
I love talking my sub through her orgasms<3
„Yes baby, you‘re doing so well for mommy“
„You sound incredible, fuck“
„Don‘t stop, princess“
„Take it, I know you can give me one more“
„Yes, right there, that‘s perfect“
„I love how you moan for me“
„I want more, give me what is my own“
„You‘re my property“
„This orgasm you‘ll have is mine“
„Don‘t keep it in, I want to hear your moans, stop holding back“
„Yes. Those moans are mine. This body is mine, this mind is mine, this voice is mine“
„You‘re mine, you‘re all mine. Fucking mine, do you understand?“
„Such a good plaything for mommy“
„My toy, I love to use you“
„One more, I want to get off on your moans“
„So fucking good“
„This cunt is just made for my pleasure, like my cock is just made for yours“
„God, I will break you and mold you into my perfect toy to get off on“
„Let mommy use you, baby“
„Yes baby, come for me, this orgasm is mine“
„Say who you belong to, moan my name“
„Right, you‘re all mine. I love you“
„I love you so fucking much“
„I‘m yours“
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
did you know that if i’m being a brat you can just hold my hips down and finger me super aggressively and itll fix my attitude just like that!
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
I love the idea of my partner being stronger than me. Easily pulling me into their lap, holding me down, and just maneuvering me however they feel like. Like I'm just a little doll for them.
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
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subbythotstuff · 3 months
The past like... Months. I have been craving just the softest submission.
Gentle bondage, tied up in your lap. Wearing cozy sweaters and a collar and cuffs around the house. Curled up at your feet for naps. Cock warming until my brain gets all mushy. Soft teasing until my brain gets all mushy. Having to ask permission for just about everything, even if I know the answer is almost always going to be yes, just to reinforce your control. Low-key rules meant to do the same. Being praised for being good, being praised for submitting.
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