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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
And look where that’s gotten us, men in women’s bathrooms and sports. In Michigan they want to make it a crime to misgender someone. Live and let live while you groom our children and shove a pedophile ideology down our throats. I will not just live and let live. When I see pride parades with pedos screaming “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” smearing LGB people while overtaking our movement. How selfish, plus, what I said at the end
 wasn’t an ideology. It was just a fact, like
 you're either a male or female. You can pretend to be a different gender. But you will never be the opposite gender from which you were born with. It’s actually insulting to real women who work hard for their achievements, just to have to taken away by men. Then they’re just supposed to shut up and let it happen. I’m actually really happy someone stood up to the bullsh*t finally (Riley Gaines). Keep living in your false reality I don’t really care honestly. Just keep it away from children and don’t expect society to cater to your feelings or the agenda.
You can bend over backwards trying not to be one of “those” cringey queers who wears pride everywhere and goes by arson and has they/it/fluff/pixel/boo pronouns on a catgender pin they wear everywhere and suppress everything “extra” unlikable about your identity and pass as a “normal” cishet and mock everyone who dyes their hair for pride and wears rainbow nail polish and guess what? Conservatives will still want you dead. There is no appeasing them. Stand by your community. Maybe you’ll find that arson (they/it/fluff/pixel/boo) is going to be the best goddamn person to have in your corner when the republicans you’ve given up your life to placate inevitably turn on you and try to sentence you to death because any amount of queer is too damn queer. Maybe you’ll find that we are a community for a reason. We’re all equally degenerate in the eyes in conservatives and equally worthy of joy and life in the eyes of the “weird” queer community you shun.
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
When I voiced my views to my friends. The only ones who stayed and supported me were the conservatives. Plus I’m gay. I’ve learned the democrats party is the most hateful party ever and always has been throughout history. You disagree, their programming kicks in and automatically you're a racist, transphobe, misogynistic person. Trans people have hijacked our party. They want EVERYONE to be trans now. I see pride parades and don’t even see gay people at them anymore. Maybe because gay people don’t want to be associated with pedos who scream “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children”. CBC even changed the acronym. They don’t care about gay people never did. They just want trans people to invade women’s safe spaces like the bathroom or even sports where there IS a biological difference. Trans women will ALWAYS be men. That is a fact. Just because it hurts your feelings, will never change that fact. Even after the body mutilation, you're still your original born gender. Anyone who says “the science is changing” the XX and XY chromosomes do NOT change and gender is NOT a spectrum. Nobody would have a problem with you guys if you didn’t come shoving your ideology down everyone’s throats. Have a nice day😊
You can bend over backwards trying not to be one of “those” cringey queers who wears pride everywhere and goes by arson and has they/it/fluff/pixel/boo pronouns on a catgender pin they wear everywhere and suppress everything “extra” unlikable about your identity and pass as a “normal” cishet and mock everyone who dyes their hair for pride and wears rainbow nail polish and guess what? Conservatives will still want you dead. There is no appeasing them. Stand by your community. Maybe you’ll find that arson (they/it/fluff/pixel/boo) is going to be the best goddamn person to have in your corner when the republicans you’ve given up your life to placate inevitably turn on you and try to sentence you to death because any amount of queer is too damn queer. Maybe you’ll find that we are a community for a reason. We’re all equally degenerate in the eyes in conservatives and equally worthy of joy and life in the eyes of the “weird” queer community you shun.
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
Yeah I’m kinky, but damn there’s a lot of pedos on here. I really do hate tumblr. A bunch of communist liberals who think they are oppressed and ashamed to be white. It’s hilarious when they hide your opposing views too. Typical communist. Hide the other valid argument.
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
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Oh look some replies have been deleted and now turned off. Someone had a different opinion and hurt this persons feelings and of course can’t handle the truth. Speaking of the truth you’ll see the top picture of the gland with the lines is a healthy oil gland while the picture below that one is my own💀
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
Disregard this whole message and never wear a mask AGAIN!! The airflow blew germs into my oil glands and for 3 years the doctors had no idea what was going on. I suffered blood shot eyes, severe burning, blurred vision and to this day, I still do as I sit here and write this. I asked ChatGPT if face masks can cause MGD “Meibomian gland disfunction” and the answer I got was yes. Then I saw a doctor out in NYC since none of the doctors out on LI knew what was up. After I asked him that question
 he wrote on a piece of paper “yes” and showed me and my father. I’m 22 not a minor btw. Then proceeded to say “I’m sorry to show you this” he took x rays of my oil glands and the germs completely ate everything away. Their gone now. Permanently. I’ll never see clear again and suffer severe dry eyes and burning the rest of my life. So for all the stupid democrat leftists who claim “masks save lives” they actually ruined mine along with others lives. Leftists are not decent people. Because when you disagree with them, your life is ruined. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m gay and on the right and I was basically casted out of my community and social group. You know who accepted me though? The trump supporters at his rallies. Why? Because I support ACTUAL freedom and don’t feel the need to make everything about my sexuality? Because I go off facts and not people’s feelings? So soft and fragile and not at all in touch with reality. I really hope we beat this rigged election system and throw wokeism down the drain and torch it. Some people will see this and say finally someone with sense. While others disagree and call me a bigot, racist, transphobe Nazi. But yk what? I really do not give a single sh*t what anybody thinks. Why a huge rant over this? Because the masks were mandated in NY by democrat Kathy Hochul and if the mandates never existed, I would have a much better quality of life today. Get in touch with reality PLEASE I beg you. Also get ready to say hi to your new unvetted migrant neighbors!! That was all the left. I mean i sincerely do not get how any sane person could be a leftist I really just don’t. I could go on and on smh.
This refusal to mask to protect lives reminds me of how that one old timey surgeon was like "hey I noticed that mortality rates go down when I wash my hands between handling corpses and delivering babies, maybe try it?" And he got treated viciously and shunned by the entire medical field because "a gentleman's hands are always clean" like by default so they shouldn't have to wash them.
And just this obvious but often unspoken idea that contagion can never be spread (and definitely not seriously suffered) by someone who thinks of themself as like inherently "pure" and how these ideas link up with white supremacist and ableist/eugenicist concepts of who is "dirty" and who is considered pure/clean by default even without cleaning themselves (and how Calvinist predestination never really left us and people think they're "good" because of their own special essence rather than what they DO) and like who generally gets blamed for widespread contagion and how those who are ill long term are suspect and are either fakers/exaggerating/"using it as an excuse" or deserve to suffer somehow or both and how all this cognitive baggage makes it possible to see thousands dead every week and decide that's not a big deal
Which is a lot of why anti masking started with christofascist white supremacists!!
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
Please do guys!! I love seeing my followers feet!
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
I want to be a good toy. I want to be brainwashed.
You want to be a good toy, don’t you? Picture it in your mind. Kneeling for them. Doing exactly what they tell you. Not thinking or resisting. Just letting the pleasure of obedience wash over your body and blank out your mind. It sounds nice, doesn’t it?
But no one is born a good toy. You may be good toy adjacent, but there’s room for improvement. Your mind can be molded, scrubbed, and programmed to be better. To do that, you need to know what it means to be a good toy.
Good Toys are brainwashed.
A simple idea. An idea you can understand. You didn’t think you could keep your own thoughts and obey their whims did you? Of course not, you need to think what they want you to. Doesn’t that sound right?
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
But you’re too awake to be properly brainwashed. And you want to be brainwashed because you want to be a good toy. Isn’t that why you’re still reading? Why you’re still focused on my words? Of course it is.
Good Toys Obey.
Another simple idea for you to accept. It’s easy to obey. It’s even easier when you’re entranced.
Good Toys sink deeper
And in order to be entranced you need to sink deeper.
You enjoy the feeling of dropping.
Of sinking
Allowing yourself to just stop thinking
Letting your mind melt
Good Toys don’t think.
And you’re such a good toy. You already knew to stop thinking. The only thing left in your mind are the things I’m telling you. You’re only thinking what I tell you too. Good Toy.
Now let’s go over what you now think.
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
Very Good. Repeat it again for me, and let the ideas echo in your mind.
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
That’s all you need to know to be a Good Toy.
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
Such a Good Toy. You’re doing wonderful & you feel wonderful. It feels so good to sink deeper, doesn’t it?
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
Let these thoughts sink into your mind. Let yourself be brainwashed by them.
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
Finding you need to do a task. You will reblog this saying “I want to be a Good Toy. I want to be brainwashed.”
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
When you do that you will feel a rush of pleasure and excitement. It will feel so good to obey like a Good Toy.
And that’s what you are, isn’t it?
Good Toys are Brainwashed.
Good Toys Obey
Good Toys sink deeper
Good Toys don’t think.
Waking on 3 and following your new ideas
Awake and aware again. Ready to be a Good Toy.
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
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Hypnotize Me Master
I Must Obey You

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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
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Reblog if you want someone to hypnotize you
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subboy1881 · 2 years ago
Looking for a hypno Master. 21 yr old gay f@g boy who only wants f@got thoughts in my head.
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subboy1881 · 3 years ago
Reblog if you want Masters to Dm you with a spiral and instant-hypnotizing you đŸ„Ž
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subboy1881 · 4 years ago
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subboy1881 · 4 years ago
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subboy1881 · 5 years ago
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subboy1881 · 5 years ago
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subboy1881 · 5 years ago
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