stybuddies · 4 years
Eve of Knowledge
So, I know I promised you guys a comic, but I’m slow af so here’s a bit of fanfiction about Eve. I tried my hand at writing from Eve’s perspective, and since I can’t read minds I have no idea how accurate this is, so take anything that’s not dialogue with a grain of salt.
There’s also quantum physics, and since I’m a biologist, take that with a handful of salt.
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stybuddies · 4 years
It said first 100 letters of pie thats when I went nope
ok, this was fun and silly. your goal is to come up with a password fitting all the criteria in each scheme, which you don’t know ahead of time but learn as your passwords progressively fail them.
(I don’t know how many schemes there are, I did not complete 3 because effort. maybe i’ll give it another try later)
[original post]
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stybuddies · 4 years
“Did you have to wear that one?” He chastised sounding embarrassed at the whole ordeal
“I don’t see the problem of wanted to wear my boyfriend’s favorite hoddie.” The boy stated sweetly
It wasn’t long before they were stopped by the police after all the hoodie was stained with the boyfriend’s mothers blood and the smell was lets just say a bit “smelly”
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stybuddies · 4 years
“Why?” My old abusive boyfriend rasped on the floor struggling to move “If you could have done that whenever, why now?”
A sly smile slid its way onto my lips “Why, oh thats simple Every Girl Needs a Good Backstory.”
I slid my foot backword forcing my breath raspy as I forced fake tears out of my eyes, I fell backward falling on the ground. My eyes slid to my left staring at my new knight in shining armor running to help.
“Are you okay?!?” He called concern lacing his voice “I-I think so?” I said making sure to put in that oh so needed stutter
As I saw my now ex boyfriend being carried away while being held in my knights arms, I thought to my myself ‘After all I cant be saved whithout one.’
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stybuddies · 5 years
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I hate the crab call SO MUCH
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stybuddies · 5 years
Why am I upset about turkey is flipping turkey. But its the turkey mom gets me I dont even have to ask for it. Buts not mines its just there so why am I so upset about flipping turkey?!?!
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stybuddies · 5 years
I want not shaving to be normal. I understand some people do shave and im not saying to stop. Its just I don’t shave and I wish it wasn’t a thing that people talk about. I shave my armpits during family gatherings so it isnt a thing. So somebody doesn’t bring it up. I started doing this after I wore a tank top with an aunt over and she mentioned my armpits being hairy. She followed it up by saying “Thats what all those youngsters are doing these days arnt they.” I hated it. I went to my room and changed I hate people pointing it out. People like to say “If you don’t like people pointing it out why do you keep it?” I keep it cause its apart of me it makes me happy to see. People dont point out glasses or wearing a certain pair of sneakers. I just want it to be normal not something to talk about at a party. I also dont mean a quick then to comment on. I mean a whole blown discussion about how such and such doesn’t shave their armpits.
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stybuddies · 5 years
My sister asked her father if she needed to bring her eyedoctor proscription into the grocery store.
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stybuddies · 5 years
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every other day i must drag my body past these horrifying fruit effigies the next door produce shop has put up in an effort to deter the harvest god from taking back the seasons fruit. again and again i must look into their wild eyes, see their many gnashing teeth and shudder - the apples inside remains fresh and crisp, but at what cost
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stybuddies · 5 years
So I am running around the house at night completely naked going “tittie tittie tittie” to myself quietly while my roomate is standing in the doorway of her room watching me wearing pjs and a robe along with slippers like how sweaty are you in all that? what are you going to the mall or something?
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stybuddies · 5 years
Teacher: So you got on the site?
Me: Yes.
Teacher: You started the video call?
Me: Yes.
Teacher: So why did you cancel the call before it could connect?
Me: Well you see people and things.
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stybuddies · 5 years
Being Lesbian
“I am not gay I am definitely not gay.”
*Peeks at girl in crop top with big boobs*
God dammit
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stybuddies · 5 years
Birthday partys with girls
What I expected: So did you hear about ethan with samantha
What really happened: SHREK SHREK SHREK
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stybuddies · 5 years
I feel weird about leaving my blood at other peoples house so I make sure to take it with me when I leave even if I don’t need it anymore
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stybuddies · 6 years
I have been doing diamond art for the last 6 hours and 3 hours ago I said okay I need to go use the bathroom just now remembered I needed to take a shit
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stybuddies · 6 years
Body: Falls in hole
Me: Body go by by
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stybuddies · 6 years
I cut my foot off because it hurt and no one questioned it not even me I was just like okay foot hurt foot go by by
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