stupidsleepyleo · 2 years
short stories i love + the best times to read them. links or PDFs provided where i was able to find them 💞
cannibal lover by alisa nutting
Best read when you desperately want to be in love with someone who keeps saying you're too good for them
the man on the stairs by miranda july
Best read when you're lying awake at night unable to sleep and you think you hear something on the stairs
pinky finger by ha seong-nan
Best read when your uber is taking a little too long to arrive
you're ugly, too by lorrie moore
Best read when you're realizing you might be the black sheep of the family/friend group/social circle
boys go to jupiter by danielle evans
Best read when the white girl you know is doing some dumbass shit
ant colony by alisa nutting
Best read when you want a weird body horror story that will make you stare blankly out the window after you finish
attack helicopter by isabel fall
Best read when you're thinking, 'there's no way rainbow capitalism could get any worse'
what dinah knew by yah yah scholfield
Best read when a family member is acting a little funny
the frolic by thomas ligotti
Best read when you're beginning to dread that you've made a big mistake
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stupidsleepyleo · 2 years
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sabor a d.o. ✩ do not edit.
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stupidsleepyleo · 2 years
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blossom in snow ✩ do not edit. (1 / 2)
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
Written by : Kim Mi Ri
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Love,friendship, happiness and pain — This is a story that will bring you to a rollercoaster ride of emotions as a girl named Suni meet a boy named Cheol-su. At first, everything was too complicated but love and friendship began to create magic bringing them to situation where they get close to each other and as they continue to get along with each other, revelations and conflicts took place. This challenges brought color and meaning to the film showing a beautiful and at the same a heartaching unique love story.
1. ) Write a poem on a character's viewpoint.
( a poem based on the point of view of Cheolsu )
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2.) Did this film make you laugh? Cry? Cringe? Smile? Cheer? Explain.
The film gave me mixed emotions and reactions. It brought me to a dimension where I smiled, laughed, got annoyed and got hurt.
I smiled and laughed because of the love and friendship that had existed in the story. It brought fun and gave me a positive image eventhough it was just a small and simple moments. The inspiration and moral that it wanted to share to us was priceless and it is something you would always remember to apply in your own life until you grow old.
I got annoyed when the antagonist tried making a show and changing the story just to bring down the protagonist.
I got hurt knowing the fact that their unusual love story was hindered by an obstacle. It is painful seeing a scene of two people who learned to be happy and enjoy while spending time with each other that ended in a heartaching separation.
3.) Think about a supporting character in the film. How would the film be different if the characters did not exist?
FRIENDS — They are people that makes us feel secure whenever we are with them. They spent time with us to have fun and create memories that would last forever.
In the film, the friends of Cheol-su and Suni, served as one of the most important supporting characters that enabled the protagonists to have fun and have a more beautiful story. These characters enabled Cheol-su to showcase his kindness and ability to get along with others despite the fact that he doesn't have the enough knowledge even he's already grown up. If these characters did not existed, the story would be different. It would have been so plain and not meaningful. They would not be able to bring color to the story in a way that it can transform a simple day to a fun and memorable one.
They might have short duration of exposure in the film, their existence completed the story.
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
“I was both ready and lonely when it came to love, and I didn’t really know for sure what felt stronger: the readiness of sharing my soul with another human being or the loneliness of refraining my self from another possible heartbreak.”
— Juansen Dizon, July Thoughts
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
“The best time to take care of yourself is when you’re sad.”
— Juansen Dizon, Self-Preservation 
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
“I spend most nights at home missing you while trying not to miss you.”
— Juansen Dizon, 6:25 pm
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
“I wish you could feel again. I wish you could give the things that made you feel alive a chance to awaken your soul again. Because that’s the next best feeling to feeling alive: the feeling alive again.”
— Juansen Dizon, For Tired Souls
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
“I hope that in spite everything, you still believe that at the end of the day love is the most important thing. Whatever, whoever or wherever it is, I hope you find it.”
— Juansen Dizon, I Am The Architect of My Own Destruction page 119
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
““But how can we heal with all these tragedies flowing in our blood?” She asked. “We don’t,” I replied as I held her hand. “The reality of life is that some storms end while some storms don’t. Some dark clouds will follow us all our lives. Dark clouds that remind us of our failures, our inner mental demons and our powerlessness over some things that make it extremely difficult to get on with everyday life.” “So how can we survive?” “We survive in moments. Moments when someone who we genuinely care for gives us a glimpse of their own darkness, and that’s when we begin to remember that there’s light, so much light to be found in revealing our own darkness to someone who chooses to embrace it.””
— Juansen Dizon, Born With Tragedy
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
It’s incredibly frightening that, in the age of social media, anybody can just make a claim about someone’s behavior, views, or agenda, and somehow, a significant number of people will find this to be evidence enough to go on emotionally charged, malicious crusades against these individuals, despite having literally no direct experience with anybody involved.
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
awesome 🙌🙌🙌
Siren’s Lament
By InstantMiso
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The story is about a girl named Lyra who is inloved with her friend shon and he is also the reason why she became broken hearted and because of her broken heart a mermaid named Ian tried to pass the curse to her by kissing her. The curse will only be passed by kissing a broken hearted human, the mermaid will become a human again and the human will become a mermaid and the memories of the human will be erased. Lyra’s heart were different she is inlove and at the same time broken so the curse didn’t work (yet). So Ian did'nt succeed on passing the curse so he decided to go with Lyra to find the answers on why does Lyra has a unique heart.
1. Find a quote that stands out to you and explain why you chose it.
“Like any friendship or relationship, everything starts off as a tiny sprout. If you neglect or smother it, it will eventually wither. But when nurtured and cared for properly…it will bloom into something special.”
-lyra’s grandmother
I really like this qoute from the webtoon because it really speaks the truth about things that we like to keep and we want to reach because to have a successful career, life, or relationship nurturing them is the most important thing to do, treasure them and they will treasure you too. If you will neglect them it would slowly fade away and never come back again. Give your time and love to them and they will stay. The journey will be difficult but if you will just enjoy it, you will be just surprise that you have already reached it.
2. Which part of the story caused the strongest feelings in you? Why?
My favorite part of the story is when shon’s ex-girlfriend decided not to let go her memories even do it is the one who kept hurting her. She said that she will endure the pain forever because the memory of him (her ex-BF who died) is the only thing that left on her. It really got me because I thought that she would let her memories of him go, so that she won’t feel pain anymore but she refused. Sometimes holding on into something is really worth it even tho it cause you too much pain because it will also make you stronger and braver.
3.Based on what the characters say or do, what can you infer about their attributes/personalities?
Based on what Lyra say or do, I think she is a selfless and compassionate person, she always think about what would other people feel if she will say or do something. She always care about other people and always think that everybody deserves to be respected. Based on what Ian say or do, I think he is a good person, even tho he is showing his feelings in a selfish way I can see that he really cared about others secretly especially on Lyra. Based on what Shon say and do, he is really pure and I can really see the sincerity of his feelings towards Lyra and he is also selfless because he really sacrifice his life just to save her.
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stupidsleepyleo · 6 years
Where Tangent Meets
a webtoon by instantmiso
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You'll never know what true love is, unless you'll meet someone who will accept you and becomes a bridge to your own self-acceptance. This is a story that talks about two teenagers battling their own challenges that made both of them hide the real version of theirselves. Everything started to change when Landon and Rachelle met each other. They slowly free themselves from the things that make them feel uneasy when they are spending time together. They learn to show their feelings and express the things they can't share easily when they are in public. Soon they become lovers, and began bringing out the things they hid in their own shells.
1.) Describe your feelings about the characters. Copy down a quote from a character and tell why you think it's meaningful.
The characters in the story depicted roles which readers can relate and I felt inspired knowing the fact that each character in the story was unique and the way they express their feelings and views conveyed a lot of things.
"The mistakes you've made in the past don't define who you are as a person."
This is a line conveyed by Rachel to Landon and I think this is one of the most meaningful lines from the webtoon. I know the fact that this set of words create a powerful message that has the ability to uplift anyone who have committed mistakes in the past and felt like nothing has changed until now. I knew that everyone of us had been through a situation that allowed us to do something wrong and we all regret about it. It is important for us to face the reality that we can't correct our mistakes but this doesn't make us a bad person. Our mistakes were all lessons for us but it will never justify and define who we are. It's about learning from them and moving forward.
2.) What are the major obstacles that your protagonist faces? Explain why do you think these are the most important?
The main obstacle faced by the protagonist was all about showing another side of personality instead of being true to oneself. This is the most important obstacle because this conflict allowed the characters to be involved in a journey where a battle of being dishonest or being true is happening. This obstacle gave a wonderful context to the story and as the protagonist deal with it, you can learn from them and I think that is the essence of why obstacles plays a big role in the creation of the message of a story.
3.) Do any of the character remind you of your friends, family members or classmate? Explain.
The characters in the story had worked together to resolve the conflict or obstacle that the protagonist encountered, and I see my bestfriends among those characters because when I am facing troubles or having personal issues, my bestfriends were the people I can always lean on and I've trusted them for many years. Aside from my family, my bestfriends were at my back that keep inspiring me to become happy and avoid faking myself. We cannot deny the fact that we can't just talk and act the way we want to but we all have set of people that can be at our side and they will be comfortable with us. They are our bestfriends, wonderful individuals brought by God to make the story of our life more amazing.
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